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Believe In Me — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
This is a RE thread for Secret Woodlands pack. All welcome, to pack members. It is set on 02/01/13

She was still slightly uneasy about the whole ordeal with Koda. She still didn’t know of what had happened to him and she was longing just to hear something about him and to know that he was at least alive. A head injury could have been treated with the right medical help, but of course the alphess hadn’t been there when Koda had needed her most, only because of her stupid fear. Then she had gone back into the mountains to look for her brother and that truly scared the living daylights out of Nina. She had to accept what she did in the end though, for dwelling on the topic would due her no good. She was head female now and she had to start acting like it. Truth be told, given her personality, she was growing into her position quite well, with the help of Sloane. She had been quite busy with the work she had been trying to pull off, but by the end she had grown quite content with her living standards.

Time could not be wasted in the pack though, and as she padded through the forest, the crackling of wood caused her ears to prick forward, stopping in her tracks. It was a good thing she had done so, for no sooner had she stopped had a tree come crashing down though the thickets, landing a few fox lengths in front of her, and causing a spiteful of dust to form around her face. She coughed briefly, trying to clear the air around her before she assessed the fallen tree. It was obviously an old thing and quite tall in height from where it had fallen. Her sniffed at it curiously wondering what else could have caused the fall besides old age. It reminded her much of the accident of which had happened with Koda. She tried pushing the memory away though she hadn’t appeared to be too successful. At the moment, all she wanted was the presence of her family by her side, and so, hoping up to the top of the fallen tree, using the regained muscles in her shoulders and hind legs, she stood atop, her head leaning back to call for her family. Perhaps they would like to see the interesting fall of the tree.

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2013, 06:45 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was once more in pursuit of a rabbit. Sheer will power kept him from giving into the frustration of failure. He was sure that each rabbit that he missed had told two friends to come and taunt the big red wolf. Finding the long-eared vermin was ridiculously easy. Catching them, however, in the Thickets, was entirely another matter for him. He could not sprint and dash as a smaller, swifter wolf might and he growled to himself that this one would not get away. The white furred rabbit had made the mistake of fleeing into a slightly more open area and the huge wolf had closed ground. He could almost feel the warmth or it's little body radiating on his nose. Just as he was about to make a final lunge, an odd snapping sound, like a branch breaking, but much much louder reverberated through the woodlands and the rodent darted to the left with an extra burst of terror-inspired speed.

Forgetting the chase, as it was now a lost cause in any case, Sloane's ears perked towards the sound. The initial thunderous crack was quickly followed by and eery groaning and more smaller snaps of large branches. His eyes spied the top of a tall tree disappearing into the canopy of the surrounding woods. A loud thud signaled the end of it's journey and he could just make out a cloud of dust through the trees from it's hard landing. He turned towards it first with curiosity, then with worry. That had been quite a large tree. One of his pack mates could have been harmed.

When he heard Nina's voice ring out strong and true, a small amount of relief filled the large wolf. At least she was all right. There had been no pain of distress in her call, merely a summons. Despite knowing that she was all right, he was anxious to see with his own eyes that the green eyed fae was all right. He wove his way through his new territory quickly towards her location. He let his breath out in a puff of steam when he saw her perched atop the fallen tree. He grinned at her and said, "You forgot to yet 'Timber', Nina!" He finished with a low chuckle.
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was again making his rounds on the border of Secret Woodlands calm and steady when he was here, in his element. Keeping the borders free of intruders, he had successfully scared away a coyote earlier and was quite pleased with himself. The little canine didn't have a chance to come near the border Hollow was guarding before running for the hills. His paws were getting tired though, time for a rest he thought. Stretching his jaws in a wide toothy yawn, he began to head back towards his den so that he could take a short nap.

The young wolf had just ducked back into the trees when he heard a muffled crack splintering wood he thought casually knowing it was a tree whom had grown to large and old for its roots. He changed direction to go and investigate the noise at a slow pace when Nina's call pierced the still air of the thickets. For a short moment his ears pricked and his eyes opened wide before realizing this was not a call of distress. It was also casual so he knew it wasn't necessarily to be heed the call but he decided to go and investigate anyways.

Hollow upped his pace, finding with surprise the ease that he found moving through the thicket, roots and vines, brambles and thorns no longer snagged and tripped him. He was silent now as he made his way towards Nina's call. When Hollow appeared at the scene Nina stood upon the trunk of the fallen tree, and Sloane stood on the side opposite Hollow with a grin upon his face, The young male hadn't heard the words they exchanged but merely stayed his place on the ground, He barked in greeting to both of them knowing they hadn't seen him "Hello Nina, Sloane" he offered. There wasn't much he could do in the way of submission from where he was so he just dipped his head. He strode around the other side to stand next to Sloane and bump his muzzle to Sloane's shoulder with a happy spark in his eyes, the big wolf was quickly becoming something of a father fixture to the young wolf and Hollow was always happy to see him.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Her head then bowed, her behind lightly sitting down on the bench that the tree had provided for her. It did not take long at all for her friend Sloane to arrive, and with his words all she could give was a small smile, her good eye conveying the one emotion she felt she could no longer hide from him. The pain she was feeling over Koda’s memory loss, the plan she was silently forming in her head to go visit El to go finalize the alliance between the two packs. She did wish to inform him of her doing so, to ensure that he would stay within the pack borders for a few days so that she could get the job done. She spoke calmly, her eye the only sign that she was in distress as she sat a top the tree she could now call her throne throughout the thickets. "I must be leaving to finalize the alliance between Willow Ridge and the Secret Woodlands this evening. I hope that doesn‘t cut into any of your plans." Soon enough, the thickets themselves would start to grow upon the fallen tree and then it would be a test for those who wished to climb upon her throne. Of course, it would take someone some time to figure out how to get up there without injury of the sorts.

Before she knew it, another member, who had stuck close to her since he had promised his loyalty to her, arrived. Hollow quickly made his way through the thickets with surprising stealth. It looked like someone had been doing a plentiful amount of territory runs. She would definitely like to discuss the man’s future with him on a later date, but right now she simply observed as he politely dipped his head a greeted them, though the favoring glance towards Sloane did not go unnoticed. Nina remained unsure if this would waver Hollow’s loyalty to her when, in the end, Sloane would be leaving to be with his love. Would Sloane take her members away from her? An emerald eye fixated back on her best friend as her emotions turned to stone once more, not wanting her other friend to see her sadness and weaknesses. Jumping down, her paws landed evenly on the ground, biting back a soft growl from the sharp pain that sprout through her back leg. Sometimes when she was not feeling any pain, she forgot about how easy it could be to agitate her healed leg. Giving a smile to Hollow she greeted him, "Hollow! It is great to see you. I hope the thickets are treating you well?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He enjoyed seeing the little smile upon her face, which was the reason that he had teased her a bit. She was so serious these days, with stress over running the new pack.. although everything seemed to be going smoothly there.. and more importantly to her, her worry and distress over her mate. She didn't talk about it with him, but he understood. Speaking of it would make it even more real and painful. He could only hope that Koda would be found and healed so he could soon join her. He didn't know Koda well, but he seemed a respectable wolf and he meant the world to Nina.

She spoke of going to Willow Ridge to finalize the alliance between the two packs, wondering if he'd stay close to the Woodlands for a few days. He gave her a reassuring smile and a nod in the affirmative. "Not at all, Nina. Don't fret, I will look after your family as if they were my own!" He answered in his deep comforting voice, with a playful wink to reassure her. Since, at least for now, they were his family too. Then he grew serious and told her softly, "Everything will work out Nina."

Before he had a chance to say more a now-familiar voice called out to them from the far side of the tree and he found his tail wagging in response. Hollow had come to see what was going on. The smaller male approached and bumped him in the shoulder with his muzzled and Sloane gave him a smile, even as he lifted his tail in dominance. They were definitely becoming friends, but Sloane still had to remind himself to act like the alpha that he was. He returned the greeting with a simple, warm, "Hollow."
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow had caught part of Sloane's words, enough to know that Nina would be taking short leave for a while. He raised an eyebrow but that was all he would not pry into leader business it was none of his. He took a moment to take in the way his leadess looked perched atop the fallen tree. I the short weeks the pack had been formed much had happened, the pack hunt searching for dens and the appearance of Azariah which to most had been major. To most save Hollow who felt very funny Round the golden she wolf. However he noted that in that short time Nina had risen quickly and become a very apt leading lady. The grace and confidence she exuded just standing upon the bark of a fallen tree put her one whole not h higher to Hollow. He suddenly felt very honored to be subordinate to the she wolf and would be proud to call her, queen of the thickets. He felt a rush of determination to work towards the rank of guardian, to rise through the ranks and be second to her, loyal and true his alliegence had not been misplaced.

At the same time the dark wolf felt a small prickle of dissapointment for he would like for Sloane to stay and continue to lead them. Hollow knew that was not to happen Sloane had his own destiny awaiting him in some other part of the lands and Nina's true mate would lead instead. But even with the dissapointment Hollow knew he would be able to count on Sloane to be his friend and wise advisor for years to come even if It meant a days trek to find him. Lost in thoughts of his leaders he almost did not notice that he had been addressed by Nina. "Yes Nina, I enjoy our home very much, it's warmer than most places in the winter" Hollow smiled awkwardly he was unsure of how to talk to his leadess and made note to spend some time with her.
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah's ears swiveled frantically at the sounds that were echoing through the Thickets. Like branches breaking underfoot, only magnified a thousand times. When a groaning followed the first loud snap, the golden fae felt shivers run down her spine. She'd never heard such a sound in his short life. Then more loud snaps rang through the woodlands ending in an enormous thud that made the girl almost literally jump out of her skin. These woodlands were so different than where she grew up. There had been wide expanses of land with rolling hills and beautiful flowers in the springtime. Here the thickets clawed at one's coat and she was forever picking twigs and dead leaves out of her soft pelt.

She supposed that she would eventually get used to it all. There were many more perks to her new home than downfalls, so she counted her blessings. She had a wonderful new family and friends, food, shelter and protection. With a flush, she thought of Hollow. Perhaps even love? Of course, she reminded herself, she hadn't yet shared her worst secret with him. What wolf would want a fae that was barren? Her mood darkened for long moments before she heard Nina's call. She instantly perked up, a smile lighting her face at the thought of her Queen. She was strong, proud, devoted and protective. All of the things that Azariah wished for herself to be. Without hesitation she hurried towards the call, although she couldn't suppress a shiver when she realized that it came from the direction of the unknown noises.

In short order, the golden fae weaved her way through the terrain towards Nina's call. As she neared she picked up Hollow's scent and her head lifted slightly, sea blue eyes brightening at the prospect of seeing the handsome yearling once more. She heard voices, but could not yet make out the words as she emerged from the thickets not far from where Hollow had. She saw him standing by Sloane and took another step towards them as Nina jumped down from a huge fallen tree. So that had been what the sounds were from! She was relieved to have a cause for the sounds that had spooked her earlier. The healer in her didn't miss the whisper of sound and physical reaction to Nina hitting the ground, although it had been so subtle to have been missed by the untrained eye.

Realizing that Nina was fine, Azariah approached her beautiful leadess and crouched down slightly, curling her tail loosely to her belly as she licked her leader's chin. She then did the same to Sloane, moving to Nina's side afterwards and giving Hollow a quick shy smile of greeting while her neck warmed with his mere presence. For now, she said nothing, merely waiting for direction now that she had answered Nina's call.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Silence reigned over the area for many moments before Hollow seemed to have realized that both Sloane and Nina had addressed him. It seemed as though the man were in deep thought and the alpha briefly wondered what he could be thinking so intently about. When Hollow did finally answer her question, a small smile graced her beautifully displayed features. The land she had picked had been a surprising one, even to her, but it suited her way of life for the better. The thickets provided them with cover and the secluded area seemed to be warmer than some other areas due to the dense forest of thickets.

It did not take long for another one of their members to arrive though, and Nina was pleased to see that it was one of the woodlands newest members. The alpha female did not miss the quick glace to her former injured leg and it made her brain click to the instant conclusion that she knew. No one else ever spared her leg a look, for none of them, safe two or three knew about her leg injury and those who did, knew very little about it. Her greeting to her warmed her heart, and when she approved the leader, Nina gently nuzzled the girl’s cheek, her tail held high above her back as her subordinate submitted to her. She soon moved on towards Sloane, before quickly making her way back to Nina’s side.

The alpha did not miss the glance that both Hollow and Azariah gave to one another and it caused a stir within the woman. She did not believe that either of her pack mates would do anything that would be harmful to the pack or would disrespect either of their alphas. Both of the young wolves had common sense, though the alpha still did not know of Azariah’s problem if she were to try and breed with another. Her golden ears twitched and she flickered her ears, her tone more business-like than it had been before, "Speaking of the pack. What skills do you two plan on specializing in?" Her tail swayed back and forth behind her back, quietly awaiting an answer from the two.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Although there was a pause, almost as if his mind had been elsewhere, when Hollow answered Nina's question he couldn't disagree. The confines were aggravating to a wolf his size, but the thick growth did provide more of a wind break than most areas which did make it warmer. Then Azariah arrived and he gave her a smile. He didn't miss the concerned look that she gave Nina when she jumped off of the tree and he took a measure of pride in her observation skills. There were only a few wolves left that had been around when her leg had been broken by her brother in an attempt to end her life. Her limp had been quite noticeable in the beginning, but since she had returned from Willow Ridge after being properly healed and rested it was barely there. Now with the passage of time, only acute stress seemed to point it out a bit. Like jumping down off of a fallen tree.

She seemed to be fine and he gave his friend a smile as Azariah moved forward and submitted to Nina with no prompting and then to him. The girl returned to Nina's side with a proud look on her face and it warmed his heart to see the affection that she held for Nina. He could only hope that she would stay on once the winter came to a close. She seemed to be fitting in nicely here in the Woodlands. Although he gave a secret smile at the glances shared by the two yearlings, he to wondered what the spring might mean for these two. If they let things get out of hand, then their chances here in the Thicket might be threatened. Perhaps he should talk to Hollow about that specific part of being in love and remind him of the consequences should he and Azariah choose to breed.
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
A small rustle of ferns heralded the appearance of Azariah, Hollow began to fell hot under his fur very quickly the closer she got. Ever since he had spoken with Sloane, he had avoided her, fear taking way every time he thought of telling her. Love, could it really be? Hollow wondered as she approached in what looked like slow motion to his strange eyes. The ruffle of her golden fur and her blue eyes, he felt as if he could drown in the depths there. Her scent was intoxicating, yet there was more than the way she looked. Just being near her made his heart beat faster, made his brain go into warp speed and ram all of his thoughts together. Until she spoke, her voice would still his turmoil and make everything okay as if by magic.

Her smile plastered a very ridiculous look to the yearlings face and it remained as Nina spoke. Still It took several moments for Hollow to recover and he very abruptly and painfully realized he was staring at a tree as though his life depended on making it love him. Once the dark wolf's thoughts had organized themselves to their original state, he answered. Sloane's words rang in his ears as he spoke, it was his chance to tell Nina what this pack meant to him. "When the time comes I would like to take on the title of guardian, and until that time I will carry out the duties as if I already were. Nina I will protect you and Sloane, and the rest of the pack with my life if I need to. I will not let anyone in these borders who mean harm." At this he glanced to Azariah as if to say 'yes, I would die for you'. Then he offered his own submission to Nina, for her ears only he whispered. "My lady I could not protect my family for I was too young, but I will protect you and the pack as if they shared my blood." Through all of his turmoil in life, this was the only decision he was ever completely sure of.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2013, 03:59 PM by Hollow.)