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Missing the Sun Part II — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
RANDOM EVENT: Nomad's Pass, a cougar has crossed your borders.

While roaming over the Pass and general Mountain of Dire area in general, Sagacity had come across some pawprints which made her reflect for a moment on the mountain's name. The footpads were large, not those of any canine. They were even larger on the snow as the pawpads would spread apart to give the feline the advantage of staying on top of the snowy surface. And unlike any canine, there were no clawmarks in the snow; she recognized these at once as those from a feline and after a moment's observation she knew that the prints were too large to be from a bobcat or lynx. These were from a cougar.

She followed the tracks along the mountain's slope, her heart rising into her throat with each step she took toward the Pass. Turn, turn and leave, She willed the prints, but it was too late- the feline had already been roaming along the mountain's edge toward the Pass borders and her hackles raised as soon as she saw the trademark horizon of her pack's territory in the distance. With a snarl, Sagacity picked up a swift gallop, kicking up snow and slush as the ran through the light rain shower back toward her packlands.

Sure enough the fiend had crossed through the borders- and recently. Skidding to a halt, the sodden scout tilted her head back and uttered a brawling howl- one to threaten the cougar and issue its first warning to leave while simultaneously summoning others from the pack. She then continued forward along the trail, but froze in her tracks when she heard the sound of something loping toward her.

The cat slid to a halt as soon as it saw her and Sagacity lowered herself into a defensive crouch, tail rising above her back in a threat. The cat's wary eyes narrowed and it hissed, taking one step forward. Sagacity held her ground; this was their land, and the cat was intruding.

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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

It was an unusual moment of peace that found Naira sunning herself in the heart of her home. Her small break from the constant demands of leading a pack and protecting their borders would be short lived as ever. On the cusp of dozing off, an alarm was sounded from further up the Pass, a voice she was growing used to and more grateful for the presence of as days came and went. The girl was fast on her feet and quick to answer her own call, she would return the courtesy now. A short call left her lips as she pulled herself upwards. She was coming, just as fast as she could.

Being a large woman, she was not the fastest of creatures on four legs. The pass was steep and winding and it took her far longer than she would have liked but finally the smaller grey girl came into sight, facing off with the heavy golden cat. She added her own warning growl to that of the other wolf, her hackles rising and her movements stiff as lips drew back from fangs in warning - drawing on every inch of her heigh to appear as imposing to the intruder as possible, her tail a fierce banner above her back. This was their mountain now, and with spring well on the way predators would not be tolerated this close to her home... their home.

She kept the smaller wolf in her peripherals as golden eyes narrowed on the cat before them. Would it be brave enough to take on the both of them? Or would it turn tail and flee?

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
More are welcome to join, of course :D

Daring yellow eyes glared straight into a set of a similar hue, though with the pupil narrowed into a slit, showing the cat's frustration. It showed no sign of fear or remorse for having been found in the wrong neck of the woods- it looked spiteful, more than anything. And perhaps the cat might not have done anything on that day- they'd never know. But there were younger wolves in the pack, and there would likely be more young ones in the pack in the near future- and their lives would be put at risk by any cat who decided to stroll on through claimed lands.

The cat became defensive when Naira showed up. Now pitted against two wolves, one of them particularly large and the other built for speed, it faced a challenge. Its golden eyes roved between the two and past them- if one had showed up that soon, others might show up as well. Its tail lashed from side to side behind it and it hissed vindictively at the newcomer. It held its ground still, but the slight arch in its spine indicated that it no longer felt nearly as comfortable as it had when it'd been faced by just one wolf.

Noticing the slight change in the cat's posture, Sagacity gained even more confidence, and with Naira in her peripheral vision, eyes still locked on the cougar she took a threatening step forward, releasing a new, louder growl. There was no way she was going to give this cat the idea that it would ever be welcome here.

Avatars by Arla!

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
It seemed the cat had not anticipated her arrival, and her appearance was met with a hostile hiss. The clear arch in the cat’s back along with the lashing of it’s tail instilled a confidence in the leader that wasn’t necessarily warranted just yet. Her head was lowered and her shoulders hunched. She allowed her teeth to clack between growls in a clear warning of what would happen if she caught the cat, the heat in her eyes magnified by the adrenalin coursing through her veins. It was these times when she was most at peace. No words. Just actions. It was times like this she felt alive.

As Sagacity stepped forward, so did Naira, a bark of warning leaving her lips as she moved in closer. The cat took another step backwards with its ears pinned flat to its head, lips pulled back to reveal his own sharp fangs. Deciding to take advantage of the enemies slow retreat, Naira took a bold dash forwards snap at the paw she suddenly found flying towards her shoulder. It was pure luck that she managed to catch it between crushing jaws. She was quick to let go and dart backwards, but not quick enough to avoid the counter-swipe by the large cat, a burning tingle opening up on her left flank as sharp claws sliced through her skin.

She didn’t yelp, but she did growl, a twisted smile painted on her face. Finally a challenge worth taking. The thought was quick to dart through her mind before she took another bold step forward. It would take more than a little scratch to make her allow this cat passage through her home.

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2013, 10:01 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
It seemed as though it was the cat's pride that kept it from turning and leaving. But Sagacity wasn't about to let a cat's ego be the reason it was allowed to roam freely through their packlands. With her shoulders squared she glared at the feline, knowing it would only take the right about of posturing and strategy in order to force it into a run. She could tell it already wanted to, but cats were inherently dumb creatures and didn't know what was best for them. The cat was about to find out.

As soon as it made a swipe at Naira it left itself open for a counterattack from its other opponent and so, darting in like a silver arrow Sagacity bullied the cat from its other side by snapping at the knee of its hind leg. With one front leg still extended, the cat was off-balance and Sagacity gave a tug on the hind leg, as hard as she dared, causing the creature to yowl and wheel around, though its sudden motion came too soon and it fell onto its opposite side.

Between the bite Naira had given it on its front leg and the one Sagacity had managed on its hind knee, the cougar had already been weakened by the wolves. The cat's stumble gave Sagacity time to propel herself backwards and put distance between them. Agile despite its injuries it took little time for the feline to regain its footing, but its pride had been wounded and it began to sidepass away from the two wolves, wary of turning her back on them just yet.

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

The tingling increased to a burn as she could feel the warm dampness spreading down her flank. It was a small, shallow scratch, but she would need to do something about it just as soon as this intruder was seen to. She was glad to see that Sagacity had escaped her own assault unharmed though. She had been in enough disputes with cats to know statistically they were outmatched and unless more backup arrived soon or the cat decided to turn on it’s heel and flee that they were not necessarily in the best of positions. She took a moment to grow frustrated at the lack of response from other members of the pack, they would each catch a piece of her teeth for their lack of response... provided she got out of this alive.

The cat stumbled and the large wolf stepped forward again with a snarl. The cat lifted its paw again but a clack of her teeth and a growl was enough to plant the paw back on the snow covered ground as it backed up another step. It would seem, for now, they had the upper hand. All it would take was the late arrival of another of their pack mates or maybe another bold attack to finally drive the cat away from the pass, or at least she could hope it would be so easy...

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
One at a time they rushed the cougar who was then forced to whirl this way and that and, after having lost its balance once already, it became agitated and frustrated. Naira's next attack came when the cougar didn't quite expect it, and the alpha female managed to land a hit without receiving retaliation. Sour and contrary, the cat yowled and recoiled- at that moment, Sagacity cast a quiick look to Naira before she growled and leapt forward- a bluff charge, as she wasn't foolish enough to lead a full-on attack against a creature which could have taken them on had it not been disoriented and had they not attacked as a perfect duo.

Having been the target of successful attacks only moments ago the cat shuffled backwards and at that moment Sagacity's momentum carried her forward again as she rushed the feline, jaw opened. The cat had had enough- it made one swipe at the sterling female which was partially dodged- two claws cleft two neat lines through the fur and skin of Sagacity's chest but the canine's savage lunge forced the feline back. It turned and Sagacity pursued it with yowling growls to make sure it knew that its presence would never be welcome in that area ever again.

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
One more each and we can claim LP. I am so sorry for the hold up.

Blood tainted the air, but the cat was retreating quickly. The two females pursued the cat until their message was clear, and finally as the tip of the tawny tail slipped from her sight, she allowed herself to slow, golden eyes taking in the smaller silver female, the gashes on her chest shallow, like the ones on her own shoulder.

She offered the scout an easy smile as she took a moment to catch her breath properly. "Thank you." She offered sincerely, turning to lick at the gash on her shoulder. "I should have some Solomons Seal stashed away somewhere if memory serves..." she offered conversationally. It would be old, and dried now, but still better than nothing at all. She indicated the other woman should follow her with a tilt of her head, not yet bothering to grow frustrated that no others had come to their aid.

She hadn’t given herself much of a chance to get to know the new scout yet, and the short walk to the medicine cache would offer them both a chance for idle chit-chat if she wanted it.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Cool beans luh- though I think I'll have to post once more after you so that we get 10 replies, not just 10 posts. I can have it archived after I put in kind of a small final post :) LAHVS YOU

Sagacity would have pursued the cat for a while had Naira not had the sense to pull back. Sagacity slowed her charge, watching the cat disappear into the wilderness. She huffed and let out a short, low howl, an aggressive warning, so that the cat would know exactly what would happen if it came back. Chances were good, though, that it would not come back. They'd caught it only moments after it had crossed the borders, which should have told the feline that the pack was well guarded. Even though only two had shown up to fend it off, they'd done a decent job. If the cat decided to hedge its bets and trespass again, she would make sure it wasn't so lucky to get away.

When she was thanked, Sagacity shook her head. "Thank you." She said. "I would've been cat food if you hadn't shown up so quickly." She confessed. And right there and then she felt gratitude toward Naira, and more respect. She had come in an instant, in a flash- therefore proving her worth and her abilities. Sagacity was struck by this and despite everything she felt for Rhysis, she couldn't help but admire the woman he'd taken for his mate. When the invitation came to seek out a remedy for their wounds Sagacity knew she'd be foolish to decline the offer. She bobbed her head in a respectful nod. {b}"That'd be handy,"[//b] She replied. She wasn't familiar with the use of Solomon's Seal- she knew it to see, and liked the look of the plant when it was in bloom- the long stem with tiny bell-like white flowers along the length- but was interested in seeing how it was used to heal. She moved forward, head low and tail neutral despite the adrenaline pumping through her veins, allowing Naira to lead the way.

Avatars by Arla!

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

That’s what ruling is.Lying on a bed of weeds,
ripping them out before they strangle you in your sleep.

A small smile graced her face at the others words before she turned to lead the way down. It was a steep climb back down into the Pass from the ridge on which they had fought the angry cat, yet Naira placed her paws surely as they descended, the path remaining strong, even under her weight. Overhead the sky remained clear, and the further they travelled down, the less the wind pulled at her fur. It was a sheltered little Pass that she had found for them, and although it was still blanketed with snow she knew it would bloom in time, if only for a very short while.

Prior to Rhysis choosing the Lake, she had always been a creature of the dense forests, and while she missed the earthy musk of rotting leaf litter and wood, and trees so thick that they blacked out the sun, she had grown to love being able to look up at the sky at night and see the stars, to feel the sun beating down on her back. She couldn’t help but wonder if the rest of her pack felt the same? Where they had come from before, and what it was that drove them to make their home with her in such a challenging location? But she would not ask, not yet.

Finally, the ground leveled out beneath her paws, as much as it did anywhere in the Pass and she elevated her head to try and remember exactly where she had left the few precious leaves of herb. Had it been anything other than the festering claws of a cat, she would not have suggested any sort of topical application, but given the high chance of infection, she’d rather not risk it. Deciding on the position of the herb in relation to her current location, she set out again, only a short trot away from where they had descended. Her nose poked into the small hole (just wide enough to fit her muzzle) and pulled out a few small dried scraps of what had once been a reasonably sized cache.

Picking the last few leaves up, she began to chew them, allowing her saliva to work the cracked leaves into what would have been a paste if they weren’t so dry, but she was also careful not to swallow, for she had precious little enough of the plant to begin with. Leaning closer, she worked the green slime to the center of her tongue and reached out, smearing the paste against Sagacity’s chest with her tongue. The mixture would cool quickly in the air, and she knew from experience would sting for a moment, but it would speed the healing of the cuts and lessen the chance of infection. Something they could not afford with spring still but a dream off on the horizon.

Once the grey female was seen to, Naira applied the same mixture to her own wound, settling herself back down comfortably to try and return to her rest. Yes their were borders to patrol and animals to catch to fill the caches and children to be hunted down and checked on, but she was determined that today she would take a moment for herself. Settling her head on her paws and allowing her eyes to drift half closed, she watched the paws of the only other female in their pack slowly fade from view as a contented sigh left her jaws. Just five more minutes... she thought to herself quietly. There was always more to be done.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY

{Naira Out}
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[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]