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Let It Bleed — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
(Set directly after Nina accepts Hollow into the new pack)

Hollow was warming himself on a flat stone on a warm spring day, all was well and his new pack was thriving. A strange howl interrupted his thoughts, it sounded of several different howls,sounding in one strained voice so he strolled towards the noise wondering if it was a pack meeting or a new member? Hollow sped up to an easy run, as he came upon a clearing and began to choke. Stained scarlet on lush green undergrowth was the blood of his entire pack, he recognized the pelts of those whom had accepted him yet they all had no face, just blank fur, he spun every which way and began to snarl and howl. Hollow ran away, briers and tree branches tearing at his coat and skin like claws, Hollow stumbled and fell, he began to whimper and whine then shakily rose to his paws only to come nose to nose, with a huge wolf pure black with eyes of pure white, whom raised to full height and brought his claws down towards Hollows head.

The black wolf sat bolt upright eyes bright with fear, his hackles raised to full height and lips curled back to show thorn sharp teeth. A harsh wind met his fur and chilled Hollow down to his very bones. The horror of the nightmare faded and he was left standing cold and breathing heavily alone near the den he had made. Hollow began shaking, "It was just a dream" he breathed, he was horrified and he continued to look around warily as his hackles finally fell and his muscles relaxed. He sat down and exhaled almost silently. After being accepted into the forming pack it was his worst fear realized in a horrifying nightmare that he would have another family taken from him as shortly as he had known the first. He sat in complete silence, senses over extended and eyes wide and fearful. Every leaf that fell and every wind that blew was making him jump. Hollow knew tonight would be rough
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 09:22 PM by Hollow.)
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson

After Brenton's encounter with the two poisoned wolves {Steel and Adonis}, he'd traveled down from the mountains only to arrive at a small spring like area. He kept on alert in case he scented his missing friend near by and he was all but ready to give up. He wasn't just scenting for Jessie, but other wolves in general, wolves that could help him. Perhaps he should hunt to. No, he'd just eaten and unless it was something big like a doe, he could care less how much food he was to eat and when he was to eat it.

His scenting detected a wolf in the area and he ran towards him. When he arrived he was asleep but soon he quaked the earth. It was just a dream.' the wolf had said, was this wolf just awoken from a nightmare? Did Brenton wake him up? Brenton looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "I apologize if I woke you up, I did not mean to." He said immediately, this was his third wolf to encounter in the lore, he would not let him slide from his paws. He'd need to talk to wolves and he could be a very friendly person.

"I'm Brenton, Brenton Nelson." He introduced himself. Other wolves scents on him, but no pack. He was with another loner, stout and vigilance was one thing to him. Helping a troubled soul was always most important. Though if it was a nightmare, the wolf might want to talk about it. He himself was troubled. If he hadn't let Jessie go, he'd never have to search from her. He'd be with her, his best friend was missing and he had to find her.

To find a friend...
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
"I apologize if I woke you up, I did not mean to." Hollow swung around in flash of his teeth that very quickly subsided into an exceedingly startled look on his face. That was nice, he damn sure wouldn't have any rest now, no use in starting a fight with this loner he clearly had no idea what was going on in Hollow's head and thereby had no way of knowing he had nearly frightened the black wolf clean out of his fur. As Hollow's fur and blood preassure both dropped to their normal states he heard the loner speak a second time, "I'm Brenton, Brenton Nelson."

"Hollow, Blackfur they call me." he dipped his head respectfully, tail held in a neutral position. He felt a twinge of guilt pass through him as he spoke his last name as he so seldom did, bng that he didn't know his real last name, Blackfur was more or less bestowed upon him by the various loners he had met who never bothered ask his name. Hollow continued anyways, "No, you didn't wake me I wouldn't worry about that, just a nightmare is all. You only surprised me!" He spoke good naturedly already having calmed down from his fright. once he had relaxed he realized hie was in fairly good spirits, being that he was to be in the newly forming pack he guessed. One can never make too many friends he thought, might as well have one that knows yu have nightmares.
Played by Abbie who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pandora Roman
-Timeline: a week or two after she and Hollow met in their previous thread, and soon after Hollow was accepted into Nina's new pack.-

Pandora did it again. She had wandered straight into her brother. Her senses tingled as her nose caught his southern scent. Another thing alarmed her. Scents of other wolves lingered close to his. Why was he so social? She sighed, wishing her brother could be more like her: smarter. Her jet black paws were covered in mud that stuck to the long blades of grass in the field. Her tail went straight up into the air. Another male was close to her brother. Her lips rose above her white fangs, exposing them to the cold air threateningly as she approached the two wolves, but everyone seemed relaxed and down to earth at the moment.

The other wolf was detailed up close. He was also bigger. She couldn't bother with him now. Her emerald green eyes floated to Hollow, and she sat down. "Wow. Seems like two great minds think alike, hmm, Hollow?" Pandora smiled calmly. She kept a good distance from the stranger wolf. "Who's you're friend?" Her voice was as dark as tainted glass. Her fangs were sealed by her maw as she rudely interrupted their conversation. Hah! Like she cared.

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
"Wow. Seems like two great minds think alike, hmm, Hollow?" The black wolf swung his head towards the showing his teeth again for an instant before realization hit him once more. Another who was not there to tear out his throat, merely his sister, Pandora who always seemed to be upset that he was her brother. "Who's you're friend?" Hollow was already feeling a what he guessed was irritation that he was sure he would be seeing more of her and she would always be just as prickly. Oh well at least she wasn't trying to kill anyone s he could deal with a dark and irritable sister.

"Pandora, didn't see you there, and yes I guess they do." Hollow said voice smooth as if he hadn't just woken up in a near terrified fit. He glanced at Brenton and heard a voice in his head saying "this should be fun", Hollow dipped his head towards Pandora before continuing "This is Brenton Nelson". He turneed his head towards Brenton with a friendly wag of his tail and continued, "And Brenton this, is Pandora" Hollow decided that if Pandora wanted to tell Brenton they were siblings he'd let her. However he wouldn't risk her irritable ways by saying hell she was probably embarrassed of him anyways, either way Hollow just kept his mouth shut to see what they would say to him or eachother.
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
Brenton nodded at this Hollow, then another wolf entered the picture, a female rudely interrupted they're conversation. However, Hollow knew this wolf so he calmed down a bit. "Greetings Pandora and Hollow, as I have stated I am Brenton Nelson. I'm actually looking for a friend of mine. Have either of you met a Jessie Swiftpaw?" He asked, now was his chance to ask for information. So what if the fae rudely interrupted, he could not care at the moment. He had one goal. Find Jessie. Brenton's black fur was a bit cold, the weather had not been kind to him.

His tail swayed from side to side, his eyes locked on the two wolves. He had not connected dots to lead to they're relations, but something he knew, was off here. He kept his guard up, he did not trust this new wolf now. Great minds think alike. Wise men wonder while strong men die, seeing the starts and ends of life takes away the journey. Focus on the journey. He told himself a few things he remembered.

Was Brenton a friend? Was Brenton the enemy? He had no knowledge of where he stood here. He'd learned to never judge someone before judgment is deserved. Back when he had more common sense. He was not some ruthless wolf, he was kind and religious. He would not break.

To find a friend...
Played by Abbie who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pandora Roman
Pandora smiled. Yes, she had met that rude young she-wolf before. A bitch. She smiled wickedly. Her eyes locked onto Hollow, daring him to say a word as she spoke to Brenton. "Maybe, maybe not. What's in it for us?" She used them as a unit willingly to get dirt on Hollow. Then he would owe her something. She stood up and flicked her ears in an acknowledgement to anything the Nelson boy had to say. "If she's special to you, then I suggest you make an offer." The witch grimaced, regally holding her head high as if she were a dark queen. Yes, she knew that Jessie was a totally useless she-wolf, but Brenton seemed to care about her whereabouts.

She actually hoped that he was out to kill her or something, because the girl had actually planned to let Pandora bleed out than to help her with a wound. Her tail remained low, but she was ready to fight in Brenton got the idea to attack it out of her. He didn't seem like that kind of guy, though. Her emerald eyes focused on him as she remained adorning a smirk of smug advantage.

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
"Greetings Pandora and Hollow, as I have stated I am Brenton Nelson. I'm actually looking for a friend of mine. Have either of you met a Jessie Swiftpaw?" Hollow had no idea who that was was and was just about to open his mouth when andora spoke up. "Maybe, maybe not. What's in it for us?" us? That was no way to treat a wolf whom hadn't even ruffled your fur. Making demands was one thing that always irritated Hollow "If she's special to you, then I suggest you make an offer." Thats not right, Hollows insides squirmed, maybe he'd be better off being an orphan if his only blood relation was so evil. Never the less if she was going to prick at his paws he would return the favor.

Hollow sat down and with the very faitest trace of growl at a glance to Pandora and said "Jessie Swiftpaw.... hmmmmmm nope havent seen her." With a very pointed look at Pandora, as if to say, you really thought I'd lie? he bagan scratching behind his ear almost absent mindedly. Hollow felt almost bad for litterally giving Pandora the classic "Brother" treatment just to irritate her and splatter her plans. The nightmaare now forgotten Hollow was enjoying this game as he added to Brenton. "I cannot speak for Pandora but there's no price for information from me, I am just being honest." Hollow figured he would probably pay for that remark.
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
"Maybe, maybe not. What's in it for us? If she's special to you, then I suggest you make an offer. Jessie Swiftpaw.... hmmmmmm nope haven't seen her. I cannot speak for Pandora but there's no price for information from me, I am just being honest." Brenton listened to the pair of them, at least Hollow was helpful, but this Pandora wolf... she was not at all. "I'm not sure what's in it for you, what's your price?" He asked, he gave a nod of thanks to Hollow. Hollow had not seen Jessie, but it was still undetermined whether or not Pandora knew his best friend. He was desperate, and he would give almost anything for information on her.

He knew that the key was to remain calm, but this wolf seemed like Satan's girl to him. He looked at them calmly with his black eyes. His fur remaining flat on his back. He was normally very rational, but searching for Jessie made him a bit off from his former self. He knew that she was in Relic Lore somewhere, he had that knowledge, but where in the lore she was... that was still unknown to him. He hoped to find out soon or he risked giving up. He never gave up, but he'd searched for so long. He let his butt plant itself on the ground as he gently sat down, his tail curled around his paws as far as it could go. He 'stood up tall' while he sat. He would not give up just from a stubborn lone wolf.
To find a friend...
Played by Abbie who has 15 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pandora Roman
Lol. Sorry for the random attack. I felt it was a necessary bargain for her, and I wanted to try out the new fighting system maybe? The admins said to put our current fight stats up in our posts in case they change up.

Pandora watched Brenton's body language very carefully. He seemed agitated for one moment, and then completely calm in the other. Yes, he must have known Jessie very well. Hollow made some stupid "honest" crud about it, but this mistress was ready to make more out of it. That's when he spoke up: "I'm not sure what's in it for you, what's your price?" Her tail swished. She thought about it for a few moments. "Alright. We'll fight. If you win, I'll tell you where Jessie is. If I win, you feed my brother and I for a week, big boy. You seem quite capable. And If Hollow so much as interrupts, we don't help you at all..."

Her eyes shifted to her brother, daring him to move or stop her. She looked at Brenton calmly. In the blink of an eye, she leaped forward and let out a ferocious snarl. Her flailing limbs and mass of evil aimed to crush him and pin him down by the neck.

Check this thread: http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=3535
For our rolls. Apparently this attack was a hit and it knocked ALL of Brenton's health down, so he must submit to her or fight to his death.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2013, 06:21 PM by Pandora.)