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nomads lament — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
NOT a claiming thread for the pack. Instead, this is simply a traveling thread from one side of the mountain to the other. Members wishing to be part of Magnolia Glen will need to post! Thread will only last two rounds. After completed, we will make a claiming thread!

@Borlla, @Lucero, @Siku and @Sitamat should be posting here. @Erebos and @Inkheart -- if you wish to join the group, feel free to say they had followed Phineas' scent and are just catching up.

Other lone wolves looking to join may also post in here.

They had left just as the sun rose from the peaks beyond the mountain slopes, and despite the steady pace the ivory male encouraged the group to maintain, it still took days to reach the other side. It was a small group – aside from he and his mate, they had taken Lucero, the kind and enthusiastic she-wolf, as well as Siku and her son. The ivory dominant had kept careful watch upon the mother and son duo, uncertain of what to make of them still. The days passed far too quickly, and with Borlla’s side’s revealing her pregnancy now, he was not willing to take any risks with her.

The days passed, allowing the small group to acquaint with one another. Finally, as they emerged from one side of the mountain to the other, the alabaster wolf had kept watch over the group as they slept that night sheltered by the formation of the mountain and the enclosures within. The next day, once all had arisen, the five travellers had continued. Grey clouds rolled overhead, and every so often a raindrop would fall to the terrain, though the male was content to know that it was not snow. Slowly, winter would soon have to release its grip upon Relic Lore, and he eagerly awaited the days that would thaw the lands.

Finally they came upon the thick forest. The foliage had yet to be inflamed by spring season, and so it appeared dull to the male. His tail gave an idle flick as he stilled, his muzzle bending down to graze against Borlla’s cheek in reassurance. They would stop wherever she asked or felt the desire to claim, but he felt no pull to this land. Instead, his fiery eyes swept over the gathered wolves, his nose lifting to the air as a scent drifted upon the cold breeze. “Does anyone have the energy to hunt?”
(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2013, 03:48 PM by Phineas.)

Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

She had let the time blur altogether. After the first morning her anticipation had boiled down, overcome by weariness. A nearly sleepless night became another restless day, followed by another, and another. It was as though they were travelling to the end of the world, by the look of things. Perhaps it was hope that overrode the ache in her stiffened body. Perhaps it was the fact that she was really too worn at this point to notice. Either way, Lucero kept her focus - Borlla, and the protruding belly that she toted all the way over the mountain. The lady who she now considered a friend needed care, and Luce made sure none of her needs went unattended.

The ashen girl eyed the towering trees, taking in the shades of moss that grew upon the thick bark of their trunks. There were patches of ground where the snow had faded, giving way to soft dirt and mud that had the most aromatic, earthen smell. Here and there she probed, nosing the weathered leaves that blanketed the forest floor with disinterest, mostly. The dark scarlet hue of the deadened ferns told a beautiful story, one of a rich summer where the wood glowed a fiery red. Unfortunately, it would seem that the winter months were quick to snuff whatever glory the ferns possessed. There really wasn't much to see here.

At Borlla's flank, she watched the interaction between she and Phineas quietly, quickly reverting her attention to scenery when she felt as though she were being a bit too observing. When he spoke up, finally breaking the silence they'd all kept, her golden stare met his own. She was exhausted, and felt as though she didn't have the energy to sit down, let alone hunt. But food was something they all needed, and after drawing a look over the group her gaze fell and remained upon Borlla. She didn't waste any time in rendering that a hunt was warranted. "I do."

One look at the lumbering, darker coated woman and she knew she wasn't the only one.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Though their journey seemed never ending, she tried to quell her weariness. The extra baggage she was beginning to tow made her tired, a familiar feeling, but one she was so used to pushing aside. It tore at her now, threatening to forcefully silence her, but she refused to hold their party up. Borlla was eager to find the other side of the mountain. Perhaps for reasons identical to her new family, but also because it meant leaving the old behind. So, so far behind. She'd been up the mountain before, used to call it home, but never had she tried to mount it in such a way as they were now. There was more beyond these stone peaks. A new world that she was desperate to see and make her own. Sleep was not part of this new world. Not yet.

Close to Phineas's side, she stuck, trying to keep with his pace. She'd taken to counting in her head, a pleasant and welcome distraction from the dull ache in her bones. In times where she couldn't match the pace of her lover, she then kept with Lucero. She'd found a friend and a companion in the elder female. The feeling was quite unfamiliar, but so welcome. Friends for Borlla were so few and far between, she'd never been the magnetic kind. And in days, they began to put the stone peaks behind them, and such tedious trailing and pacing was no longer needed. Thick trees surrounded them, but it still felt as though spring had yet to touch these lands. She could only hope that things would warm up in time.

A question lingered upon the air, and Borlla slowly lowered her hind end to the ground, finding temporary respite. Honey-hued eyes gazed quietly upon Phineas, before casting out to their companions. A small smile lingered upon her muzzle, <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm sure I could muster some up," The woman offered with a bit of humor in her voice. They were all clearly exhausted, but food was a necessity and there would certainly always be enough energy left to hunt. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
@Tuwawi and @Miyako I DUNNO JUST IN CASE U GUYS YOU KNOW GET PRESSURED BY SIKU x0x i mentioned u two IC but uhm if you're not coming with big mama jus ignore dat bit... *_*_*_*
Siku had become a traveler. She was no stranger to crossing mountains or rivers; now, neither were her sons. Ataneq had been with them for a while, but she had sent him off with Aves. They would return in due time. Sitamat remained with her, and the lumbering bears moved together. Siku always kept ahead; she would press her place in the hierarchy from time to time, authoritatively pushing ahead of all but Phineas and his mate, Borlla. She was silent for the entirety of the trip, except when responses were ultimately necessary. There was no way to quell the woman's nature: she was a wolf.

In time, she would be Issumatar again. It was a label she had placed to her name without fear or anxiety, and many new her as it even if it was not her rank. It had become a part of her person. Her own eyes cast behind her as she sought the familiar persons that would follow her until the end, though the gaze was sweeping it assured them that—yes—she did indeed care. She always had. Siku was sure they might be tired, but aching limbs had never stopped the strength of Tartok before. As the question was raised, Siku licked her chops and drew near to Phineas in a way that meant she was prepared to move with the hunters. As his woman spoke, her eyes fell to her in a way that lacked judgment. It was not for SIku to decide whether or not the pregnant woman run. Having no idea how far along the leader was, she was sure that if Borlla were to endanger the future of her pack she would not have suggested she join them at all.

Her gaze fell to her son. The agouti cub might be likely to have the most energy of all, being so young. They would need it. And perhaps Ataneq might join them, yet; she knew she had put him and Aves on a grueling mission of sorts, but one that would not take so long that they would not be around when it came time to lay true claim to some land.
Played by Noire who has 5 posts.
Miyako Masuyo

And so she was back where she belonged, beneath her Issumatar. Foregone transgressions were all but forgotten in favor of Phineas' change of location. The man was charitable enough in helping the Tartok name establish itself within Relic Lore. In time, they would be known, but as of now, Tartok knew very little of these lands. They needed all the help they could get. Miyako did not object to anything, shadowing Siku and her offspring, bringing up the rear in soundless reflection.

Every now and then, Siku would assert herself amongst everyone else, deliberately passing Lucero and walking ahead of her as if it was nothing. At one time, Miyako may have seen it as humorous, but now, it aggravated something within Miyako, causing her tail to curl high. Just what was she thinking – going ahead of someone she didn't even know as if it was her expedition? Nothing could be claimed in such brassy exhibitions of dominance, only Phineas' dissatisfaction, which was exactly what they did not need, now of all times. She did not personally know the man, but she hoped Lucero countenanced Siku's mannerisms.

Clues of weariness could been seen in their merry band. It showed in their stride, their sloppy steps, and their uneven breathing. Even so, they endured with closed lips, marching ever onward without a single protest. Miyako did not do much aside from canvass the scenery, sniffing at the occasional fern or one of its expired relatives. Their trek was ho-hum but essential. When they came to a stop, so did Miyako...up until she heard Phineas' query. She was quick in answering, coming to stand beside Lucero. Her immediate presence and nearness was as clear-cut a response could get.

(This post was last modified: Apr 16, 2013, 02:21 AM by Miyako.)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Times had been tough for the bear-like canine but he would not overlook the necessary desire to blend within a pack. Though the packs here seemed adequate and well-versed in natural order, Phineas was the winner that reigned high on his mind and for the past couple days he had truly begun to see his decision clearly. His future lay in the paws of Phineas and the pack that he created. Inkheart was proud to be considered and made his way towards their traveling scents.

Times had been tough for the bear-like canine but he would not overlook the necessary desire to blend within a pack. Though the packs here seemed adequate and well-versed in natural order, Phineas was the winner that reigned high on his mind and for the past couple days he had truly begun to see his decision clearly. His future lay in the paws of Phineas and the pack that he created. Inkheart was proud to be considered and made his way towards their traveling scents.

Arriving to the gathering just in time to hear Phineas mention hunting, he looked around briefly before turning to Phineas. A gentle nod was given to the ivory leader, signaling that he was there and would follow them to their chosen territory.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
Evermore the changing of seasons as they passed alongside his burly features, hard-pressed and weary but never tired. Mother had taught her eldest to stay strong and to remember who he was, who they were together. Each Tartok yearling was inevitably different than the other but they were bonded by their strength, pride in self and their respect for their kin. Clouds appeared within the sky dotting the clouds like bushes upon the earthy ground though he paid no mind to make pit stops nor delicately sniff individually. Atuaserk was to make haste to his Guide and prepare alongside his brothers for the journey ahead.

Hushed and hidden in plain sight, the yearling journeyed in the groups heading with their scents grazing against his nose. The boy was near, hearing lowered breathing and scenting his family was with them. Ataneq did not run, gallop or sprint but glided through the open trees to reunite himself to his mother and younger brother. He, too, had energy to spare like his brother and would participate in helping their leader(s) with any activity that was needed or required. Kindly, once reaching his kin, brushed up against each of them and pressed his muzzle underneath his mother's. Her scent was warm and welcoming, bringing forth a higher sense of pride and comfort while to stand next to his brother greeted him with control and a protective spirit.

Through all their bonds the two shared an innate quality where speech rarely become of them, using words when ultimately necessary or not at all. When chances came to speak you could make out the harsh baritone voice that seemed as weary as a traveler might be, graveled and rocky. For now he simply stood by his family and issued a subtle bow to their promised leader, as he would lead them all to health and unity until the Tartoks found their unity.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Deej who has 4 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Sitamat 'Taqukaq' Tartok
Sitamat – he did as he was told.

The boy wonder was a good boy, he wasn’t naughty – wasn’t misbehaving. No, all she had to do was beckon, to call. It had no need to be loud, or brash. No gaudy display to ensnare his attention. It was her scent. It was lingering, soft. It was fleeting, haphazardly swept on a breeze and he knew – he hadn’t much time to catch up. His ears pulled forward and he sought the sound of their foot-falls. Nothing gave them away, no snap or overturning of stone. All he had was the scent of Siku, and then later the scent of his brother. His stride grew long, and reaching. His gait quick and carried in ease. He was daunting in this task, relentless in catching up, in finding them.

And then there, there they were as he knew they’d be.

A ghost of a smile threatened to break along the lips, withheld by duty. Clenching austerity, instead, he took up a place at his sibling’s side, moving alongside wordlessly. He made no attempt to regard those with them, instead, choosing to find comfort in the familiar presence of his brother, and his mother. Never one to chat, no – he remained wordless, soundless. Save for the breath spilling from his splayed lips, and the glissade of his stride, there was little else that spoke of Sitamat being alive. No, a porcelain predator, he was simple. All he needed to know was that Mother asked of them to go, that she required of him was loyalty, and to follow. Simple Sitamat, abiding son – never any trouble.

He just did as he was told.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
@Amari if you would like to join too?

His departure from his brother in the wildwood had been nothing unusual, after all, he was his own creature through and through. He had set out in a mind to track down @Amari, after all, he had agreed to be her companion, but when he had failed to find her, he had left a trail should she choose to follow and had set out once again in search of his older brother.

By the time he had reached the Willows, the scent was beginning to fade, and after following it for a ways it was joined by others. Momentary confusion, and apprehension were replaced with general caution as he continued along the trail, intent on catching his sibling up before a final territory was claimed, but not pushing himself beyond the point of exhaustion. After all, a singular wolf moved more deftly and swiftly over mountainous terrain than a caravan that involved a pregnant female, and despite his brothers conviction that this time they were his, Erebos would reserve his judgement until he was able to lay eyes on them himself.

Finally the ground began to open up and though crowded with monstrous trees that wore skirts of faded brown ferns, bitten by the chill of the snows that were yet to entirely recede from the lands, he was able to open his gait to move far more swiftly amongst the trees. Silver backed ears spun back and forth on the top of his skull as the accumulated scents grew stronger and stronger. Words were heard to be uttered, though few for so many, and the large wolf slowed himself, emerging casually from the undergrowth to set his eyes for the first time on the pack that his brother had gathered.

He felt no need to dip his head in greeting for he had always stood a few centimeters short of his brother, although he did approach and offer a nudge to his pale cheek. Fiery eyes settled on the woman with swelling sides for a moment, noting similarities and differences between his brothers current choice, and the former, before finally, if somewhat begrudgingly offering her a similar greeting to the one he had given his brother.

"Did I hear someone mention food?" he questioned, a smirk painted on his face as his tail began a casual wave behind him. It would seem he too, was not opposed to a quick meal before they continued on their way.

Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Many months had passed since her departure from the previous pack in which she served. Zia had left them silently, bitterly. Who was once a friend, now crowned as an Alpha, had tossed what they had aside as if were a joke. Clearly, his status had gone to his head. As devoted as she was from the start, she would not sit idly by and let her ego be stomped upon. No, Zia was a wolf who expected respect from others. It was a simple game of give and take. In her eyes, living alone was much more preferable than remaining under the rule of that false excuse for a King. Good riddens to them all.

She knew there were far greener pastures out there, along with wolves of a far better character. The opposite was also true, for the platinum coated female had encountered more than her fair share of the sinister breed in her time. Life both in her birth pack and as a lone wolf, toughened her. Wizened her knowledge, forcing her to expand her array of skills. And so it was, that Zia Celencio took her first steps into Relic Lore. She had been here only a mere week, but already she could tell these lands were teeming with life. A perfect paradise in which her own kind could thrive and prosper. It was a welcome relief from the barren tundra she had been crossing for the last few months, where prey was a challenge to find. At least here, once she located a small mammal, like a hare, she would be able to satiate the hunger gnawing at her stomach.

Mid morning found the lone female roaming cautiously through a forest of deadened ferns. Had their leaves not been wilted, then surely the illusion would've been given as if the forest was alight with fire. That display would have to wait until the peak of spring. Sharp blue eyes flicked ahead, peering through the tangle of branches and leaves, charcoal tinted ears pricked. Zia was not here to admire the scenery. Instead, something else had locked her interest entirely. Other wolves. Their scent had been faint at first, hardly noticeable. In fact, she wasn't even aware that the forest was occupied, for she had been picking her way through on the opposite side, as opposed to where Phineas' small group was. It was only when she had edged closer, did their scent grow stronger.

Pausing just a few yards away, Zia studied the group. They appeared to be a very small pack, but she couldn't be certain. Her sapphire eyes immediately picked out the two leaders. One large ivory colored male, and another tawny female, who was obviously pregnant. Hearing the male inquire if anyone had the strength to hunt, Zia's interest was immediately roused. With her slender, athletic build, she was perfect for running down large prey. Ever mindful of her body language, which she kept neutral, yet respectful, she emerged from the trees and out into the open. Just in case any of these wolves proved hostile, she stopped just out of lunging distance. She bowed her head in a polite gesture before addressing Phineas and Borlla...and the group as whole. "Pardon me. I happened to be passing through the area when I caught wind of your scent and I overheard you." She offered a small smile. "If you are in need of assistance with your hunt, I would be happy to assist. That is, if I may join you in the effort?" Her tail wagged slightly, her spirits lifting.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee