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so hot, its boiling over — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The environment regarding Relic Lore had not changed one bit since his last goodbye though he was sure that new things had blossomed. One that was as obvious as a chipmunk with a mouthful of food, was the lingering scent of packs. Yes, plural. He could smell a significant amount of difference in the territorial markings that he was not too far from. Inkheart had just barely survived winter and was on the hungrier side of starvation. With that, his venture back to Relic Lore meant he had one goal in mind--find a pack to secure his life.

If it had not been for his sister's rather splenetic attitude, he probably would not have come back here in the first place. However, this place had served an important part in his life, even though it hadn't served any long-term memorabilia. To him it was looking at a blank slate and knowing that you had wandered there before and something about it was a mystery. This mystery would be solved and he would not go unnoticed by the wolves around him, he would make his home here regardless of where he ended up.

Even so, his venture towards a slightly familiar forest left him at a stand still. There was no going forward due to the amount of markings he sensed. It was unfortunate but he figured he could either stand here longer or simply turn around and find somewhere else to be. For now, he simply lowered his head to sniff around at the individual smells.

(This post was last modified: May 06, 2013, 07:23 PM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
There was something entirely comforting about border patrol, the ease of the routine providing not only safety for the pack but a way to clear one's mind. One paw after another she traced their markings, adding where it was weak, investigating where there were new additions, and exercising her lazy legs before she got too plump to heave herself around. Ava found comfort in the menial task, almost strolling along rather than actually looking for any danger, until a loner's scent came upon her path. At once the she-wolf's dark ears perked forward, amber eyes lighting like an alarm as her gait gained in urgency.

Ava found the male quickly, sizing him up as she approached. His dark fur was longer than most, giving his streamlined legs almost a feathered appearance that she might have figured she was approaching a black bird - especially with those eyes like the sun ablaze. She'd never seen him before - with that unique appearance, Ava was certain she would have recognized him if she had. Of course, she figured he would recognize her, based on where his nose was currently located.

"Finding what you're looking for?" she started, a hint of teasing in her sweet tones, as she gestured with her muzzle toward his actions. Her tail waved in the air behind her, confident and comfortable with her position, but she did not otherwise display any overt signs of dominance. She was always certain to put on a flippant display when she knew the intentions of others, but he was merely there and not particularly keen on intrusion, so she kept her theatricality to herself.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Inkheart's nose flared instantly, gathering that the scent he had pressed his nose to was becoming far more noticeable. It was alarming figure as he raised his head only to be greeted with a face not too far from his own. Obviously he was the lower-ranked, outcast and as unimportant to a pack as it got so he bowed his head respectfully. Although, he couldn't quite take it too serious for her words were not unfriendly. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">You are the scent holder, he stated with a grin, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">so I believe I have.

In truth he had not been searching for anything but the path for which his paws must travel, but who was he to reject the company of a woman. A stunning raven woman if he might point out the details; slick raven hair, bright eyes (for which he could barely make out given his reluctance to make eye contact) and she was small nor large but simply the average size. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I go by the name of Inkheart, he gingerly invited her to share with him her own call by lifting his head upward to speak, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">and if I may be so bold, who might you be?

This strangers presence was enjoyed, being given a simple piece of calm radiating off of her rather than hostility. It showed that Relic Lore had not changed in his absence and that perhaps not all was gone, or forgotten. Inkheart could prove himself in a place that he knew, but didn't know him - it was perfect, ideal even.

(This post was last modified: May 06, 2013, 07:25 PM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
An amused smile blossomed on her maw as he answered her, turning one cheek slightly towards the ground as she considered him with a curious expression. She pondered his visit a moment - for of course it wasn't her exactly she sought, but rather the one staking claim to their spot in the woods. He seemed innocent enough, of course, one could never be too careful when her belly was swelling with cubs yet. For some reason she felt oddly calm, facing a stranger on her own. Whether it was her confidence or his easiness, one was to thank.

He want on to introduce himself, Inkheart, and ever so politely ask of her to do the same. Delicately she dipped her chin, a wolfish sort of nice-to-meet-you gesture, again appropriating her amber stare upon him. "Ava Attaya. I lead Grizzly Hollow," she introduced, vaguely referencing once again the myriad of scents that surrounded them. Her tail remained high, ears perked forward, just in case she grew too relaxed with herself. Interested as she was in their encounter she had just barely inherited the group. Despite her many markers, which she had taken great care to place just about everywhere, Ava had to build herself a reputation first and foremost through actual contact.

Revisiting his earlier statement, she raised a quizzical brow and prompted, "You've got what you sought - now what?" A riddle of a rhyme hid the basic question, what it was exactly he wanted with her presence. The simpleness of her expression - small smile still hanging on the end of her jaw - denied that she was interrogating anyone. Whatever he'd come for, information or what have you, she was happy to oblige.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Ava of Grizzly Hollow, a leader it would seem. This was perfect given his circumstance and he was lucky to come across her when all he came for (so far) was to gather information for his own being. Although he was pleased to come across her he also couldn't help but feel his instincts writhing. Here she was, the head honcho of Grizzly Hollow yet she wasn't making any sort of guard at the borders or standing on the edge of her seat, daring and warning him to try anything lest he want to die. Most wolves he encountered who led were protective of their borders but he would try not to judge her--one never knew of a stranger's situation.

<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">You see I am a loner, he answered politely and affirmatively not wanting to bore her with details of how it came to be, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">and coming across a leader is a grand prize indeed. I am looking to join one of the local packs but feel I must learn the history and its present time before considering. After all, he didn't want to join a pack that was entirely composed of blood family, otherwise he would stick out like a sore thumb indeed. Inkheart needed a place where growing among the ranks was a possibility and a long-standing future was prominent, whether that place would be Grizzly Hollow was yet to be solved. Nature would pay no course to the fire-eyed soul, but he could feel that the Hollow might be a place to start but there were still more to see and know.

(This post was last modified: May 06, 2013, 07:26 PM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Correct in her assumption it was information he sought, not only of Grizzly Hollow, but rather of all those in the Lore as well. "You're wise," she commented, off-handedly but genuine. Ava used to ponder on this for hours at a time, if Rhysis had not intercepted her almost immediately on her debut into the Lore's territories, would she have been a Poisoned wolf? Would she have found herself perhaps in Swift River, witnessing first hand their betrayal and feeling the hurt it caused them? Would she have ventured further, to a creek where a pack no longer stood, or would she have gone here in the first place and started a life with Kade long before now? Even more, she wondered if she would have even stayed at all. No matter how, she reminded herself, rolling the stone of an idea away from her mind. Whatever decisions she had made they had lead her to this point, and here was where she truly belonged.

"There are many packs, especially now. Spring is a dangerous time for a lone wolf to approach a group, but it is also the cause for all the fledgling packs popping up around us." Ava gave her warning in good faith; he seemed to have pure intentions, so she would hate to imagine him snapped at, but that was life - especially now. "One lies in the Sacred Grove - Swift River. They're quiet, almost secretive. Be wary of their border." Of course she was bias, but Ava had to speak the truth. The thought of going near there still terrified her (Marsh) to no end; when she would see her dearest friend @Ice again, she had no clue. "There is another group hardly very far from here, in the Willows. Two packs in the Mountains. And one other, but I don't have enough knowledge on them to even recall where they are." She did try, of course, to recall the scents on those wolves' pelts from the vast meeting of Leaders that had occurred not too long ago, but there had been such a haze of tense information being passed around in the Wildwood that she could not be bothered to remember something so trivial.

Cautiously she observed their surroundings, not used to divulging so much information in one sitting. Of course, who could harm her with the things she said? He could figure it out for himself if he had several days to travel around and sniff the other packs out - Ava was only being convenient. "Some packs are severe, strict with heirarchy," she said, thinking of the warring packs on the Mountain, "Ours is kinder." Such was her word. Delicate Sibyl and shivering Vel were not prime examples of steadfast, terrifying Guardians - but they had their place, and were capable of many tasks. Their gentler company was quite the different change from her time at Lost Lake, but it was welcome. "I only care that our members care for each other. Of course, we expect anyone bearing our scent to be loyal to us and better than useless. But I've found there is better unity in love than fear."

Those last words were loaded, so she lifted her chin ever more slightly as their slipped from between her teeth. More than anything she wanted a tight family, one where everyone was well acquainted and did their share and were happy, together. But a pushover was one thing Ava refused to be known as - those fantasies of hers did not make her weak.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Inkheart knew he was being rather wise with his decision to get to know the land before he made any decisions. He couldn't say that some of his options to come would make him wish to immediately decide but he refused to make an automatic decision. Choosing a pack was one of the most crucial things one could do when they're a loner in an unknown place. Not wishing to be all-knowing and vain, he simply nodded to her compliment to acknowledge that he was glad he was making the right decision.

Of course he knew that now was not a good time to choose a pack, he wasn't really sure there ever was a good time to. Winter was when prey was hard to come by and packs already had enough mouths to feed then came Spring when all the women were pregnant and needed food to sustain their wombs for a healthy litter. Summer was probably the only option that would be good, assuming that Summer was usually when most wolves decided to take a hike elsewhere but it also meant an influx in loners. Autumn was when things begin to get scarce and you have to be careful with rations, caches and all that. So, was there ever really a time where joining was guaranteed time?

Ava was polite enough to fill him in on a little bit of information about the packs she knew of and the possibilities of some. Though a couple names weren't given, it was still more than he already knew. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">What kind of strict? he answered, finally breaking the silence that he held between them but he would need to know if it meant they were strict on those climbing the hierarchy (meaning they never moved anyone) or if they take their ranking seriously. Ava's proposition of her own pack was promising but he also wanted a little bit of a challenge when it came to being something within the pack. He didn't just want to be friendly with them, he wanted to raise the ranks and hold himself with respect and be given it.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava rolled her shoulders in a lazy shrug, pondering his question a moment before responding. "Perhaps just in that one cares more about their ranking and displays of dominance than they care for unity as a whole." Her gaze, which had begun to wander to the speckle of cedar trees in the horizon, fell upon Inkheart once more. "It suits some, those who would like to survive but aren't keen on making friends." There had been a few of those drifting through Poison Path over the months that she spent there, wolves who would provide for the pack and do their duty, but whose faces she never got to know. Ava often wondered how a wolf could go so long without exchanging words with their pack mates, though she was not without fault. Their wandering-approved rule was one she took advantage of often in her time. Perhaps, to some, she had been the one who was never there and never cared to get to know the others.

"Of course, it's all just perspective and personal opinion," the dark she-wolf tossed in, a little disclaimer of sorts. It was truly up to the male to make his own discoveries, not being able to assume his preferences and tendencies by herself. If what he wanted and where he fit lie somewhere out there, then Ava was not too proud to be happy for him. Keen on recruiting as she was, she would need members that were certain they wanted to be here. He would easily realize this as well, so she fixed herself a quizzical expression, curious if he had further questions, though she doubted her ability to give anything specific. The Lore was a sea in itself, constantly shrinking and swelling, a turbid ebb and flow all at once. To survive one needed a decent anchor for safety, and luckily there were plenty to choose from.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;"><b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Ah, was his only response. How could he react any different when that was one if his main drives? Inkheart was very driven when it came to his place amongst a pack (he believes to have gotten that from his father) but that did not mean he didn't feel that a pack thrived once they worked together. A pack was stronger when they saw as one unit, but one bad egg could ruin them all. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Someone could say that I am not keen on making friends but that just means they wouldn't know me, he answered with a smirk, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">simply means that I feel I am unable to justify a stable friendship.

Inkheart did not talk as much as others nor did he explain his entire life to someone who barely knew him. He kept to himself, lingering in the future as opposed to the past that defined him into who he wanted to forget. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Although you raise a different scale, Miss Ava, I will continue my search for a home until I find my conclusion. Inkheart would not simply choose at random, he would make it so that he was benefiting both himself and the chosen pack with his decision. Both parties would need to benefit though Grizzly Hollow seemed promising he was sure a couple others would as well. With no goodbye, he bowed his head and gave the Miss a wink before walking back to Fireweed Rise with high hopes for the future he saw before him.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( sorry for making you wait forever to collect these points :( )

Her honey-hued stare trained on the man as he responded to her explanation, excusing the behavior she had previously explained with the lightest smirk. All Ava could do in response was nod. But that just means they wouldn't know me, he'd said, and he was right - there was no need to judge his morals, especially not now at their rather informal and purposeless meeting. After all, it hadn't been said that those packs who valued strict heirarchy did not fuction. In fact, they probably functioned rather well - and Ava would have found her place and gripped it by the teeth and yes, she would have been happy. It just wasn't what she wanted.

And speaking of want, it appeared the male had gotten what he'd sought. Ava allowed a ghost of a smile to play along her black lips as he spoke his intentions, returning the dip of his head with one of her own. "Good luck, Inkheart," she spoke unto his turned back, genuine in tone. The dark-hued male had proven himself wise in being choosy and he would, in assumption, make an excellent addition where he saw fit. Once he'd disappeared from both the treeline and her eyesight the blackened Leader would turn away, content to carry on border patrol.
