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street parade, with highlight charades — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Something seemed familiar.

Although he had not run into anyone he had priorly met on his first entrance into Relic Lore, he did assume that a few still lingered here. One in particular he had hoped was still here but he had already prepared for the worst and had received it. Amelie was no longer here and held no trace of having left which meant it had been quite some time ago. It did not take him very long to pick up his head and remind himself to move along as he always did. However, he was still adamant that there had to be a couple familiar faces--there were always those that stayed in one place for decades.

Wherever he currently was, nestled near the Willows he could sense the familiarity of not only the area itself but the marks surrounding it. Inkheart was warned by these scents not to push boundaries so he simply moved farther away from them and lowered his head to attempt recovering any memories he might have had here.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Phineas was a ghost upon the borders – he only left Borlla’s side to attempt to track down lone wolves in hopes of finding enough souls to properly claim and protect a territory to call their own. Only in the morning did he graze his muzzle across the top of the sleeping pale dove’s head before drifting away, though today with a slightly different meaning.

His visit to Willow Ridge had been brief, though the couple had not strayed far from it. The moment Elettra knew the ivory Scout had impregnated a female, he held no doubt he would no longer be welcome to cross the borders to the land he had called home in the winter, though he held peace with this. His intention, after all, had initially only been to stay the winter, and with the smallest hope of an open door shattered by the ebony she-wolf herself, the Argyris male once more sought to fulfill his life.

He had left a rabbit within the pack cache; a meal that others would surely be able to tell was from him on sight alone very likely, as rabbits were the one small creature he excelled at hunting. As disgusted as he was with the leader’s choices, her belly would also need the support Borlla did for life to grow, and as it stood right now, he still held himself a Willow Ridge wolf.

As he slipped out of the pack borders and in to the willows, a new scent came upon him then. Blinking his fiery eyes, the large male stiffened slightly, his gaze sweeping out across the still-dead foliage, soon falling upon the black figure of another. Berating himself mentally for not paying closer attention, the Argyris male prowled forward slowly, his position held neutrally, though stiff. With a gentle ‘wuff’ of greeting, he awaited to see the stranger’s intentions – after all, he did not seem to carry the local scents of the packs about him, and was possibly a lone wolf.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">These wondrous places made him miss his precious Amelie, even if he had never gotten the chance to be hers. Inkheart had never been told her mate's name nor the names of the children she had come to conceive. Even through his jealous hatred, he did hope that the family had stuck together and moved as a family, alive and healthy even. He had not stayed in Relic Lore for their relationship to blossom so he had no right to butt in, which was why he had left a second time. If he could not have a future with her then he didn't need to be in a place that would cause danger to someone else. Only he realized now that he could have fought for her but in the end would he have succeeded?

As it were, it was all in the past. For now he simply needed to move on and just figure out what the next move was. A den had been made in an unmarked land but he wished to purchase one within with permission. Before long his head rose to be greeted with a stronger scent and just like that he, for what seemed like the millionth time that day, bowed his head respectfully. This time he had been seen by another of his gender and likely not weak at all. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I am Inkheart, a loner. He supplied intel easily, wishing to become acquainted with the packs so that he may know who to choose when the time came.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Phineas stood before him – a complete contrast of the stranger’s colors, though the other male was seemingly larger than himself. Blinking his fiery gaze, he noted the bow of the other wolf’s muzzle, and as they stood on neutral lands, the Argyris male mirrored the action, albeit briefly.

The introduction was almost a surprise to the pale wolf. After all, he had just swept up without a word and regarded the swarthy male as if demanding answers upon a neutral land. Relaxing himself, he gave a small nod of his muzzle. “Phineas of Willow Ridge,” he returned with a small flick of his tail, keeping the atmosphere polite. “Though I plan to claim land of my own with my mate.” The words slipped past his muzzle with careful precision – Elettra did not know of his plans yet, more because he was reluctant to see her again for the time being.

Even more exhilarating was the mention of the pale she-wolf he had spoken of as mate to the male before him. They had not formally titled themselves as such, though she carried his children now. Shifting his figure, the Scout allowed his gaze to drift away from Inkheart, settling upon the direction of his old home, Willow Ridge.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Times must have changed for the traveling nomad for giving a name and status was generally a good place to start. Perhaps the timing had not been right or the other simply could care less for his introduction? Either way, it was done and said and conversation would likely continue on as planned. He was a Phineas of Willow Ridge, which meant the pack was just beyond where the male stood. Ideas of settling down came and went upon mention that the male would likely be moving on with his mate in search of making a new pack (probably for the sake of their children, he supposed).

<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Have you any wolves to follow you? he asked this in kind, perhaps wondering if his meeting today would justify his desire to start fresh in a new pack or to join a pre-existing kin. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I am looking for my own pack to join though am making no rash decision as of yet. He wished to ask many more questions but Inkheart did not want to pry where his interest but yet be unwanted. Even so, he had plenty of other places he would need to visit first before choosing.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The male’s question was exactly what he wanted to hear, though the ivory male wasn’t sure if the query rose from curiosity or mere politeness. His gaze drifted over the male once more, noting that not even a blemish of grey or brown seemed to seep past the inky tones. It seemed his current companion was named well, and while he normally would have asked about the male’s heritage and culture regarding names, he pushed such aside in favour of the current conversation.

“No,” he offered in turn, knowing the answer to be unimpressive. And yet, if the male sought a new beginning, then perhaps the lack of numbers was more of a pull. There was a casual flick of the ivory male’s tail, his eyes drifting past the wolf now and to the direction of Bramble Falls. “Soon we will take any we might gain on this side of the mountain and then move to the other side – we are looking for a fresh start and it seems best to do so there.” It did not worry him as much that a malicious pack lived on the other side – after all, the lands of Relic Lore were vast, and he assumed it to be no different than the valley along the other side. “You will find there are many packs in Relic Lore.” He offered the statement as information – should the ebony wolf not be interested in initiating a new pack, the least the ivory regal could do was give him the basic facts he knew.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Hearing that he did not have any currently followers willing to go with him to create a new pack was unfortunate, but Inkheart was that much more interested. In fact, he was more interested in that then he thought he would be considering that that would give him that much more leverage to a place within the pack if he helped their start. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I would be lying if I didn't say that I wasn't interested in this proposed new pack of yours, he answered honestly as that would be the best policy, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">if you'd like I'm all ears to here about the other packs as well as the one you intend to start.

On his first stop to Relic Lore he had planned to make his own but after his fall out with his sister staying here hadn't seemed like such a good idea. Inkheart did not need to run from anyone anymore so Phineas had already hooked him and now he just needed to reel him in.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The ghost of a smirk skirted upon Phineas’ muzzle, though he did not comment upon the swarthy male’s spoken interest of his forming pack. Instead, he gave a light dip of his muzzle in compliance to the other – if anything, had the Argyris himself been more careful when choosing a pack upon settling at Relic Lore, he would have desired someone to inform him of the surrounding neighbours and potentials as well.

“My mate Borlla is pregnant. We will gather followers and travel across the mountain where it is said there are less packs. These lands are becoming a little too.. saturated, for my tastes,” he mused with a flick of his tail, his muzzle then giving a nod in the direction of the willows behind him. “Willow Ridge is a noble pack lead by a strict she-wolf named Elettra.” Even as he spoke of her, the male was amazed at how emotionless his voice became when conversing about the she-wolf who had intrigued him so. “The pack members are dutiful and hard working.”

He paused for a moment, his fiery eyes drifting past the male and to the directions that would lead him to the other packs. “North of here is a pack called Secret Woodlands – they are new, and lead by a one-eyed wolf named Nina, and the former leader of Willow Ridge, Koda. To the west of here is a pack called Grizzly Hollow, though I have not met them personally. Elettra was unimpressed with the pack itself and forged her own. I do not know her reasons, though.” Clearing his throat slight,y the ivory male lifted his shoulders. “There are others in these parts, but I do not know their names nor have I met any of their members.”

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Phineas' information was important and the dark beast listened intently, for he was prepared to open himself under the wind of this wolf. He seemed strong enough, bold and dedicated and through that would mean a strong, well-rounded pack. Indeed Inkheart knew that there were more than enough packs hidden amongst Relic Lore, at the very least five but he was going to choose wisely.

If he had ever actually known the Willow Ridge leaders name, he might have made some sort of notion or realization that he had met this Elettra before. They had shared in a scuffle before, though he couldn't remember why they had. Nothing had provoked it, if he remembered... but his memory could be failing. Dutiful and hard-working were great qualities, but would he have room succeed? <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Willow Ridge sounds applicable, he spoke plainly but as such he would not know until he met with the leader(s), <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">have you a name for your pack? He hoped that Phineas might have some extra room to carry him to their new location.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Despite the heavy heart he held with the thought of Elettra and Willow Ridge, the ivory beast was still in their debt, and would see them well when he left their ranks. This wolf, while he would make a fine addition to his own pack, would also benefit Willow Ridge greatly, and he was pleased to hear the inky male’s words regarding the Ridge pack.

At the question, the alabaster wolf gave a light shake of his muzzle, his shoulders rolling back to lift in a gentle shrug. “No. We won’t know more until we see what lies in wait for us at the other side of the mountain.” He had very little knowledge of the area over the mountains, and while time was a precious thing, as Borlla carried their little ones in her swollen stomach, he was also eager to explore the lands a little bit, if only to seek out the territory they would claim as their own and where their cubs would be raised.

But such elated feelings were not expressed – instead, the wolf waited quietly, giving the other a chance to ask any more questions he may have had lingering on his mind. The Argyris had fulfilled his purpose after all – he had attempted to recruit another for his purpose. Inkheart was of sound mind though, something to be admired to the large black wolf, and had Phineas been so careful with his pack selection upon his arrival in Relic Lore, perhaps he would not have fallen under Elettra’s powers.

But then again, perhaps he would not have met Borlla, either. Fate was a fickle thing.