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Enter, Guinevere — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Swift who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
((OOC: Am I doing this correctly..? I'm still a bit new to this kind of roleplaying..If I am doing anything wrong, please do not hesitate to inform me, and I will fix it.))

The beastly ebony femme trotted absent-mindedly into the open landscape, auditories upright to detect the faintest traces of sound. She raised her maw, taking in the refreshing scents of the crisp, cool air as she continued along. Her thick, dark pelt shielded her body from the frigid temperatures, which she was certainly pleased about. The ground was covered in a blanket of fresh snow, glinting delicately in the morning light. A small cloud of vapor had appeared beside Guin's maw, perhaps due to her steady breathing in of the crisp air.

Today she planned to first find something to eat, then perhaps explore the area a bit more before finding a proper den. "Now, if I was a hare, where would I be..?" She murmured softly to herself, her tone cheery and plesant as it often was. Guin would not let the weather chill her attitude. She raised her maw again, body poised as she carefully pressed her dark pads into the soft ivory sheet below her. A hare would perhaps be hidden in it's burrow, wouldn't it? A faint scent of a small, furry creature entered her narrets, and a light smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. Perhaps it was something she could eat? She approached the scent, slowly picking up her pace until the snow was flying out behind her in a steady sprint. She skittered to a halt, eyeing a small burrow lodged in the side of the uneven landscaping. She knew her dark pelt would certainly be a beacon to all prey animals, as well as wolves, to stay away. She lowered her body into the cool snow, flattened her dark, rounded auditories, and stood still. Mayhaps they might think I'm a rock? Thought Guinevere, before swiftly shaking her head in irritation. Of course they wouldn't think she's a rock!

A small, ashen head popped out of the burrow, followed by a long, slender body, and two large hind legs. A hare! This was Guin's chance! She had been unable to find a single prey animal that she could take down in some time, and she had been becoming rather hungry. As the small furry creature skittered out of its burrow, it raised its head, as if listening for her. It had not yet seen her, to Guin's pleasure. She was carefully hidden behind a snowbank, so her dark ebony fur was concealed fairly well. The hare came closer and closer, and soon she would be able to strike.

Unfortunately, the eager Guinevere struck a bit to soon. She leaped, missing the hare's furry body by a meer inch. The startled creature took off, with Guinevere hot in pursuit. She couldn't let it get in it's burrow. Then, her meal would be lost forever in the snowy depths of the meadow. As she ran, she felt herself slip on a patch of ice. Now, of all times to fall! "Agh!" She collapsed into a bank of snow, and the hare scrambled back into it's burrow. Guinevere stood up, briskly shaking away the excess snow from her pelt. "What is the world coming too, where I can't even catch a simple hare?" She muttered irritably to herself, looking longingly at the burrow.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:17 PM by Guinevere.)
Played by Jacqueline who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Xander Artemesia

The weather had remained somewhat consistent the past few days; cold. The air was cool and crisp, refreshing to the male’s nostrils as he took a single deep inhale, slowly de-tangling the spider web of scents into recognisable silken threads. He could smell the freshly fallen snow that blanketed the landscape in bright, glimmering white and he could distinguish the sour, decaying scent of the dead grasses that lay trapped in their earthen graves beneath it. The scent of the nearby Grizzly Hollow pack was always present in the air, the musky stench of their well-marked territorial boundaries drifted continuously through the maze of woodland trees. In the midst of this concoction of aromas, the young male could also smell something which was somehow both unfamiliar and innately recognisable to him.

Nostrils flared wildly as his head lifted to better test the air, licking his lips with curiosity. His tail swayed eagerly behind him as he considered following the trail of the strangely inviting perfume which clung to the cool winter breeze. With a huff in decision, Xander’s paws began to wander instinctively, aimlessly following the trail of the scent as it snaked through the meadow. It had only been a few weeks, if not days ago, that the male had visited this same area. The last time he had been here he had got into a fight over a deer carcass he had scavenged. Come to think of it, he had been in a few scuffles lately. Xander’s brow furrowed as he mused over his past encounters. They had left him scarred and bloody, beaten and in need of some rest. He couldn't go on like he had been for much longer, it was putting a great deal of strain on his body and the signs of his deteriorating health were beginning to show.

He hadn't yet been able to wash all the blood and dirt from his pelt, having been unlucky in not coming across a clean source of water to treat and rinse out his wounds. The majority were situated along his scruff from where he had been pinned down by the much larger wolves on numerous occasions. They also happened to be out of his reach: it pained him to admit it, but he would have to rely on the help of another to enable them to heal properly. The thought of being dependent on a stranger, having yet to make any notable friends in these lands being new, filled him with dread and made the male brand himself a failure. He had become a pitiful excuse for a hot-blooded male. Russet ears fell back flat against his head in silent self-loathing. He had once been a shy and frightful pup and it seemed once again, his insecurities were beginning to show.

Snapping back from his thoughts with a brisk shake of his head, Xander’s bright amber eyes scanned the snow-frosted horizon line ahead of him. There, stark against the white backdrop of the snow, he could distinguish the figure of the female wolf he had been unknowingly tracking. He paused, watching her in silence for a moment, noticing how she gazed intently at the ground. The male frowned in slight confusion. Giving a rough shake of his pelt, he continued to move in closer, walking up to the female with a slight limp in his gait which he desperately tried to hide. He approached the female with a calm, non-aggressive posture, not wanting to get himself into any more trouble given the state he was in. Keeping his distance for a moment, he circled her from the side to eventually settle his aching body down a few metres behind her, glancing curiously over her shoulder. ”Found something?” He questioned sincerely.
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2012, 11:15 AM by Xander.)
Played by Swift who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The ebony shaded fae jumped in surprise, whirling around to see another wolf there. Her hackles fell again, briefly acknowleding the male's poor state. She decided not to mention it to him. "Ahm, yes and no. I found it, then I lost it. Nothing too important." But it was very much imporant to the bulky fae, where was she to find food now? She sat down, curling her tassle around her hinds to brush the soft underfur on her stomach. She twitched an aud, curiously blinking at the male. Perhaps she was a bit too trusting, but she did not feel the wolf would attack her in such a state.
"The name's Guinevere. What's yours?" She asked curiously, briefly standing up too stretch her stiff body before settling on the thin layer of snow again.

The air was cool and crisp, with a slight, ominous wind that ruffled the fae's thick, course derma to the point where she shivered. Even for a wolf of her species, she considered it a bit too chilly for her liking. She enjoyed the cold air now and again, but not for a long period of time. She opened her maw, baring her ivory incisors in a yawn. Wasn't the cold supposed to wake you up? Thought Guinevere absent mindedly, blinking as she brushed her tassle across the sheet of white beneath her.

She took a closer look at the male, now noticing the dirt and grime on his pelt. He must have been in a couple fights recently, thought the ebon femme. "I believe I recently saw a pond nearby as well that you might be able to clean up in. I'm not quite sure if it froze over or not, but I don't think it's that cold. Not yet anyway." She said, giggling slightly. Such a foolish wolf was Guinevere. She never seemed to take anything seriously. As she inhaled the crisp air, she cringed at the metallic scent of blood, though the scent was faint. She had never been a particularily gorey wolf, she never enjoyed seeing someone injured.