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Coming Back Strong — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;"> As time wore on, snow was slowly starting to cover the area in a thin blanket of white. The trees were now almost bare, only a few orange or red leaves here or there. The drooping willows seemed to be making winter a place of beauty, and it made the golden brown angel’s heart swell. Her head tilted slightly, her tail wagging as she walked through the area as if it were her throne…when in truth it was Elettra’s…Nina’s hierarchy belonged within the thickets. Her one emerald eye surveyed the area once more, coming close to the borders of Willow Ridge. Today her goal was to come see how Kyrie had been doing…Nina had not heard of her since she had been healed and the healer wanted to see how well the other was developing.

Since her recovery Nina had gained plenty of weight, most of it muscles and the other, just filling in the spots where she needed food. Her leg had made tremendous progress, she was now able to jog around, as if she were a pup again. Most of her scars were now covered up by her thick coat, one that was now becoming thicker since winter was coming in. Her tail curled in happiness…perhaps the girl had grown some since she had been gone? Tilting her head towards the sky, her large powerful voice filled the willows, asking for Kyrie’s presence, and if need be, one of the alphas. She then sat down, close, yet not near the borders of Willow Ridge as she wanted for the appearance of her friend.

In that time, her mind wandered… Her forming pack had many founding members…and if they all stayed then she could surely start the pack with a strong, steady core. The only thing that Nina longed more than anything was for spring to arrive. It made her flush thinking of how she was already fantasizing about having pups with her mate…the possibility just left her speechless. She blinked once, her good eye soon returning its attention back the white wonderland of the willows.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
It had been a day or two since she was back again. The white girl embraced the warm safe feeling of the willows. Never would she miss that warmth again. Waking up with her brothers or sisters next to her. Hearing them breath, none of that she wanted to miss. Her home, her family. Once again she had felt how it was to be alone, though it wasn't fully her fault for getting lost in the mountains. Either way she had finally the chance to wash off all the dirt that had been piled up on her fur. A fresh white coat once again. It matched new winter aura. She was a bit thinner than she used to be, because she had been too afraid to hunt. Now she could gain the lost weight back again.

In her absence Willlow had gained many more family. It was a bit scary, though the girl was a founding member she had been gone for quiet a time. Was she unworthy? If she was she would try to prove herself once more to not only Elettra but her family too. Also getting in touch witch the new family an the old. She had missed the company of her friends. If Shade came back from the borders they could maybe talk a bit.. Kyrie moved her thoughts aside. She had to use her head in order to not make any mistakes in ordering the herbs. The mountains may had been a scare to her but they held plants she had never seen before. Collecting them in the little rift she had made her Den for the past days. That way her visit had been in some way good for the pack.

A sudden call broke her thoughts again. Happy her ears perked up. The call was from a good friend. A big smile appeared. Fast she putted the last herbs in order and ran into the cold. Where should she be? The call came from the borders, obliviously. The white head rose and let a clear answer for her friend. She was coming.With her speed it took her not long before she had reached the borders. Searching, sniffing around she tracked the scent. 'Nina!' She shouted out of happiness as she saw the golden spot. Running towards her friend as a happy cub. Her nose touched Nina's with a playful grin. 'How are you?' The brown female looked thousand time better than she remembered. Hopefully Nina was doing well, but Kyrie had already a answer just by looking at her.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;"> It was not long before the familiar form of Kyrie came into view. Worry flitted its way into Nina’s gaze as the younger girl came closer. She seemed thinner than she had last seen her, and it brought a fresh wave of concern following through the healer veins. When she fully approached, she formally touched noses with her friend, a small smile on her face. Her ears twitched slightly, as she spoke to the girl, "I am great!! Much better, thanks to Elettra! How are you doing, Kyrie? It‘s always good to see you again." Her good eye glittered in happiness at seeing the younger girl, though it was odd to not smell Willow Ridge as strongly on her as she would have supposed.

Had something happened to the young girl while she had been gone? Perhaps she had just gone on a little traveling…with the permission of Elettra of course. With her head positioned high, Nina licked the top of Kyrie’s small head. Her protective instinct was telling her to hunt something down for the girl…but even the girl across from her probably knew it would be a risk for the healer. The didn’t want to strain her leg anymore than she was right now. Maybe one day she would be able to hunt again…one day at a time though. It just took one day at a time…
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Nina looked so good! It felt years ago that she had talked with Nina in the Infirmary. That day the brown fae was still full in her healing process. She had looked awful but now live was blown back and Nina looked alive. Just like the first day the two females met. Elettra's balsamaceous had done wonderful things. Seeing Nina, it gave the white girl even more reason to become Healer. Helping others, seeing them heal and in the end hopefully they would be all healthy again. The white she-wolf felt the warm tongue striking over her head. Pleased her tail twitched in joy. Kyrie had missed Nina. She had missed everyone.

'I'm doing good,' Her voice sounded still happy but the overwhelming smile lessened a bit. Nina didn't know of course. She was not in her pack so her friend didn't now about her missing. Actually Kyrie didn't want to tell her about her short adventure. She didn't want to make her worry about something little. After all she was here and not dead in the mountains. Kyrie sighed softly as she averted her eyes. Tapping with her paws on the soft snow layer trying to find some strength. If there was anything she didn't like as telling bad news. 'I was.. Lost in the mountains. My new brothers Sica and Phineas found me.' She was so thankful those two. Did they know? She hoped she could become closer to them, letting them see a other side of her. Not only the little lost girl that they saw in the mountains. 'Everything is okay now.' She said as last, it was true. She only had to gain some more weight and everything was normal again.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;"> Her tail flicked behind her once as she stepped away from the smaller girl, taking in her features once again. It would seem that she had gotten much smaller, and had everything been fine then Nina would not have to worry. Had Willow Ridge gone through a food shortage? It seemed when she was greeted with her answers Nina’s good eye widened in slight shock. Gotten lost in the mountains…? The golden brown female had never been in the mountains and in truth hadn’t planned on going there anytime soon. It reminded her too much of where she had lived before she had traveled into Relic Lore and she wished to think of that place no more!

Her tail wagged slightly been she found this though, for it meant that the young female would be able to gain the meat back on her bones in no time at all! Twitching her ears she spoke, "That is good to hear…I have some news. Copper Rock Creek has disbanded, if Elettra hasn‘t informed you of this already." The rest was kept silent though…she didn’t want to give away her plans until she knew they would be set in stone. She snorted slightly, her one good eye staring at Kyrie.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KyrieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 180px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
Nina did a step back. As the one green eye screened her once more. A bit nervous her paws scrapped some leaves from the earth. 'I'm okay, please don't worry.' Her murmur was soft but clear for her friend to hear. She was lucky to have no serious injury after her little ''trip.'' Just after some weeks everything would be back to normal and it would look like she had never been missing before. She still found that she should apologize to Elettra and Koda for her missing so suddenly. It wasn't even planned. It was just that.. Isra.

If Nina had listened to her or made her own judgement it seemed like Kyrie had her OK. A bit happy that the things were settled she smiled satisfied. She still had to talk to some other members but it would be okay. Her gaze sharpened a bit when Nina talked about news. What would it be? Had something happened, Nina's voice wasn't really happy like so it had to be bad news, or just important. Full attention for the brown lady Kyrie listened to the voice who continued to talk. Her eyes become big brown moons and her jaw dropped a couple centimetres. '..Di-disband?' The word came with difficulty out her mouth. 'Why..? I-I don't understand I thought it was pretty okay there?' Not like she would know she never met any other wolf except Nina who was from this pack. But from the little information her friend had given in their first meeting Kyrie had formed a pretty nice pack with nice wolves and just the happy family picture. In disbelief the white girl shook her head. 'I'm sorry.' Her voice was filled with sadness for her friend and her old packmates she did not know.
(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2012, 08:32 PM by Kyrie.)
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

At first Kyrie looked pretty upset with the way she was reacting to what was happening with her, but Nina smoothed it out evenly…when she heard a small apology come out of the smaller female’s mouth the healer could do nothing but smile at the younger girl. Her tail flicked behind her slightly as she considered her thoughts silently in her head. What was the best way to explain her feelings about this current situation? Silence reigned over them and Nina did nothing but stare into the willows behind Ky. Her tail was now brushing against the ground slightly when she spoke again, "It‘s alright. Most of us have recovered already. We can‘t have another‘s decision affect us forever."

Her voice was laced with truth and honesty. She knew that Aeylen and Ruiko would have had to of had a good reason for leaving…even if it had been with the pups. First had had been driven deep into her heart, but eventually she had hardened, and she no longer had any problem with hiding her emotions from those around her. There were always those selected few though and those would be the wolves that Nina would always be most thankful for.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
Many things seemed to have happened while she was not in the Willows. It was so strange, as the time seemed to freeze in the mountains, it kept going for all the others. How much did she miss? If she had been here at the time of disbanding she would have supported Nina. Kyrie couldn't have done much but her own feeling said she had failed as a friend.

The feeling tightened around her heart, yet the white girl didn't let it pass through her face. Nina herself had already moved on. Her words were strong and firm. Ah of course, Nina was smart and strong. After all her injuries and other hardships Kyrie didn't know about, here she stood strong. A small smile played on her lips. The girl stepped forward and touched her head softly against Nina's shoulder. The fur brushed gently against her cheeks. 'So strong and warm. Nina is really amazing..' Kyrie sighed but smiled. 'I'm glad to be here. I don't want to lose any of you.' Never, she would never let this go. Her simple existence and her simple happiness. She didn't asked for more. Just her friends and family, to not lose it again.

Kyrie stepped back to look in the emerald eye. 'What are you gonna do now? You won't stay a loner right?' The lifestyle of a loner, it didn't suite her brown friend. As she knew Nina as a family wolf who loved her friends dearly. Being alone, it was just so lonely. Besides it would be hard, winter was here already. 'Would you come and join the Willow? I'm sure many would be happy to meet you!' After all Nina knew Elettra and Koda already. She met Shade too, if she was right, and Nina was kind enough to get along well with the others. Her packmates were very open and nice so it shouldn't be a problem. Her white tail wagged in excitement. Expectant her eyes watched Nina. If Kyrie knew from Nina's plans had she offered her a place in Willow? The answer was probably yes.
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Nina’s tail wagged gently behind her as she listened to Kyrie, and instantly touched the other wolf’s cheek when she came in contact with her own shoulder. It was the motherly instinct that she had been born with. It was in her to protect every being as well as she could, no matter how it affected her. Unfortunately, those facts also went towards the ones who did wrong to her and others…usually she couldn’t find it within herself to be mean to another, or see another in pain. Ever since her alphas had departed she had grown colder, though, her heart still remained warm, it just took a little longer for others to gain her trust. It was not easy, having others leave, but even Nina knew that she couldn’t make other wolf’s decision waiver her own outlook on life.

With Kyrie’s last request, Nina would all but shake her head at the younger fae, her words coming out slow, but strongly, "Unfortunately, fate will not allow me to join you, as much as I long for a home…it is time for me to create a family of my own. The remains of Copper Rock Creek still need me and I must remain for them, to keep them together." Her explanation was brief and simple, not going into any further detail and leaving out all the problems with her plan. How to tell Koda was a big problem…though Elettra already knew of the arrangements that were to be made after the pack were formed. Willow Ridge and her forming pack would become close allies, for Nina owed Elettra her life that she had now and much more. It would be as if the alpha of a pack were tied under the commands of another alpha, from another pack…but Nina knew she would not allow it to be so. The new pack would have to be strong, and the golden brown fae would not allow Elettra to rule over them, even if it meant bad things could occur.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
The warmth Kyrie felt from Nina was pleasant. It was a long time ago since she had felt such warmth. It reminded her to her old home. In dreams she could still see her sister appear in front of her. Harsh cold eyes. Eyes used against a traitor. Shaking off the frightening image she hid deeper in the brown fur. Hopefully she could somewhere in the future end the past things so clean and solid like Nina.

Kyrie really wanted Nina in their pack. Yet the head of the female already shook in refusal when her words had came in. The words coming out were slow but Kyrie could feel the strength from every letter. It seemed like things would not go her way this time. Stated in a other way, Nina soon would have her own family. Her own kin and family. A home created by her own paws. If she was thinking that way, it sounded really attractive. Kyrie smiled happy for Nina, maybe a bit sad for herself. Kyrie would manage, she had the Willow after all. 'Well, I guess we won't ever be packmates that way.' Innocently she shrugged. 'Either way we're friends. Give a howl when you have you're home, kay?' Grinning like crazy again she gave Nina a playful push. Things would work out. She was sure, there was nothing what could give her assurance but it was just her optimistic way of thinking. If your wish something it may come true. Nina will make this home of her reality, and soon when time was there Kyrie would come and visit.
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