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the sound of the future — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
January 27th, right after {t_3389} and {t_3644}. Corinna first, then the rest of the pack when we let you know, please. <3
Ice is going to be very angry if you don't show up, Siki & Thea excused due to Real Life. :)

I'm assuming Burn took off in the Ren thread once he realized Ice's the new leader.

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
He left them, again, tail high and ears forward, but the further away he came, the more his tail drooped, until he finally stopped, and sagged against a tree. His broad, white shoulder rested against the birch's cool bark, and Ice closed his eyes, drawing in deep lungfuls of cold air. He was shaking, sturdy limbs quivering, his breath uneven. Adrenaline. It did things to you. After he'd wrestled the position from Marsh, he'd still been pumped full of it, until now, when he'd moved away from their eyes and noses. With each slowing beat of his heart it bled out of his system, but in its wake came the weakness, the tremors, and he knew that it would be a few more minutes until he steadied. Gulping down more air, he opened his silver eyes, watching the undisturbed snow just ahead of him. What he'd done.. what he'd finally done... It felt so surreal, because for so long he'd been thinking about it, that he'd grown used to the thought of never acting on it. But now he had. Here he was, leader of the pack, and for a moment he felt terrified of it. Of the responsibility.

Ice had never been a particularly ambitious wolf in his life. He'd been content to go along, to get away from the rather depressing home he'd grown up in, and end up somewhere else in the world. He'd found Indru, and with Indru, he'd found the River, and there he'd found a home, and friends. Indru had shown him everything a father, and a leader, should be — loving, caring, mirthful and dutiful.

The guardian closed his eyes. Then Indru had left more than once. Sceral had been a constant, even if he'd been a menace, and an outright danger to Ice. Indru had been like the devil disguised as an angel, breaking their hearts with his good-natured grin. Growling, the white male pushed off his birch-perch, and stalked a little deeper into the Grove. Indru's scent was gone, swept away by rain and snow and wind, yet he lingered between the trees. Finally stopping, where the trees opened up, he tipped his head back and howled, asking for Corinna's presence. Did she know? Had she heard the calls, the noises, interpreted it? What would she think, and say? His call faded out into silence, and he closed his eyes, knowing that her approval was the one he needed the most — not Cali's, Jessie's and Ren's, readily given, but Corinna's. (Nor did he need the sight of Hotei's black hind end disappearing, but it was stuck in his head anyway.) She had been his guide and friend for the entire time, and the one who carried the spirit of the River now. Feeling his heart pounding in his throat again, he waited.
.ice aesir

I'm so sorry this sucks. I tried to write it like twice but it never got any better. :<
Edit: changed title~~
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2013, 04:17 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna was nowhere near where the place where the rank challenge had taken place, and Swift River had once again changed hands. So when she heard Ice's howl, she did not suspect that something particularly important had occurred. Head lifting from where it had been lowered while she absentmindedly sniffed at the base of a tree, she listened to the short howl calling for her. Lips parting, she answered the call with one of her own, to let her dear friend know that she had heard him and was on her way. Sparing only a second to reclaim this particular tree for Swift River, Corinna turned tail and headed towards the sound of the call.

Given their recent talk, Corinna was expecting Ice to have some information related to their plans to hunt down their attackers and take revenge for Rissa's death. Winding her way through the trees, her thoughts were preoccupied with the hope of plans. Did they have allies who were willing to come to their aid and help vanquish their nightmares once and for all? Hopefully Ice would have the answer to that particular question. Her preoccupation as it was, she barely noticed the exceptional stillness of the world around her. The Leader was oblivious to the battle between the River guardians that had shifted the balance of power, and it was not until she had Ice within her sights and could breath in his scent did something pique her curiosity.

Marsh's scent was astoundingly strong, though the russet male was nowhere to be seen. The smell of sweat and adrenaline was strong too, like just after a hunt. But there was no blood, and certainly no food. Tilting her head in her customary way, Corinna approached Ice, tilting her head back to nudge his cheek in a friendly greeting. "Hey", it was a simple greeting, but the intonation of her voice revealed the unasked question - what was on his mind?

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
i am no prince, no rebel nor man of flair,
i am Fenru Tainn
Swift River's bloodline, protector & heir

In the depths of the Grove, Corinna's only remaining son had listened, deciphering the growls and straining his ear drums to assist his imagination in interpreting every shift of the snow and earth. His amber eyes had been wide with a tension so fierce that he barely blinked. His muscles had been tensed, even as he laid pressed up against the fallen log that pointed towards the den that had been his very first home. Every now and then a wince distorted his masked face and every hair on his spine stood up before relaxing again. By the time everything had been settled and done, the young Tainn found himself gripped by curiosity and a newfound wave of anticipation. Had his hero succeeded in his challenge? Or had good, ol' Uncle Marsh prevailed? Eagerly he waited, his large frame curled in a tight circle with his two ears pointed skyward with utmost awareness.

No doubt sooner or later the call would come. That's how it normally went... right? When a challenge was issued, the victor declared his triumph for all to hear? Especially when it came to leadership, that should be how it goes, right? Uncertainty aside, the yearling was sure that whoever came out on top, he would follow the patriarch of his mother's pack. Fenru's brows rose and fell, his patience wearing thin until... his voice rang through the territory. He had done it and now he summoned for his pack.

Immediately standing and taking up a hasty stride Fenru sprinted towards Ice's beckoning howl. Somewhere ahead of him through the trees he heard his mother's voice answer the Aesir's call with a song of her own and his pace slowed just enough to allow Corinna to arrive well before he did. As the young man stepped onto the scene, his eyes watched as she nudged the silvery male's cheek, greeting him further with the most peculiar of tones. Fenru stood for some time several meters from the Swift River leaders, eyes averted and head held low until a couple minutes' time finally let him realize it was appropriate to come forward. Tail twitching and eyes flickering from one superior to the other, the youth smiled as he tilted his cold, wet nose upward to both Corinna's and Ice's chins and throats.

Eager whines lifted from his muzzle as his tail eventually took up a friendlier, less tense sort of wag. As much as he wanted to express his excitement over the news, he kept a hold of himself and, instead of happily rolling about in front of the two wolves who had helped raise him into the man he was today, he beamed up at them both for a time, drawing close just briefly once more to dampen their chins with his tongue. He let a bark sound from slightly parted lips to relay his acceptance of the rank shift that had taken place. Then, with taking a step back to allow the leading pair some space, he bowed his head, his eyes turning away out of both admiration and respect. Though the wag in his tail had calmed, the quiet grin about his lips held true. In the light of Spring's arrival, he would finally be a grown man in his own right, but right this very moment, Fenru Tainn had vowed to himself that he would be every inch the loyal attendant to his pack... his family... Swift River... now Corinna and Ice Aesir's reign.

you cannot break me, i thrive regardless
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Alright, because I failed at life and stuff, we're changing this to keep it between Ice, Cori and Fenru. Likely Ice will "howl out" the news at the end of the thread or something, so everyone would know, and keep your eyes peeled for more SR activities in the future! <3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
Never had a wait seemed so long. The night forest was dead quiet around him, but his heart kept thumping, beating loud in his ears. Even his breath seemed too loud, as if the rest of the world held theirs, waiting with him, but he was too loud... Inhale, exhale, the noise rugged, the white cloud rising in front of his face like a veil. She had called back, but now it was silent, and Ice closed his eyes. He had not done this for nothing. He had not done this only to fail and fall apart. He had done this, because.. because.. because his blood had demanded it. Drawing in a deep lungful of the cool air he tried to clear his head, and when he opened his eyes again a few moments later, he felt calmer — stronger. More certain of himself, and his actions. His keen eyes stared into the darkness, and his ears twitched as the sound of someone approaching came to him. Finally, the moment had come.

She did not stop. She did not stare. She did not falter, but he thought he saw something questioning come to life in her eyes. Feeling his heart pick up its frantic pace in his chest he waited as she approached, keeping his jaws held together and his voice silent. Her body would speak the loudest now, though she did not greet him any differently — just reached out to touch his cheek, as usual, and his neck snaked around to bring his nose against the base of her ear. It felt strange, to remain standing at his full height, for he had always hunched down slightly when around her, especially when greeting her.

In the corner of his eye he saw Fenru, standing on the outskirts and pointedly looking somewhere else. At least he didn't seem angry, and steadying himself with a deep breath, Ice pulled back a fraction to look at her. In the past she had sometimes sought his eyes, and he had always let her, for it was her choice then, but now it was he who sought for hers, silver for green. "I.." he began, but found no real words for a moment. Behind him, his tail twitched slightly before rising above the level of his spine. "I defeated Marsh," he finally said quietly as Fenru drew nearer. The young wolf knew, though how, Ice didn't know, unaware that he had heard the fight when it took place. Glancing down, he looked upon Fenru's face. The wolf normally stood taller than him, and when he licked their chins Ice returned it by wetting the top of his muzzle, before giving his nose a mischievous flick of his tongue.. and his heart swelled, knowing that Fenru did not hate him for it.

The least he could do was to be better than Indru.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Perhaps she had grown so comfortable with her friendship with Ice that she barely noticed his lack of submission, but something instinctively struck her now in this moment. Of all the wolves in the River, with the exception of her own children, she knew Ice's silver ones the best, but never before had he sought her's out on his own accord. The bulk of his figure blocked her view, but she saw the rise of her pack mate's tail. Eyes widening, she took a half step back in surprise, her lips parting to form a quite "oh". It was not an unpleasant reaction, as he confirmed his new found posture with his words, but simply surprised. Her brain was racing, matching the pace of her heart pounding against her chest. Had there been signs that she had simply missed? Probably, but she clearly had missed it, locked away in her own mind as she had been for so long. With some anxious hesitation, she remembered a day last Spring where they had faced one another and had talked of his rise in power within the pack. Her desperation is what had caused it then, but this was something different.

Retaking her half step, Corinna nodded her head in understanding, her look of surprise fading to a smile. "I had not realized that you had wanted to lead," the female leader confided. "How is...Marsh?" After a moment of silence, she had to ask of how her loyal companion had reacted to the challenge. Leadership had not settled well upon her friend's shoulders and while Marsh had pride, she was suspicious that there would relief now that the responsibility had shifted to somebody else.

For the second time that day, the gray and creme female took a half step backward in surprise. This time was because of the sound of footsteps. Her eyes breaking with Ice's gaze, she turned her head and watched as the familiar face of Fenru strode forward a smile on his muzzle. And for a moment, she saw Indru stepping forward to reclaim his place. But the illusion was gone as soon as Fenru's tongue licked her chin in greeting, his low yip bringing her back to her senses. No, Fenru was not Indru, and even more importantly, neither was Ice. Looking back at her friend, no, her partner she echoed Fenru's smile. Perhaps now, for the first time in a long while, things were going to begin looking up.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
there's so many things we're not
but with what we have
i promise you that we're marchin' on

"I.." Ice began, Fenru's ears itching for more words as he kept his gaze downward. "I defeated Marsh." His brows lifted, thrilled beyond any degree, and obediently, he reclined into a sphinx-like position, fiery eyes fixed on his superiors' throats and chests. "I had not realized that you had wanted to lead," Corinna commented. The plume extending from the boy's rump swept to and fro, shifting snow, dirt, and other sizable debris to either side of its sway.

"How is...Marsh?" Fenru glanced up to his mother, the grin on his face taking on a boyish, youthful sort of expression as his eye teeth began to peek out from under his upper lip. Then, almost too eagerly, he looked to Ice's lengthy, silver limbs, concerned all of a sudden. He waited for the new patriarch to reply, the ears on his crown standing as tall as the Mountain of Dire itself. Surely, he has to be fine, he told himself, dropping his chin between his large forepaws. Uncle Marsh, after all, was as strong as all wolves come... and then some. The auburn male, by all of Fenru's accounts from childhood onward unto tonight, was comparable to an immovable boulder or an unwavering Western Redcedar of the western forests of Relic Lore. Uncle Marsh must be okay.

The yearling, soaking up every bit of thrill that came with the news of Ice's ascension, practically vibrated exhilaration, and his head lifted just enough to blurt out a lupine sound in reply, "Roooooo." His tail grew still as a wave of embarrassment washed over him for making such noise while the adults talked, but almost as immediately as it had stopped, it began to sway again.

you cannot break me, i thrive regardless
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
It was almost like a swift stab to the mind when Corinna rocked back half a step, and for a moment his gaze darted around her face and body, trying to read every sign he saw, thinking he must be mad for not seeing any aggression - just.. surprise. He was aware of Fenru lying down, of his upturned face, but for now, he only had eyes for Corinna's eyes. After a moment that surely was short, but felt like forever, she moved forward again, and Ice released a breath he hadn't known he was holding. It was, he realized, what he had been waiting for.. her acceptance of his move, of their new status. He saw the slight shift in her expression, the tug of a smile upon her lips, and barely aware of it he broke into a relieved grin. "It took me a while to figure out," he admitted, and it was true. He had been content under Indru, for while he had been at home, he had been a good leader, everything a pack father should be, at least to Ice. But then.. when he had gone... Some restlessness had settled in his soul, and with spring around the corner, he'd been driven to act. It had not been easy, but in the end he had known that it was what he wanted.

The grin faded at Corinna's query, and he flicked his ears back for a moment before turning them towards her again. Of course, Marsh hadn't just rolled over and let him take the place, but neither of them had been fool enough to hurt each other badly. That wasn't what internal wolf fights were about, and sure, they had a few scratches, a few aches, but nothing major. Ice wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if he'd incapacitated the loyal copper male for something as, in the end, trivial as rank. Marsh meant more to him than that. "He is fine," he told them, for a moment dropping his glance to Fenru as Corinna noticed him. The boy's eyes were intense, bright with excitement, and Ice felt his grin slowly return. Perhaps the sun would take up residence in his soul again, mark the start of something new, less dark - Ice did not want to be trapped in the morose, brooding darkness anymore. "Marsh is a strong wolf," he added for extra reassurance, just as Fenru blurted out an excited noise.

It felt like the past half a year, since Indru's return, had trapped him in a place where he didn't smile, where his heart didn't fly, but somehow, it all just.. melted away, at the sound of Fenru's voice and the twitch of his tail. Something about it lightened his spirits, and a genuine, fond laugh escaped his maw as he leaned down to thoroughly lick Fenru's ears. Indru's blood did not run in the large male's veins - he was his mother's child, and for as long as he remained in Swift River, and hopefully beyond that, Ice would not let him out of his heart. Straightening up, still with a smile on his face and a feeling of giddy relief, he let his gaze return to Corinna's and leaned closer to her, his tail wagging behind him as he tried to touch his nose to hers.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul