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Written in the Stars... — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda was overjoyed at seeing Nina again and he looked forward to finally spending some quality time with his beautiful mate. All of the reunions on the borders had been heartfelt and long overdue, but he was aching for a bit of quiet, comforting time with his sweet Nina. He had decided that they needed to get away for a bit, stealing some time away from their demanding responsibilities.

There was no question in his mind where he was leading her to. He knew the perfect place. Iridescent Lagoon. It was one of the first places that he'd ever seen in relic-lore and he still remembered it like it was yesterday. The beautiful colors lighting the sky and the still waters were breathtaking. The sun was making it's way down in the sky and he wanted to make it to the lagoon before it completed it's journey for the day.

The large male smiled to himself and moved closer to his golden brown mate, remembering the first night that they'd spent together in the Thicket of Secrets. That had been one memorable day! She'd lost her voice and he'd been stung half a dozen times by bees getting honey for her. They'd watched a sunset then too. And seen a Dance of the Stars. That had been the night that he'd lost his heart to the green eyed beauty. It was still hard to believe that she was truly his. She had agreed to be his mate and he never ceased to be amazed that someone so special had chosen him to give her heart to.

The lagoon came into view and they came to a stop near the shoreline. Koda smiled and nuzzled Nina's cheek affectionately. For a few long moments, the large male simply basked in her presence, content to just be near his love. He turned and looked into her beautiful emerald eye, his golden gaze dark with emotion, green flecks dancing with happiness.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 01:01 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The reunion had been an exhausting one…with all the wolves that had been there, Nina had not gotten to say what she needed to say to her mate, and even though they were now going away for their own private time, the burden that the golden healer had kept with her for so long hung over her back like a chandelier. She didn’t know exactly how to come across to him about the subject. When he had come to her about it, they had actually ran into each other while she had been out looking for herbs for her expecting alpha…who was now no where to be seen or heard from. It was a sad fate…to say in the least, but Nina had learned to move on and stay strong for the rest of her family.

Her pelt had finally grown out, now that snow littered the round generously around them. It was one of her personal favorite seasons…though sometimes it could be the most cruel one. The silkiness she had once had was now returned to her, and she felt much stronger than she had ever been before. The golden brown female’s tail swayed behind her as she walked next to her mate, the joy of being with him radiated off of her. A smile would not be planted on her face today though, for her brows were furrowed together, proving that she was in deep thought. She was not usually like this…but even she knew she could not be vulnerable right now…there was a time and a place for that…right now would not be the time.

Their pelts brushed against one another and Nina couldn’t help but look over at him. His handsome features easily stood out to her…but she knew that wasn’t why she adored him. His personality was what shown through to her like the sun. She was comfortable around him…and she knew that the quicker she got down to business the less awkward it would be between them. Clearing her throat quickly she spoke to him, "We have something to talk about, Koda." Her ears twitched and her paws shuffled uneasily beneath her, the one green eye she had remained on him as she sat down, not far from the lagoon. It hadn’t been too long since she had been here…it was where she had found Sloane with Narime‘.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
(Sorry so short!)
He had waited so long to be alone with his mate that Koda was mildly disappointed that Nina sounded so serious, when all he wanted to do was spend some romantic quiet time with her after everything that had happened. He quickly shook the feeling though and looked at his mate. It was readily apparent that she had something important on her mind.

He stepped closer and nudged her gently to encourage her to go on. He might have been imagining things, but she appeared to be quite worried about whatever it was. "What is it, Nina? Is something wrong?" Somehow is deep voice managed to convey his boundless affection and his concern for his lovely mate.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 01:03 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She forced her quickly beating heart to slow down as she stared at him, his touch lighting up her skin immediately with a flush. She had missed his closeness far too much and this sort time with him would last her quite awhile during the time in which he spent with his pack…and while she spent time with hers. He seemed to pick up on her serious attitude immediately, and soon he was settled across from her, his voice and eyes showing her the concern and love he possessed. Their bond was nothing to joke about…for it was definitely there, and it was as if they knew when something bad was happening to the other. It was as if their souls were bonded to one another.

She didn’t dwell long in her own thoughts though, for her head lifted so that she could read his reaction perfectly. She took a deep breath and then her rant begun, "After I called for the pack to disband…many of the members didn‘t know where they were headed. I suggested that we form a new pack, away from the area…new beginnings would probably be the best for them. Now, we are ready to form…and I will stand as alpha female…with Sloane as alpha male…" she paused for a second before she started rambling constantly, as if he had already denied her words, "You see…Sloane is my best friend, and it would just be like the arrangement between you and Elettra.. I love you so much and Sloane is the only male that I could think of…he has helped me so much after my injuries an…and I trust him. I know you have your duty to Elettra…and I‘m not taking you away from that,” Her rambling did not stop, as she went on and on, repeating the same things over and over…

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda watched her expectantly as she prepared to speak, a nervous energy seeming to pour off of her, yet the love he himself felt was mirrored in her emerald eye. She began by speaking of Copper Rock Creek and it's unfortunate disbanding and of the pack's reluctance to leave one another. She told of her taking charge and becoming the leader of the new pack. All of this he followed and understood completely. It would be just like her to 'save' the entire pack in one fell swoop and he had boundless pride for her sacrifice and duty to her pack.

It was when she got to the part about Sloane leading by her side that his heart contracted painfully and he found it hard to breathe for long moments. His eyes widened slightly and he paled beneath his fur at the thought of the large handsome male being the one that Nina leaned on and counted on day to day. It should be him. His mind skittered for a moment and his brain was overwhelmed with a wave of hot green jealousy. He counted to ten, before he did or said something stupid.

Once the blood stopped pounding in his head and he could think straight, her words ...Sloane is my best friend, and it would just be like the arrangement between you and Elettra...penetrated his mind. He knew in his heart that she longed for no other but him, just as he would only ever long for her. He trusted her as she trusted him and although he barely knew him, he knew Sloane to be an honorable wolf. The huge male also seemed to be sweet on young Narime', if his instincts were correct. He had nothing to worry about, but he couldn't help the thought from returning. It should be him.

When he was thinking rationally again, he realized that Nina had gone on and was almost rambling now about trust and duty, going on and on in her nervousness. He took a deep breath and reached forward, touching her golden brown muzzle with his creamy one to stop the flow of words. He licked her cheek to calm her and reassure her. Then he moved even closer, draping his head gently over her shoulder in his familiar fashion for long moments before he said softly, "I understand." Yet again in his mind, unbidden, came the words... It should be him.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 01:05 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

As she continued on, she watched the facial expressions on her mate’s face appear and disappear. It went from pride, to disbelief, to worry, and then perhaps denial. She was not sure of what is was. It didn’t seem as though she could stop talking and she desperately tried to quiet herself…but the flow just didn’t want to stop. She didn’t want to hurt him at all…for those were far from her intentions, but the way he would gather all of the information would remain foreign to her. She wanted to be able to feel the hurt and pain that he was feeling so that he could depend on her…that was all she wanted, was for her mate to tell her of his feelings of this arrangement.

When his muzzle brushed against hers, it was as if he was trying to get her to be quiet in the most polite of ways. It was as if the truth spell had been broken, and her jaws clamped together, biting down on her own tongue to silence the words. She blinked her one eye at the two words that were uttered into her ears, and accepted the warm embrace of her love. He might not have been okay with the whole arrangement, but at least he understood what position she was in. She buried her head deep within her neck fur and inhaled his scent. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so close…hadn’t it been before she had gone back into Copper Rock Creek? That had been so long ago…and she had longed for his body to be pressed against hers.

Another thought…one that she had been longing to happen in the future popped into her mind. In the spring…it would once again be breeding season, but Nina remained undetermined of how everything was going to turn on. Who would Elettra breed with? The sudden question brought all of he golden brown female’s thoughts out of whack and she tensed. With a small snort, she muttered to him, "What will Elettra do in the spring?" And even though she hadn’t said it, she knew that the pieces of her question would come to him…he always seemed to be able to tell the allegory with her words. What will I do in the spring?

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
It seemed to take a bit, but Nina finally quieted and relaxed into him, burying her muzzle in his thick scruff and breathing deeply, just as he himself was doing. Her scent was like an intoxicating perfume to him. He drew her scent in once more and let out a breath of release. Just being with her somehow made everything manageable. Did he like that she would have another at her side? No. Definitely not. Did he understand, just as she had for all of these months with him and Elettra. Of course. It would only be temporary, until Elettra found a replacement for him. Then nothing on God's green earth would keep him from her.

Koda leaned into her and was relaxing fully for the first time in ages when she suddenly tensed and seemed to pull away as she asked, "What will Elettra do in the spring?" Instantly, he knew that the question was two fold. What would Elettra do and what would they do... Although he didn't have all of the answers as to how everything would work out, this, he could put her mind at ease with. "My sweet Nina, Elettra will figure something out for pups in the spring for she knows that I will father no fae's pups, but yours. And no one will sire your children, but me." There was no question in his voice as he made these statements. One way or another, he would be with her in the spring and she would be the most glorious mother in creation.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 01:06 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It seemed that he held all the answers for her at the moment, even though she knew he didn’t. The way he delivered himself though brought ease to Nina’s own fast beating heart. It slowed down, though not much, for as usual, his presence near her side brought great comfort to her but at the same time made her heart accelerate. Her tail brushed over her front paws as she stared up at him, love obvious in her eyes. This is what she had been longing for since she had met them, and now they might be able to have the children she had dreamed of so long ago, when everything had brought her much chaos. Now everything seemed to be peaceful compared to back then…everything was falling into place.

She licked his muzzle in thanks, before her one good eye trailed into the sky, amazed by the scene set before her in the darkened sky. Their stars were once again dancing, as if promising them great fortune in the future. She was so in awe, she could barely whisper to him, "Koda…the stars." She watched upwards in amazement, remembering the first time she had seen such a sight she had cowered under Koda at first, afraid that the world would have toppled on them, before he had reassured her of what was happening, and ever since, every time a scene like this appeared, she would take joy in watching the stars dance, for they reminded her of him, and she couldn’t help now, but could only stare.

(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2012, 10:19 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
The details would work themselves out in time, but he knew that Elettra would stand tall with or without another at her side. I will have to let her know that I will be leaving... Little did he know at the time that he would never be able to inform her of his intentions to step down and be with Nina always when winter came to a close. He was just sure that she would be a survivor as always. She might me disappointed, but surely she would understand.

He pushed these mundane day-to-day thoughts out of his head and focused solely on his beautiful mate. He sensed, as much as he felt or saw, her relief at his words and he smiled. The large male smiled as she licked his muzzle affectionately and he nuzzled her cheek gently as her gaze shifted to the heavens. "Koda…the stars." Her awestruck words drew his own golden gaze towards the night sky. The Star Dance. It seemed as if any momentous change in the path of their lives together was celebrated by the very stars. The night that the seeds of love were first planted, they had watched the Star Dance together. Tonight, when they affirmed, even without words, that they would come together as true mates soon and move forward into their golden future, it seemed that the mysterious stars approved.

He turned to look Nina in the eye, his heart bursting with love for her. He felt his heart race and his breathing slow and it was almost painful to feel so much. He wouldn't trade if for the world though and he couldn't wait for spring to come, when he wouldn't have to steal moments with his love. Swallowing through the tight knot of emotion in his chest, all he could say was, "Beautiful. Yet his gaze never left her face. Then he stretched forward and whispered next to her ear, "They celebrate our love, sweet Nina"

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Her one eye was captivated in the beautiful scene before her, and finally, for once, ever since the disbandment, the woman let her mind go and only paid attention to the beautiful stars in the sky. If she could, she probably would have touched her nose to one of the stars. The bright lights above making her good eye sign like embers, a true sight to see considering the intense gaze she now possessed. The former Hervok had definitely changed since she had entered Relic Lore. Mostly for the better, save the injuries she possessed, and she was no longer plagued with her family’s curse. She was free to do as she pleased, for the most part.

Ever since Elettra had gratefully healed her, Nina had started getting her shape back…her muscles had developed themselves once more and her fur had regained its silky softness. To many other wolves it probably would have looked as though she were a completely new wolf, but she hadn’t changed much on the inside. She was the same kind hearted lady…just with an outer onion that someone had to peel. When he mate’s voice vibrated in her ear, she turned, her neck stretching out to embrace him. She had been longing for him and now that he was here, she knew she would have enough strength to continue on with her journey. "I missed you."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.