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Family Reunited — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Alright...so here is the claiming thread. I except all of you to post in this topic: Kashikoi, Sloane, Hollow, Iopah, Ashanti, Isen, and Ecco. The due date is 1/13/13 and if someone does not post they will have to have a separate joining thread if they still wish to join. If we can get to the due date quicker that would be awesome. <33


Past, present, future…all three subjects gave everyone something to think about. The past could crumble them or make them stronger, and the present would only determine their fates for the future. Oh so rarely did all three happen to be combined and today would be one of those days. Many hardships had been taken into account when some of the crews former pack had disbanded. They had all fallen and become weak, others had moped, while some had risen to the challenge thrown at them and grown stronger. Most of them had stuck together, and now, along with some others, they would finally once again, be bond together, by pack.

She had surveyed the territory multiple times, keeping tabs on all of the good and bad things associated with staying in the thickets…but most of the negative things she had found would benefit them once they grew accustomed to their surroundings. Nina had taken her time, showing all of them around, making notes of the places, and keeping in mind that soon this part of the thickets would be theirs. It was odd, if some of them thought about it too hard, of how such a bright girl would pick such a secluded dark place to stay. It was for their own safety though, as she had traveled to the most eastern part of the thickets, away from the mountains, and one of the furthest places from the other packs.

When she had finished the run through she turned on her gathered members, her good eye dancing once again. She was almost sure that she heard a bird in the distance, though she wasn’t sure, considering it was still winter. She then made eye contact with them all, making sure that none of them would protest with the area she had picked out. She was ready to claim the area, ready to become their Queen and to lead them so that they would thrive. No one would be able to ever bring them down, for they would soon be reunited. As family once more.
(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2013, 07:01 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
It had been a long journey indeed, getting to the spot they were now. Literally and figuratively, these thickets of Nina's. It had taken him a little time to get used to them, as they were so foreign compared to what he was accustomed to. But the area that Nina had discovered after much exploration was secluded and easily defensible if you knew where to look. There were also several excellent protected den sites. The whole area had grown on him after a while and his dear friend Nina seemed happy here. That was a good enough reason for him to be here.

After a tour of sorts through the area, they ended in the perfect secluded spot. Thick brush protected the borders, yet here the underbrush was thinner and easier to move around in, even given his larger frame. The golden brown form of Nina turned to face those gathered with them, some from the disbanded pack of Copper Rock Creek and many loners that had joined their ranks. He himself turned to face those same wolves, proudly standing to the side of Nina Renier, the Lady of the Thickets. He would be her strength and her partner as she led this band of friends, siblings and loners on the journey of becoming a true pack. A family that could be depended on in all circumstances.

He turned his bright amber eyes on those gathered and was proud to see so many that had decided to follow Nina. He would be her partner for now, but this pack, these wolves, would be her children. They would be her family long after he was gone and her mate, Koda, stood by her side as he did now. Koda would eventually be the true leader, but Sloane would live and fight for them until that time came.

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow stood submissive as Nina and Sloane turned to face him, and the others around him, he felt pride swell within, because he would remain loyal to Nina, and to Sloane. Silince was the only noise he neaded to hear, for once no words, no thoughts needed speaking he was content to let them lie in his head, It was a sheer happieness as though he found his way through thick and thin, right and wrong, all of the time he spent wasting, was timespent comming here. Everything had happened for a reason, and he had followed his heart, as his moter had told him to and now it had paid off. The black wolf just let the feeling of happieness, like he hadn't felt in a long time flow through him.

He wondered however what type of pack wpuld this turn out to be, would they be docile and kind, or would they be feirce and strong. Truthfuly Hollow hoped for both, the feared and respected pack, that dwells deep within the thickets, the place where loners don't go for fear of being watched by the shadowy ghostlike wolves hidden within its depths. It would be a new dawn for himself and others, it seemed, and he would stand with all of them, lean into the wind and rise to this new life they were all here to start.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
This was it. The moment Iopah had both longed for and feared. She would be a pack wolf once again. This time would be different, Iopah would let nothing tear her new family apart. The muted gray wolf looked around at her pack mates. Many were familiar faces, however some she had only recently met. She gone to their aid, as they had come to hers.

Sphinx-like she sat, keeping her body low. Iopah did not know where she stood with them and did not want to offend. When Nina's gaze landed on her she rose slightly, keeping her eyes on the ground. She advanced slowly, tail brushing the snow behind her. She offered a reverent lick to Nina's muzzle. Without hesitation she turned to Sloane and offered the same, though she did not know him yet. Finished she hurried back to her spot. She was curious, she had never been present for the actual formation of a pack. What would happen next?
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2013, 01:45 AM by Iopah.)
Played by Abbie who has 25 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Durai Pyro
AWESOME NEWS! I don't want to get rid of Rai anymore. I <3 him!! Just pretend in Nina and Rai's thread Sharpshooter, he never said that he was leaving (he never did anyways.)

Rai stood proudly with the other members. He wasn't much of an emotional wolf. Sometimes he felt like his body was there, but his mind wasn't. Right now wasn't one of those moments. The big, white teddy-bear stood there and smiled a bit. He barely knew these wolves, yet he felt loyally there to protect them. To be a silent shield to their aids for whenever the time came and they needed him. Durai looked at Nina and blinked at her acceptingly. He had told Nina that he was tempted to leave. That he wanted to find his family. But in the end, he ended up staying and standing in the group of wolves pridefully. Nina would be their queen, and Sloane would be their temporary king. Then it would be right in Durai's mind again.

He was ready to accept pack life. He couldn't wait to be in the pack that dwelled the thickets and kept the loners out of it. He knew that there was a lot of secret history here, but it didn't matter. It was their turn to make the history. Whatever happened here was to stay here and Durai would make sure that no one harmed Nina, Sloane, his packmates, or otherwise.

May be a potential Copper Rock Creek packmate ?!
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Who would have known this would be the places of all regions where pack life would begin for Ecco D'Oliva. Not too long ago, Ecco found herself stuck in a rut in the depth of the thicket where a young female by name of Ashanti helped her out. After freeing herself, Ecco swore to avoid all regions where the vegetation was either too thick, too compact to squeeze past, or anything remotely dangerous (Ecco certainly wasn't a fan of heights in the least). The D'Oliva counted the Thicket of Secrets out of her regions to further explore for good, until there was news that this was where the formation of this new pack was destined to take place. From an area that was much too easy to snag onto your coat slipping past the thicket, Ecco suddenly seen this area in a new light. This was her new home.

          Finally, Ecco wasn't alone anymore. Malnutrition wouldn't be the death of her, and Ecco barely slipped out alive from the grasp of the rogue lifestyle when she lived on her own terms for months on end. Her body and spirit were starved for attention of all aspects, and even while her small stature was nearly withered away to skin and bones, there was her spirit inside her that brought her amongst her new lifestyle today in the Thicket of Secrets amongst her fellow brothers and sisters. There was a peculiar pep in her step, a twinkle in her amber eyes, that brought Ecco to life. Anyone who witnessed her weeks before would have seen a she-wolf in desolation, ready to drop dead in the spot she stood at any moment. Her tail swayed behind her as she bounced right into the gathering, eyes lighting up at the sight of Nina and Sloane.

          Her muzzle nodded in a respectful nod to them both. The feeling of pack life once again probably wouldn't hit for several weeks, as she still felt like she belonged to no one but the wild itself, but Ecco couldn't have been anymore ready in her life to start anew. Her amber eyes instantly lit up when Ecco caught sight of Hollow, and went right to his side to give him a gentle nudge with her nose on his shoulder. Hollow assisted Ecco in finding food and warmth when they were both loners, and was quite excited to see Hollow made the cut as one of her new pack members. Her tail picked up in a crescendo of a wag, as Ecco stood by Hollow and surveyed the other individuals that gathered. She gave each of them a longing look, coupled with a small smile, to acknowledge them. The new faces of a new pack in the Lore. Ecco was ready to get this first official gathering of them all started.

          At long last, this was the first day of Ecco's brand new life, and couldn't wait for what the future destined to bring for all of them. Her brothers, sisters, family, were all here in the thicket amongst each other.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
          Ashanti had traced herself to find herself at the borders of the pack territory. Or at least the pack to be. She stood amongst her new family, those who had always been family to her. Kashikoi and Nina, they had been there when she first joined, it warmed her heart to have them here. Sloane, formerly of Copper Rock Creek, he was her packmate that use to be, and will be. Ecco, she'd helped the female out of some difficult situations, she'd first met here when looking for an area to store herbs, she'd helped the female out of a rut and in return, Ecco had helped her find the location. Hollow, she was the second one to meet the male, it was her belief that he was a strong and wise man. Respectful too, and this was her family. Isen, her true actual blood family, she'd disappeared.

          Ashanti glanced at them all with a smile, she was, and forever more. Part of this pack alone. She would help them, she'd learn from Nina how to heal in ever sort. She'd be the pack healer. She would be a loyal member that Nina could rely on to do her job. In good times and in bad. This was her oath. She gave a respectful bow to Nina and Sloane, the standing alpha's and took in a deep breathe of her home. this was her home now, no one could take that from her. She'd protect them with her life, she'd gone as far to warn off Ash as to stay away from Nina, because if she was hurt again, Ash would pay.

(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2013, 09:04 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: After my post, one more post from Sloane and then we will archive...the pack will be created. ;) <3

The ones that had gathered before her respectfully took their places around her, none of them challenging her choice in home. If they had they wouldn’t have been there, like two family members of which hadn’t arrived. Nina hadn’t had much hope on Isen, for she barely knew the girl, but the golden female would be keeping a close eye on Ashanti, she didn’t want the girl hurting anymore than she already had been. The other absence, already hurt her deeply. Where was young Kashikoi? He had not come to the gathered and not been with her. He hadn’t stuck around with them and the lose of her friend hurt her dearly. The thought would be a passing one though, she had more important business to attend to.

The presence of Iopah in front of her comforted her, and she gently nipped her muzzle as she passed by Nina, happy that the woman had also decided to remain with them. She was exceptionally happy with the fact that Durai had remained with them, despite his urges to go back into the mountains to look for his family. Loyalty and devotion was something that the woman felt proud of, she had wolves she could trust and their family would be stronger. It would not be blood that bonded them, but the very loyalty that held them together. Hollow and Ecco were also among them, and she was happy to see that many had already been acquainted with one another. They would truly be family.

Her stance tall and firm she addressed the ones gathered before her, making sure they all heard her words clearly, “Consider us all family…brothers and sisters. Welcome home, Secret Woodlands.” As she staked her claim to the lands in front of her, she made eye contact with each once of her founders. They had already started off quite well and if things turned out the way she planned, everything would be played smoothly, and until fate decided the path for them, they would live their lives as family, and her as their Queen. She then turned to Sloane, nudging him gently on the shoulder, her single gaze passing a silent message between the two of them, ‘Thank you…for everything.’
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(Feel free to join in the pack howl!)

A deep feeling of pride welled up in the over-sized russet wolf at all of the wolves that were here to become the founding members of what he knew would grow into a great and powerful pack, the Secret Woodlands Pack. Today was the first day of their future together and though all of these wolves, including himself had been through hardships, be it as a loner in general, being a part of a pack torn asunder or separation from family they had all been put through trials and would come out stronger for it in the end. Now that they had each other. Although, he knew that he would not be the leader forever, since eventually Koda would come and he would go to claim Narime' and his own pack, he couldn't help the feelings of pride and joy that overcame him. These would ever be his friends and family.

All of them had various emotions playing over their faces as he looked them over with his bright amber gaze. They ranged from pride, to wonder, to joy, yet all seemed content and fully devoted to being here at the beginning of something new and meaningful. The others looked on, Iopah rose to pay fealty to first Nina and then him. Like Nina, he returned her lick with a gentle nip of affirmation. She had kept her stance low and acknowledged them as leaders. It was the first time that Sloane had fully felt the mantle of leadership and he had to admit that it felt good and right to be at the helm, responsible for the wolves before him.

Most of those before him, knew or at least suspected that he and Nina were not mates as traditional leaders would be. He didn't want to mislead them and he wanted them to be aware the another wolf would take his place by Nina's side. He felt that it was there right to know and sooner was better than later. So, taking a deep breath, he glanced at Nina and hoped that she would be alright with his announcement. "Wolves of Secret Woodland. I stand by Nina as he friend and partner and as your leader. Eventually, Nina's mate Koda will be your leader. Until that time, I will support Nina, your queen, and defend all of you with my life and I expect the same from each and every one of you."

Standing tall and proud and oozing confidence and strength, Sloane met the gaze of each wolf individually, asserting his position, despite it's lack of permanence. Then his deep voice came forth once more. "We are the Secret Woodland Pack and it's time that we let all of relic-lore know that we have arrived!" With that, he lifted his head and let forth a long and strong howl, announcing their presence and he knew that the others would join in, announcing their strength and unity.

(Sloane out...we need at least one more post for it to be counted for LPs though, so feel free to join in the howl!!
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
As the black wolf scanned the faces of all of his new pack mates it occurred to him that he had met all of them already. This was something he was glad of he wouldn't have to ask any names, he caught sight of Ecco as she made her way towards him he was happy to see how much healthier she looked, and equally surprised when she nudge his shoulder. This was family he thought, and it was beautiful sight to his young and tarnished soul.

All that he had lost was blood and he could never replace that, but he had found loyalty and with that he could bring honor to a last name, and a family he did not know. Iopah approached his leaders and gave them both a lick on their muzzles, and Hollow almost did the same, only he was too excited his legs wouldn't work. When he saw Durai he couldn't help but be happy he was on their side, he would be a valuable ally, and Hollow would be sure to get to know him better. Ashanti was their too, she following Nina when they first met and had been the first to speak in Hollow's defense when he was being accepted by Nina and Sloane, it made him happy to see the pretty she-wolf here as well.

Finally his leaders spoke, first Nina's strong voice “Consider us all family…brothers and sisters. Welcome home, Secret Woodlands.”. Then came Sloane "Wolves of Secret Woodland. I stand by Nina as he friend and partner and as your leader. Eventually, Nina's mate Koda will be your leader. Until that time, I will support Nina, your queen, and defend all of you with my life and I expect the same from each and every one of you." This was a brave thing for Sloane to declare as they had been a pack for 10 minutes but Hollow certainly respected him more for it, a leader should never lie to his followers. Hollow dipped his head accepting this without question. finally the moment Hollow was bursting for "We are the Secret Woodland Pack and it's time that we let all of relic-lore know that we have arrived!" Hollows head tilted back as Sloane's howl began to ring out and let loose his own long call for all who were within a howling distance to know that they were no longer alone if they dared set a paw in the thickets.