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Thorns in my side — Lost Lake 
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Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
OOC: this will be set before sold my soul.

Namara had taken it upon herself to patrol the boarders, and mark them, since in the short time she had been with the pack she already bore their scent. Her thoughts were again on Tenzin, how could he do these things, had it been this way all along and Namara had just been to blind to see it? It was confusing to her, after all the running from her mountains chasing Kamota running for what felt like days on end only to find him here.... on a another mountain. but why did he go so far? Were she and Tenzin that terrible to him, she knew that's why he had left but that couldn't have been why he went so far, were there things that Tenzin had done while she wasn't around to further torture him?

The gray shaded massive she wolf peeled her thoughts off of her brothers and set them to the task at hand she continued along the boarder slowly, secretly hoping to run into a loner and Ash or Kamota so they could see her run it off, she was also Itching to fight something or at least beat on it a little bit. After all of the stupid things she had said at the boarder when she joined she really need to prove she could be trusted. Namara wanted nothing more than to inspire companionship in her pack mates and fear in everyone else. She growled a little and stomped a branch so hard it nearly pierced her paw, that only further pissed her off so she reared up and clamped her powerful jaws around a branch about half the size of her leg and tore it off of a dead tree. It would be her luck however that she would run into Ash and he would be angry at Namara for setting herself to patrol the boarder, after all no one had spoken to her since her arrival. The big she wolf shook off these thoughts and just continued her patrol.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2013, 06:57 PM by Namara.)
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
OOC: To fit my timeline, this is after Whistling in the Wind and he finds himself on the mountains again...

Brenton had run into a fair amount of wolves in the lore so far. Only one knew about Jessie. She was too prissy and annoying to give him any knowledge he would need. Not to mention Pandora was sly and mistrustful. He'd met a wolf up in the mountains, a pack wolf. Well, two pack wolves actually and both said they were from Poison Path. He found himself in the mountains again, hoping that maybe some of their packmates could guide him in the right direction towards her. He froze and took in the scents and there was definitely a wolf nearby. By the smell of the air around him he was near the pack border. He hoped it was Poison Path's scent, not another packs scent.

He continued forward, fully aware of the high risks of a fight for being too close to the borders. It was just a risk he would have to take to get this going, to find Jessie. He came upon a wolf marking the borders vigilantly. "Hi, I'm Brenton, I'm looking for someone, do you know her, her name is Jessie..." He asked her, unaware of her current mood. He let his head bow down in respect for her borders and his tail curl up flat against his full belly. He'd just eaten a little while ago.

As he waited for her response and her actions, he thought to himself, if he didn't find Jessie, what would happen? What if she didn't want him anymore, what would he do the? He'd just have to wait and see.

To find a friend...
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
"Hi, I'm Brenton, I'm looking for someone, do you know her, her name is Jessie..." Those were exactly the two things Namara needed right now, a loner, and he mentioned that crazy..... Bitch who had snarled at her just for telling her to shut up about alpha's. She uttered and almost Guttural growl, and advance with her tail and head as high as she could raise it. This was her pack territory and no one would come close to it's boarders and live to speak of it. The wind seemed to fade away and her vision began to fog all of her anger surged up within her, making her vision haze and tint red. She was barely holding on to her sanity at this moment, pressure built up within her was threatening to burst.

She looked twice her own size her eyes flashing in near fury the Grayish woman's hackles even seemed to quiver with warning her teeth bared in a nasty snarl. "I suggest you step back from that border and give me a Damn good reason for being here, did that stupid girl run off after whining about her alphas?" All the while these words spat into the face of the wolf before her, she raised one paw, and then the next, very slowly, menacingly approaching her query. This guy will either run, die, or be beat to a pulp... and then die She thought, he would not step anywhere near these borders, he would tell her that stupid girl was by the river but only just before her jaws close around his throat. Make your move she thought.
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2013, 02:40 AM by Namara.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The numbers of Poison Path members had been increasing well enough, and this made the brown brute quite happy with himself. He had been the one to scout most of them out before calling for Athena...it would have been better if Ava or Treena would have been with him though. Their fates were still undetermined to him and he had gone into quite a deep depression, before quickly being saved by his sister, Nina, and Queen Athena. Lucky for him, his tail had been saved quickly and he had been embraced by the two. He was now living much lighter then he had been before. There was no more depression to worry about and certainly no more girls to worry about...at least, for the time being. He was highly worried about Belladonna, even though she was quite strong for a pup her age. She was still developing quite well and Ash prided himself in knowing that he had been one of the adult figures in her life. Though he was quite unsure of the role he played, he just knew that he loved her. He wasn't sure if it was fatherly, brotherly, or something more, but he definitely cared for the small pup, and he would do anything in his power to protect her from evil.

His massive paws had started carrying him towards the borders, where he knew that other wolves were suppose to be on patrol. With the recent slip up with Kamota, Ash was making extra sure to look after the borders and to make sure that everyone else was doing their fair share of work too. His tail swayed behind him at an easy pace and when he heard an unfamiliar voice, he hesitated before taking a deep breath and slinking forward. The form of Namara's bristling form and a loner, who happened to be far enough away from the border, came into his view. His already slanted eyes narrowed and fangs pulled back to expose his canines. He stalked forward, his tail and shoulders high as he approached the pair. His ears pricked forward catching the last few phrases passed between them. Looking for someone...stupid girl. His dominance would be noticed and his deep voice broke through Namara's words. "Miss Laylani, if your eyes and nose are failing you, let me enlighten you and rely the information that this man is far enough from the borders." As if to make a physical display of his words his walked along the border line, showing how the dark male was far away from where he was. Ash had also caught the sign if submission towards Namara on the black male's part. Poison Path did not have cold hearts...there was no need to be rude to the man before them.
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2013, 03:34 AM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson
OOC: Oh no you didn't Namara, Brenton is pissed lol

Brenton barely sniffled a snarl as she turned defensively for her pack. What had she called Jessie? Did she call Jessie a Bitch? This did not bode well with Brenton and soon another wolf entered the scene defending him saying he was far enough from the borders. It still didn't matter, his irrational actions were against his nature, but this was what he had to do. Stand up for his friend who was practically family. "What did you call Jessie?" He growled, he was challenging Namara right then. Looking her straight into the eye. "Jessie is practically a sister to me, don't say anything bad. Or you may not have the time to be able to take it back." He snarled at her.

That was it, he may not be a fighter but he could take her on. He kept his submission for now. What would this wolf do next? Perhaps she would go piss on his mothers grave or insult Cali? Who knew anymore. "Where is she? You know, I know you do, where is she?" He questioned the female. He looked at Ash, an apology with an angry voice for his current behavior. "Sorry for the anger, it's just that she... just.. just never mind, sorry, she's infuriating me. No one offends my family or my friends without hearing from me." He stated, loyalty to his family mixed with a fixed anger in his voice. He figured that Ash might take his reactions the wrong way. But this bitch deserved it for calling Jessie such a vile name.

To find a friend...
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Dammit Ash! Namara thought, why did he have to show up now? She could deal with this, she hadn't planned to attack him at first, just scare him from the border, and asking about Jessie was not a reason to approach anywhere close to the Poison Path border in her eyes. Hindsight was a bitch though, she should have said no and let him walk away depressed. That would serve him right for hanging around that crazy she wolf. But as per the usual she couldn't be scary if she had to submit, to her... superior. She hated being under everyone's thumb, Kamota's, Athena's, and Ash's. She was useless if she couldn't act on her own.

Namara allowed herself to settle for long enough for Brenton to speak again "What did you call Jessie? Jessie is practically a sister to me, don't say anything bad. Or you may not have the time to be able to take it back. Where is she? You know, I know you do, where is she?" The large grayish wolf was about at the very end of her fuse and a split second from leaping at his throat. He turned and spoke to Ash as well "Sorry for the anger, it's just that she... just.. just never mind, sorry, she's infuriating me. No one offends my family or my friends without hearing from me." Namara offered the smallest of nods behind a barely suppressed glare, and lips that where showing just the tips of her fangs.

She understood where he was coming from, she had felt the same pull with Kamota. That was his moments respite, knowing that Ash would only rebuke her if she said nothing she offered two things,'Tell your Sister or whatever she is, that she should not snap in the face of a wolf in pain." It was true, she had been hurting that day, and Jessie had snapped in her face, yes she admitted she was growling it made her angry, but only with herself. Maybe had their moods been different it wouldn't have ended the same. All the same Jessie still called her a Terrible sister, almost ironic. Namara spoke again before Ash otherwise this would end much worse, "There was a large stone and a river near by, you couldn't miss the river, now either keep being smart or leave" Even though Namara offered a way out, the light of challenge remained in her eyes, he had done so to her, and she would not back down if he decided to make good on it.
(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2013, 07:53 AM by Namara.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Ash snorted, his large form coming to stand by the female that he called pack mate. The words that the other male spoke rang through him, and when he was greeted by an apology, he simply nodded his head in understanding. The wolves within Poison Path were his family, along with Nina, and he would do anything it took to protect them, and he too would get angry if something was said, though, knowing him, he probably wouldn’t act on it, though others might of thought he would because of the tough mask he put up for everyone. His tail flickered behind him as he listened to the conversation between the two, happy to hear that the conversation seemed to be taking a turn for the better. The wind loudly whisked in his ears as Namara’s words came to him, and when the description of the land greeted him, he knew what pack.

Memories of an old friend swept into his mind. A gray female with blue eyes swimming with him, despite him not liking the water. Being close to one another, before being split apart by their differences. Having helped save her from her brother, from almost death, before repeating the deed himself with Nina. He swallowed, his green eyes staring at the ground and reverting away before lifting his head back up and clearing his throat, his voice calm and once again emotionless, “The pack she speaks of is in the Sacred Grove. Swift River pack.” His ears flickered and tail raised high as he watched the dark man, his shoulder nudging Namara gently, slight affectionate, glad of how she had handled the situation once he had arrived. A fight was not what they needed.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by --- who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Brenton Nelson

Brenton listened only to the male now; he was still angry at the female for calling Jessie what she did. He gave him a nod, he was smaller in size, and he had his tail curled under him and his ears flat against his skull. He would show submission where it was due. After all he was near the borders of a pack territory and this wolf had just helped his quest in such ways that could not be paid for. “Thank you for your help kind sir.” He said, he should have started off right then, but he knew not how to get to this pack. “How do get there? I’m new to the lore and have never passed by the place.” He told Ash.

Brenton gave not one look at Namara. He would fight her only if it was required of him. With his size and strength he had no doubt he would win, but he preferred not to fight. He would respect this pack’s territory and the members that resided in it. He didn’t care at all about that devil that had insulted Jessie. It was only the insult that the witch refused to take back that had angered him. She herself was fine, though she had much of an attitude. His mood had changed drastically since his arrival here. He wanted to know the place better; he found himself going and being more irrational every second. He kinda liked it, but he was also afraid of it.

To find a friend...
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
The moment Namara felt the nudge she almost fell over, Ash was being nice? Something was surely wrong, and she flashed him a look that could have directly translated into Are you about to die or something? She was in complete and total shock from the gesture and nearly forgot about Brenton entirely for all of her staring Ash. However Brenton's voice would indeed break into her thoughts shortly after. She tilted her large head at Brenton, surely he had not just switched is mood that quickly? He seriously had to be just as crazy as Jessie to do that. At the male's request however Namara simply snorted at him, she would give him no information other than to go down the mountain and not to come back.

Stupid river wolves, why would you want to live by a river anyways? She kept her thoughts silent and merely gave Brenton a steely gaze as if daring him to flash at her once more. There was no mistaking the fact that even though the light of challenge was blatant in her eyes she would not attack him unless Ash let her. Instead she began to wonder when the green eyed wolf had finally began to feel any kindred ship with her. It was odd but in a way she hoped it would last, she liked his way of silence and strength. She also secretly liked the way he seemed to have made Kamota at least a little more determined. She would do the rest of the job there and make him into a proud hunter. Her eyes didn't stray from Ash now wondering if she would get to see more of this 'kind' thing he was doing.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

His emotionless green eyes stared at the man calmly, wishing for the loner to get away from their borders. Poison Path did not appreciate visitors in their land, and as cruel as Ash may have acted, he always found himself becoming peace-maker when it came to fights possibly breaking out at their borders. Blood was not something that they wanted to have along their nightshade border. Snorting softly, his ears pricked once again when the male spoke of his thanks and asked yet more questions. He had answers, but not ones that he wanted to willingly give away. He had friend…or he had had friends in the past from Swift River, but that had been quite a long time past. Clenching his jaw he spoke firmly to the dark man in front of him, “Just scale down the mountains west of her, and you’ll scent the border.”

He then lifted his head, staring at the man in front of them as the demand came off of his lips, “Now leave our borders and give us sanctuary.” His tone was brisk and filled with and order, as he strode forward slightly and once the male left, his large body turned towards Namara, his green eyes speculating. How much she was like Treena threw him on edge, but yet he did not show this, not even to his leading lady. Flicking his tail above his back and letting it sway behind him, he barked out an order to her, “I will finish your border run. In the meantime get some hunting done,” he paused then, thinking about the other part of his sentence that he was unsure he wanted to finish. In the end, he ended up saying something different, “And please make sure Kamota is not late going his border patrol this evening.” A small glint was lit in the mossy eyes of the man as he continued on the females border run, not bothering to look back towards the Laylani sibling.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.