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bane on the empty mind — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani
My ship is sinking but it's
all good and I can go down

It was all too quite here. Too vine-y (he had a bad experience with vines..). Snow stuck to the edges of his furs, but no actual chill reached him, thanks to his thick Laylani-blessed pelt. Serenity rang his ears. The water boringly trickled to his right. Birds tweeted in the distance. Where was the action? The battle? The lust? He craved the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. His demonic mind just couldn't handle much...peace. With that, Tenzin scented the ground and the air several times. Someone was here. A dark smile formed on his red-and-white maw. His black lips peeled to show his stained yellow cutters.

Where was the wolf he smelled? His lava eyes prowled to find the intruder. This man wouldn't make it far if they went to battle. This guy couldn't be any bigger than he was. Not many wolves were, even the most monstrous ones. His paws planted themselves as he held his ground. He went into brick wall mode as he waited for an ambush, a confrontation, a sign other than a scent that someone lurked nearby.

And whoever it was, he would devour them whole. In one. big. bite.

code by SWITCH | graphic by GREY | photo by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe stalked and prowled all day once he crested that damn mountain. All the white wolf had eaten was the pickings from birds and coyotes, the prey here seemed much quicker than he was used to and it seriously pissed him off. Crowe's mind was a torrent of hell and hatred, pain and sorrow and there were few thoughts he had recently but the most recurring one was Why wouldn't they listen, why why why, it was an accident. They shunned me, I'll show them I'll show everyone who crosses me they will all die. His massive form prowled further until at long last, his ears pricked, there before him was a wolf, russet, male, sturdy. A wicked smile curled on the ends of his lips, he could put up a fight, not much of one, but he could do it, The face of this wolf was one of utter confidence, he thought Crowe was a lost little loner.

Oh but how wrong he was, Crowe was not a loner, he was bloodthirsty, his pain giving way to his anger. The male must see him his eyes were aimed just to his left, a smirk passed his face [I[I love snow[/I] he thought maliciously. He kept a smirk on his face and stepped from his hiding place in full view, this wolf was close to his size, but Crowe was bursting at the seams, his whole family was. He walked right up to the stranger without hesitation and let the cold icy voice roll off of his tongue. "Crowe" he spoke keeping his stance neutral but strong. "Your pack?" he said, in a pointed way, he could smell the scent and only wondered where he should start, finding allies, or victims.
Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani
So here it was.

The wolf he saw next was nothing like he thought. His eyes narrowed and his eyes glittered at the handsome size of the white man. His surprise was uneasily hidden, but not much about him changed-except for the widening of his dark grin. This was a beast of equal opportunity. He seemed to relax, as if boasting his advantage. He wasn't sure how to react, but his cool was not lost. The man introduced himself as "Crowe."

Ten repeated the name in his head as he proudly replied, "Tenzin Laylani." Truthfully, the wretched, wicked man was quite satisfied in flaunting off his last name. It didn't really matter, though. This other guy started to ask him about his pack. His smile became a defiant snarl. "You're damn right." He felt growl rumble in his throat like an earthquake. He was reminded of that blue-eyed loner he found on the borders the other day. "What do you want with the Pass?"

code by SWITCH | graphic by GREY | photo by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe was pleased with the reaction he instilled in Tenzin, he liked the look that passed his face. The smirk Crowe wore turned back to a wicked grin, damn right eh? Well it was good know some wolves weren't weak, once again his vision blurred and his world became sharper, as the wolf before him began to dissolve, and he saw himself. Snarling, Proud, Crowe smiled visibly in the real world. It was an evil smile, devilish and terrifying to most, it spoke volumes of his ever increasing madness. The hallucination cleared and once again there was Tenzin before him.

The great white wolf flicked his tail and sent some snow spinning off of the branches behind him. His stance neutral and proud this would be the point of no return for both of them, they would either agree or they would fight. Crowe stepped further forward, a distance much too close for the comfort of strangers. His icy voice sliced through the silence like hot steel. "Information" He asked Tenzin, very plainly Crowe was not one to be indirect. "What kind of pack?" He growled himself this time "Strong.... or weak?" The white wolf was a snake in his own, right, presented in a gentle way he could be gentle until his livid irrational anger overtook him. Presented with one so wrong as he, he would merely be himself and no unwarranted attack wolf come . Crowe waited the wicked grin still remaining on his, face, what he decided to do with this information even he did not know.
Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani
Tenzin tensed for a few moments. That smile. That damn smile. Fuckin' scary. He grumbled uneasily. The man's eyes seemed blurry and unfocused. In a blink, they sharpened and focused. It made his fur bristle. What was...wrong with this guy? The way he stood was almost demanding of Tenzin. His words were regally harsh, yet plainly spoken as he asked about Ten's pack. A familiar protectiveness boiled under his skin. No fear was instilled in him, only an odd curiosity. Crowe's body language was all screwed up. That smile, that stance, but his words..

"Fuck you. Of course we're strong." His words were spoken in a deep bark. That was all he was going to say. No more information for this guy. He was troubled by this situation a little, but he kept in mind that he could take this guy down just like he got rid of that meek blue-eyed stranger at the borders. He made it a point to remain neutral. There was no need to fight...yet. Silence once again fogged the air. It was unlike any tension he had felt before. The man was so strangely close.

One thing that Tenzin didn't want was another reason to kick this wolf's tail. His mouth parted slightly, letting out huffs and pants into the cold winter air. Why did he even NEED this information? They weren't really taking members at the moment. He made a mental note to warn the others about this guy. He kept his position, glaring at the other wolf through molten orange-stained eyes.

code by SWITCH | graphic by GREY | photo by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe immediately believed Tenzin's words, Good, they are strong with such conviction. thought the massive wolf. It was some place he might like to contribute to, especially with one specimen such as the one who stood before him now. His smile stayed intact as he took a step back from the male, the pride in his odd stance slacked back and he was once again in a fully neutral state. Crowe was pleased to find strength in these lands, vicious strength at that. He let the silence stretch as he meticulously calculated his next move. Would he test the strength of Tenzin Laylani, or would he simply accept the wolfs words. Crowe thought and thought battle moves in his head and words swirled and mixed until he decided.

Suddenly his grin vanished, rapid paces forward brought him nose to nose with Tenzin, snap he clicked his teeth. Crowe spun around to bring himself farther from the wolf again, if he flinched it would be battle if he stood his ground it would be the one thing Crowe hated. But it would come unbidden respect cruel and evil respect for one whom could be so wicked as he. "Well?" Crowe said icily,"If they are as strong as you, maybe we can come to an agreement." As evil as the white wolf was he knew that in the end, he needed a pack, it was the only way he would survive, the only way he would save himself from total madness. If this went well he wished to meet Tenzin's alpha and become a warrior once more.
Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani
Tenzin watched his company, wondering what he could possibly bring to the table next. A fight was no longer a possibility. Any teeth put on this opponent's white furs would be thought of putting this obviously loosely-minded man into his place, need Ten do so. His tail steadily drifted upwards and curled as he declared his dominance. If Crowe sincerely wanted to be part of his pack, then he would need to learn how to deal with things like this. Dominance. Order. His eyes glinted as the man came nose-to-nose with him. They breathed the same air now. They were equal in eye-level, to the point Tenzin stared straight at this man. He didn't do this often to others without having to bend his muscled, dusty red-and-gray neck.

The man's intimidating smile eroded away. The clack of teeth caused him to internally flinch, a growling arose in his throat. It caught him off guard, but the he remained stone. He drew back his teeth and let out an aggressive snarl. His emotions, body language, and thoughts were always going to be more aggressive than Crowe's. They would be more battle-ready. This would be one of their many noticeable differences, and one of the things that would balance the couple out perfectly. Tenzin perked up with the icy cold words that sat on his spine. Even when he inadvertently complemented Tenzin, the tone still didn't warm up. "Hmph. Agreement.." He watched Crowe smugly. He rolled his eyes. "Sure, I'll just wave my magic wand and zap you into the pack. Mhm. That'll do." His sarcasm could easily be spotted behind his sharp, gruff words.

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2013, 01:33 AM by Tenzin.)
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Nothing, not even the twitch of a whisker, this was a wolf he could agree with. The trait Crowe had become most proud of was his uncanny ability to unnerve and terrify but Tenzin seemed made of stone. As if the mountain itself could not move the wolf, the growl that rumbled from within was satisfying, the reaction was perfect. No fear just a growl, the way Crowe liked it, pure strength with no time for other petty words. No questions as to why a wolf would behave this way, no fearful wonder. The massive white wolf let his tail and crown lower just enough so that Tenzin understood. This is all you get okay? If need be he was sure he could submit to an alpha for if the big wolf before him did not flinch away from Crowe they would certainly be deserving of the submission.

Crowe eyed him as he spoke, sarcasm, this guy had to be fearless. No one ever had spoken to Crowe the way this one did. The massive wolf enjoyed it the company of a like minded individual was stimulating to the dark side of the white wolf. The yellow eyes of Crowe began to glow as he took in the words of Tenzin Laylani his own retort began to form in his mind. "Well if it's that easy then I'll just wave my magic wand and we wont have to walk" A smirk played upon his facade that was just as devilish as the smile he so enjoyed that scared others witless. A worthy adversary to be certain one who's mind was as twisted as his. Unstable in a word was the volatility of the situation, at any moment both wolves could be expected to attack the other. It was perfect and Crowe silently enjoyed every single second.

Silence reigned between Crowe's words and he let himself contemplate. If the huge male before him was to take him to his alpha he would have to be very sure that an ambush would kill him, he let his yellow orbs search. Boring into Tenzin's he was attempting to search the soul of the one before him trying to find some weakness some where but either the facade was impassible or their was no weakness. The gaze intense Crowe was no longer looking, now he was playing, yes playing.... If Tenzin holds such control over himself his alpha must be a true power to behold. "You'll find no fight from me unless you invite it, however if you agree to take me to your alpha I haven't met any loners to shred recently." It was both a request and an extension of a "partnership" as much as he hated to admit, he was already beginning to like Tenzin.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2013, 04:26 AM by Crowe.)
Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani

Crowe seemed to respect his dominance. Stepping forward to lick Crowe's face somewhat affectionately, Tenzin grumbled in agreement. He stepped away slowly, whiffing in the other male's scent and putting it to memory. He chuckled with no apparent smile as Crowe retorted his sarcasm. "We can live happily ever after." He remarked, flicking his ears. Ten couldn't help but notice that the man was suddenly normal. It felt like a game of chess between two kings. The smile stayed, but his words did not spiral out of normality as they were perfectly sane for the moment. He had the urge to sit, but he didn't want to seem weak or vulnerable to the white jester.
Silence was heavy in the air. For a brief pause, there was nothing but Crowe's thinking expression to show. His yellow eyes met Tenzin's orange molten ones. He kept an unbreakable expression and stared straight back. What was he doing? He was looking for something in his eyes, but he wasn't sure what the white man wanted from him. A fight? Tenzin invited many wolves to the bloody birthday parties that were "fights". He heaved his chest in understanding. So, this was it? He was just going to let this crazy son-of-a-bitch into his precious Nomad's Pass, near Namara and his family? There wasn't much hesitance in it though...the answer was an obvious yes. He was an extremely strong wolf, matching his own size almost perfectly.
Naira is going to be pleased. He had a fifty-fifty chance with the satrap king, Rhysis, or "Wolf." He honestly didn't care much for the man, but he was forced to respect him. His pelt crawled with the idea of the lanky black wolf and Naira having pups. There was no explaining it, but it most likely had something to do with Ten's mental promise to protect her.

"Wave your magic wand, brother."

In other words, yes.

code by SWITCH | graphic by GREY | photo by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
The magic wand. It was the pivot of this encounter Crowe felt kindred-ship with Tenzin Laylani. This was not one he wanted to meet in battle it was time to start anew and Crowe was certainly prepared for it. Crowe stepped to one side and allowed room for Tenzin to lead the way. "I'd still like to shred that loner." he said with an almost pleased gleam to his mad eyes. White paws, scored their claws across the snow in anticipation prepared this instant to kill something. Ready to meet this leader, and ready for battle. To instill fear in the hearts of those who would let it be instilled. The maddened wolf wanted to feel something for this one's pack, something like he felt here. No, no feeling that was true to speak of but something, more in the way of having an ally. Crowe made no friends, only followers, and allies.

Even submission to the male meant ally, in his mind at least. It would be given where it was due and earned, Tenzin had done that stood Crowe's little 'test' with not even a twitch of his muzzle. Crowe was satisfied with the encounter. "Where to now... Brother?" said Crowe with an almost mocking tinge in his voice. There was no more threat however, Crowe unknowingly had the same thoughts as Tenzin, It was indeed a game of wits. But played between two masters over fear, two who's hearts were matched equally in darkness, and heads equally measured in wit. Crowe's respect began to tug unbidden at his belt and he allowed his head and tail to lower another centimeter. In time Crowe would be almost... normal, at least as far as Tenzin would be concerned.