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It's Time — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Hey guys! This is our official first pack meeting. Attendance is mandatory, and if you cannot post for some reason please shoot me a PM. Especially if you are playing a male character... <3 Deadline by 3/2/2013.
@Koda, @Sloane, @Iopah, @Durai, @Ecco, @Kashikoi, @Ashanti, @Hollow, @Azariah

It had been awhile since she had seen all of her founding members gathered in one place and she was starting to wonder if they were still there or not. It made her fear for the worst and she hoped dearly that it would not come to that. Much had happened since they had founded. Sloane had made it clear that he would not be staying within the woodlands, Nina had gone to Willow Ridge to finalize the alliance between the two packs, and returned home with her love. It was apparent that he had been injured, the large bump on his head proving so. With such an injury during the winter, he was lucky, there were no herbs left, except for a few that she had stored away within the creek for safe keeping, but had already used for other purposes. She had been lucky enough to rustle a memory out of him and she had been quite happy with what he had remembered. Then had come the big question…would he be fit enough to lead by her side? With her luck, the creamy man had said yes.

Now, glowing as she made her way towards the rocky den she called home, she gracefully scaled up the small stone, her golden petite form sticking out easily against the dark black rock. When she got to the top her head tilted back as she called for her family, her voice strong and filled with importance. It was clear why she was calling them too, they had someone here that she wanted them all to meet, though some already knew her mate well enough, others did not know of him at all. Her scent was clearly marked on him though, so it was clear that he had been welcomed into the pack by her. She then sat, her body posture dominant as she waited for her family members to arrive. Throughout her waiting time, she cast a few nervous glances down at Koda, hopefully, he would not take this encounter too bad. Nina could only hope.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2013, 04:10 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The squirrel a young wolf was stalking had not seen his predator yet, as he sat among tree roots. It was rooting around searching for what Hollow did not know, as he bunched his muscles and sprang Nina's howl caught his ears, and almost as if an unconscious response it flicked in return, moments later he caught the small furry creature in his jaws and breathed his thanks for it's sacrifice and continue to move as quickly as he could through the thicket. Ever since his hunt with Sloane he had been very careful to slack his pace slightly when answering a call or just moving through the thickets. His back still pained him every now and then and he made a note to have himself checked by Azariah since licking his wounds apparently had not worked as well as the dark male had hoped, plus he took no hardship in seeing the golden fae.

The yearling emerged at the main den and deposited his squirrel in the cache before turning his odd gaze toward his leading lady, and... someone else. The male's heart dropped straight to his stomach, he knew that sooner or later Sloane would take his leave, but.... already? It felt so soon to Hollow, he wanted to believe so much that it was just a new member but there had been no call from the border, Nina's scent drifted from him, and the look on his leaders face was that of someone reunited with their own soul. At least that was what Hollow saw, and with sad eyes he approached the male, knowing deep down he would have to sooner or later left his tail low and his head beneath the others. He did not submit but he was very sure Nina was notice what his gesture meant. When it comes I will, he then situated himself in front of both of them but he just couldn't bring himself to look anywhere but the den's mouth. Sloane will be gone soon. he thought sadly,as he remained sitting ant the base of the stones with almost total sadness resonating from his strange eyes."Speech."

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was wandering the borders, strengthening the borders and daydreaming about Nari. Or rather alternating between dreaming of his love and being sad about leaving soon. Going from an emotional high to an extreme low over and over again was wearing him out. All he could do was hope that Nina returned soon because the pull of his mate was getting stronger and he felt that the longer he stayed the more it would hurt to leave his friends. Hollow and Nina in particular. Nina had become his best friend long ago and Hollow had become a close friend since the founding of the pack.

Once more lost in thoughts, the call nearly caught him off guard for a moment. It was a voice he hadn't heard in a bit and he smiled broadly. Nina had returned! Without missing a step, he shifted his path to take him to her. He hoped that her meeting had gone well and that there was now an official alliance between Willow Ridge and the Secret Woodlands. Knowing her usual knack for diplomacy, he was sure that it had.

When he reached her, he realized that her time south had gone better than hoped for. At her side was none other than her mate, Koda. Though this unexpected news brought him a touch of sadness at his time here as leader coming to an end, he could be none other than ecstatic for his best friend. She had loved this wolf for so long from a distance that she deserved to have him by her side.

He saw that Hollow had already arrived and he gave the downcast yearling an encouraging smile. He knew how he was feeling, but he felt sure that the young wolf would bond with Koda soon enough and they would remain friends through it all. For the moment, he focused on Nina and she looked at peace. There would surely be trials, especially looking at the knot that was still apparent on Koda's head, but she now had her love to help her. And he knew that Koda was a good wolf.

He bumped Nina's shoulder in their familiar way and said, "Welcome home!" with a quick lick to her cheek. He looked at Koda and gave him a grave nod of welcome. He then stepped to stand at Nina's opposite side, albeit farther from the proud fae, indicating his position on Koda being here. The creamy silver wolf belonged.
Knight of Honor
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda waited off to the side of Nina, just slightly below her on her rocky perch, standing in a neutral pose though it felt a bit like there were butterflies bouncing around in his stomach. It seemed as if he were diving in head first, and he had to remind himself that nearly a year's worth of love and devotion had lead up to this, even if he could not remember it all yet. He never really envisioned himself at the head of a pack when he had left the Windsong home, but here he was now. Somehow, he'd led Willow Ridge for a time, which proved he'd had the mettle for leadership. If only he had those memories to channel the strength and experience from, but hopefully they would soon return. As Nina called to the sky for her packmates... their packmates, he had the slightest sense of deja vu.

The first to arrive was a younger wolf dabbled in dark hues, somewhat melancholy in his expression. There was no way to tell what was on the boy's mind, but Koda hoped it wasn't caused by his sudden appearance in the Woodlands pack. Koda hadn't yet the chance to meet any of it's members, besides Nina of course, and had no idea how anyone else wold feel about him. It was something he'd soon have to change, especially if he hoped to lead beside his mate. Then came a large, reddish male who genially greeted her, and offered a solemn nod to Koda. Koda offered kindly smiles to both males, even though only the russet one seemed to be even looking in his general direction.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
A pale form moved swiftly along the border. White paws pressed into the damp snow, following in the steps of her pack mates. Her concern over Anne's appearance had not lessened. She though frequently of the wolf who was likely seeking shelter where ever it could be found. Iopah prayed she did not return. At the call of an animal she would halt, twisting her ears and watching attentively for several moments. A quick snort would blossom warmly around her and she'd start on her way again, reassured for the time being.

To her right the thickets twisted away, a haven to those she trusted and was growing to care for. The left side held the unknown. Someone out there at least one wolf held death lightly in their jaws. Iopah knew how fragile that dividing line was. If disaster came to these borders it would need to pull Iopah down before it crossed within.

Nina's summon came and Iopah turned slowly towards it. She didn't want to leave the border, but none of this was possible without Nina. She cast one more glance back, a silent promise to return. Perhaps Nina had good news for them?

Iopah had done well in teaching herself how to navigate the thicket, but she still overlooked it's more clingy habits. She left several tufts of herself behind. She passed her own den -little more than the hollow under an uprooted tree-, heading towards the main den and entered the clearing several moments later. Her tail dropped, pressing against her hind legs and her head dipped respectfully to Nina and Sloane, and to Nina's... companion?

She sat near Hollow, noticing his distress. Her head angle in concern for him, she let her breath out loudly in a mild attempt to catch his attention. Had something happened before her arrival?
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah's black nose was buried in the snow, snuffling about in search of any herbs that might be buried beneath it's surface.She found a Soloman's Seal plant and she wanted to be sure of it's location for harvesting at a later date. She was pleased that there seemed to be a decent supply here in the Thickets and she made note to ask Nina for a lesson in healing soon. She worried that all that she had learned from Solarra would fade away, despite her excellent memory. She needed to keep her mind active and engaged, always absorbing more on her art.

Nina's call brought her head up with a snap, golden muzzle covered in a thin layer of dirt and snow. The call was for the entire pack, so with one last look at the landmarks, she put the plant in her memory banks to be called up when needed. Shaking her head and letting out a great sneeze to clear her nose of dirt she loped in the direction of her leader's call. Her nimble body was getting adept at avoiding most of the branches of the bushes and shrubs the encompassed the thickets. Despite this she still left the occasional tuft of fur on a branch. She didn't even give it a thought anymore. In the beginning it had irritated her to no end. Now she just smiled and thought of it as another way that the pack marked the area as theirs. She supposed that the land was marking them as well in a way.

She slowed as she approached and when she came into the clearing already occupied by five wolves. Four she knew and one she did not. The large silver and cream male stood quite close to Nina, closer even than Sloane and he did not look or act like a loner. What was he doing here? Her nose told her that he was from a pack, obviously not theirs though. Was he a messenger or ambassador? Her keen Healer's eye then picked out the huge knot on the back of his head and she grew even more curious. A patient maybe? But then, why the meeting?

Thoroughly confused, she greeted Nina and then Sloane with chin licks and her tail loosely touching her creamy belly and then took her place on the other side of Hollow, leaning towards him slightly for support. She felt so confused and she didn't like it. Normally she was a fairly quick wolf and caught on to situations easily but not this time. Despite her disjointed feeling, she gave Hollow a shy smile and was comforted by the warmth of his form next to hers as they all waited together.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2013, 09:50 PM by Azariah.)
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
There is still NO POSTING ORDER and those who did not join in can still join in this round. Due 03/07/13.

After her call had sounded, it did not take long for her pack mates to arrive out of the shadows of the thickets. It was obvious that their quick reaction to her call pleased her. Even if she was a highly patient being, which was somewhat required to be a Healer, the faster things got done, the better. Sometimes, the quicker way out of things were the most efficient as well, and this would prove fatal to some future decisions. Now was not the time for such thoughts, as her members quickly started to trickle in.

First was Hollow, a member who had loyally devoted himself to her in the thickets when she had first begun to evaluate the area. Ever since they had met Hollow had tried to prove himself to her, and he had done more than so in the recent up happenings. Though the yearling seemed to have his mind on one particular female, he always did double duty for the pack, guarding the borders and hunting, it was a quality that Nina still struggled with and valued in the ones around her. Though, as the male discarded his prey to the caches, the quick eye of hers picked up the small scratches along his back, and Nina made a quick note to check up on the male later to find out what had caused them. Not that spring was close to them, perhaps Nina would be able to find some herbs to help with the injuries. His positioning and questioning look towards Koda leaving Nina briefly nodding at him, before she switched her attention to the rustling of another.

Not long after Hollow’s entrance, did her partner, who would now be stepping down and departing, Sloane entered the area. The russet man quickly made his way towards her, quickly nodding his head to Hollow. When he made it to Nina’s side, she felt the slight bump of his muzzle and a greeting. Blinking her dazed eye, she looked at him briefly, the emotion of worry and stress flashing briefly over her gaze before disappearing a moment later, as if it were never there. Butting her friend on the shoulder lightly, she traced her muzzle back towards his ear briefly just so that he could hear, "He does not remember." Out of all things that did not make sense that Nina said, this would probably be the most basic method of explaining that Nina knew, and she was not sure if it was enough to get through to her friend, but her attention drifting back towards the clearing as Iopah, her second, made her presence known.

Nina’s tail wagged slightly upon the female’s entrance, nodding her head to the female as she took her place near Hollow, her eyes curiously taking in the scene before her. Last to arrive, would be Azariah, their newest member as well as one of the smartest, at least when it came to the art of healing. For a yearling, the girl had much more experience than Nina would have thought, and this pleased the alpha to high ends. It would be a benefit towards the rest of the pack. She could seethe confused eyes of the girl as she took in the scene of Koda, Nina, and Sloane, having not seen her mate before, a brief realization passed through her. Azariah did not know about Koda coming in to take Sloane place. She waited several, silent moments longer, before the meeting started. The others were either too far away to hear her call, or moving too slow, but now their meeting would officially start.

Clearing her throat she addressed everyone, "Greetings, Secret Woodlands. It is always good to see your faces, especially after a tiring journey. To put all your minds at ease, I would first like to introduce our new family member, Koda Reinier, my mate." She then paused for several moments, letting the information and realization settle into everyone’s mind quickly before continuing on. "Koda will now be taking Sloane‘s place, as he is going to seek out his own mate and create his own pack," She spoke strongly, her head moving over towards her partner and nodded towards him kindly, "Our two packs will still be tightly bond, no doubt. As I am close friends with him, as well as his mate. Any objections to Koda taking over Sloane‘s role?" Her golden head raised high, her tail already perched high above her back as she looked down at her pack mates that had answered her call, looking each one of them in the eye.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
It would seem that Hollow was not lucky today and his stress at the happening had been quite transparent. He wished he hadn't known by the scents what was happening but he had, and it made his heart ache at the thought of not being able to hunt with Sloane, or talk to him when he was having trouble. His composure was weak, not yet pulled together he heard the huff of Iopah, and brought himself to her side just as Azariah arrived. If there was a wolf in the world whom had better timing at that very moment, Hollow knew not of their existence,for as Azariah brought herself to his side and leaned into him he felt his heart warm at her touch and his stomach stop its relentless swirl. He took a slow breath to further collect himself.

"I think that is Nina's mate, her scent is on him, and I think he is our rightful leader." Hollow spoke solidly and steadily, trying to remain calm until Nina spoke, she confirmed his suspicion of the wolf, Koda was all that he suspected. A very soft whine escaped the yearling almost inaudible but filled with sadness. It was the end of his friend's time here in Secret Woodlands. But Nina's words gave him hope as well, If she wanted to be allies, and friends then Hollow may still be able to see his massive friend from time to time. Now came the moment Hollow was sure Nina's breath had been held for, objections. For an instance the dark male almost considered it, but that was not his way, nor would it ever be to go against the word of an alpha. So instead his body raised off of the ground and he walked towards Koda, no words would be needed for this. He stopped with his tail and head neutral and evaluated the male who was to be called leader.

No challenge was to be issued nor harsh words uttered. The black wolf merely fixed his strange gaze on Koda for a moment, as if he was searching for the essence of him, to see if he would make a good leader. He met the silver and cream wolf's eyes, a dangerous thing to do when he did not know him but he had to be sure. An unspoken statement hung in his gaze, Be good to my family. Eye's spoke volumes and Koda's held no malice, there was a fire there, of what Hollow did not know but he was sure, deep down in his heart. This wolf would be good to them. At last would be Nina's release, The yearling lowered his head and pressed his tail to his belly, he tilted his head to expose the neck, he had submitted to the male, and awaited any movement, any dismissal so that he may return to where he was. Sometimes, actions just spoke louder than words.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Ashanti arrived late, she had been hunting and lost rack of the time, not hearing the call until the very end and she had attempted to finish her hunt. she had found a few herbs that were still good to store then she headed in. as she arrived, much of the pack was there and she bowed her head. "I apologize for my tardiness my lady." She said to Nina, who was her mentor and alpha. She stood beside Hollow, as she was the same rank as the male. She saw the new male there with Nina's scent and heard Hollow's comment. She smiled, so Sloane was leaving them? That saddened her, but she smiled because she was happy for the both of them. She had no objections to the new leader. She didn't know his name though.

She was the lowest ranked her, except for Azariah. She trusted the girl, but did not know her. She also knew that her birthday was soon, as was Azariah's. That was all, her icy blue eyes gazed upon the rest of them, would they forgive her tardiness or would there be chastisement? Her white fur gently bellowed from the wind. Her feet felt the snow crunch around them. She was happy here, nothing could part her from the pack. She couldn't help but wonder about Isen as well, what had become of her sister? If her sister returned would Isen find her way to the dense thicket they stood in now or would she find a new home? Ashanti could not be sure; perhaps she needed an herbal hunting spree in the lore, but away from the thicket to keep her mind off of all the troubles.

She'd leave after the meeting of course; she'd journey over to the west and perhaps a bit south as well. Take a week away to find herbs and then return, perhaps even two weeks. She was confident that her alpha would understand and that Azariah could hold down the fort while she was gone.

(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2013, 01:02 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane stood by Nina, ever a shoulder to lean on, be it here or elsewhere and his heart broke for his friend when she whispered to him, "He does not remember." It must be tearing her up. Knowing his own love for Narime' and seeing the trials that she had already gone through with her love for this wolf, how could it not be eating her up that he didn't remember their time together? Yet, he was here, so there must be something that he yet felt. Some memory or emotion that called him to Nina. Why else would he be here, rather than in the Willows? This gave him hope for his dear friend.

He saw Hollow's sadness and when she arrived, young Azariah's confusion. It had not occurred to him until that moment that she alone knew nothing of Koda's coming. He had made a point of mentioning Nina's mate at the pack's forming, but she had joined after the fact. She and Hollow comforted each other in this time of slight upheaval. He also saw Iopah's loyalty to her pack mates and he gave her a bitter-sweet smile. He had not gotten to know her as well as he would have liked, but he knew of her love and devotion to Nina and the pack. Her support would be a great boon.

After a few long moments of waiting, Nina began to speak again. Even as he heard her words, he wondered where the others of the pack were as only half of them were present. @Ashanti, @Durai, @Ecco and @Kashikoi had not yet arrived and he hoped that all was well with them. He also hoped that they had a good reason for not responding to such an important meeting. Perhaps they had been too far to hear Nina's call. As two of the missing members were males, which this matter specifically applied to he decided to call to them once more, although he did wait until Hollow had evaluated Koda and submitted to the male. He was filled with pride at the maturity that the lad showed in his actions and he hoped that Hollow would find a good friend and mentor in Koda. He had been a good and honorable wolf before and surely he still was.

Azariah seemed a bit nervous and Iopah hadn't moved forward just yet so he took that moment to lift his maw and call to the others, being sure to project his deep voice as loudly as he could and putting a sense of urgency in his tone to get the missing members here as quickly as possible.
Knight of Honor