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What is Family? — Willow Ridge 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
November 12th cloudy

So many things had happened in such a short time. Narimé was stressed and had no clue what to do with herself. One part of her wanted to howl out her frustration to her pack mates while her other half wanted to run away to think about things. Sloane and Nina were going to lead a pack together? Nari wanted to be happy for them, but for some reason all she felt was some strange unhappy feeling every time she thought of Nina standing closely to Sloane. What is this feeling? She asked herself while padding to the boulder where Elettra stood so often for pack meetings. Leaping up to the top of the boulder the young woman lay herself upon the cold stone just staring at the ground below.


The dream she had last night did not help her to feel better about her current situation. She had dreamed that she was in a small den all warm and snuggly, the scent of a mothers milk permeating the air. At fist Nari thought she was dreaming about her mother and being a tiny pup again. In the dream she had picked her head up promptly hitting it on the roof of the den. Then realization dawned upon her. She was not a pup, but an adult laying in the birthing den. Why was that? She shouldn't be in there. So Nari scuffled around trying to get up and then she heard a familiar deep voice outside the den.

Perking her ears Nari called out to the voice and was surprised to see Sloane poking his head in with a worried look. Why was he so worried? She cocked her head curious but thankful to have him so close then tried to ask him what was wrong. However she was cut off by his question.

"Are you alright my Blue Eyes? You're not in pain are you? I can get you more food if you want?" His amber eyes glared in warmly at the mouth of the den. Nari was very confused. Not by his behavior, no, she knew Sloane would try to help her, but because of his second question. "Were you in pain?" Why would she be in pain?

Looking at his face from the far end of the tunnel Narimé suddenly wanted to be closer to him. Whining slightly she tried to get up again and felt a great weight pulling her down. When her dream Sloane saw this he promptly squeezed through the hole and came to her licking her face repeatedly.

"Don't get up I'll come to you.." She listened to his voice and instantly felt calmed again. Looking up at him she felt a pull towards the male. All she wanted to do was bury her face in his fur. Perhaps Sloane knew this and quickly settled himself in the tiny space next to her.

"I guess I'm getting used to your mood swings." The dream Sloane whispered amusingly into her silver ear causing a flash of heat to roil down her spine. Narimé lay her body upon his only slightly wondering why her body was so heavy.


Then the dream had been over. Leaving the silver wolf infinately confused. She knew she wanted to be with Sloane and she knew he felt the same. However now Nina was going to be leading with Sloane until whatever happens with Koda. Honestly the girl was too confused to do or say anything. How was she supposed to tell Elettra about him? About the agreement they had made? More like, the vows they had made to each other?

The scent of an old friend didn't even pull the confused youth out from her thoughts.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2013, 05:18 AM by Narimé.)

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
Thick clouds would drive slowly in the sky, pushed by a cold wind. Nina sleeping peacefully in her bed of moss Kyrie had some time off. Her task had been switched to the Infirmary ever since Nina had taken place in the pack, as a guest. What a couple of days in the Infirmary could do.. Scents of different herbs and plants had mixed into her white coat, it was not as strong as it would be in the future but there was a soft sweet scent around the little she-wolf. Kyrie came back to the Willow with empty muzzle. A little irritation itched her paws. After nursing her friend had challenged her long paws for a rabbit hunt. Her efforts had not bear fruits. Were her legs rusty from lack of training? She doubted it, every now and then a hunt would be unsuccessful. Still her annoyance stayed.

There was a someone on the boulder. Not the black queen since this wolf was grey. This wolf was one Kyrie held very dear, did she know? Probably not, after the hunt together she had been busy with the tasks and sleepy when she was done. Closing the distance the Yearling gave off a different feel than she had in the normal days. Where was the happy bouncy Narimé? Worried her eyes watched towards the boulder. 'Nari..?' Keeping her voice soft as she spoke Kyrie stood under the boulder. Looking up to Nari there was a certain look in those blue eyes. One she had seen by herself far away in the past. Kyrie walked to a lower side of the rock and jumped smoothly on the hard stone. Greeting her with a soft lick between her ears the white wolf sat down. 'Want to have some girl-talk?' She joked with a warm smile.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

At first when Kyrie had spoken her name the young wolf could only shake off her daze wondering who had called to her. Then her blue eyes set upon a familiar creamy white pelt. Both ears flicked forward and Narimé had all of her attention on the white she wolf below her. "Kyrie?" She thought amazed at seeing the forgotten face. Where had she been!

Then the white wolf came forward obviously noting her younger packmates distress. Though her question caught Nari off guard. "Is it really that noticable?" She wondered silently flicking her ears sideways in a flustered manner. The heat of the blush filling her cheeks as the young woman sat upright instantly embarrassed at herself.

"I.. Kyrie.. ehheh..Uhh.. How did you know? That it was a girl probem?" The silver wolf had not wanted to greet her old friend with stammering shy words but unfortunately things always seemed to end up that way. With Nari being all nervous or embarrassed about something.

Shrugging her slender shoulders the she wolf slunk back down laying herself across the cold boulder once more and sighed. She wondered silently if Kyrie knew how she was feeling right now. If the white she wolf had ever felt what she was feeling. She listened quietly waiting for her friend to ask who it was that she had feelings for.

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
The cheeks of the yearling changed bright red. Chuckling she watched in amuse. Seeing Narimé trip over her own words, that was a first. Well, it was not like she did not trip over her words and would blush like crazy when her friends fired questions about her love. Would Narimé have the same warm yet confusing feeling like she had back then? The grey girl shrugged as she sighed. Looks like she had to take that as a yes. Who was it the girl had her eyes on? Someone from their pack? 'Is it someone from the pack?' Let's see, they had Shade, Reed and Koda. Actually couldn't she count their Leader as available after all he had Elettra. Shade or Reed? Hmm, strange it just didn't fit. Though both males would make good mates. Shade would be certainly the prince who rescues his damsel in distress. She saw Reed more.. Romantic? Very warm and affectionate? She was not so sure about the fisherman. Softly a laugh came out of her muzzle. Thinking like that over their male members was a bit strange.

'Or is it someone from outside?' If it was from outside it was less easy. They were lucky with Elettra, after all their Queen was okay with relationships. Dare not to mate but as long as it was seeing each other as mate she seemed to have no problem with that. Other than Kyrie who had faced much difficulty hiding her love feelings for everyone. She could just be happy that Narimé had not to worry about such things. The yearling just had to be happy and let her lead by her love.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Another sigh escaped her lips. Narimé already knew that she had to tell Elettra about her new mate Sloane, but the young woman was so nervous about it that she was taking her time and procrastinating. Rolling to her side Nari relaxed on the stone looking at her friend Kyrie upside down. Then with a huff the girl decided that it was better to tell someone about it now while she waited for Elettra to return from border patrols or whatever she was doing.

"In order to tell you about him I have to tell you about how I first came to this land." She readied herself to tell the whole story of her meetings witht he russet wolf. Maybe I will feel better afterwards if I talk to someone..

"First off, I met him while I was a loner. Back when I first entered Wildwood just being seperated from my father." She started then pused. The silver wolf was not sure if she had ever told Kyrie about her father before. Did I tell her that one day during the hunt? I can't remember.. Deciding not to dwell on the subject she continued.

"My father is a whole other story. Maybe I'll tell you another time.." One more slight pause entered the space between the wolves. Then Nari started again.

"After I had climbed the serpents pass, left lost lake, and came back down the mountains I randomly traveled to Dooping Willows. That's where I first met Elettra and she agreed to take me into the pack when it formed. After that I went looking for food and traveled to Iridescent Lagoon. That's where I met him.. " She paused once more remembering the incident. A grin widened on her muzzle as the she wolf remembered her first encounter with the Thorben male.

"His name is Sloane Thorben. I met him right after slipping into the water at the Lagoon. He helped me out and we talked for a while..." She chuckled.. "Ok, I won't lie.. we played for a little while in the water too. don't . I just felt so comfortable with him. I still feel that way. More relaxed when I'm with him. Anyway... So after our firstmeeting I thought of him as a good friend. Someone who if I hadn't just joined Willow Ridge, I might have followed around for a while until we both found a home. But... I guess stuff didn't work out like that. " That and I'm very loyal I guess. I couldn't leave the pack when it wasn't even formed yet. I had to help as much as I could... She told herself quietly in her mind while allowing her smile to stay on her muzzle. Slowly th silver wolf turned her head back upright and laid back onto her belly.

"So I stayed with him for that night..maybe.. cause I was lonely. I was even more of a pup back then and I was still missing my father. Sloane was the first male that I had met here and continues to be one of the most honorable and kind wolves that I know. I don't knwo. I knew even then that I liked him but only because he was really nice. He was my protector even then." She stopped looking back on the day. I wonder if love at first sight is real or not?

"That morning after a hunt to fill our bellies we said our goodbye's. It was hard to leave him even then. But I think it was better that I came here... Anywho.. I joined Willow Ridge soon after that." She sat up in her place again avoiding Kyrie's eyes directly but watching closely for her emotions. Woul Kyrie be happy for her? Cautious or wary?

"For long time I wondered whether Sloane had found a home for himself or not. I wanted him to be safe and happy because he deserved just that for being such a kind soul. The more I thought about him the more I missed being able to fully be myself. Be comfortable, not have to worry about pack positions, to know that I had someone to help me if I needed it. To have a very good friend. So apart from looking for my father I also searched for Sloane. " Even if Narimé was blabbing on and on she couldn't stop herself. All of her nervous feelings were pent up as she waited for Elettra. She had to tell someone now.

" Next time I saw him was..well..3 days ago. You see I had been going out to the Lagoon to see if I could meet him again. Cause during our first meeting I had asked if he could come and play with me again there and he responded saying yes.. Anyway.. I made another visit to the Lagoon and somehow we met each other again... But it was different this time. I ..felt a little wierd. Very happy to see him yes, glad that he was okay, but I also felt..hmm...." Narimé was afraid to tell Kyrie what she felt. She paused unsure of what to say next. I know that I love him, but.. there is another feeling. I felt it even stronger during our second meeting. Like a fire running through me at his every touch.. Nari decided not to share that. Though maybe Kyrie would guess this anyway.

"Well... I felt a pull to him. I don't know.. Like.. I never wanted to leave his side or... or..see him leave.. I wanted to be with him. I want to see him happy as much as he wants me to be happy. Honestly I didn't go back to hunting like I should have. I stayed with him talking until his old pack mate Nina showed.. and then.. Well.. Shade showed up.. " Narimé covered her face in her paws again. She forgot about that. Shade already knew how she felt about the russet male. "Shade found out but left soon after cause apearrantly he and Nina don't get along.I left only for a short while to reconcile with Shade and then tracked Nina and Sloane back to their resting area." She paused thinking about her darker male pack mate.

"Shade saw me with him and knew that I was in love right there..When I spoke with him he told me that he was happy that I had found a good male to be with. He also said that he could tell Sloane loved me in the same way that I do. " Among other things he told me. But I'll keep those secret. I don't know if Shade would like me telling others about his past.

She sighed and let her words sink in for a little bit while turning her gaze onto the forest of willows that surrounded the camp.

"I can trust him.. I know that... well, next off.. I saw him once more just this morning. He said that he wanted to talk with me. So I went back to the Lagoon again really early this morning. Like it was still black out type of morning. He told me about important things, but mostly he confessed his love for me. Oh gosh you shoulda seen it. Sloane was all nervous like I had never seen him before.. Studdering even! I'm kinda glad I wasn't the only one who was afraid of telling their feelings." She joked and smiled laughing a little with a sparkle in her eye.

"He asked me if I wanted to be his mate too.. Don't worry I didn't say yes right away.. I had to think about it for awhile. " She closed her eyes remembering all of those tender moments that led up to their confession's. What really had her confused was that other feeling that her body kept on getting. It wasn't strong at first. Only an inkling of it on their first meeting. But every meeting afterward it felt like her blood was lit by a torch. Not a burning feeling but a good almost excited warm one. She only had those feelings when he touched her. Why was that?

Nari was silent pretty much ending her rambling story. Though she was veerry curious about that other warm feeling that seemed to be getting worse. In all likelyhood the young hunter would probably ask about that next if she felt comfortable enough with Kyrie.

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2013, 07:28 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
The grey girl rolled upside down. It was funny to look at her like that. With a smile she waited patiently till Narimé had made her mind up. Had she already told Elettra? Kyrie guessed not, though she believed Narimé would not held back this feeling for their leader. A soft puff came from the girl as she began to speak. Her beginning it looked like she had to keep her head ready for a bomb of information. It was the first time she got to hear the story of Narimé. With her Kyrie knew the background of two wolves from her pack. That while her past was one black spot for those in her pack and the outside world. It was okay like this, they didn't have to know unless the situation asked it. Kyrie may reveal bits and pieces but she wanted to keep the past at a low key. Not because she wanted to keep secrets but it was purely for self-protection.

So her father is somewhere around the Lore too. It did explain why Narimé was alone as a yearling. Most wolves left pack just when they turned into a adult. The yearling didn't get sidetracked as she continued the story of her meeting the one who turned her head upside down. A large grin appeared on the fae's face. Kyrie smiled with her, she could see it for her eyes. The energetic Narimé playing by the water and suddenly prince charming arrived. Her ears perked up a bit by the name Thorben. It sounded familiar.. In a flash the image of the large black male was pushed into her face. Jacob, he had been very friendly. Shade knew him too just as his sister. A light scowl appeared on her face. So Sloane was family of Jacob. If she remembered right the black male was seeking for Sloane. They had sent him to Sloane's pack that day. What happened afterwards was still unknown to her. She had not heard nothing from Shade or Shadowstorm so she assumed it all packed out well. Funny how things could turn out she thought chuckling softly not to interrupt Narimé's story.

She shifted her weight slightly. Seeing Narimé even better than she did first. The pack had not found yet so the girl could easily have taken another path with that of Sloane. It would have been more easier for the girl that way, but reality was different en somewhere she was glad that is was. If it was not for Willow Ridge she may have never met Narimé at all. It was all but clear that Narimé had a first sight love. A good love so to hear. Nice, kind-hearted, protected her. Kyrie didn't know Sloane but from Narimé it sounded good. She wouldn't want to see the girl heartbroken because of some flirt. If it was this way she could be happy for the fae from her heart.

..Like every little thing he did was something big? Like every touch seemed to burn on your body while it was just a simple casual touch? A soft laugh came out her muzzle as the girl hid her face. So Shade had already busted her hmm.. Well that was pretty mean from Shade, Narimé, did the girl know the brown male had a lover too? What was this with Willow Ridge, did Cupido shoot his whole arsenal on their pack or should it be pure coincidence?

The story was so sweet. It made her heart melt. Laughing, harder this time, when she thought about a shaky male trying to put his feelings into words. Ah, yes that's one harsh part. Harsh but better to say it out loud than waiting till the other would find out. 'If you had said yes it would be alright, though. If I look at you, I can't imagine you don't love him. It's good to think, however I think both you and me know the answer already.' She chuckled, if this girl was not in love she wouldn't know anymore. 'I'm happy to see you so happy and in love. You have to introduce me one time, I'm very curious now.' A soft glitter was sparkling in her hazel eyes. She loved love stories.
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She was glad to have told someone her story. About her love. For so long Nari had been nervous and scared of what others would think of her actions and choices. Of the one who held her heart. She wished talking to the others were as easy as talking to Kyrie. It always seemed like talking with friends was easier. Especially about precious topics like this. It made Nari's heart swell knowing that kyrie approved of her choice. Plus that she wanted to meet Sloane.

"If he every comes by again I'll call for you. I'm sure he would be happy to meet one of my pack sisters." She smiled and let her tail wag lazily thumping on the rock below her.

I should know by now that speaking with my pack mates shouldn't be like pulling fur out. They are my comrades...they should understand my feelings and problems and help out if possible. It should be easy to talk with them. She growled at herself for being stupid. That's what pack was there for. To help each other out. To band together when the time comes. That means i should be able to speak with any of the others like i was able to speak with Kyrie...That includes Elettra.. She told herself quietly and looked back to the kind white she wolf.

"Yeah.. I hope.. for the future.. just for it to be kind.. To everyone in my extended family.. and to me." Her words might have been disconnected to the topic of the conversation to anyone else, but Nari knew Kyrie would know what she was talking about.