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Her rumors — Lost Lake 
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Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
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Eva Hervok
Eva placed her trust in the white guardian of the river in order to lead her in the right direction. Though the female had not heard of either Ash or Nina, she had said that another pack lived very close by and also pointed her in the right direction. After quick words of good-bye, Eva quickly slipped away into whatever shadows she could find and went on her way. Cali had told her the name of the family she was going towards- Poisoned Path. Just the name of it sent shivers down the small girl's spine and conjured up images of huge, frightening wolves with claws and teeth meant to tear and bite into flesh. What if they decided to kill her instead? She had put her life on the line once when she was so close to Swift River territory, and now she might not get lucky a second time.

There was no where else to go and nothing else to do if she did not finish this mission. Wandering around in the depths of the forest and sleeping in the cold was not exactly a preferred choice. Maybe, just maybe, her brother or sister were here? Then she could join them and they could be a... family again. The need of having someone to care about her ran through her veins with surprising quickness. Eva wished this feeling would go away, but deep down knew it never would. Being such a despicable child sent on fake missions just to make her go away would do that to you, the yearling supposed.

The female wolf had skirted around Swift River territory, making careful, conscious steps to stay away from stepping over the border. It had gotten colder since, and now with every step her breath rose up around her head and disappeared into the cool, blue sky. An especially large huff or puff sent a ring around her ears before similarly vanishing into thin air. Cold snow crunched beneath her still-sore pads, though the rest before did help a little to ease the pain. A familiar rumble echoed through the quiet air, the hunger growing more each day. Every now and then she managed to catch a skinny little animal, though it wasn't much. As the days went by she became weaker and skinnier, her lively eyes dulling with each passing moment and terrible thought. An optimistic one would pass through her mind, forcing her steps to move faster and daydreams to take over as she thought of the future once she found her siblings.

Finally Eva scented another border. This one smelled differently of Swift River. The Hervok paused hesitantly before it, stepping back a few feet to stand further away. Doubts ran through her mind as she attempted to shrink away. What if this was the last meeting she ever had with another? Her mother would never know what had become of her... and probably would not care. She tried to find her voice to call for someone-anyone- but she just could not do it. A small whine emerged from her jaws as her anxiety increased with each second. Eva just did not know what to do.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

Much had happened in Poison Path. Many had left…including Naira, Datura, Rais, Adonis, Chantille, and Tlarx. It had caused deep problems to stir within Athena and Ash’s mind and soul. The remaining members weren’t exactly ones that the two of them trusted yet, and honestly didn’t know very well, save Belladonna and perhaps Steel. It had put Ash on edge and he wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to start dealing with it. He was highest male position for the time being and would gladly step down if Athena asked this of him. Whatever made her happy was alright in his mind, as long as his subordinates didn’t test their alpha’s word. His mind and body didn’t seem to be stopping at all recently and Ash didn’t know what to think about what was going on with everyone and it was getting hard to keep up. In the end he knew he could do it though, he just needed to push himself.

His strong developed shoulders rolled easily when he walked the borders, marking the territory heavily and keeping a watch out for any unwelcome loners who so happened to be too close to their borders. He hadn’t had too much of a problem with it recently, but when he did, it put a sour taste on his tongue and sometimes he just wanted to bite someone else’s head off. Today he was in a lighter mood though, and so, when his mossy green eyes scanned the area and landed on the small brown form of a female, he didn’t snap, nor did he howl or growl. There was a sense of peace about him for this day. Perhaps it was the fact that he had seen Nina…for she had certainly helped brighten his foul mood, along with Athena. He needed to embrace life while he still could…otherwise, who knew what could have happened.

He approached the edge of the borders were the female seemed to be thinking, not realizing that the female had a blind eye, and called out to her, “Hello there, miss. May I help you with something?” His fluffy tail wove high above his back, and his shoulders rolled back as he did so, showing that he was a highly dominant wolf, but otherwise not bothering to show any aggression. The emotion was needless at the moment, he was happy and the day ahead of him was bright…unless of course this fragile loner decided to cause him trouble…then that would be a different story.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eva Hervok
A large powerful wolf began his approach. Eva scented him before she even saw him, and the realization sent a wave of fear through her body, leaving her shaking. Her unsteady legs sent her backwards a few steps before she stopped and cowered down in an attempt to make herself even smaller than she actually was. Ears leaned back against her skull as her single good eye attempted to see far enough to view the character. Some kind of soft, barely audible whine emerged from her jaws before she could attempt to stop it. Her yearling body was still shaking as the dominant wolf spoke to her.

He was male, that much she could tell. The words he spoke seemed honest and truthful to her. Though he made sure that she knew she was close to his territory and that he was guarding it, there was no underlying threat, only polite words and then a question. Eva had been expecting a charge towards her with a fierce attack, but he stayed on his own side of the border. She cursed herself once again- while she was too busy wondering what to do, her stupid brain had not figured out that someone could approach her while she was standing clear in the open. How many times would this happen until she would get it?

The yearling wished to remain silent and not answer his query, but it was a direct question and she would prefer to escape from the confrontation alive and not make him angry. She did not want to lie to him about her true intentions, but despite feeling that he would not hurt her there was still a wariness there. What if she answered wrong and he became angry? If he brought up Ash and Nina, what if he would only give her bad news and tell her that they had been dead this whole time- or that he had killed them himself before advancing on her? Doubts filled her mind and she could not come up with something to say. Finally she took a deep breath. "I am looking for someone," she managed to say, her blind blue eye looking blankly in his general direction while her green eye nervously darted back and forth.
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2013, 05:28 PM by Eva.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The younger female didn’t seem too excited to see him, and he felt generally sorry for her. He was quite larger than she, and as a yearling it would obviously be hard for her beat him if they did end up getting into a fight. Her brown fur was familiar, along with the one green eye that she had, accompanied by another blue one, that seemed cloudier than a normal eye would. Ash wished to get closer, but he also didn’t want to scare the wits out of the young girl. He planted his rear on the ground as he waited patiently for her words as she shrunk down before him. It was as if the scent of her fear was palpable in the air. He was generally curious as to what could have made her so scared that she would shrink down at the mere sight of him. The guardian watched on when she finally spoke, her voice so soft, it almost made him think of another female that he knew.

Pushing the thought away, his ears twitched, his head tilted to the side slightly at her words. She had not offered a name or anything, just that she was looking for someone. Ash didn’t know many wolves within the lore, but he knew quite a bit of wolves. His thick tail curled around his paws, large, lean, muscled shoulders pushed back, still ensuing that he was the dominant wolf over the lands that he stood on. Exhaling, he spoke kindly, trying to see if he could get her to relax…it was obvious she was not going to give him any troubles. “Alright…well, let’s start with a name. I’m Ash.” There was no last name needed for this encounter, he wasn’t sure if she even had a last one and if she did he didn’t need anyone else spreading his name around. The need to protect Nina still stayed fresh in his mind, and if Marcus, his father, found out about his sister being alive, he didn’t know what he would do. He was sure his father would tear Nina apart without second thought. So the easier the two of them stayed hidden, the better.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eva Hervok
She stayed a distance away, yet still watched him curiously as he sat down. It seemed like he had no intent of leaving and was perhaps looking for some kind of situation? Eva kept a wary gaze on him, but if he did try to charge her she had no intent of lingering. With her one good eye she could see he was a large wolf, with a brown coat mixed with black, very similar to hers. He had greenish eyes that seemed to be staring into her soul whenever he looked at her. Without knowing how or why the yearling felt some kind of attachment to this male. When he spoke she felt like she could trust everything he told her without fail. It was a curious feeling that she'd never felt towards anyone else except for her mother and well, that did not turn out so great. And thus this feeling frightened her a bit.

Despite her one bad eye, his dominant position was not lost on her. He was obviously the king of the lands around her of Poison Path. She knew that if she made one wrong move, not that she was planning on it, he could snap her like a little twig. Then he surprised her saying "let's start with names." Eva waited, saying nothing, as he continued on with his sentence and told her his own title. Her eyes widened. Ash? Was this- THE Ash? No, it couldn't be. That was silly. Surely there were other Ashes around here? Then her mind connected the fact that they looked alike, so much so that they could be considered.. related? An audible gasp emerged from her jaws as she stood completely still as if frozen. Her muscles wouldn't move. Her epiphany shocked her so. Was it after all this time she had finally found him? But what if it wasn't? Then she would seem silly. "....Hervok?" she finally asked, her voice coming out in a light whisper which could still be heard from where he was sitting. Her legs were able to move and she tentatively came closer to him as if to inspect him and see that he was real.
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2013, 06:05 PM by Eva.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

After he muttered his name, it was as if the yearling suddenly froze and Ash wasn’t sure if she was scared or surprised. This made him slightly nervous, for goodness knows what reasons. The only wolf who he could have understood who would do that, would be someone who was being hunted, or was hunting someone else. Silence reigned over them for so long, it made the male, who had been asking for everything to be silent, uncomfortable. He silently shuffled his paws, and when the female finally spoke, the utter of his last name echoed on his head. The male’s ears twitched in recognition to his name. With a uncertain cock up his eyebrow he spoke, “Yeah…who are you?” His voice was filled with question, unsure of how this female knew of him.

He didn’t even need to ask the question though, some pit inside of his stomach grew. He knew there might have been a time when his father was going to send someone out for them…but for some reason he couldn’t see this small yearling as the one that he would send out to find him. The female approached him closer, as if she were curious as to how he was build and his appearances. Unfortunately, it reminded him of the same way Treena had approached him, making sure to know each and every curve of his body. It brought slight longing to his heart for his mate who so happened to have disappeared. His ears almost flattened across his head, before he remembered his audience. Mossy green eyes tracked back to the multicolored ones of the girl in front of him, but more than once, his gaze settled back to the strikingly familiar emerald eye.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eva Hervok
Eva stopped for a few moments, suddenly unsure. He seemed to recognize the name, that much she could tell. However he did not respond? Suddenly feeling embarrassed, she stepped back. This must not be that Ash. She must be wrong. Then he responded. Ash Hervok... that was his name. This was the guy she was looking for. For a second the Hervok yearling did not know how to react. "Eva Hervok.. your half sister." she replied tentatively, a large smile growing on her features. There was a great joy that suddenly blossomed in her chest. She wasn't a disgrace! She had followed her mom's orders! Now she actually did have family!

Then a thought snuck into the back of her brain and taunted her. This was her half-sibling, not her full sibling. Still family, of course, but what if he did not want her? Ash most likely had never heard of her before, since she was raised away from all of the others. He probably wasn't even aware of her existence. For a second she just wanted to run forward and push her head in his fur and just be content with how things were before they could change. But her steps forward faltered and her smile faded as she looked at him. What if he reacted badly to that? What if he didn't believe her? The one thing Eva wanted more than anything was a family, along with the love that ties in with that.

There seemed to be an awkward silence that filled the air as Eva waited to see if Ash would respond to her. Maybe then, just maybe, she could approach them and they could continue the conversation as siblings instead of strangers. He could lead her to Nina, and then she could finally complete her quest.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2013, 10:53 PM by Eva.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
He was weary, no one had ever guessed his surname since he had first entered the Lore and it made him wonder if something was to happen in the future that would not benefit Nina and himself. He could not shake the feeling that something might have happened, something bad that would effect the rest of them. He frowned and scowled slightly at himself. Finally after he had settled a bit, her words came to him. If she was his half then that meant....her father was his father, which meant that Nina's mother was her mother. This also meant this kinchin would be hunted if their father knew of her existence. This girl could be the downfall to Ash and Nina's reign within the Lore. He would not let this happen, especially not to his sister, whom he now owed much to. But the brown alpha had to remind himself of the thing that hurting Nina had done to him. He never wanted to do that to anyone else ever again. The deed would not be caught done on his watch, especially not to another of his blood. He was capable of love, he knew, it had been one of the things that being with Treena had taught him, even if now after everything had happened she was not here. If she was now living up in the stars, he wanted t believe that she was looking down upon him, happy of the way he had turned his life around. Oh, he missed her more than he was allowing himself to, but it was one of the things that he had been willing to give up to serve Athena. Some of his own emotions that warred within him had been put on hold, and he was not exactly sure when he would be able to let those emotion flow.

Being within his own thoughts had made him forget about the small female in front of him, letting silence hang in the empty air between them. Just to make sure he was not losing his mind, he stepped forward, his muzzle reaching forward to try and grab the scent of the female then... It was there, the whispering scent. He remembered it so clearly, it was kind of like how Nina had smelt when he had first encountered her, though it had been shadowed over by the alpha's scents that she had bared. Joining a pack had been wise decision on her part, covering up her former scent, but it seemed as though the effect had not had time t reach its full climax when Ash had found her, and she had almost been killed. Thank the mountains her mate had showed up before he had finished the job. Otherwise, he now knew he would have never forgave himself. Swallowing he finally spoke, "Does Marcus, our father, know that you are here?" His mossy green eyes looked into her own emerald and piercing cloudy blue eye. Thinking about it now, if the girl had another emerald eye, or a shut blue one...Eva would look like an exact copy of Nina. Sending her to Nina might have been the best option. The girl was still a yearling, and life down on the ground would probably be a better one then up in the mountains. Who knew...maybe Nina could help Eva become even more keen and alert using her other senses, considering she only had one eye at the moment.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2013, 04:14 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Alanna who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eva Hervok
Ash seemed to freeze for long minutes. He was obviously thinking about something and Eva's heart sank as she saw the expression on his face turned to a scowl. What had she done wrong? All she did was find her brother! Would he not be accepting of her? Perhaps it was a good thing that her shyness held her back from walking up to him and pushing her head against him and being glad she had a sibling. Did he look her up and down and think of her as a freak of nature? Would he turn her away? Would he kill her? These questions whirled through the yearling's mind as she stood there. Eva wanted so much to just run away and break down in sadness at the cruel workings of the world, but she knew she needed to see this through.

Suddenly he approached her, and her eyes grew wide as he bent down, inches away from her to smell her. The Hervok closed her eyes tightly, hoping it would be quick if this was her final death. The silence between them grew, and with every passing moment Eva was becoming more nervous and her eyes opened once more. Her one good eye caught the gaze of him for a moment as he pulled away and she could see so many emotions there, no matter how he tried to hide it. She only held the eye contact for a moment and then looked away. This experience was confusing her greatly. If only she had the voice, perhaps she could ask him "a penny for your thoughts?"

Finally he spoke. He was asking about her father, Marcus. Eva knew barely anything about him, only his name. She had thought about sneaking closer to the main camp of the pack to take a quick peek, if he was there, but her anxiety about it all always stopped her. Her mother never really mentioned him at all, only in passing when she asked who her dad was and why he was never there. Eva swallowed before replying, "I don't think so. He doesn't even know I exist." She could feel Ash's gaze on her, looking her in the eyes. But after that statement she could only look away.
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2013, 02:46 PM by Eva.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The small girl in front of him seemed to be quite confused by his question, and a small snort escaped her nostrils. This was an important fact that he needed to know for sure. A simple yes or no would do for him, and if what he feared the worse for became true, he would have to warn Nina immediately. When Eva’s answer finally reached his ear, he could feel the muscles in his back slowly relaxing. This was an extremely good thing for the little Hervok in front of him, and with a little twitch of his tail he said to her, “You should be thankful to those who kept you well hidden.” He spoke with some under-laying emotion within it, he himself did not even know what it was, he just knew he felt a small amount of relief to know that his other…sister? Yeah, his other sister was safe. She obviously had not seen Nina yet, seeing as she had not known who he was. The resemblance between the two half-siblings were remarkingly similar to one another, having gotten most of their physical traits from their father.

He sat down across from her, his dominant stature relaxing slightly knowing that for the time being. He wandered if his other brothers and sister will still there with his father, along with Nina’s own brother and sister’s, though, if he remembered correctly not many of her liter had survived. With a small sigh, she spoke to the half blind wolf in front of him, “I suppose you are seeking Nina out too? From here, it is about a four day trek. Once I get clearance from my partner, perhaps I should travel with you. It would be saver and perhaps quicker. Ash also wanted to see his other sister again. It had not been long since she had come to the mountains herself, a place she had obviously not wanted to be. It was his turn to make the trip, but this would only happen if Athena allowed him of it. If not, then he would still happily lead by her until that time came. He silently watched the girl’s facing, reading her reaction to what he had said.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.