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how do you break the already broken? — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
The start of this post is about a day or so after this, so when Aiyana returns it's been about 1,5 days since Rissa was taken. If anyone (Rachel in particular! ^^) wants me to change anything in this post, let me know. :)

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Half a year old, and already robbed of so many things: innocence, naivety, and central pieces of her family. Her heart, which had once been so full of all the things she felt was a cold, dead place now, locked in an iron cage: the ones she had loved before the treason she kept loving, for what else was she to do? She would protect them, with her flesh, blood and teeth. She would keep loving them, fiercely, with the fear of loss shadowing her mind, but she would not compromise what she felt - but would she ever take others to heart again? Would she accept a stranger as family, learn to care for them, to love them the way she loved those who had stood watch when she was born - those that had supported Corinna, when her mate had punched the last nail into place in the coffin storing their shattered relationship? Her mind, a place that had marveled at the world and all the things to see, was still analytical, of that there was no doubt, but there was a cold and cynical edge to all her thinking now: and the answer to the question, how do I protect myself?, was all too clear in her young mind. If each loss, each betrayal hurt, the easiest way was to not let more in: those she already had, she could not abandon and let down the way the traitor had, but no one would force her to love anew, again. When they died or disappeared, she'd hurt all over again; the fewer wolves left to lose, the less times she would have to feel her heart shattering in her chest.

Fate, was so cruel. The first she lost was her brother and father, taken in the space of a heartbeat: in the time it took for Corinna to sing their treachery to the pack. Indru she had shoved out with anger and pain; Torrel she had well and truly lost, but she had taken comfort in Rissa. Rissa, her sister, the arrogant idiot she had rested against when they were young. And in spite of being an arrogant idiot, they were still sisters, and the flame of Aiyana's devotion had nearly scorched her heart when she thought of losing her - if it had been her, and not Torrel, that Indru had taken. While mourning the loss of her baby brother, she had relished in the knowledge she still had her sister.

There was something about Rissa's thoughtless manner and self-centered babbling that lifted her spirits; if she felt down, all she had to do was seek her out, and listen to her prattle to fill Aiyana's silence, and she'd find small smiles curving her lips and her heart beating a little easier. So it had been natural, to cast around for her scent, find it, and follow it. It had been less natural to find it intersecting the scent of a stranger, and leading away - north. The trail was old, the scents mostly faded, but she knew her sister so well there was no mistaking it.

That journey had been burned into her mind. The moment when she realized that Rissa had left with a stranger - not Indru, she thought, for surely she'd recognize the scent of his pads even after these months? but maybe he had trod on such different grounds that she'd not know it anymore - her heart had leaped into frantic motion, and testament to her one-man nature she'd not called for the pack: it was her sister. It was her duty to find her. She'd tracked Fenru to the Ghastly Woods: she could track Rissa to the ends of the earth. She was a lone heart beating in synch with a pack, and as such, she had disappeared into the white wastelands to the north.

She was only granted an hour of frantic pacing, an hour of choked sobs and panicked tears - only an hour of breathing I'll save you, before the snows started to fall anew. She'd been jogging all the way, her tracks the size of Rissa's, her innocent, silly sister's - both outsized by the tracks of the adult, the stranger, but when the soft white began to fall, Aiyana's reaction was to run faster: as if she could somehow outrun the inevitable, back into time, to before the snow fell, to where the tracks were clear. The cold air seared her lungs, her mind refusing to acknowledge the defeat until she'd been running blind for twenty minutes. Behind her were only her own tracks, a sister left behind, and in front of her - the world, covered in an expanse of untouched snow. No matter how she shoved her nose into the powdery mass, it smelled only of snow, untouched, pure.

She'd lost the trail. She'd lost it when the tracks were covered. She'd lost it, and inside, her heart shattered even more.

Slowly, Aiyana slumped down into a sit, staring at the patch of smooth snow in front of her. Surely the fates were mocking her. "Rissa," she whispered, as if she could summon her wayward sibling with a word: of course, nothing but the wind sighed and shadows shifted, mocking her. They were gone. There was nothing she could do. They were gone, and the heavy lump in her stomach told her she was unlikely to ever see her littermates again: those who had known her father from before, knew it was unlikely he'd return. And this - why would someone take her sister, so far, so long ago, without returning her? No - she was gone, and they'd not even been allowed to say goodbye. Swallowing the urge to simply lie down and fade away, merging with the white carpet rolled out to hide the trail of her sister, Aiyana rose again. She owed it to the pack, to her broken mother - to all the ones who had sought to protect the Tainn daughters, and failed.

Did she want to shove that failure in their faces, hide her own shame and guilt behind theirs?

It would feel good, but it was unworthy of her; she batted it away, and trudged back towards the Grove. The two or so hours she'd tracked north took nearly twice as long south, every step like dragging a leaden weight across the winter lands. The sun sank in a muted display of blood and purples, and the world fell into a dim darkness, stars and moon covered up in a thick blanket of gray. Winds and snow tugged at her, sprinkling her with white, and her tracks snowed over fast. She knew the way, though, even if she wanted to get lost in the weather. Maybe the pain would be easier to bear if she was dead.

In the hours of evening, the darkness compact and the stars still covered up by clouds, Aiyana re-entered the Swift River territory. Her golden eyes were muted nearly to gray, lackluster. Tipping back her head, her young voice rang out through the Grove, calling to those that remained: her silent shelter in all storms, Marsh, Triell, the black uncle that cared for her as if she was his own; Ice, the steadfast Guardian, Kisla and Fenru, her blood siblings, and her broken mother, Corinna. Hotei, Jessie, and Cali, who had stood with the pack - her heavy voice drifted through the trees, one shadow calling to the others.

She wondered, if this would be the killing blow.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
(This post was last modified: Dec 26, 2012, 12:10 PM by Aiyana.)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
A tl;dr for this post essentially says that Marsh would have howled for the pack after realising that both the girls had left the borders, so that everybody was 100% aware that they had Tainns to look out for. Let me know if anyone needs this changed - it's just that Marsh wouldn't just accept their disappearance without doing /something/, but I don't want to conflict with Fen's post <3

<blockquote>So many bodies to protect, so many patrols to make, so many mouths to feed. All the duties were the same, but amplified, the potential for failure a bomb which clamped down around his heart and threatened to destroy everything should it go off. His successes were not successes, they were his job description. There was no winning this war. Either he continued to fight, or he lost. He wore the long-healed wounds from his fight with Rhysis, a victory, but a necessity. They did not fill him with pride, only the knowledge that he had done as he was supposed to. Every dead creature brought back to the caches, for his allies to eat, was doing as he was supposed to. Every tree marked, every loiterer chased away, every night when he subconsciously did a headcount and was able to let out a breath he had been holding all day.

He had been holding that breath for two days now.

Rissa, free spirit, empty head but full of heart. He loved her as he loved all the Tainns who had ever been under his care, without hesitation. The heartbreak of Torrel's absence still haunted the pack, but they were growing past it, looking forward. They still had Aiyana and Rissa, Kisla and Fenru, testaments to the pack's strength, to their future. He had thought that, moving into winter and with their youngest members reaching more adult sizes, he would be able to worry about them just that little bit less. Forced to grow up just that little bit faster by their father's failings, he hoped they would practice caution at all times, just try and be sensible. Aiyana's silent frustrations were not always well hidden, and Rissa's foolish abandon brought him his doubts, but surely, surely...

Rissa had not been there that night, and the breath had not been allowed out. He had not scented Indru, but by the time his searching had uncovered the girl's most recent scent, the snow had begun to fall. The fact that Aiyana left a trail in the same direction would have calmed him but for the obvious time discrepancy. It was painfully obvious that sister was tracking sister.

It was not until he realised that Rissa had not been alone did his lungs fill up, never to empty again. Memories of a female come to harass Kisla flashed before him, but it was not the same wolf - though it did not matter. A blind grief fell upon him just like the snow fell upon the ground, covering tracks and scents alike, obliterating his hopes of chasing after them. He could try, he could run and run and never stop until he found them, but he had followed that path before. He had come crawling to Corinna's doorstep after being drawn after an absent Indru, and only to find that the Tainn had reached the grove before him anyway. Running blind would help nobody. For all his love for the girls, his place was here. They would be back. He would have all of Swift River alert for them, and they would be back before anybody knew it. It was hardly the first time he had found their trails leading off beyond the territory - but his gut was twisted and clenched, and Marsh always trusted his gut.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>When her sweet voice rang out, he nearly collapsed in relief. His day-old breath was released.</font>

It was premature.

As fast as he could move he was with her, tail high and wagging with the pleasure of having her home safely, eyes wide as they passed over her - healthy, in one piece, all as it should - and then... to the empty space beside her. And on the other side. And behind her, and everywhere. Alone? She was alone?

Then he saw the look in her eyes... the <i>lack</i> of look. The bomb around his heart tightened, counted down. No. Indru had not been here, he... winter was coming, they... <i>Corinna</i>, she...

Never to breath again, he stepped forward to tuck his chin over the arch of her neck, tugging her close to him, a soft growl helpless in his chest as he refused to acknowledge the news that she had brought. The news that she was drowned in, stood here alone and empty, him with the memory of her scent chasing Rissa's, chasing the stranger, the stranger, the stranger.

It was his fault. He had not been there to protect her. <i>It was his fault.</i></blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
For the past couple of days Fenru had barely slept. His patrols, though routinely and observed with strict timing, left his senses heightened to a somewhat unnatural degree. Rissa and Aiyana had left Swift River territory and since he had been made aware of their absence, the yearling could not focus on anything else. Every bump in the night, every snapping of a twig, every sudden flight of a bird, and every rustle of leaf and grass alike made him jump. Not only would he flinch, but he would immediately scan the area, look toward where the sound had come from, then quickly search his surroundings for a flash of mottled fur or the glimmer of brilliant golden eyes again black fur.

Slumped against one of his usual resting spots, Fenru had been nodding off when her howl reached his ears and pierced through the haze that had begun to hinder his senses. The instant he recognized her voice, his limbs propelled him forward. No distance in that moment could have been greater between him and his baby sister. I'm coming! he mentally hollered. There was no time to lose; the log that he usually would have sprinted around was jumped over and the small dips and depressions in the forest floor were ignored completely, either leapt over or ignored for the convenience of even ground.

When his trail merged with Marsh's path, he did not slow down until he saw the River Leader with his own eyes. Eagerly he strode forward, reading Marsh's body language as he stood briefly to one side, watching as he tried to draw Aiyana closer to him. Fenru's brows furrowed and concern distorted his features. No blood was scented but no other distinct scents tainted the air either. So, what was wrong?

His fiery eyes stared and stared until it clicked. Just like that Fen strode past Aiyana and Marsh, his footfalls destroying the path that his sister had made in the snow on her way home. A meter, then two... three... five... a sidestep to the right, a glance to the left... Nothing but the scent of fresh snow and a hint of the pack's signature aroma. "RISSA?!" his alto voice breaking the silence around him. He waited for a 'Right here!' or the simple vocalization of any kind in reply.

Again, silence. Just the whisper of winter - snow, frost, and the occasional whistle of the icy winds.

His mouth twisted into a grimace, but he did not turn back just yet. The ears atop his head lowered and it took several attempts until he could compose himself. With tired, shaky steps he made his way back to where Marsh stood, keeping just enough distance between them to be within reach but out of the way. He craned his muzzle downward in order to see his sister's face. He wished he hadn't. Her blank, unseeing eyes brought back the memory of Prosper, left alone, lifeless, and wide-eyed under a thin blanket of dead leaves; and, he had to turn away. Unsure of what to do, he merely stood by, offering what comfort he could by just being present and grateful for Aiyana's return.

(This post was last modified: Jan 03, 2013, 01:07 PM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Disaster upon disaster struck, and barely had they begun to heal after one blow that another was dealt. He still had no idea what was going on - who he was anymore, what his place was, what he was supposed to do with himself and others. He pulled his shit together when around others, but found himself losing his sense of direction, of purpose: he could sit for hours on end, alone, merely staring at whatever was in front of him. Things were changing, and he along with them, but he had no idea where he'd end up.

Or who he'd be.

The call came, an alert, from Marsh - Ice's ears fell back in denial. They had already lost Torrel. Would they lose the girls now, as well? Mechanically, soulless, Ice rose, and padded towards the borders. Not towards Marsh. Not towards Fenru. Not towards anyone - only the border. To walk, alone, leaving tracks in the snow and his nose on the ground. Why had they gone? Had they been taken? He crossed the spot where Aiyana's trails had led away, the scent of her lingering; Rissa had gone long before her. The Guardian's motions ceased, his eyes resting dully on the snow-clad horizon. Had they failed so thoroughly, that Rissa had been allowed to escape - leave - so much earlier? He should be angry - should berate himself. But he just felt, nothing. A void opened up inside to consume his heart and soul, one paw scraping listlessly at the disturbed ground. He knew it should hurt, but he was empty inside.

He drifted away again, a ghost in his own home, avoiding the others who restlessly patrolled the borders. Darkness came, but it brought no stars, no relief: only more snow, falling gently to cover the last tracks. If they did not return, all they would have was memories. They could prove to no one that they had existed at all.

Her voice drifted through the Grove, thin and hollow, and instead of run helter-skelter to her, he stopped where he was. Sighed.Hung his head. It was not a triumphant song. It did not speak of joy and wholeness. Slowly, Ice turned, and began to jog in the direction of her call, smelling Marsh and Fenru on the winter winds. Heard the boy's frantic shout, as only silence answered him. Choking on himself, Ice paused a distance away, tired eyes watching her: still small, fragile, black as coal. Alone: left alone. The only one they had left.

In his chest, the fragments of his heart splintered further.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Jessie-Table.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:250px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">

Days had slowly started getting back into the old swing of things. Not even the snow that the forest was covered in hadn’t started effecting Jessie’s hunting spree yet. Though it might have been because she hadn’t been hunting as much as she had before. After Indru had left with some other family members it had hit Jessie’s hard. Indru had been the alpha that had accepted her into the pack, and the gray female hardly knew Corinna. Her emerald eyes were glowing distinctly once again, though her note of the slight missing feeling was always hanging on her back. She felt as if it was just Indru going to missing that had been bothering her, for she hadn’t been keeping up with the pack as much as she could have. She did pay attention, but some things that involved common sense just didn’t occur to her.

When a call for the pack arose through the territory, it was only then that Jessie moved her head, her ears pricked in the direction. Aiyana? She didn’t know the other pup as well as she knew Rissa, but she was still family, and that was something that the Swiftpaw couldn’t ignore. As her paws danced quickly across the ground, her mind was trying to process the call. What could be going on? She hoped that the pup was alright, but the seed of doubt that someone had been missing filled her mind. The facts just weren’t lining up straight for her yet. As she entered the clearing she tilted her head slightly her emerald eyes taking in her family. Marsh, Fenru, Ice, and Aiyana, the four wolves she had grown to be use to the company of. Nodding her head to the males her head turned to the pup, concern filling in her gaze.

Just as her eyes grazed over Aiyana did they do the same to the empty spot next to her. In seconds all of Jess’s body went cold, her head lifting in realization. Another family member lost, someone who was now gone. The sting was there…the gray and white female had a nice little play time with the pup when she had been younger out in the rain. It rooted Jessie to her core. Why did Swift River have to go through such a hard time? A frown covered her face as she stepped forward, to give comfort to those who needed it. It was hard on her, but she was sure it was harder on those around her. She silently went to go stand next to Ice, offering a small nudge to the shoulder to him. Swift River would always be okay in end no matter what. She was just truly worried about Aiyana.

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2012, 11:09 PM by Jessie.)
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It was hardly fair, was it?

Fate had not been kind to the wolves of the River as of late, and it had put Corinna in a constant state of mulligrubs. At first, she had lashed out, growling angrily at trees that insisted on being in her way. All around the River den were signs of her madness; blunt claws scratching uselessly against the bark. Had Indru been there, he would have been her target, but of course, if he had been there, then there would be no need to be angry. The loss of two of her children, Rihael and Torrel, had affected her deeply, more than she could have ever imagined possible.She had remained insistent that her remaining four stay close to home, but her melancholy had made it near impossible for her to leave the den for any significant periods of time to enforce that rule. Somehow, if she just remained in the place where she had given birth, her sons would feel her motherly calls and come home. But the days grew shorter, and the nights longer and colder and there were no signs of the brothers.

All the while, her pack was falling into stagnation. Led by a leader who couldn't lead them properly, she was sure that things were steadily falling to pieces. When she emerged that day, into the fresh snowfall, the green-eyed lady wasn't even sure what it was she would see. The scenery was the same, and to her pleasant surprise, so were the smells. Ice, Marsh, Triell, Aiyana, Fenru, Kisla, Cali, Jessie, Hotei...they were all there. All but one. Corinna's mind ran in reverse through the list of names, stopping as she halted over the name she had not scented, Rissa. The scent was there, but it was buried beneath the others, not as fresh. Painfully, Corinna tried to remember the last time she had seen her daughter, but it had been only the day before. Then the Tainn girl had gone out to play, and warmed by the loving caress upon her departure, Corinna had allowed her to go.

It had been a mistake.

That very moment, as soon as her brain realized that her daughter had not returned home, her body kicked into action for the first time in several weeks. Instead of falling into a helpless pile, the she-wolf growled under her breath, fully prepared to discipline the rogue cub as soon as she was found. Rissa knew the rules; Corinna's madness was suffocating, to be sure, but her madness was law. But as the morning turned into afternoon, the sun setting quickly and shrouding them in darkness, the panic began to set in. Every nook and cranny was investigated, Cori's black nose plunging itself into the snow to look for the scent of her missing daughter. But she had headed in the wrong direction - Rissa and her friend had left Swift River territory heading in the other direction. But she had heard the cries gone out as others had also realized that Rissa had gone missing, and with some pride, Corinna knew that her pack would be out in full force looking for the lost Tainn.

The Leader was not aware that Aiyana had left Swift River's territory as well, at least, not until she heard the howl of her ebony daughter ring out across the frigid night sky. Stopping in her tracks, Corinna's ears lifted and she waited, her breath held. That breath was not released. Instead, she sprang into action, immediately abandoning her current place of search and running north to meet her. The going was difficult, bogged down by fresh snow that had yet to be broken by any creature. At one point, she had spared the breath to call out. I'm coming. She sang, hoping and praying that other pack wolves got there before her, ones who would know how to handle the situation.

Corinna was not disappointed in that, though it became immediately clear that fate had once again picked out the River wolves to bear the greatest misfortune of all. Bursting through the snow, the frazzled mother leaped forward toward the group that had assembled around the black cub. With no hesitation, she squeezed in between Marsh and Fenru, her head instinctively dropping to nuzzle her daughter's forehead in comfort. But her green eyes remained looking ahead, into the growing darkness, just waiting for the kidnapper to reveal themselves. But the darkness remained empty, and whatever progress had been made by the pack was surely then, at that moment. Their ties of family and kinship had now been permanently cemented by grief. Half of Corinna's cubs now remained hidden into the void, and there was nothing anybody could do to save them.

Played by Fenrir who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aiyana Lyall
So, so sorry for the way. Life's been derpy, Christmas and board moves happened -- really wasn't good for my already flighty muse. <3

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
Of course they came. Of course they trickled in, one by one, lost souls who had found their tracks but not been able to follow — they cared, as she did, their hearts broke, as hers did, but they could never understand. They had not been Rissa's sister. They had not lain alongside her in Corinna's womb, spent their first days of darkness huddled close to her body, learning every aspect of her scent: they had not watched their blue eyes melt into gold, mirrored in the faces of one another. They. Could. Never. Know.

She'd not been gone long. Suffocating, stifling, the high alert was written in every part of their bodies: the frequent patrols, discovering her being gone despite an absence of mere four-five hours. The end of the world mirrored in their eyes, and as Marsh, her silent guardian, pulled her close, she allowed it only for a moment before pulling away. She did not want their comfort, did not want their presence, did not want them to remind her of the empty space beside her. She did not want them to remind her of her own weakness, of the painful throb each time her heart took another beat, alone. She came home for duty — to let them know they'd lost another child. She didn't come home to cry in front of them and seek solace in their embraces. She swallowed the burning lump in her throat, turning her hardened eyes onto Fenru (hardened, cold, so they wouldn't see how it hurt). "She won't answer," Aiyana told him stiffly, the anger at her own helplessness burning away the fog of shock. Rissa was gone, and it had torn a hole in her whole life that nothing could ever fill, but she did not need their pity reminding her of it. She did not want it. Ice, that massive ghost of white, stood on the sidelines; he grieved, she could tell, but he had his own problems to deal with. Jessie comforted him, and Aiyana's eyes slid aside, not looking — but hearing — Corinna's frantic approach.

I'm sorry I lost her.

A cold nose and a hot breath upon her forehead, but the attention elsewhere. Rissa would be missed; where Aiyana was a shadow, her sister was exuberant, happy, noisy, social, always the center of attention. Not even a dumb stone would miss out on realizing she was gone. Flicking her ears back, swallowing again, trying to reign in the pain that flowed freely beneath the skin, Aiyana took a single step back, so she could raise her head and look at the ones gathered. For a moment, her shallow eyes held Marsh's, then she stared at the forest. How much longer can I hold together?

"She's gone. Taken. I.." She swallowed, swallowed the failure and the hurt. "I.. lost her trail.. she wasn't alone.. not Indru..." Her voice lowered to a whisper, before trailing off into silence. Lowering her head, Aiyana Tainn stared stubbornly at her paws, fighting back the tears.
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
( gonna try to get this moving... )

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
They trickled in, the remnants of a once functioning family: some faces still hid, and he named them quietly in his head, too tired by the ordeals to feel vindictive. Triell. Cali. Hotei. Kisla. Some part of him thought he should be angry that they weren't here, but perhaps they had been on the other side of the Grove - or even outside, someplace else. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see little Aiyana stand there, so.. strong, in spite of her loss. Rigid, tense, she pulled away from Marsh but he couldn't understand it, so he tried to not see it. He wasn't sure how to deal with all of this himself. Slowly his head angled down until his muzzle pointed towards the earth, his tail the limp banner of the defeated. There was no pride in him, only weariness, and he wondered mutely why he'd even tried - why he'd come out of his shell, stopped being so dumb all the time. It only hurt the more, but even as he loathed the pain, he knew the answer to his question. To not acknowledge what he felt, or to do his best for the pack at all times, was a form of dishonesty.

He'd never fall that low.

Slowly his eyes opened when Jessie's considerably smaller form came to stand beside him. He greeted her with a low whine and a twitch of his tail, turning his head to touch the base of her ear when she nudged his shoulder. At least they had each other. They would pull through, somehow. A few months back he would've questioned her still, as he questioned Hotei still, but she'd more than earned her keep. The Swiftpaws were true Swift River wolves now, and had shown that they were reliable, despite Jessie's collapse when Blaze came. But - he'd not hold her to that. Indru's disappearance had worn them all down.

Stiffly, Aiyana told them what had happened. Snow fell gently blanketing the land, blanketing the trails. She was but a child; could an adult find the trail, where she had lost it? Cold as ice and heavy as iron Ice felt, his heart beating hollowly in his chest. Taken. All their children, taken, by family and by strangers. He wanted to say they'd find her, but he couldn't lie: he raised his head, staring at the ones who had gathered. "Jessie," he said quietly, touching her as if to ask her to come along, before walking forward, to Aiyana, Marsh, and Corinna. "I will track them. See.. if I can come up with anything. Jessie can come along." His gaze drifted to Fenru. "You, too." He turned his eyes to Corinna and Marsh. "The pack needs you two." Would Marsh understand, in his silent language? Lowering his head he whined softly, running his nose along Marsh's lower jaw. Let us go now, before the trail grows too cold.
.ice aesir

Grey and Lightning, let me know OOCly if you want to come along. Even if Marsh won't let them go here and now, Ice will leave later anyway to look. xP
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The small touch of comfort she received from Ice had been enough to calm her down, though perhaps not fully. She had a family now and she knew that she could rely on them. When her head looped back around to look at the gathered group she was glad to see of Corinna’s arrival…perhaps she could revive the spirit of the lone Tainn sibling. Her ears pricked slightly as she watched the young girl…she was being so strong, a talent for one so young. To an extent, Jessie knew how it felt to loss a sibling…when Cali had left with her mate the younger Swiftpaw had been hurting. She had gotten over it though and lived her life to its fullest, not letting someone else’s choices weigh her down. After awhile…this thought would grow into the back of her mind, and when she considered Aiyana’s strong front now, within her, she knew the young Tainn would grow strong with each loss.

The sound of her name roused her from her own thoughts, and her head tilted towards Ice…a hidden question within his voice. Asking her to accompany him. When he was a step ahead of her, Jessie’s paws instantly started moving, matching his own pace until they were in front of their beloved alphas. Her full attention was at the new task in front of her. When Ice spoke, she bobbed her head once as if she were agreeing. They could track the scent…and take down the wolf who had stolen Rissa from them. Inside of her, there was a sick feeling, as if she shouldn’t have been hunting her own kind, but instinct to protect her family won out. No one would ever be able to take down the family of Swift River.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Nothing about this situation was right. The mother, who had moments ago been so frantic to reach Aiyana and to answer the call, stood rooted to the ground and unable to move. Her muzzle had lowered to make contact with the older sibling, though for whose comfort, she wasn't entirely sure. Close in proximity, Corinna heard the words spoken even as they faded away into a whisper. It had not been Indru, though a blessing or a curse, Corinna was not sure. At least with Indru, there was some hope that Rissa would come to no harm. Of that much, she was fairly certain. With a stranger, well...taking a deep breath, Corinna closed her eyes, refusing to acknowledge the possibility of what fate had befallen the most curious of the Tainn cubs.

Lifting her muzzle from Aiyana's head, she moved it lower, rubbing her daughter's cheek with her own nose. "You did good," she murmured, trying to reassure Aiyana that she had made the right decision in following Rissa's trail for as long as she could. "You did what any one should have done. It is not your fault." That was the most important thing to get across, at least for the moment. It was not Aiyana's fault that she had lost track of Rissa's trail in the snow - she was only a child after all. The fact that she had sought after her sister at all was enough to bring some warmth to Corinna's heart. But the bleak truth that the River had lost yet enough child remained true.

Broken from her reverie, Corinna turned her attention to Ice as he spoke up, addressing Jessie. She listened, mute. They were going to follow the trail, see if they would fare any better than Aiyana had done on her own. Meeting her Second's eyes, she held them for a moment. He had told her to stay here, but her motherly instinct wanted to launch her into the darkness and after the trail too. She had searched for days for Torrel, but now she was being asked to leave the search up to them. With some hesitation, out of her own desire to accompany them, she nodded her head. "Go." There was nothing more that could be said. They all knew what she hoped they would find, but the chances of it happening were far too bleak.