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Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
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Sibyl Balik
<blockquote>Her pink tongue waggled out in a tired pant, but it was accomplishment that marked her face rather than weariness. It was a lot of work for the diminutive wolf to help carry the larger male all the way here, but she wouldn't have chosen any different knowing how tough it would be. Slowly but surely, the shuffling shapes of Sibyl and Destin approached the heart of Grizzly Hollow territory. Gradually the earth had swollen into an overgrown heap, and buried somewhere beneath the tangled plants was the entrance to the old bear den tucked away. The pups were old enough to wander and explore the territory on their own now, so she wasn't worried by their absence. And even if no one could be immediately seen, various familiar scents of the pack wove through, scents both new and old.

<b>"Well, here we are. Home sweet home,"</b> She said, tipping her smiling muzzle forward to the somewhat underwhelming knoll, allowing a moment for Destin to take a good look at it. To the untrained eye it wouldn't seem like much, but her heart knew it to be home. Her bronze eyes slid sideways, just to see what he thought of it. <b>"You can go ahead and make yourself comfortable, she should be around here somewhere..."</b> Sibyl hoped Miss Jaysyek, or Borden even, would be nearby to inspect the potential member, and she hoped she had made the right decision in leading him right to the pack's hub. Finally she stepped away from Destin's side, hesitating for a moment to make sure he didn't topple over once her support was withdrawn. She began to look around for the familiar white pelt and mismatched eyes, but deciding better of it, she lifted her head and sung out in a short howl to Jayse. She looked back to Destin as she stood waiting, with her heart drumming an anxious rhythm in her chest. Now to wait.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2012, 06:53 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
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Destin McBain
(Sorry for the wait. Lost my post last time I started it and hadn't quite finished)

Destin hobbled along one step at a time while leaning on the small female for support. Somehow they made it this far. Looking back on the journey, the male wasn't really sure how but he knew that on his own he would not have been so lucky. He concentrated on his footfalls as they traveled, attempting to expel all nervousness from his mind. Soon this was not enough, for the pair had stopped. Looking over at Sibyl curiously, he followed her gaze and laid his eyes upon some small hole that he could only just make out. The smell of Grizzly Hollow was everywhere here and Destin instinctively put his tail between his legs. He whimpered slightly as Sibyl suddenly pulled away from him, though managed to steady himself and remain standing. His expressive golden eyes conveyed his emotions: nervousness, excitement, even fear. These were unknown wolves that surrounded him. What if they denied him now? What if they maimed him further or killed him? He looked over at Sibyl and watched her closely. She did not appear to be giving him a death sentence, and he did not think that a gentle wolf such as herself would ever join a vicious pack. But, you never could know.

The male nodded at her words with a fast incline of his head. He sat down where he was in the apparent camp and did not move. <b>"I'm not so sure about this..."</b> he mumbled quietly, looking down at the ground. Sibyl had since howled for someone to come, the leader of the pack most likely. He felt his heart drop in his chest as the last note ended. Destin looked up at Sibyl and met her golden gaze and attempted to give her a slight smile, though it ended up more like a face twitch than any reassurance. At the time when he was at the borders he was so ready to finally join a pack. Now that he was actually here he did not know what to do with himself. What was going to happen next?
(This post was last modified: Dec 06, 2012, 01:10 AM by Destin.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
I changed him to GH, feeling this will go alright, and so you do lose any more LP's till this is over.

<blockquote>A stranger in the middle of her territory should not set well with Jayseyk. Though she had yet to hear about the new set of strange, sad events that had happened, it didn't feel right when unknown wolf hung in the heart of her kingdom, where she should feel safe, and her family. Since her children were larger, and the last time a pack member had brought a lone wolf to the heart of the territory had been Elettra the pale leader kept a cool mind when trailing the scent of her subordinate, and lone male. There seemed to be something not quite right by the way their footsteps, they were close, and sometimes there seemed a huge patch of earth that had been disturbed.

It wasn't exactly best to have another wolf who needed tending with the draw of a harsh winter, and already so many mouths to feed. But Mrs. Lyall hardly did what others might think was best. She did what she thought was good. She was a wolf who had adopted two pups from a mountain pack, after having three of her own. She was a wolf who had forgiven many a time, holding everyone to a high standard she was confident they could keep if only the believed. It should come to no surprise she had no flare of temper, or anger when she realized Sibyl had helped a man to the den. Sibyl, quite a timid and mellow wolf would have had to trust him to bring him this far. Or at least believe he was of no harm, and since it seemed something was wrong with him by his steps he would have to be a damn good actor if those things were not true. The female leader of Grizzly Hollow had not met any of those.

The voice of Sibyl rang for her, and Jayse gathered up a brisk trot. She thought about letting Sibyl know she was coming, that would give away her position and she wanted to look at this newcomer without his knowledge. When she arrived seeing the familiar miniature hill she drifted to her stomach, and worked at a crawl among the bushes and few dips of snow toward the pair. What she saw he seemed nervous, and yet must have given the tawny wolf some credit. Feeling not to make them wait any longer she stood, and slowly strolled in upon them. Her posture was slightly rigid to show her stance in this pack,and the same for her white tail; risen like a high banner of dominance. Mismatched eyes in her white mask looked over the pair, nothing to hard about them, but none the less there was something that said she as not to trifled with.

<b>"Hello Sibyl,"</b> her eyes would cast to the gray male, <b>"Hello sir, I'm Jaysyek. Are you here to seek acceptance or something else?"</b> She would ask to know right away, knowing how at times it was hard to ask a stranger if you could join their family. </blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
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Sibyl Balik
<blockquote>Sibyl felt antsy, not sure if she wanted Jaysyek to appear sooner rather than later, or later rather than sooner. Destin seemed just as much, if not more, on edge as she felt and looked as if he might just scoot off into the bushes at any moment. Sibyl wondered if, like that strange wolf Isen, he would vanish into thin air if she even so much as turned her back for a moment.

Red ears first turned then eyes followed to see just the wolf she had been seeking. The green and blue gaze spoke of no-nonsense with posture tall and reassured, and Sibyl's body hunched low beneath her in respectful subordination. Despite her nerves, she really was happy to see her leader, and her lowered tail brushed across the snow as it flailed from side to side. She pressed her muzzle under the white wolf's jaw in a wordless return of Jaysyek's greeting. Sibyl couldn't see any agitation in her leader at her for bringing the lone male into the territory, and for that alone Sibyl was grateful for.

Sibyl backed up, standing equidistant between the two but off to the side so that she could see them both. Her attention shifted back to Destin as her leader asked a question of him. Sibyl waited for his answer, wondering what he might say but knowing she should stay silent. There was only so much she could do to help the man, and it was here he would have to prove himself. She didn't want her interference to hinder his chances of getting into a pack, but she had to admit she did like him and hoped that he would be able to stay.</blockquote>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
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Destin McBain
Destin took a deep breath, sensing that someone was nearby. Looking over at Sibyl he noticed that she also seemed to be extremely nervous, though the male could not think of why she would be. Another female wolf seemed to come out of no where and approach them, saying nothing as she did so. He stood quickly, ignoring the pain in his leg. The male was still larger than this female, but he knew that this was the dominant that had been called for. His tail moved downward in submission and he tried to make himself appear smaller under the wolf's gaze. Her eyes were remarkable, Destin noted, and were two different colors! He had never seen a wolf like this one before.

The male glanced over at Sibyl before looking back to this female wolf. She finally spoke, first talking directly to Sibyl before focusing her words on this male wolf in front of him, this male wolf who was in her camp. Anxiety filled his chest as he attempted to answer. <b>"I-I'm Destin McBain, ma'am. I-I am here for a-acceptance."</b> he stuttered, overwhelmed by the situation before him. This was the first time he had actually met another dominant in this way, to ask for acceptance. He didn't know how to react, and so fell back on his polite words which he always regarded as sacred. Sibyl's silence unnerved him slightly. She was positioned so she could gaze at both of them, though remained silent during the procedure. <b>"It's nice to meet you, ma'am."</b> he added, shifting his weight a little and grimacing slightly in pain.

Jaysyek's outward personality- the confidence and dominant-like nature, soothed the situation for Destin slightly. This wolf knew what she was doing, he thought, and had been through these paces multiple times before. Breathing deeply, he attempted to relax himself and calm down while still retaining his submissive position.
(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2012, 03:24 PM by Destin.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>The nervous energy they both held was hard to miss. She found it strange for Sibyl to be, but guessed she must be for the other wolf. More time Jaysyek hoped Sibyl learned more about her, and how unless there were certain reasons she never denied anyone a home to the Hollow. So far even with his pain he made a proper stance, dressing her with a brief glance, and answering her without too much hesitation. White ears drawn upon him, she listened and felt a smile break across the side of her muzzle. <b>"Destin McBain, if Sibyl did not bring you here I would question your intentions. I trust her, and will accept you."</b> Eyes briefly met her the lady's bright gold, and exchanged to his. <b>"But, it appears your leg is hurt, and you can not exactly pull your weight right now. I'll accept you under the conditions you rest, get well, and than prove me to I made a good choice in letting you stay."</b>

Her white tail gave a twist behind her, her mask turned to the lady. <b>"Sibyl I want you to see to it he mends best he can, has something to eat. Aniu can help you. Old or new wound I'm sure there's something to help make it work a little more properly."</b> A faint smile, she made steps toward Destin, right in his personal space. No need to bite his muzzle, Jaysyek brushed her neck along his, pulling away. <b>"There, you carry my scent and no one should question why you are here. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask. My mate's name is Borden, and if you meet my children don't be afraid to let them know their place."</b> Wearing a grin, she waited if they should have any questions before she headed off.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
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Sibyl Balik
<blockquote>Sibyl released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as Jaysyek gave her much anticipated words of acceptance to the male. Sibyl wasn't even sure what other outcome she had expected, as it was hard to imagine the kind-hearted matriarch saying no. Even though it was always apparent in the leader's actions she trusted Sibyl, it swelled the little wolf's heart to hear it in words. Her black-tipped tail waggled erratically behind her, the occasion suddenly transformed into a celebratory one. With a big grin worn on her face she nodded diligently to Jaysyek's instructions, promise in her eyes that she would follow them to a T. With winter coming, Follko ill, and a gaggle of always hungry young'uns, Sibyl knew it was important for everyone to be at the best they could be. <b>"Of course Miss Jaysyek!"</b>

Sibyl recalled the same ritual of scent and crossing of necks from her own acceptance into the Hollow, which felt like eons ago. She gamboled over to Destin, dipping her head in a sort of thanks to her leader before looking back to the russet male. <b>"I'd show you around, but I'd imagine you'd prefer some rest first?"</b> Her head tilted and sympathy shone in her eyes, she knew just as well as he that this had been a long day, and if not for his leg, even the excitement of it all could be overwhelming.</blockquote>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
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Destin McBain
Destin stood in shock for a moment. His brain attempted to process her words but they were going by too fast. Suddenly he had an epiphany; he was now a member of Grizzly Hollow! His nervous glance turned into a huge grin. The male nodded quickly, agreeing to everything that Jaysyek had said. <b>"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!"</b> He said quickly out loud, almost bursting with excitement. After all this time and all this waiting he had met his goal. <b>"I won't let you down, ma'am!"</b> If only his leg hadn't been hurt he would be bouncing around the clearing by now! The leader turned to address Sibyl and give her instructions and Destin moved his gaze as well, attempting to catch her eye. Before he could turn back, the white female had already brushed up against him. He flinched slightly, surprised by the sudden contact and lack of personal space. A second later his defenses fell and Jaysyek stepped away. Destin's tail wagged happily. <b>"I can't even explain how happy I am right now, ma'am, thank you so much."</b> Her generosity astounded him. When she first approached with her serious expression Destin was ready to turn away and run. Who would want an injured wolf in their pack as winter was approaching? But she completely turned the situation around and surprised him. The male was ready to do anything he could to help Grizzly Hollow, his new pack, his new home. <b>"I think Sibyl help me get situated ma'am, I'll do my best, thank you!"</b> he replied brightly, his comical grin still stretched across his features.

A couple seconds later Sibyl came forward, finally able to speak after the ceremony was completed. She had, of course, agreed to every instruction and Destin felt sure that she would follow each completely. His golden eyes looked down and caught the gaze of hers. After she spoke he did indeed feel the tired aching of his bones and the steady throb of his injured leg. It was still there, of course, but had been forgotten in the celebration. His anxiety had come to a peak and collapsed, leaving him needing sleep. Now he recalled it, and knew he needed to get some shut-eye. <b>"I am exhausted."</b> Destin admitted to her, <b>"But I still really want to get to know my new home!"</b> The word "home" filled him with pride- he had followed his parents orders! He was sure they would be proud too if they had been here! <b>"Thank you so much Sibyl, I don't know what I can do to repay you. We're packmates now! And to think we'd only met early this afternoon! We'll be best friends, I bet!"</b> The male was excited and happy and tired and a whole whirlwind of emotions at once.
(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2012, 11:18 PM by Destin.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Destin seemed more than grateful for this opportunity, and put her heart to rest. He would be of use, some how she knew he would do what he could. <b>"A thankful soul is always welcomed here,"</b> she answered, a short laugh briefly escaping her mouth. It was just a sound of her happiness.

<b>"I know you will."</b> Jaysyek had a dim smile lighting her face, bobbing her head. It would give Sibyl something to do, and probably help the newcomer get better acquainted with the rest of the pack. She didn't believe the pups had tried to wrestle Sibyl to the ground, and though Destin was a large wolf she didn't put it pass them to try something. Or be worried. There was something about strange males that stirred them up. <b>"You are welcome, just see to it to meet everyone in time and get feeling better."</b> That would be the best. When it seemed she was no longer needed, she wanted to let them settle down. <b>"If you need me let me know, but I'm sure there is something else I need to do I'll leave the two of you. "</b> She gave them one last glance, and started away in the opposite direction she had come.


ooc:<i>for points it needs one more, I'm sure Sibyl can reply and you guys can wrap it up or continue without Jayse.</i>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<blockquote><b>"Thank's ma'am!"</b> Sibyl called after Jaysyek's leaving form. She was no doubt a busy lady, and Sibyl appreciated every moment of her leader's time. Laughing, Sibyl shook her head at Destin. <b>"Aww, you don't need to thank me. I'm just glad she let you in! I'm not sure what I was worried about, though. Jaysyek's the nicest lady you'll ever meet, I'm sure."</b> Sibyl couldn't think of anyone more kindhearted than the Hollow matriarch. <b>"I'm sure we'll be best friends! Oh, you'll have to meet the rest of us, too! But, maybe not today."</b> With a brief, appraising look, such as one she might aim at the cubs, she decided he looked like he could do with some rest first. She could see the fatigue creeping up on him, and she didn't want to to take him on the grand tour only to have to drag him back to the Hollow again if he fainted from exhaustion.

<b>"The den's open, but I find it a bit too cozy... I like that log over there,"</b> She tilted her head towards an old fallen log not too far from the central knoll, tufts of russet fur seen clinging to its woody surface and chunks of broken rabbit bone peeking through the snow surrounding it. Sibyl wasn't possessive about many things, but she was rather partial to that log. She supposed if anyone wanted it, she'd give it up without much fuss, but would be rather disappointed at the loss. She stared longingly at her perch for a moment too long. It was with a slight shake of her head she pulled herself back to the present and looked back to Destin with an apologetic smile. She supposed she could do with a nap, too. <b>"You're welcome to sleep anywhere you'd like, then I can give you the real tour once you've gotten some rest, huh?"</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 25, 2012, 06:25 AM by Corinna.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]