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i'm feeling electric tonight — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

It was an odd night that not a cloud shrouded the sky. Instead of winter grey the night was blacker than the abyss, dotted by stars that seemed to gleam yellow midst a monochromatic world. Though they could only be seen far and few between, blocked by the Cedars that shot into the sky arrow-straight, their presence was known by the faint glow behind the eclipse of the tree-tops that reflected in her amber eyes as she surveyed the scene.

Though her love had come to her many times, she herself had rarely wandered in the direction of Grizzly Hollow's pack lands. It was not that she lacked initiative, but gall - for she was rather unfamiliar of the pack in comparison to the River Wolves, or her Poisoned former family, and she didn't even know where the lines were in order for her to avoid crossing them. And yet, in the oddest turn of events, she was not finally waltzing among the trunks of the Cedarwood for her silver-eyed lover. Rather she had followed the run off from the Falls, expecting nothing but stumbling instead across a winter delight hidden from view beyond a wall of rocks. It was a quaint pool collected from the spillage, possibly a spot to fish in the summer, but transformed by the winter winds into a sheet of glass-like ice.

It'd been cold for too many nights in a row for Ava to fear the layer of freeze would not hold her weight; and after all, it was a relatively small pool. The black she-wolf descended the path of rocks with a subtle confidence, moving slowly but with ease to the edge. She placed a leathery pad upon the snow-dusted surface and leaned forward. A moment passed with nothing but silence, and she placed the other forepaw beside the first. Still nothing. Then she brought forward her right hind leg, crouching in order to get the right distance and slid her rear paw on the frosted surface. With yet again the absence of any ice-splintering type noises a grin shattered her concentrated visage and she pushed off the stone with her last leg to go sliding across the surface of the ice like a puck on a rink.

For a moment she closed her eyes and felt the air comb through the fur on her cheeks, grinning like a child while her claws made designs in her path. Only when she came to a graceful stop halfway across the arena did she let her amber gaze be seen again. The stupid smile broke to release a fit of giddy laughter. Well, if sleeping wasn't on her agenda tonight then Ava decided this was a more than acceptable alternative - and with an added snicker, kicked her heel behind her to go dancing back to the other side.

(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2013, 01:11 AM by Ava.)
Played by Quail who has 6 posts.
Lune Ahura
The night was cold, and it was dark. The thick black sky was dotted with stars, and a half cast moon gave just enough light to give the land a shadow. A crisp breeze rolled slowly by, tickling Lune's overcoat into a subtle dance as her coarse hairs let way to the air around them. She took in a slow breath, swirls of steam leaving her lips as she exhaled. She licked her cold, moist nose, hoping to warm it for a moment but to no avail.

Her amber eyes scanned the area. She hadn't been here before, but that wasn't a surprise. It seemed like she hadn't been a lot of places around here. The more she traveled the more she realized just how few places she had been, how little she actually knew and how different the world was from how she expected it to be. Things weren't all like how it was in her former home. Most things were almost the opposite. The trees were different, the plants were strange, even some of the prey and predators around here she'd never seen before.

Yet, some things were still the same. The night was still dark, and the winter was still cold. Maybe it was because she was alone, but she felt like this winter was much colder than any she'd experienced before. The night may even be darker as well. That was the biggest difference between being home and being alone; everything was worse.

Lune shook her head at the thought, willing it away as long as she could before it once again began to gnaw at the back of her mind. She trudged on through the snow, hoping that the longer she walked the better things would become. Soon she would find something, or somebody. Whatever it was, hopefully it would make her feel less alone.

She was hit again by a breeze, but with it something else hit her as well. It was a sound, a laugh. Her head quickly perked in the direction, and her body followed suit. Through the trees she came across a frozen lake, and in the middle a dark figure stood. In the moonlight she could hardly make out the silhouette of the black wolf, but the reflection on the ice gave her just enough information to identify the figure was there.

her heart beat a bit faster, the idea of finding somebody else both exciting and a little scary. She didn't know the other, and the other didn't know her. But whatever risk she could have taken when it came to another wolf, right now she didn't care. She was too lonely and it was too dark and cold for her to not take a chance that whoever they were, they wouldn't hurt her.

She took a step onto the ice, her claws clicking against the glassy surface and giving away her location. It was a good thing, she didn't want to sneak up on the other wolf. She made her steps obvious, walking close to where the black wolf was, but stopping far enough away to give the other some space. Fear gripped her throat as she second guessed her actions, and as her mouth opened to speak she found that words were lost.

So there Lune stood, without a word, hoping against hope that she hadn't made a terrible mistake.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava was alerted to the stranger's presence first by her scent, followed almost immediately by the quiet clack of nail meeting ice. Silently she swung her dark head around to match the female's amber gaze with her own, two fires blazing from yards away - for now. The rogue watched quietly as the brown-furred female approached, smelling the caution in the air and taking note of her tentative steps. She moved as though it were glass that held their reflections, and immediately took interest to her mannerism. It was appreciated, a reminder of common etiquette. Wolves of the Lore were often more forward than one would expect loners to be.

And yet her formality, appreciated as it was, did not suit to the lean-legged female's tastes for the night. Slowly a grin stretched across her maw, pale teeth reflecting the moonlight that streamed through the canopies. Her honey-hued eyes shined with something mischievous as she turned her body facing the other forward. Though her gesture was aggressive, it was far from threatening. Her ears perked forward, her tail held neutral though it swayed without hesitation. In case there was yet apprehension held within the other she-wolf's chest Ava lifted her head and yipped across the ice, an invitation to sever any intimidation that might bind the female to be polite.

Then she pushed off her hing legs, the front of her body low with her forelegs pressed against the frozen surface. Her fur became slick with snow and she accelerated quickly, finally pushing off after an odd yard or two of gaining velocity. As she sailed Ava attempted to right herself slowly, though her sea-legs were considerably poor and every slight movement of hers sent her body swirling off in a different direction. All the while her face never faltered, genuinely excitable with the most childish of play. When she came to a halt near the western rock edge she tossed her head over shoulder to view the nomad's reaction to her antics, amber eyes still gleaming. Won't you dance with me?