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sweet sour — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Ku who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Liran Lael
Open for anybody, just trying to work into Liran's character a bit more. :3
There was no shindy found going on in the middle of the night through a particular ghastly wood. There wasn't much at all, just steady steps through falling snow that had long tried to completely blanket Liran. She hadn't been able to sleep, left with a nagging feeling that had clung to her like the snow from the moment she had set foot into the densest pockets of the forest. She had wandered in with the premise of rest, but there were things left to trouble her once silence had taken over.
She almost considered it a touch of homesickness; something she hadn't felt since the first week or two of her decisive departure from the only place she had ever really known. And when it came to the minute pack she had came from, she hadn't even really known everything there was to know about it, either. But could one really know everything there was to know? She had pondered the solution to her question for hours already, but had not come to any conclusion. So instead of being invited to sleep at the mouth of the first cozy spot she found, she listlessly wandered, plagued rather than touched by a philosophical bug.
(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2013, 07:12 PM by Liran.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah hadn't been able to sleep. She was still not used to being alone and she hadn't spent more than one night in any place since leaving home. Tonight was her second at the springs and she supposed that habit was making her a bit restless. Hopefully, whenever she found whatever destiny had in store for her, she would be able to settle down in peace. The golden fae finally gave up on sleep and rose to her feet to pace restlessly.

Soon tiring of the same terrain, she veered southward for no particular reason, other than she'd been basically traveling southward since she left home. As her pale form moved slowly through the dark forest, her mind drifted to her old mentor and savior even, Solanna. She wondered how she was doing on her own. Azariah had been her only real companion and she'd sent her away. Why would she make her leave after taking her in and raising her as her own for over a year?

With a sigh, she knew the answer. Destiny. Solarra had lived her entire life by it and taught Azariah to do the same. That was why the old healer had sent her south this winter. A sudden thought occurred to her. Was that the only reason? Her friend was old. She never knew how old, but older than any other wolf she'd known of and her muzzle had been pure white, despite the rest of her pelt being jet black. Perhaps she'd known something of her own future and that was why she'd been so adamant about Azariah leaving so soon...

Saddened by the realization that her old friend was likely in the afterworld by now, the golden fae moved dazedly through the forest, not even realizing when the feel of the place had changed and become almost heavy. A sound caught her attention, bringing her out of her fugue. When she finally fully took in the almost eery forest around her she decided that she definitely liked her springs better and would return to them right away, rather than spend the rest of the night here, alone.

Then another sound startled her, a twig breaking maybe? Focusing her sea blue eyes in the darkness, Azariah studied the area around her, while her heart rate sped up just a tad. It was likely nothing, just some nocturnal forest creature trying to stay out of her way... Then a hint of dark golden brown fur drew her attention. When she focused on that spot, she could just make out the form of another wolf moving through the darkness.Cautiously, she greeted the shadowy form, "Hello?"
(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2013, 04:31 PM by Azariah.)
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ku who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Liran Lael
More than anything, Liran wished that sleep would find her and lull her away to her dreams. At least there, she could sort out what did bother her, and on rare occasion it did in fact cure her homesickness. All in all, it was just a passing sort of thing and this she knew. Once she tired herself out, Liran suspected that she would slip into a nice deep bout of rest. However, it wasn't quite what would be happening just yet.
So deeply lost in her thoughts, she completely missed any cues that would have alerted her to another in the vicinity. It was her hello that caused Liran to jerk to a stop almost violently, sending her hackles up. But once she had ascertained that she had simply been startled by another canine — a seemingly smaller version than herself at that — she soothed herself promptly. “Sorry, you gave me a start there,” she said gently, letting a polite wave turn up in her tail. “I didn't expect to find anyone else out this late.”
(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2013, 09:10 PM by Liran.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah wasn't expecting quite the reaction that she received with he soft inquiry and she took a step back as the golden brown fae abruptly stopped, hackles raised menacingly. After a few moments of looking her over, apparently the larger girl decided that she wasn't a threat and relax with an apology. She took a step forward to her previous spot and gave the darker girl an appraising look. She appeared to be about the same age as herself, but she was considerably larger. The pale golden fae was accustomed to being smaller though. Most of those in her old pack were on the large side, whereas she barely tipped medium due to her many bouts of illness in her first year of life.

She took a breath and relaxed herself before she responded to the others statement. "I'm sorry for startling you! You gave me a bit of a fright as well. I suppose that I was daydreaming, while night walking?" She couldn't help a soft chuckle at her own statement, but that about summed up the situation. The other girl seemed nice enough, now that she didn't feel threatened, she was warming up to thought of talking to another wolf. She was lonely, plain and simple... andd she missed her long talks with Solarra. At the thought of her friend a shadow of sadness passed over her countenance, but she shook it off and gave the other a welcoming smile. "I'm Azariah. Azariah Phoenix. It's nice to meet you...." She let her voice trail off, hoping that the other would supply her own name.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ku who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Liran Lael
Once it seemed that both their nerves were smoothed down, there came the usual allocution that Liran expected. At least she didn't mind formalities, because after all, it was perhaps a bit proper and kind to start with introductions. There was never any telling what kind of creatures they were bound to encounter around the next bend, so it was fortunate that Liran had managed to keep decent luck on her side. Relic Lore was proving to be a place of easy-going wolves, even in the midst of winter.
“Liran, my name's Liran,” was her easy response, filling in the prompt that she had been presented with a smile. “It's nice to meet you as well, especially another night time daydreaming walker.” It was easy for her to chuckle at that because what could've been the odds that they'd be doing similar things? Then again, she had come across her fair share of ruminating folk as of late, but it seemed to be the season. Winter felt like the season of reflection, especially with dawn of new life thawing out around the corner.
(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2013, 09:10 PM by Liran.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
She relaxed a bit as the larger fae admitted to much the same action. What a coincidence that they should be engaged in the same, odd activity in the very same stretch of forest. Her laughter joined the other girls and she couldn't help a friendly smile breaking forth from her ivory muzzle. She liked this easy going fae and she missed having someone to talk to, even just in passing. With a shy smile she said, "Liran. That's a beautiful name. I don't usually make a habit of wandering aimlessly, especially in the middle of the night!"

She knew why she was wandering and wondered at why Liran was. She didn't want to pry if it was too personal though, so she simply asked, "So, what brings you to these....um, eery woods?" She gave a delicate shiver at the almost ominous feel of them and she couldn't imagine that a pack lived here, but you never knew. Liran didn't smell of pack though, any more than she did. Just another thing that the young women had in common, it seemed. Then with a sheepish grin, she admitted, "Frankly, they give me the willies. There not like the trees around my spring."
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child