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Oetoriya [I'm a loner] — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/EdenTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 190px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
He met new wolves but kept moving. It was sad, he cub he met as Taima he would probably not meet again till she had the age to wander around on her own. She was alone when he had met her but he knew that she was further than she should be. He wasn't a fool, he knew how far cubs could go before it would become dangerous. Before they met strangers like him who could eat there lovely cubs. Not that he would be like that but a parent should think like that. Talking with the little grey was nice and heart-warming. Now he didn't want to let her family worry so he had say goodbye. If he wanted to meet her again he should think about joining her pack.. A mocking snort came out of his throat, what a useless thought. Just when it came up in his mind he knew he would not do it. He had not really a reason for casting out Taima's pack but thinking about joining new packs felt awkward. Eden didn't want to get in a pack dragging his own mess with it. The brown wolf groaned, like the mess would be less dirty if he joined a pack. All the mess he left behind would be clear sooner or later anyway. If not by his sister it would be by someone else. They had to move on, they were creatures like that.

Out of the Cedarwood Forest into some other unknown place. It was soft and watery. The soft ground felt comfy on his paws. Enjoying the feel he tapped on the grass. If he would find a more dry spot he may stay for three or four days. Other than the Forest he didn't smell as many wolves as other areas. Here he could smell the earth and hear the water moving in it's way. It was a calm feel to be so close to the earth. Soft with he cold breeze of autumn. This place may become awfully cold in winter but in spring it would be a nice place. A place to remember. Eden looked up, in search for possible prey if he was hungry. He would at least stay the night here. A ear peeked to the left. Birds, they were flying away. Dark little spots not so far away flew out of the treetops into the open air. Something had scared them. A wolf? Eden hoped not but knew that his prayers would be useless. If someone was so close by they would probably take a look, wouldn't they? The brown wolf just hoped that if he would get a visit it was a friend not a foe.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane had slipped off by himself. Nina had been resting peacefully and he had felt edgy, filled with a nervous energy. The closer that they got to Drooping Willows, where Narime' now lived, the more excited and restless he was. He'd decided that a morning hunt would be just the thing and then he could return to Nina and they would continue south together.

He had come far further south than he had intended following a trail and he began to feel the moistness and softness in the ground the characterized the land north of the Lagoon where he had first met his silver love. He couldn't help but smile at the memory. She'd fallen in the water and he'd 'come to her rescue'. She would have been fine, he was sure, but it had been the beginning of something beautiful.

Drawing himself back to the present a smile still lit his face. Now, something for his dear friend Nina for breakfast. The trail that he'd been following had grown cold and he let out a sigh of frustration. Then his keen eyes caught the tiniest of movements in the browning grass amidst the trees and shrubs. Birds. Given his size and resulting lack of true speed, he doubted that he'd have any success, but it was worth a try. His uncanny stealth for such an over-sized wolf allowed him to get close enough to make a lunge at the brown fowl. As expected, he was too slow, but not by much. In then end, he did get a mouth full of tail feathers for his trouble as a rather large flock took flight, but nothing to eat.

With a shrug of his shoulder, he let out a chuckle at himself as he spit out the long brown feathers, unknowingly leaving one of the smaller ones dangling from the corner of his muzzle. He'd given it a good go. As he was about to turn back north and tell Nina of his folly, a dark form caught his attention. Focusing his bright amber eyes he could make out the shape of another wolf, with dark fur looking his way warily. Now that he was not worried about defending pack borders, his friendly nature was free to lead his actions.

He approached the other male slowly with a confident air, but he was careful to show no aggression. "Hello, friend. I'm Sloane." He decided to leave it at a simple introduction and wait to see how the other wolf reacted to his presence.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 04:29 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
His paws patted the soft underground. It felt so soft and cuddly, a bit watery here and there so the ground was not ground any more but thick mud. Should look out for that otherwise his fur would become one clumb of brown. Well it was already like that but his coat seemed a darker tone brown than this mud so it would look weird right.. Keeping his thoughts busy about mud and his coat he gave little attention as possible to the stranger to keep his mind cool. A green sea like eye took a quick glance. The wolf was really coming his way. The distance was shortening..

After Taima his head had cooled down luckily but he didn't felt like coming into more trouble. More for himself than for others. His tolerance had become a bit too low for his thinking. He got sick from himself, he got that so often at times it wasn't healthy. How could he disgust himself so much at times. Bad thoughts again. Oh the mud feels really refreshing at his paws. Again his eyes were attracted by the russet being. The approuching wasn't aggressive or taunting not even trying to dominate him. Though he could see the confidence in his eyes. Eden couldn't ignore him anymore. First because he was too close already, second was that the stranger looked okay. Eden was stated as ''friend'' his face rimpled into a frown. Friend? Was that sarcastic? It had been a long time since anyone had called the brown wolf his friend. His family called him murderer and traitor. For a stranger to call him a friend was just unthinkable. His jaw dropped a couple of centimetres as he wanted to reply but his words were stuck in his throat. Closing his mouth he gave himself a imaginary slap. Wake up don't act like a fool. But how was he expected to react, should he be angry because Sloane was mocking with him or shed tears because he finally was called friend again after a decade or so. 'Eden.' His name came out with much difficulty. Luckily he didn't stutter or something.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The breeze played over the pair of wolves, just as it seemed emotions played over the other male. He appeared to frown when Sloane greeted him, then he seemed to relax somewhat. The russet male wondered what might have agitated him. As a general rule, he considered all wolves friends, or at the very least as good, until they gave him a reason not to. Then it was near impossible to regain his friendship. Maybe he took offense to that? Many wolves did not think the way that he did. After what seemed a long time he shared his own name in rusty sounding voice. Eden.

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and gave him a small smile, hoping that he would be put at ease. Eden seemed to be uncomfortable with his presence, as if he was unsure of himself... or of Sloane. He was a stranger after all. He didn't smell of pack, so he assumed him to be a loner as he was. At least for the time being. Hopefully that status would be changed shortly. He decided to let his natural curiosity have free reign. "Are you new to Relic-Lore?"

Knight of Honor
Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
Friend. The word still lingered into his mind. Stop it already, how could you be friends when you don't know each other. That doesn't make any sense! He probably just says that to everyone. His way of greeting others. Stop making it a bigger thing, giving yourself an headache over something little. Eden really where is that mind of yours? Getting weak and sentimental all over a little term that this wolf uses. Sloane, he is a dangerous wolf. Should watch out for him. Better not get to close to the russet wolf. What may happen if he did.

Awkwardly playing with some moss by his paw he tried to push the uncomfortable feeling in a little corner. Should he not begin to act a bit more natural? The lips of Sloane curled up a little, not a snarl but there was a little smile on his face. Heh? Why was he smiling? Was there a reason to smile? It wasn't a sarcastic smirk or something. No it was really a smile he was sure of it. Eden didn't know Sloane tried to ease his mind, it just worked the wrong way for the flustered wolf.

Intentionally his eyes avoided Sloane's smile. Actually his eyes looked at Sloane but just what was behind the russet wolf. The voice sounded curious. Still not looking at him Eden shrugged as he cleared his throat. 'I'm here.. A couple of weeks? Not really that long but.. I begin to adjust a little. I think?' He wasn't really sure. He had met a couple of wolves now. The conversations weren't that super, mostly awkward trying to keep his distance. Though this meeting was turning a bit strangely. Already since the greeting Sloane was finding him off guard, Eden didn't like it. Not at all. He felt a little lost. Snappy wolves were easy to deal with, smart wolves too. Everything was easy as long as they weren't so overly friendly towards strangers. How could he keep his distance while those wolves didn't give him a good excuse to do so?

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
It was strange. Eden seemed fairly uncomfortable, in general, and Sloane had no idea why. He'd not acted pushy, aggressive or dominant so he hadn't given the other man any reason to dislike or resent him that he knew of. Yet, he seemed uncomfortable with his presence... more than seemed normal. Sloane reminded himself that he didn't know Eden's history, so there really was no telling. It was part of the risk and excitement of meeting new wolves. The seemed to be doubts and endless questions rolling across the other mans face and he appeared stressed. That had certainly not been his intention, he'd merely wanted to meet someone new. He was a naturally gregarious wolf and enjoyed the company of others most of the time.

Time seemed to stretch as he waited for Eden to respond. When he finally did, he wouldn't even meet Sloane's eyes and his body looked tense and uncomfortable. Perhaps he should leave and give him the space he apparently needed? He had to try again, maybe this wolf needed a friend, whether he wanted one or not. He wouldn't force the issue, of course, because what would be the use of that? Maybe a bit of conversation would relax him... Giving him another small friendly smile, Sloane responded in turn, "I see. There are many great areas in Relic-Lore. Where have you been so far? I live up north at the moment, but I'm heading south to visit a friend." The thought of seeing Narime' soon brought the all-too-familiar flush beneath his ruddy fur and he had to restrain the grin that wanted to plaster itself all over his face.

Knight of Honor
Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
Time to act normal. Seriously his brain was overdoing it, again. Concentrating on his breath he vetilated his overheated brain. Not paying attention at Sloane who seemed to consider the weird situation. More calm his eyes went up again and he dared to look at the russet wolf. The friendly smiles seemed to be stuck on his face, though it was not unpleasant. His tail wagged slowly a little bit, trying to relax his body more with every swing of his tail. It was hard.

Instead of taking notice of every little move Sloane did it was maybe better to pay attention to his words. Since the wolf really tried to make contact with him, what was actually really nice since most would not try to talk with odd strangers. His gaze fell on the north, the place where Sloane would live. He could not see very much of the north. Soon the tree line would block his sight. Did he live their? It could be further back to the north but it was impossible to see that far from where he stood. In the corner of his eyes he could see the vague shapes of the mountain. If he stood on top of those rocky hills, he could have seen the place Sloane spoke of for sure.

'I entered Relic-Lore through the mountains.' His nose pointed towards the high peaks. May he not feel comfortable down here he could take a stroll on the rocky paths to look for a other good place. Where had he been further? Not much he could say. The place with Taima was pretty nice, the little stream made him think of his younger days. 'I.. have been in a place, I don't know how you call it.-' He spoke out loud, if he would try to describe it would Sloane understand? '-It's a forest. Between the trees there is quite some space between and the trees are really tall. I guess the forest itself is quite big. I was near a little stream it was quite pleasant.' Talking with the little talkative girl was nice but she had never mentioned the name where he was standing, even her Dad's name was a mystery. The Dad who fought off a bear. As he called the light brown greyish wolf. 'I'm pretty sure somewhere in that forest there is a pack, though I don't know it's name.' Quite a few words and done pretty well if he had to compare to his nerve wrecking act seconds ago. With question marks in his eyes he stared at Sloane. Now he was actually very curious about the name as well.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane had honestly never met such a wary wolf as the one before him now. It seemed that his patience and persistence paid off somewhat when the wary male relaxed a bit more and spoke of coming from the mountains and visiting a large forest which he did not know the name of. Talk of the mountains brought to mind a couple of ladies that he had met before joining Copper Rock Creek. The sweet and enigmatic Chantille of the mountain run and flustered Treena of the wet and soggy in Riddle Heights. Both were actually fond memories, but they were far overshadowed by those made with his sweet Narime'.

"I too have been to the mountains. They are quite rugged and awe inspiring!" He had enjoyed exploring them, but he was more than happy to be on level ground most days. Perhaps he would have to visit the mountains again some day, but he had many plans in the works for now, so it would be quite a while, if ever.

The russet wolf thought for a moment of the area that Eden described. He'd never been there himself, but he'd seen and heard of it from other wolves and he was pretty sure that he could name it for the loner. I think that you may be speaking of the Cedarwood Forest, if it is north of here. The pack that lies within it is Grizzly Hollow. They will soon be my pack's southerly neighbors, in fact," he said helpfully. Well, he hoped that it was helpful. Although he'd been to many places in the Lore, he too had many blank spots himself. It was nice to have a complete picture!

Knight of Honor
Played by Han who has 45 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Eden Asthed
Crappy sorry >,<

Eden nodded in agreement. The mountains had something special, the air was totally different. Though it was painful for his paws to keep walking without taking breaks. The sharp stones easily ripped your pads to bloody stumps. Actually the mountains could be your death if you weren't paying attention. At the same time it had something alluring.

'Grizzly Hollow?' So that was the pack called. Taima and the Alpha from Grizzly Hollow. Living in the Cedarwood Forest. It felt good to know a little bit more about the girl. She had said many but most was little chirping of the happy girl. It was nice, it meant she had little worries. Eden smiled when thinking about it. He couldn't help but wish the best for the young girl. Soon she would be yearling and when the months flew by she would be a adult. He hoped to see her once again. Eden's thoughts had been tracking off to Taima but he had heard right. Allowing himself to be a bit curious he tilted his head. 'Your pack? You're planning to found your own?' The male tried to see Sloane as a alpha from a pack. It wouldn't be a surprise if he would be a good dad in the future. The male had been all patience and friendlyness every since they had met. Would he be a good alpha? Certainly a loved alpha but he didn't know about leading. He didn't know enough of Sloane to make a judgement. 'I hope you'll do well.' He meant every word he said. If he would ever get the news that a new pack had formed he may search out for him. Just to see with his own eyes how the pack, lead by this wolf, faired.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Eden seemed pleased to have a name to give the forest that he'd been in previously and he smiled at some memory. Sloane was glad to see that the other man had relaxed and there encounter had become more cordial rather than tense. For a few moments, Eden seemed a tad lost in thought and Sloane waited patiently for him to process his new information. Then the other wolf tipped his head in curiosity and asked,"Your pack? You're planning to found your own? I hope you'll do well.'' His good wishes seemed genuine, but his question was one with a two pronged answer, now wasn't it, Sloane thought to himself.

His answer would sound odd to anyone, but he was a wolf that value integrity above all else and the chances were that Eden would discover the facts over time in any case. With a half smile he explained his plans briefly. "Yes, and thank you! I'll soon be helping my friend Nina start her pack north of the Cedarwood Forest in the Thickets. In the Spring, however, I claim my lovely mate Narime' and we shall found our own pack somewhere near here, most likely." He said it as if being the alpha of two packs within a few months was a completely normal thing.

The other male wasn't likely wasn't interested in the details anyways and was simply making polite conversation himself at this point. Sloane didn't know if he would ever run into the other wolf again, but he seemed nice enough once he'd relaxed and he wouldn't object to running into him again. "I wish you well in your travels, Eden. Perhaps if you are ever in the Thickets or back here in a couple of months, we shall meet again." he offered with another smile.

Knight of Honor