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Cold Winds — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
RE thread as well (full moon). Also occurs after breeding thread

scars remind us who we are

Down for the mountain a cold wind blew, carrying with it a few small flurries of the last remaining snow to fill what was left of the hollow paw prints of a young wolf now gone. The heavy rumble of distant thunder spoke promises of a storm to come as the first heavy drops fell to wash the fading scent further away from the lands she had once called home.

Belladonna Aquila was gone. ~Prequel by Becuffin~

The angry wind whipped through her fur while the cold rain pelted against her, as she stood overlooking the landscape below her. She couldn't believe it. Gone just like that. Without any word, without any goodbyes, she was gone. The tears had seized, but she still felt her chest quivering with the last of her sobs. Belladonna had been as much her child as the ones inside of her were. Her dreams of her Bella playing with her children, her siblings, were now shattered. Was she okay? Was she ever going to come back? Was there anything that she could have done to stop her? The constant questions swarmed her as she stood against the wind, hoping that she could possibly see the tawny form coming back towards her.

Tonight was time for mourning; tomorrow could be her time to move on, if she was able to do so that is. From her maw came a mourning song of loss and abandonment as the full moon hung over her head. Within her song was a message for her family to come comfort and grieve with her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2013, 02:16 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He hadn’t expected it to come so soon, so soon after all of the tragic things that the Poison pack had gone though. The final call that had declared the end to Ash’s heart. The key that had unlocked him after Treena’s disappearance. He had been just on the edge of the borders, just close enough to hear the call from Athena. Belladonna was gone, never to spar with him again, never for him to be able to teach the ways of a pack wolf and experience the things that Ash could have shown her. It had been to the point where he did not know where his relationship with Bella was, just that their bond was strong and that nothing would be able to break their invisible line together, nothing accept for disappearance itself. He could already feel it, the numbness, starting from his heart and slowly making its way through the rest of his body. The man, known as a ghost, stumbled through the mountains, trying to get towards Athena, his partner, his alpha.

His jaw clenched as his vision blurred over and simple memory came into play. He scaled up the mountains until he could sense the strong scent of Athena. His damaged mossy green eyes tore at the scene, his nose barely tracing the slowly fading scent of his beloved Bella. No…no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening. A green broken gaze rested on the small form of Athena and numbly, he made her way over to her, curling his neck around her head, embracing her, protecting her from the rest of the world, just like he had always done, just as he would always do. The realization of it all came crashing on him and he could feel his heart pounding hard in his chest and shriveling down to a small broken mess. It seemed as though every being that he loved, ended up being cursed in the end, and with this in mind, the broken sobs finally escaped the man’s mouth, his deep voice booming in Athena’s ear, and himself having to pull away from her, to turn away. Being weak was not acceptable and he knew it. With a snarl that sounded more painful than anything, he let his sobs wash away with the rain, his stance defeated and his eyes glistened. Bella was gone and the Guardian would never see the playful girl again.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
she nourishes the poison in her veins

As she stood in the rain, her tears soaking into the wetness of her muzzle, she felt entirely alone like her very soul had been ripped away with the final stab of abandonment. She felt cold, like the rain that was beating against her back. Everyone that she had loved has been ripped away from her and with each disappearance a piece of her heart had been torn away. She hoped dearly that with the birth of the children inside her that she’d be able to find some sort of happiness in her life. But for now, she’d have to manage with what she had. In her head, she knew that she had at least most of her pack by her side. Ash and Steel had been here with her the longest and Eden, well, Eden was Eden. A part of her wanted to trust Eden with all her heart, but she already made that mistake with Tlarx. And look how that turned out. Indeed, Eden was the father of her children, but still part of her darkening heart still didn’t want to trust him completely. In time she would tell if indeed he would be a true partner to her and a great father to her children.

As the rain continued to chill her body and heart, she felt the warm embrace of her Guardian. Turning her head to bury her face into his neck, she let her sobs be muffled by his thick fur. She could feel both of their bodies quivering, but in her heart she felt better with him holding her, keeping her from falling apart like she desperately wanted. It was like this was the last straw, the last straw that she could possibly handle. In her head, she knew that she could move on like she had with all the others, but in her heart, she felt dead, cold, alone. But, Ash was holding her together for right now. However, his warm embrace retreated too quickly from for her liking. She lifted her dampened amber eyes to search for the emerald glow of his. She needed him and he needed her. The pained sound that erupted from his chest didn’t frighten her. No, it lit a fire once again in her chest. He felt the same pain that she did. He hurt just like she did. She wasn’t alone. Reaching for him once again, her neck wrapping around his like he had a minute age. “I will miss her,” she whispered as the last tear fell from her eye. They would get through this. Together.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

His mossy green eyes that were once full of spark were dead. They stared at nothing, unblinking as dry sobs racked over his body. This was the last straw for him, the last and final. He had Treena, she disappeared, Ava…best friend, gone and then returns later, but only to go on again, and then Belladonna. She had been one of the ones to hold him together after all of this had happened. Yes, he had Athena, they would always have each other, but Ash always preferred not to let her worry over him and Bella had always been the one to make him smile, make him see that even though he was getting older, that he would still be able to have fun. She had shown him many things and in turn, he was going to show her many…but now it was too late.

Feeling the presence of Athena by his sided, he felt her neck curl around his own and he sought comfort in her gesture. A snarl, that sounded more like a bear cub crying escaped his mouth, before his jaws clamped tightly shut and the pain was shut into a box where all of his emotions flooded. There was always the option of turning everything off and not feeling anything and at the moment that was what he was resulting to. Burying his muzzle within the white coat of their Queen, he inhaled her scent, her words flowing over his ears. “Yeah…I will too…” Creasing his eyebrow, he pressed his nose deeper into her neck fur, inhaling once more. Something was different about her scent and it took him a small while longer for him to realize what it was. Clearing his throat, still wrapped in her embrace he spoke, “Who? He was referring to who was going to be the father of her pups this season. Tilting his head slightly, he listened for the answer.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

The rain still beat down on them as if the heavens were crying for the missing girl. It was heartbreaking in deed, but perhaps Belladonna was better off this way. Maybe getting away from everything, to start a new life was just better for her. That’s what Athena did. However, she still wanted to see her tawny daughter with all her heart even if this was the right thing for Bella. But as she held her embrace with Ash, her heart saddened even more at the thought of Bella not having anyone to lean against. Will Bella find her own happiness? That question would forever be in her mind until she knew the answer herself.

The deep voice of Ash answered her, his breath warming the back of her neck as the rain slowly lessened to a light mist. She already knew that he would miss Bella as well. Knowing the connection that the two had together, she knew that this hurt him like it hurt her. But, she kept reminding herself that perhaps this was the best for Bella. Ash’s deep voice spoke once again into her neck, but this time she was puzzled. Who? What was he talking about? Stepping back to look into his emerald eyes, she searched for the answer. Somehow by only looking into his eyes, she understood what he was asking. It had to be obvious with her changed scent. “Eden,” was all she said, not knowing what his reaction would be.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
The storm came from nowhere. Namara had been resting when it had broken, not long after she heard a painful call from the leading lady of poison path. Rising to her paws unsteadily she set off, knowing it had come from above she began to pick her way up. Silently she gave no call knowing she would be turned back. They would not want her up their when she wasn't completely steady on her paws. Something inside the she wolf seemed to come alive at the call however, it was a burning determination to be there. Her leader was hurting and she had to be there. The sadness of the call echoed into her heart and she wondered what had happened to warrant such a call.

It was perilous and aching, a few times she had to stop and rest but she continued, fear shone bright in her silver eyes. The female was facing the very thing that had nearly killed her, these treacherous slopes. As if falling down a mountain in an avalanche hadn't been bad enough she was going for round two in the rain. But this time Namara was determined to make it alive. At long last she came upon the scene of Ash and Athena with looks up deep intense sadness in their eyes. So Namara simply sat there, as the light of fear still marred her face. She did her very best to come up with words, to ask why, or what had happened. But their were none so she gave a sympathetic whine to both whom seemed so broken. They greyish she wolf remained silent, fear and curiosity making it hard to think. Hopefully they wouldn't scold her for coming this far, even if they did she was not leaving until she was sure the pack would be okay.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

For a moment, the white Goddess looked completely confused at his off topic question, but realization quickly filtered into her amber gaze, her answer not shocking him. Now…if it had been Kamota then Ash’s reaction might have been completely different, but he simply nodded, his answer accepting and understanding, “Thought so… If he hurts you, I will kill him.” His words were to lighten the mood, though they had only made some warring thoughts inside of his head darker. You were suppose to protect her. That was what you were suppose to say to her when she was old enough to do so. Forcing himself to push the murdering train of thoughts away, he gave a small, sad smile to the leading lady, showing that he was just joking around with her…at least for the time being. The white alphess also knew that if someone hurt her, he wouldn’t think twice about getting rid of them. He would do it in a heartbeat if he could.

A whine that broke his thoughts, caused his green eyes to flash and his body to instinctively step in front of Athena, the form in fronting of him giving him slight comfort that it was someone he knew. Inhaling the scents around him, the muscles in his shoulder relaxed, until he looked almost as small as the White Queen beside him. Turning away from Namara, he stared at a nearby boulder, not particularly happy that she had found him when he was weak. Clearing his throat and putting on a steely expression, he rolled his shoulders back and stared icily at the female in front of him. “Namara…it’s a pleasure to see you,” though he was speaking, the Guard felt as though his voice was off, as though it were now dead. He was unsure if the others heard the difference, though he was sure they did. Clenching his jaw shut, he waited for any other reaction from the two ladies.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Sorry for skipping I just Have a lot of muse for this thread XD
There at what felt like one of life's many precipices Namara stood between two wolves that had been broken. An old part of her wished to leave right there, Just say something and leave. The thought was a fleeting one however for in their eyes she saw a loss greater than she could understand, of course as per the usual Ash brushed it away. At least until he spoke. It was a flat greeting, it was still obvious that something was wrong, at least Namara could see it. Subtle, just under the surface, festering, it would certainly not stay put forever. The greyish she wolf guessed that eventually whatever hurt he was feeling would some day manifest in anger.

Namara of course knew not of the child that had gone missing, nor of Ash's deep connection with her. But as far as the great wolf could see her leaders were hurting for some reason or another and a strange feeling crept up her spine. Remorse, pity, maybe a little pain. A darkness overtook her gaze as she thought of things she had done, "I'm here... for both of you, if, if you would like to talk." Her gaze rested on Ash for a moment before turning towards Athena. No more Namara, no more running, face this as you faced the mountain. Determination laced the grey females gaze. Even if she knew nothing of what had happened she would still at least try to provide comfort something she knew very little of. Matters of sadness were a thing that until recently she had always avoided, but after the events that transpired on the mountain the she wolf could finally see them clearly. They were both good at heart, and both deserved the same compassion that she had been shown. For once Namara felt she had something to offer.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2013, 09:37 AM by Namara.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Sorry for skipping. Wanted to save this from falling inactive. <33

His mind was other places besides the point of moment. He should have been paying attention to the words that his subordinate was saying, but all he heard was a bunch of slurred words, none of which he could understand. He felt like he was drunk on sadness and there would be no getting out of the large hangover that was to come. There was nothing to numb the pain and nothing to take it away. The one being that Athena and Ash had thrown everything into for and would have thrown everything away for was now gone. Both alphas were going to be stuck, and what they did not know what was to come in the weeks to come. The one that Athena had put her trust in would disappear and the pups still…would not be fatherless. Ash would not allow them to be, as Belladonna had, without a father figure in her life.

The thought once again brought a stinging pain to his chest, another piece of him being torn away with the small girl, the one that he had grown to love after everything. He restrained a small whine from erupting out of his mouth and touched his nose to the tip of Athena’s shoulder. "Let’s go home." His voice was dead as he lead the woman and her subordinate back towards their territory. Even the word home did not sound satisfying to him anymore. The small wolf that had helped shape him into the man he was now was gone, along with Treena and the rest. Athena and Ash were the only long term members left, and they would have to make the best out of everything. Poison Path was going to be remembered for their name, even after they fell, which was going to be no time soon. All they had to do was regain their backbones and show everyone else how they were strong. The Hervok did not know how hard this was going to be for all of them, but in the end, he was sure, that they would all make it.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.