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no time to analyse
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
The secret impresses no one.
borden lyall
The trick you use it for is everything.
December 31st; Early morning; Light snowfall; 16º F.

Something... wasn't right. For the past few days the realm of Cedarwood, though covered in frost and sheltered by snow-laden trees, felt... off. Numerous times he had counted the soundly sleeping cubs within the den, made sure Trisden was nearby, and comforted himself with the fact Jaysyek was within the depths of burrow resting and both Kade and Aniu were within earshot. He had noticed in the past few weeks that the bobcats had made themselves scarce, but in their place several sightings of fleeing creatures. To make matters worse, the other day he had spotted, not just one, but two dead raccoons, frozen and stiff in the snow beyond his markers.

Further inspection of the lifeless creatures yielded no firm answer as to why they had perished. He could have assumed they had died by some sort of poisoning, but his experience with pestering and keeping raccoons in their place told him that these two individuals were old enough to know that some plants were toxic when ingested in large amounts. Additionally, the sight of their mouths and twisted positions had him convinced something had gone terribly wrong, as if they had possibly convulsed and met their demise. With Taima going off on her own for several hours at a time, Renier and Ryvet constantly going about their own adventures, and Angier supposedly somewhere around the territory Borden's mind was about ready to crack underneath the addition of this newfound information of deceased vermin.

Unable to go back to sleep, he abandoned his post at the side of the main entrance to the old bear lair and began making his way along one of his favored highways, a path that took him from the center of Grizzly Hollow to the northern edge of his homeland. He strolled away for as long as he could but after no more than a couple hundred feet, he stopped as though an invisible cord, pulled taut as it zigzagged through the trees, kept him from going any further. The fear accumulating as deep as his bones made him tense. Something is not right, his mind continued to echo, but what was an aging patriarch able to do in order to protect his family, his home? No threats had made themselves known, yet the sight of the deceased masked mammals had given him a start. As if desperate for an answer, he looked over both of his shoulders, even up to the lightening gray sky above him between the treetops. The only answer he could conceive was to wait. If things grew worse, if any other pack member could make sense of what was happening in the east, Borden Lyall could probably leave himself no choice but to move his family... or defend them with every ounce of strength he still possessed.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by becuffin who has 28 posts.
Inactive Deceased
-lurkers gonna lurk-

The male slunk through the towering trees, sticking to the shadows. He could smell them. So near. How many packs were there on this side? How many wolves? They would take them all. The one they had taken from and the fractured remnants on the mountain. He almost wondered how much of a push it would take to break the fractured pack... if the winter didn’t do the hard work for him. There were the ones with the silly girl that fell in the hole, and now this pack... far away from his home. But far from safe.

It had followed them here, over the mountain... already it was beginning to spread... and it gave him a twisted pleasure as he had crossed the contorted corpses, knowing just what they had gone through before their unpleasant demise. He would hate to see the same befall one of the four younglings he had spied about the place... The smallest. So pale, singing to herself as she wove between the trees... He could almost hear her sweet, sweet screams. A shiver of pleasure shot down his spine at the thought of how pleased she would make the Great Spirit...

But they had thought that about the first. Perhaps there was more to it than pleasing just the gods...

But he did not dwell on the thought for long, there was movement ahead. Freezing in place, his firey eyes narrowed as they fell on the leader of the Hollow. A smirk painted itself to the dark wolf’s face. It was time to leave, he had gathered all he needed. For now.

The dark male turned, vanishing amongst the Cedars. He could make it back in time - if his paws were swift.

Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
The world felt exceptionally cold, not only during the night, but into the morning as well. What sleep the wolf had gotten had been intermittent at best, void of even a single dream, and it had been a howling wind that had woken him throughout the dark hours. He'd avoided rousing from the makeshift den he'd taken to, opting instead to watch the flurries of snow as they fell to the ground for what seemed like a lifetime; when dawn's first light did break, the man rose to shake the snow from his coarse, coal pelt before departing for an early patrol.

It was not until he had approached the periphery that it struck him, hard.

His body became stiff, a spine of fur erecting along the midline of his back, and for a moment his respiration would cease as the thick plume of his dark tail rose slowly. It was as though a fog of darkness hung thick in the air, a faceless threat that he could not discern...Fierce, silver eyes swept every inch of the wilderness before him with scrutiny, and he could see...nothing. The thick-bodied male would remain for minutes, knowing deep down that there was something out there he simply was not seeing - but he could feel it with every inch of his being. Silently, and not without a second glance over his shoulder, he moved on.

The crunch of the snowfall underfoot was but the only sound for what seemed like miles. His own inspirations rattled in his head, magnified by the surrounding, eerie quiet, and his rounded ears swiveled restlessly in every direction. Not even the blackbirds remained among the cedars.

It was just too quiet.

In time he would come upon a familiar scent, strewn in senseless fashion across the white of the forest floor. It was not out of the ordinary for Borden to be out this time of morning, but there was something strange and unmistakable about what accompanied him...Fear. Fear clung to the trunks of the trees, hanging in the air like the stagnant stench of rotting flesh, and it was intense. Borden's figure was statue-still in the distance, the black features of his coat in contrast to the lighter hues of the scene that was bathed in whatever light shone through the cloud cover. The Guardian's approach was silent as he moved to the alpha's side slowly, sharing his silence with crafted patience for a time.

"What do you make of it?" he questioned of the invisible, attempting to shake the fear that was digging at his own skin.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2013, 07:06 AM by Kade.)
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
The secret impresses no one.
borden lyall
The trick you use it for is everything.
The noise of someone or something lurking just beyond his field of vision made him instantly turn to address the creature who had disturbed his brief reflection. Almost as sudden as it had arrived, it fled. He made a step to go after the being, but he held back. His mind foolishly allowed the idea that Taima was just tiptoeing around him win over the idea that someone had trespassed into the Hollow yet again. It seemed he had to keep constantly reminding himself that his youngest children were no longer the toddlers who needed to be herded back into the den and constantly watched over in their daily activities. The budding adolescent could have easily made her way over to where he was; she virtually been practicing her escape tactics since the day she had been born.

He had been so caught up with debating if he should investigate who had actually been spying on him that he did not even register another's presence until the Guard stood at his shoulder. His unanticipated approach gave him a jolt but the recognition of Kade's distinctive musk paired with those familiar metallic eyes signalled him to ease up. He let out a tense sigh as the Attaya asked him what he thought of it - the fear that seemingly blanketed the lands of Relic Lore, the concern that had Borden stomping about each and every route of his daily patrols, the whispers of dread he had overheard from prey and predator alike...

"I don't know," he replied, his voice coming out in a measured tone. His ears turned one way then another, his eyes leaving Kade's features to scan the gaps of forest floor between the towering trees. Distress, in all his long years, had taken ages to master but in the company of his confidant, Borden allowed his true emotions to seep through. "Something is not right," he began, his heartbeat quickening in his chest as he vocalized the sentence that had been running amuck in his mind. "And I... for once... cannot stamp out this... this panic."

He gritted his teeth and the tail that had been curled slightly upwards behind him fell limply between his ankles. "If that... If that was Taima I saw just now. We need to get her. She does not know what dangers have sprung up." He turned his head with a series of movements, in attempt to draw out any means of solace from Kade's face. "I am afraid," he admitted under his breath.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
The child's puppy coat was gone, replaced by a thicker one of different colors, but he was trying to hold onto the remains of his childhood. It was hard when it was this cold, he didn't feel so small, and he could get food for himself. And yet the world was still a big place, and left many questions swimming in his head. He was on the edge of wanting to grow up, and stay little; he did not like the combination. It made his fur bristle along his tawny and silver collar, and maybe even to fight off the cold air that clung with a gripping hold to the forest. Fog they had been told, and Ren did not care for it. He could hardly see past his nose in some places. Something else that brought a curl to his dark lips, and scowl across his face. He was not the happiest of wolves today, but that was probably because he could not sleep and had gotten up early. Though he was extremely tempted to awaken his siblings something made him draw away from them.

Large paws falling along the ground, dragging him onto a beaten path he yawned, and closed and opened his eyes to better wake up. The dim light did not help much. The scent of his father caught his attention, and Renier instantly perked up. He usually did not get to follow and with no tag-a-longs he wanted to see what Borden was doing. While the boy continued he couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching him, and often froze trying to stare out of the silver mist. When he saw nothing, but couldn't shake the though he hurried along, stumbling at times for the steady figure of his father. What if he was already out of reach?

It was not until Borden's scent grew stronger he got a hold of himself, and cautiously tip toed, letting the scent of the forest sink in. This was home, it had to be safe. Then he heard voices he knew, and he felt his heart rise. "Dad?" Calling out, his nose raised he looked about still half panicked with all this stupid haze. "Dad?" He asked again, trying to put more strength in his voice. He didn't want to be the scared pup, but couldn't help it at this dreadful hour.
(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 11:31 PM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Borden was right, and there was something terribly wrong, but it was not this agreeable assertion that made his blood run cold. The leader's admission of fear froze him into place.

He'd never seen anything like it. As he studied the hard expression on his companion's face, images of the deformed, dead creatures that had been turning up randomly throughout Cedarwood Forest played like a reel of film through the back of his mind. Was all of Relic Lore affected by this biological...time bomb? Would the wolves be affected, too? What if...it had reached the Lake? His loyalty and love for Grizzly Hollow was solid, undeniable, but with a threat - a danger - such as this now on their doorstep, his concern rested chiefly on his other half, who he hadn't laid an eye upon in months.

His stomach suddenly grew tight and he became nauseated with panic, though he would not let Borden see more than the worry that shone from his silver eyes.

At the mention of Taima's name, however, he did gulp down the probability that she was most likely galavanting across Relic Lore with not but a want for freedom and disobedience, in danger. As grown up as she was becoming, and as maturely as she put her self out there to be, she was still a child, too naive to recognize the seriousness of what was happening. And there was a chance that what Borden did see was not the princess...

"Then we waste no time," he replied solemnly, and supportively. It was still relatively early - if she had gone from the pack's realm, she was not out of reach. Yet.

And then, to his surprise, another voice rang clear through the fog. The dark guard's ears followed the direction of Renier's voice, his eyes looking to Borden, unsure.

Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
The secret impresses no one.
borden lyall
The trick you use it for is everything.
"Then we waste no time," Kade's words subdued a part of the anxiety that was settling, but it was not enough. Borden nodded in return. Perhaps waiting was the exact opposite of what he should be doing; especially if his daughter and her siblings were all possibly bound to be out and about. What to do, what to do... His brows touched and he took another step in the direction he had just seen the stealthy figure when a youthful voice rang out through the fog. "Dad?"

His mouth parted and he met the Guardian's gaze, shaking his head as if to relay the dread that came when he realized Renier had discovered them. "Dad?" his title was called out again, louder than the previous instance. He inhaled deeply then let out a partially-soothing sigh. "Renier," he beckoned, his voice even but raspy. "I'm here."

He turned about to face Kade, waiting for the sound of the young Lyall's approach with strained ears. Squinting as he tried to see through the mist, he looked to one side, then the other, "Over here, son." Half-panicked, he gazed back to the Second, soundless words forming a question on his lips as he grimaced. "What do I do?" If things weren't bad enough, the fact that the cubs were edging on the realization that something really wasn't right made Borden's heart sink even further. He was supposed to be not just their father but their protector and keeper, the shining example of strength and dauntlessness.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
the magician's protégé
Renier Lyall
like father, like son

What were they saying? Something about wasting time? Why? It was encrypted, and weird. He was going to make his best effort to figure it out. He might be able to ask and get answers, maybe. He would be beating himself up over calling out, ruining the perfect chance. How easier he could have hung out, without them knowing. Too late for that Ren. He just remembered why he couldn't lurk in the shadows, the hair prickling on his neck. Shooting forward to the assurance of his father, his voice, he broke through the cloud with crinkle of his nose of his displeasure. The sooner this fog left the better.

"Will it clear up soon?" He asked, not hiding the annoyance that lingered in his voice or golden eyes as he indicated the low cloud. He shook his neck, if to rid of the pesky feelings he hated, and briefly met his fathers lighter gaze. The boy looked away after a second, indirectly at the dark guardian near by. He new his place, mostly and had no want to challenge them. He wanted to pry so badly, but it was not so easy to do. Careful words,careful steps, always having to be careful. Why, why? He knew of some dangers, but they were talking about something, yes they were. He was waiting for them to continue their conversation or skirt around it, if it was nothing. They always acted like it was nothing, when it really was. Renier wanted the truth, he wanted to know what he should be scared of. He hated these faceless monsters, they were all alive were they not. "Dad? What..why is it like this?" Slowly he pulled the words from his worn throat, his ears meekly tipping sideways. He felt better in their presence, but not completely.

(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2013, 12:47 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
He shared the look or surprise that emerged upon Borden's face, brows raising as if to signify that he had no solution, and for a moment he held his breath. "Over here, son." The guard's own ears would track the young Lyall's movement as he drew closer, his eyes moving between Renier's figure in the distance and Borden. He'd never been more content to sit there and shut up in his life. The son approached the brooding pair, benignly inquiring about the fog; the dark wolf truly did have an affinity for such conditions, but to him it was plainly agreeable that, coupled with recent happenings and the general energy of the area, the fog was not welcomed here anymore.

Instead of gulping down the apprehension he felt at the thought of Renier being informed of what was actually happening, the second straightened up, lifting his posture and shifting his weight. Perhaps setting an example of vigilance was the best he could do at the moment. After all, he knew little of the etiology of the ravenous sickness himself. After issuing the eldest Lyall cub a nod of acknowledgement, his attention shifted back to Borden, who he sure would be able to smooth the situation over.

Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Duuuuudes. Supersupersorryyyy. >_> One more post from both of ya then I'll wrap it up?

The secret impresses no one.
borden lyall
The trick you use it for is everything.
The boy quickly found his way to where the Leader and his Guard stood, blanketed out of plain sight by the heavy fog. Borden closed the distance between him and his son, gently nudging at the base of the youth's ear. "Yes," he assured him with the smallest of smiles. "The fog should clear up soon. Don't you worry." The masked man took a step backwards, allowing Renier his personal space and returning his gaze to Kade before scanning his son's face. At least the youth didn't seem scared. He seemed annoyed, actually, having his vision obscured by listless curtains of moisture.

"It's just the weather," Borden patiently explained. "Run along now... Go find your brother and sisters. I want to talk to the four of you." He finally managed to muster up an encouraging smile but it did not linger as long as he would have liked. "Go on... It's not safe to be out this far from the den." His tail lifted apprehensively, his eyes never leaving Renier's face just to be certain that the boy, as adventurous and wayward as he was on any other day, would do exactly as he was told. "Kade and I are in the middle of something very important. I will call for you in a little bit."

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