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learning how to dance the rain — Swift River 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
This uhm takes place when the thread is started, for once! So it's assumed Aniwaya have been dealt with already etc. Liquid time FTW! @Corinna first please :'3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
For once, it felt like things were falling into place, bits and pieces fitting their mismatched edges together and melding. Perhaps not seamlessly, but not with gaps, not hacking at each other, falling apart, or breaking. Ice stood within the Grove, his white body visible against the darker backdrop of the trees, even if snow still dusted the ground. The air was cold, his breath steaming into it, and the sun had just risen above the spine of the Serpent, cold light filtering down through the naked branches to touch his shoulders and the snow at his feet. It was always the coldest at dawn, but in his thick fur, it didn't bother him. Soon enough the sun would regain its warmth, and the world would be brighter, lighter, the dark rocks warm and the air not so freezing in his throat. Blinking his pale eyes, Ice swept his head in a circle, peering at the maze of trunks, the familiar jut of a rock.. from somewhere just beyond his sight he heard the tinkle of the gentle stream passing nearby. The memory of it wasn't quite so painful anymore - the memory of Rissa, in the warm summer, the pair of them floundering through the water and laughing, trying to hunt waterfowl. It ached still, but without the sharp, stabbing intensity, and some part of him thought that if Rissa had still been with them, she would've been ecstatic at the thought of younger siblings.

Or totally pissed that she'd get more competition for the world's throne. A faint grin curled Ice's lips. Wherever her essence was, be it in the stars of the hearts of the River wolves, he was sure she'd help watch over them. Ice let his gaze move away again. This place was so familiar, it had been home for over a year, but he and Corinna had agreed that unless it absolutely horrified the pack, they would move. Marsh had went east to look for suitable locations, and it was time to break the news to the pack, and confirm to everyone that they would go on.. they would keep going, raise new cubs, and guard them like a mother bear guarding her cubs. They would not lose more children. Ice had sworn it in the dark of the night, and he was not about to go back on it. He was not about to let more be taken from them, not by anyone they knew, or a stranger. But they would have to leave, before Corinna became too large to make it safely across the mountains, and it meant the pack had to prepare.

A low howl slipped out of his throat, asking either for Corinna's whereabouts, or her presence. He wanted her support, and to support her, to confirm once again that she hadn't changed her mind. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally walk over her, or split the pack. Once his song faded to silence, he perked his ears and waited, either to move to where she was, or for her to come. It would depend on her answer.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Gonna try and beast this out before class starts <3 Busy end of school year is busy.

Gone Tomorrow

It was never a guarantee, that it would take. But deep within her, Corinna knew that new life was beginning to form. Her scent had changed once again, but the telltale scents of pregnancy were not yet there. It would come, with time. Better to tell the pack before that happened, though, then for them to wake up one morning and to realize that Corinna was indeed growing, as Ice so eloquently put it, fatter. It was an unfortunate side effect, but the River wolf was excited regardless. Very little brought the pack together like the presence of young wolves. Though as she lay with her nose tucked into her tail, she couldn't help but wonder how the current youngest wolf would react to the news.

Settled rather comfortably under a tree, Cori had fallen back into a half slumber. Ears twitching, she was roused by Ice's far off call. Seeking her out. Stifling a yawn, it took some will power to lift her muzzle from her bushy tail. Blinking slowly, she took in the half light - a few rays of light filtering in through the tree branches as the sun began its ascent over Serpent's Pass. Propping herself up with her forelegs, she stretched the front half of her body before dragging her behind off the snow to stand. Take advantage of mobility while you can, she idly thought to herself.

Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she called back to @Ice. She was here, and awake. Barely. About twenty minutes away, she bid her resting place one last, longing look and set off at an easy pace. Perhaps they could meet in the middle, but either way, she was on her way.

and cut short because of class =(
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
No worries. <3

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
A few moments later, her answering call cut through the Grove and into his ears. She was a ways off, but that didn't matter. The strange feeling of peace which had come over him told him that there was no hurry, there was no need to talk now, they did not need to climb the mountain tonight. What was a few more days? They had time. A low answer slipped out of his mouth as his sturdy legs reached out in front of him to take him towards her. The familiar trees passed on either side of him as the white wolf sank past thoughts and into the easy rhythm of moving.

The memory of the direction of her howl was planted in his mind, like north upon a compass, and he headed doggedly for it. The longer time passed, the more alert his senses became even if his mind remained empty; after maybe ten minutes or so his head, eyes and ears were constantly moving, and finally he spotted her off through the trees. A bark left his mouth and he bounded over to her, his tail wagging and his eyes bright. He'd noticed the change in her scent, and was fairly sure that it was the same as last year. It meant two things: puppies, and that she, hopefully, was happier now.

Wordlessly he greeted her, trying to bump his dark nose against hers while his high tail swayed from side to side. Then, with a mischievous grin, his tongue flicked out to touch her nose and he bounced backwards, his chest lowering slightly towards the ground in a bow to show that he meant no harm.. only that he was happy, and that he, kind of, had forgotten there was more reason than this he'd called for her.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

it seemed that they would meet in the middle. Corinna could hear Ice's footsteps long before she could see him, and his comforting scent hit her nostrils even sooner. It was accompanied by a spike in her heart rate. The leader had always been happy to see her friend, and that affection had only grown over the years and months. That they would now be parents, together brought their partnership to a whole new level. They had kept it between themselves, for the moment, though eventually they would have to let the others know. This was their gift to the pack, after all. A physical representation of starting over.

Returning his bark with one of her own, the female leader picked up her pace and bounded over to him. Her tail had arched above her back, wagging happily, and her black lips had parted to reveal a toothy grin. Touching noses with him, she licked his chin in greeting. Lifting a creme paw, she batted the air at his head, falling fall short due to his stature. Playfulness had returned, something that had long been absence from the haunted lands that they roamed.

"You called?" she questioned, a bright laughter in her voice. Her tail fell into a more relaxed position, the tip still wagging at her hocks. Settling down onto her haunches, Cori tilted her head back, grinning up at him. "You're certainly up early for fun and games." Or maybe she was just lazy, having slept in. But he certainly didn't need to know that, and she was not about to tell him.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
For so long had misery and misfortune haunted their sacred forest, and the whisper of water had been nothing but a reminder of heartache and loss. Even the sunlight had seemed stale, and lackluster. But on this early morning it seemed bright, rejuvenating, hopeful and promising; it lit the tips of his fur, and haloed hers. She truly seemed someone else, not a stranger but someone familiar having come home, a spring in her step and a lightness to what she did - they met halfway, nose to nose and playful, eager for the future. For once he didn't feel like it would just hurt all the more to wake up to new days, and as she lifted her paw to bat after him he gave a low woof and tried to nip it. There was just something so.. freeing, about waking up to sunlight and cold air and hope.

He'd fallen down in a bow, and she settled on her haunches; slowly Ice drew himself upright, his tail having fallen, too, but twitching from side to side simply because he was content with life. They had no need to assert dominance over one another - never had, never would, probably. A wolf's version of a somewhat abashed laughter rolled out of his mouth, and he brought up one thick foreleg to rub against the side of his muzzle. "I like the early mornings," he admitted with a small grin, before sinking down on his furry hind end. "Everything is so beautiful, so.. peaceful, yet alive." And cold - but everything was prettier when it was cold out, clearer, somehow. A few birds sang a tribute to the dawn, their voices rising lightly in the morning air. For a moment Ice sat, motionless, merely listening, enjoying it now that he'd reminded himself of how good it felt to be up and about at this hour.

Then reality caught up with him. He hadn't called for her just to play and cuddle, but he'd had something on his mind. A slight frown creased his forehead; what if she'd be content to stay, with new life on the way? He'd gotten so used to the thought of moving... "I was thinking about the future," he began, searching for the words even as he spoke. "We've got one part of it down..." His silver gaze dropped to her belly for a moment, knowing that it was much too early for any signs to show; he nearly got stuck staring at the moulting fuzz, wondering what lurked within. He knew what they'd look like a few weeks after birth, but now? For all he knew they were just whangdoodles right now. Feeling all sorts of awkward, awed and excited, he raised his gaze again. "But I was thinking about, moving.. and if you still wanted to do it." His ears flicked back hesitantly; he still wanted, but would she?
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Ice's laughter was music to her ears; they twitched at the sound. After a quick scratch of his nose, he settled down opposite her as well, though the light-hearted atmosphere did not change at all. Surely by now, Corinna's habitual teasing was simply a way of life for Ice, and rolled off his broad shoulders as if it meant nothing at all. The merriment that seemed to accompany them whenever they met, for whatever the purpose, certainly supported that fact, and his admittance of enjoying the early mornings for their peacefulness was enough of a confirmation for her. "Fair enough," she murmured, tail beating the ground once with a satisfying thump. "You can take the morning watch, and I can take the later ones." They were a team after all, weren't they?

The frown that crossed his brow was enough to poke a small hole in the happy atmosphere that surrounded him, and the words that came next were slightly more solemn in nature. The future, that lovely phrase that struck terror into their hearts for the longest time. It was less scary now, but just as unknown. But before she could answer him, his gaze redirected itself, shifting from her face down to her stomach, where an unknown number of whangdoodles were beginning to form. How many, she would have no idea until the time came, and that was still quite a ways off. Summer would be in full swing by the time she bid her pack mates goodbye and disappeared into her den to give birth in seclusion. Only then would they know the exact fruits of their efforts.

Ice's words continued, though, reminding her that where she would give birth was still a question that was up in the air. Bringing her green gaze to meet his, she tilted her head ever so slightly to the left in a thoughtful manner. After a moment, "Yes, I do. I still think it would be the best solution. We need to do it soon, though. You might not suspect it now, but in a few weeks that trek over the mountains is going to be difficult indeed." Corinna's voice filled the space, her head righting itself as she nodded in confirmation. "Perhaps it is time to tell the others."

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
"You can take the morning watch, and I can take the later ones." His toothy grin showed that he had no qualms at all with this arrangement, and that it suited him rather well; if it meant she could be lazy and sleep in without feeling guilt, all the better, no? But talk turned to more serious things, yet it had the effect he had wanted - there was no hesitance, no plunge back into the dark waters of the past. Simply because new life was growing within Corinna it did not mean that they would grow stagnant, stuck here for forever. Even if Indru haunted the trees, the security of the well-known could've made their roots grow too deep to be torn up this way.. but it did take a weight off his heart, to know that it wasn't so. That they did still breath and grow, evolve, and soon they would be somewhere else.

His white head dipped in a nod, a small grin curling his lips. "I agree," he said, lightly, his eyes a-sparkle like sunlight upon the water. "And yes, best get on with it before I'll have to carry you across." One eye-lid dropped down in a wink, before he tipped his head the other way, namely up. From his throat the call rang out, to all corners of the Grove, calling the pack to them; a few seconds of silence followed the first, and then a second howl spilled out, to make sure that they all would've heard, and had time to pinpoint the location. It was the first time he had called the pack together as a leader, and something about it made him somewhat giddy - almost as giddy as the thought of what grew in Corinna, and how the pack would react to it. He gave her a grin, and still mostly seated used his paws to drag himself closer to her, shuffling over the uneven ground until he could lean his shoulder against hers and put his nose to her cheek. They were, after all, in this together.
.ice aesir

Come now, @Belun, @Fenru, @Cali, @Jessie, @Tali, and @Kisla!
Next round of the meeting starts on May 13th, unless everyone has shown up before then! Please put this thread on priority, and know that there's no need to write anything long. I think it's best if we try to keep below 500 words all of us. xP
And please, let me know your opinions here!
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She had been attempting to catch some new prey for their caches when the call had come, her ears swiveling in the direction that she heard her alpha’s voice. Snorting softly, her emerald eyes looking back in the direction in which the summons had come from, she turned and started on her way. Jessie’s small form helped her get through the forest easily, her fur brushing against the trees and bushes that surrounded the forest. She knew the lands well enough now to know where to step and not to step. There would always be a few days where she would be careless and accidently step into a hole of some sorts. Thankfully, tonight would not be that day.

Finally, when she had stepped into the area where Ice had called for the pack, she was not surprised to see Corinna already there, the two alphas shoulder to shoulder. Her tail, lowering two fractions beneath their own highly lifted tails swayed behind her as she dipped her head in greeting to the two leaders. "Corinna…Ice…" she muttered quietly before going to sit near the two. Watching them, her eyes attentive, she waited for the rest of the pack to get to their meeting area so that they could all know what Ice had called them for. Hopefully, they would all gather around soon, as patience was not Jessie’s strong point when it came to the meetings that they all gathered there for. With a soft sigh, she allowed her tail to slump down on the ground and lay in the dirt beneath their feet while she waited for the rest of their family to arrive.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Howls broke through the air and though he was seemingly in no mood to socialize or see anyone, Fenru gathered his feet beneath him and prowled through the Grove. Following Jessie's path he soon came upon the small scene - Mum, Dad... and Jessie. Though his frame had originally been hunkered down from a travel we'd lope, his rust-dusted ears additionally slicked back and his lumbering frame stepped past the Hunter to formally greet his parents. His plume-like tail wagged and he gladly nuzzled his nose and muzzle against Ice and Corinna's shoulders, collarbones and throats, very much like an overgrown cub.

A small whine lifted from him, low and, at present, uncertain. Once he found a place at Ice's hocks, he quietly settled down and pressed his ear and the side of his face into the ashen male's leg, leaning against him as a means of comfort and security. He drew a deep breath then released it in a sort of tired sigh as he closed his eyes. As if to show that he was still fully attentive, his tail slowly thumped at the ground by his hind limbs. Eventually in a matter of a few seconds, however, his eyes fluttered open again and he tilted his head up to peer quietly into both of his parents' faces.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
It was a summon, and momentarily the female paused mid-step along the borders edge. Her features were grim – a constant expression upon her these days it seemed and her hesitance was only spurned by the surprise she felt. Dread seemed to fill her then – Swift River did not have the best track record of offering good news upon surprise meetings, and with a heavy heart, the tawny girl loped in the direction of the regal male’s call.

It did not surprise her that Ice had risen to leadership. Marsh’s disappearance stung, as Kisla had considered him a savior and parental figure, but as always life seemed to continue, even if the pack did not seem ready for it.

She arrived shortly after her brother, and as her green eyes swept over to her mother she noted how the silver she-wolf’s scent had changed. There something about the way that Ice’s shoulder grazed Corinna’s that stirred unsettled upset within her, and for comfort, the she-wolf pressed her smaller and more slender figure to Fenru’s, tipping her muzzle up to touch her nose to his nape in quiet greeting.

Her eyes swept across the small gathering then, noting the presence of Jessie as well. The pack come spring had seemingly grown smaller – Brenton and uncle Triell had both gone, and once more Kisla was reminded how fickle others could be. Loyalty was always promised when they stood upon the brink of the pack borders, and yet after a few months it seemed wanderlust would strike. Her nostrils flared as she exhaled slightly, her eyes drifting to her mother and Ice, waiting for whatever news they bore.

sparking up my heart