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Played by --- who has 35 posts.
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Brenton Nelson
(Before To Find A friend...)
Brenton had been relatively angering himself, he should have never let Jessie go, even if she insisted, he should have at least gone with her. It just felt stupid to search, there was no guarantee that she was still alive. But she was a fighter, he knew. So he could not give up hope until all hope was lost. Little did he know that Jessie was safe, that she was happy, that she had found her sister. That she was residing as a pack member in Swift River. The only thoughts that he could process were to find her. He would, he would search the ends of the earth to find his best friend. But soon, the hunger of his stomach was noticed for the first time since his last meal a few das ago, he hadn't thought to stop and hunt.

The scent of vole reached his slightly parted mouth as he breathed in the scents around him. The vole then went to his nose, sniffing out the scent, listening as the volant leaves swayed from side to side on the sturdy branches above. The crystal clear skies above made everything peaceful. He saw the vole in the corner of his eyes. Stalking it carefully with precision until the final second. Leaping to land on the vole a thud and a crack as his paws landed on the voles neck, killing it swiftly and painlessly. Sitting down to eat, all was peaceful, so he could let his mind wander as he ate. It was a good time. It was peaceful.
To find a friend...
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Hope you don't mind me popping in. :)

<blockquote>His shoulders rolled, more like a feline than a canine as he watched a vole search for food. He'd been up on the heights for the morning. Practicing as ever, trying so hard to better himself and the lay of the land. His "free-running" had been interrupted by a growl of his stomach- his mother having been gone this morning when he had woken and he didn't like to venture to the pack stash, not wanting to eat the food of the wolves he just didn't want to get to know. So when the scent of a small rodent had stroked his nose, he had to follow. When it had settled, he lowered himself to watch and wait. He had to be sure of himself, his footing, his surroundings and the pounce he made. With his broken left eye he could only rely on the right, which meant his depth perception had to be checked... several times.

When he was finally sure of himself, he had rolled his shoulders and allowed his paws to centre on the ground. Just as he had been about to leap, another wolf, a grown up, sprang from no where and took the meal. Just like that. His initial reaction was fear- he assumed the only reason he hadn't been spotted was due to the wind direction and the fact that his black coat made him nothing more then a shadow... that and had been so still as he tried to work out all of the factors of actually catching the thing. His second reaction was the one he went with. A shy wolf by nature, or so he had been in the beginning, he found himself getting bolder and bolder of late. Talking to a stranger was nothing and if he was as safe as his mother claimed he was on these lands, then he had nothing to worry about, right?

<b>"Hey!"</b> he shouted as the wolf tucked into the small meal. <b>"That was my breakfast."</b> he said, standing as tall as he could to try and look threatening as he strode out from the shadow. Before, fear would have held him back, but a more cocky attitude had arisen since coming here; all of his pent up anger and lost childhood might have had something to do with the change.</blockquote>
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
(I'm just glad someone joined in!)
(271 Words)
Brenton's attention snapped to the small barks of a pup in the mountains. The vole belonged to whoever caught it. But still, he was determined to make it up to the young little wolf. <b>"Here, I'll catch you a vole to make it up to you. I didn't realize the vole was yours and I shouldn't have taken it."</b> He said apologetically. The scent of mouse reached his slightly parted mouth as he breathed in the scents around him. The mouse then went to his nose, sniffing out the scent, listening as the volant leaves swayed from side to side on the sturdy branches above. He saw the mouse in the corner of his eyes. Stalking it carefully with precision until the final second. Leaping to land on the vole a thud and a crack as his paws landed on the voles neck, killing it swiftly and painlessly. He then returned to the sight he'd left the young Adonis.

<b>"I'm Brenton Nelson, who are you little one?"</b> He asked as he watched the pup with interest. That was not mistakenly a pack smell, why was no one with him. Why didn't he get some food from the pack? the thoughts whirled around in his head. He sat down and finished what he could of his vole, he didn't want to waste it so he pushed it towards Adonis. <b>”If you want, I can't finish the vole either, so you can have the rest of it.”</b> He said, he wanted to be nice to this young one. He had to put his anger of leaving Jessie to go out by herself aside.
To find a friend...
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Sorry for the delay!

<blockquote>He felt his face scowl as the other wolf played dumb with him. Yeah sure, he looked like a pup... alright fine, he was a pup, but he didn't need to be treated like one. He was a man. A protector and a prince. Not some defenseless whelp who needed to be coddled. He wasn't impressed when he caught a mouse, it was a small offering but he suppose he had tried. He had been about to thank him until he offered his name.The "little one" comment took the biscuit.

<b>"Hey. I'm not little."</b> he said sounding every bit of the youngster he was and elevating his head to stand at his full height with a puffed out chest. He was tall, from his fathers genes, and with solid food intake he felt like he grew an inch every morning. He didn't of course, but now he was not far off his mothers height (though he had a little more growing in all directions), he didn't feel the title fit him very well. <b>"I'm Adonis. I am heir to the pack that lives by the lake."</b> he said, trying to keep his voice strong and steady. He had never been in this situation before, bumping into strangers on his own. He felt confident that he knew the paths for a quick get away if he needed it. Hey, he might act strong and tough but really his inner knees were trembling.

As he stood there, he thought about the situation. He supposed it was good he ran into a loner. It gave him a chance to test his merit and the weight his title held. Nevermind what the <i>white witch</i> thought. If she was going to call his estranged siblings heirs, then he was going to grab at the title too. Heck, he'd make a far better leader then that golden nitwit Daturas. <b>"Other then eating my breakfast, what are you intentions being so close to our pack lands?"</b> he said, trying his best to keep the quiver from his voice. He had never actually seen the adults of the pack on border patrol, so he was making all of this up on the spot. He was probably getting it all wrong, but he hoped his mother would be proud of him when he cuddled up with her and told her about his day that night.</blockquote>
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
http://i.imgur.com/Q15vw.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
(Sorry this took forever, lack of muse Brenton for a bit)

Brenton listened, he had no idea what to really say to Adonis until he had heard his name. "My apologize Prince Adonis, I did not know your name until just now." He said, he was sincere despite the lack of respect shown by this 'prince'. He had no knowledge of a pack near here, his nose worked perfectly fine and he hadn't scented any pack. He smelled, concentrating. Still nothing, so what was this pup talking about? "I can't smell any pack near here, I had no knowledge of a pack in the mountains. I'm simply looking for a lost friend of mine. Have you seen her? Her name is Jessie. Jessie Swiftpaw."

'I should have never left you go, I need a hero...'

The name had been in the front of his mind since he let her go. Oh how much of an idiot he was for letting her go by herself. If he had gone with her, then he'd know where she was today. A pang of sadness coursed through him as he waited for a response from the rude little 'prince.' He twitched his tail impatient and annoyingly. He had had it so far, his fair share of weaknesses and strengths. His fair share of good weather, and not so good weather. Thought he would never give up, he refused to admit she was lost or dead. He believed she was out there somewhere.

'I need a hero, to save me from this life, I need a hero, in the afterlife...'

He eyed Adonis suspiciously. Did he know Jessie? Did he know where she was or where he could find her, if he did, he'd be a life savor. But chances were that this pup knew nothing of her existence, let alone what she looked like or any of the specifics.

To find a friend...
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
Steel grunted in annoyance as he came upon the now familiar scent of the boy, Adonis, leaving the borders. For some reason the waif had tugged on his heart strings from the first time that he's laid eyes on him at the pack meeting. He told himself that that was NOT why he veered off from his usual path and headed towards the mountain. He was merely doing his job as a guardian of the pack. Duty. Yep. That was it.

His mood became darker as he went, but he was used to that. He wore his irritability like a comfortable jacket. It fit him and he was accustomed to it. Chasing after errant young whelps, that he was not used to. The boy's scent grew stronger and his step grew faster, quickly eating the ground between them. Just before he crested a ridge and caught sight of him, the breeze blew another scent to him. A loner. Immediately his hackles raised and a deep rumble grew in his broad chest.

He was just in time to see Adonis puffed up with importance, 'interrogating' the stranger. The only thing that saved the other male from Steel was the fact that he did not call the young one on his attitude. Adonis' words were good, but he was foolish to even passively challenge a stranger alone and so far from the borders. He had filled out to be sure and was no longer a pup on the brink of starvation, but he was still only about six months old and had much to learn. Steel, not one for conversation, merely moved to stand tall near the boy and said. "Hello, Adonis," in his customary deep voice. His dark, stormy blue eyes however, never left the other male...

(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 09:09 PM by Steel.)
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Sorry for the delay! I must have missed this on the active threads. ;__;

<blockquote>He watched the stranger closely. He was very good at reading expressions, from a huge gasping mouth to the tiny twitch of a muscle to indicate a lie. It was a gift, as he liked to call it. He hadn't really been able to test it much however, his mother didn't lie much to him and he had kept his distance from the pack wolves that lived down in the lake; he didn't much like the White Witch and could only assume that the others wolves were just as agitating. Of course, he chose to ignore the fact she took on his siblings and kept them alive, well cared for and the pack was still here, waiting for him. He just liked to focus on the fact she made his mother work hard and he wasn't allowed to tell his sister who he really was.

He raised a brow as he said he didn't smell a pack and took a casual whiff of the air. Damn, he didn't smell them here either. Clearly he needed to brush up on how this whole "border" thing worked. He just assumed if you could see it from your pack lands, it was yours. Clearly that wasn't the case as he didn't smell any other "wolfy" smells around. He suddenly felt very silly and his "prince" routine slipped slightly, showing for just a moment the lonely, vulnerable, shy boy he actually was. He hurried to put his mask back in place as he was then questioned about a wolf he had never heard of. <b>"No. There is no one around here with that name."</b> he said, though his words slowed slightly as a scent did whack him full in the face. Oh crap, he was going to be in trouble now.

He glanced behind him, the look of "I'm in trouble" clear as day upon his face as he met Steel, powerful as ever, walking towards the pair of them. He didn't like to spend time with the other wolves in his pack, but he knew who they were and he supposed they knew who he was. It wasn't like you could live in a pack and just vanish, you had to much in sometimes and whilst he kept to himself, he knew who this wolf was and his temperament. Alright, he'd admit he felt slightly safer now that Steel was here, but he had to assert himself and prove he could be a tough guy too. <b>"Steel."</b> he said, addressing him with a dip of his head, trying to mimic the cool tones of the dark eyed male. He wasn't going to admit the relief he felt in not being here alone with a wolf who could very well rip him to shreds, but it was evident int he way his tail and shoulders relaxed.

Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
(Apologize for 'le lateness)
Brenton looked at Adonis sadly, no one ever seems to know anymore. He needed to see Jessie and make sure she was safe. "No one seems to ever know her." He admitted, but he never gave up hope. Another stranger who seemed to know Prince Adonis came into the picture. Adonis called him Steel. "Greetings, I'm Brenton Nelson. Perhaps you've seen my friend, her name is Jessie Swiftpaw." He said, looking curiously at Steel, his own eyes focused on the male as Steel's eyes were on Brenton.

He remained in his neutral position. He was not near a pack territory and Adonis looked a bit scared. Perhaps this wolf has something against this pup? No, it's not possible, this wolf may act like a stuck up prince in Brenton's opinion, but surely his own packmate was not holding grudges. Brenton had scented the same pack senses on Adonis and the new comer Adonis called Steel.

Brenton gazed an observed both of them. the pup was a bit black and silver of a mix, had ice blue eyes and did not appear to be a Timber wolf. Steel was a large wolf, with blue eyes with the likes of Adonis. He was black and white and appeared to be a wolf of the same categorization as Brenton. He waited for the large, yet seemingly silent wolf to talk. He was suspicious of the pair, but if they could help find his friend, then they were alright. He looked Steel straight in the eyes.

To find a friend...
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
He felt, more than saw, the relief of the young boy and he grunted to him when he greeted him in an affected stoic fashion. He did have to smile to himself at the bravado of the lad though. He might have bit off more than he could chew had the stranger been more aggressive and had Steel not come upon him. He would have to learn to stay closer to the pack lands, or at least not explore on his own just yet. This encounter could have turned out badly.

Steel kept his cold hard gaze on the other male as he introduced himself. When he inquired if Steel had heard of his friend, a flash of Jade popped into his head and then was gone. He gave an irritated huff at himself for he'd been thinking of his tiny lost sister a lot of late. She was gone, likely dead, and nothing would bring her back to him. She was the only thing that had ever brought him even a modicum of joy and fate had ripped them apart somehow. Now his icy heart felt little emotion, even for a passing stranger looking for his friend. In a deep, almost gravely voice he simply replied, "No."

Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Going to pull Adi out here, this thread is quite back dated now and there has been lots of changes for him. <3

He held in a smirk at Steel's steely reply. He wouldn't expect much else from him. He wasn't a work of many words which suited Adonis perfectly for he didn't really like to talk to the wolves of the pack he was living in. He just didn't fit in here, but it was nice to know that they had his back if they needed. Well, at least Steel did. It was perhaps the first time one of the wolves had really been there as a pack wolf and not just to see his as Naira's boy.

He looked back to the stranger, giving him the once over before he turned and headed back towards the path that would take him home. It wasn't his place to handle strangers at the door- alright, well he had wanted to play the border keeper but he wasn't going to put Steel out. He could handle it and Adonis didn't feel quite as threatening when he was stood next to the large male, in fact he felt anything but threatening.
He timed his leave well for as soon as he nodded a goodbye to Steel, he heard his mother calling from the valley below. Uh oh- he was going to be in big trouble and without a look back he darted off down the worn path towards the lake where he would find his mother waiting.
