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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
RE: Discovered a nice patch of flowers one day.

<blockquote>Ergh. The colours were too bright. What the heck were they still doing out anyway? Didn't they realise they were in the clutches of winter? For some reason, he thought he knew of someone that could tell him why the plants were so bright, why the yellow in the flowers beneath his paws still shone brightly towards the morning sun. He was sure they should have died long ago but there was a wolf who could tell him why they were still here. He didn't know the name though and he couldn't see a face when he thought of who it was he knew. Maybe he had just made their acquaintance once and for but a moment... who knows. Annoyed at the gap in his memory, he wrinkled his nose and snatched one of the delicate flowers from the ground, tearing the roots from the earth. He crushed the honey hued petals within his jaws and then spat the offending plant out to the floor.

Stupid flowers.

He planted his rear to the floor, easing himself more than he would normally, the stinging in his shoulder still evident.

Stupid Marsh.

He glanced to the sky. The azure about him was beautiful. The sky was clear. No clouds. A fresh breeze. The morning sun was climbing higher and higher, it would be noon soon. The days were shorter now, the temperature was icy. He was thankful for his winter coat, which not only kept him warm, but made him look like he had a little more meat on his bones then he actually had. Speaking of meat- there was his stomach rumbling.
Ever since the ghost of his father had abandoned him after the fight, and with a nice hole torn into his flesh, he hadn't been able to hunt. Nothing fresh. Scraps here and there, a fish from the stream which was already dead and half eaten from a bear... nothing substantial and he was starting to feel the pain from it. He needed to eat and soon. He wondered for a moment where Ecco had gone- she would have been useful. He should of used her to hunt when he had the chance and not fussed with his wound. He just wasn't able to think straight right now. Everything shot of on a tangent. Memories were out of place and made little sense. Shooting pains in his head, that felt like someone had hammered a nail into his temper, reminded him that parts of his life were missing but he was unable to access them.

Stupid Brain.

With an inward sigh, causing a mist of breath from his nose, he glance from side to side. He had never been here before, but he hadn't much to say on the place, other than it was super quiet. Too quiet. There was no food to be found here. It didn't help that it was winter. That most of the smaller animals were hibernating somewhere safely. He could spend his time trying to find locations of sleeping pray, but that would use too much energy. Energy he didn't have to spare.
He had no purpose right now. Other than tearing Marsh limb from limb, but he wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to take on a pack wolf unless he bumped into him alone. He wouldn't be proud and march up to the River front door, knock loudly and call him out. No, he wouldn't come alone. He would bring the others with him, maybe not by his choice, but pack wolves didn't work on honor; they survived the best they could. Same as him. No, the downfall of the River wolves would have to wait until he was himself, his head stopped hurting, his stomach stopped rumbling and he had pack support.

There goes another shooting pain.

He whinced, they were getting stronger. Certain trails of thought caused a stronger pain than others- especially thoughts of packs, females and even pups. He didn't even recall the run in he had with his son and mate before his memory had returned - it appeared his mind had chosen to block out that as well, alongside the death of his white daughter.

Like a fool. He continued to sit within the glade of flowers, his rear to the floor, his mind trying to focus, his stomach growling and his purpose lost.

Stupid life.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 12:17 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

It was not among the Cedar trees that Valiant roamed today, his aimless wandering, perhaps in search of the young grieving girl, or maybe in search of another pushed to the back of his mind as he allowed his feet to wander where they would. Of course the tawny bitches burning eyes and sharp words had been etched into his mind, but his loyalty had never laid with her. Find him, and bring him back.

If he did find the male, he wouldn’t be forcing him anywhere. He doubted he would have left without good reason, and the fact she said he was out of his mind?

Well Valiant was pretty sure he had always been out of his mind to an extent.

It was not expected then, when the breeze carried to him the ghost of a scent. Ears pricked in the direction of the wind, nostrils flaring as he breathed in deeply, trying to analyse the direction, a simple task for some, but never really a skill he had honed. He figured into the wind was as good a direction as any and off he set at a casual trot, allowing his eyes to aid his nose in their search.

Finally, honey-hued eyes landed on a dark figure in the distance. For a moment he squinted, wondering perhaps if it was the young lad again, a doppleganger for his father? But no, he wasn’t laced with the scent of the crazy bitch so that could only leave one possibility.

It was easy for the silvered wolf to act as if nothing had changed. His friend was simply sitting there, staring at something about his feet. He slowed enough to warn the other male of his approach, his steps deliberate. He knew better than to sneak up on this one.

“Where have you been hiding ‘ey?” he questioned, a sly smile on his face. Surely it had all been an act to drive the loopy bitch off. He was a bit more tattered than last time but he was still Rhysis. The bitch was just out of her mind...

code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 11:23 AM by Valiant.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Someone was coming for they made no effort in hiding their paw steps against the cold ground. A shuffle of grass, leaves, twigs, who knew, but they were coming towards him. At first, he thought it was Marsh. He wouldn't put it past the golden wolf to track him down just to finish what they had started. Rhysis would had took that fight to the death, but it was all over when his head hit the ground and the world begun to spin. Yeah, sure, whatever. It was his fault for, his slip up, his loss of the right, but he wouldn't admit that to himself or anyone; he saw it as just one of those things and would never speak of it again.
This creeping wolf wasn't Marsh though. Nor was he part of any River pack. He had a familiar scent, but it was buried within a strong forest aroma. A pack wolf to be sure, but one that his body told him not to fear. How curious.

He glanced over his shoulder and met the figure of the very fluffy silver wolf. He walked confidently yet timid at the same time it seemed, but his face held a sly smile that creeped Rhysis out a little. Who walked up to a stranger smiling? It wasn't an evil smile, if anything he seemed to want to be friends. Like a lost puppy or something. Geez, someone needed to give the guy a smack. Tell him not to walk up to strangers with a big grin on his face, with not a care in the world. Rhysis might have considered being the one to give him a whack on the head and tell him to stop being retarded, but his shoulder still stung a little and he didn't fancy his chances whilst wounded with a male that large.

It turned out he didn't need to smack sense into the wolf, he had obviously lost his marbles. It became apparently when he spoke, just like he knew Rhysis. Well, Rhysis certainly didn't know who this guy was... or did he? A nagging in his mind told him to cut it out, perhaps a whisper or a name echoed in his ears but he didn't heed to any of it. Instead, he waited a moment before he replied "Dafuck?" in his cool, distant drawl. Perhaps it was somewhat uncharacteristic of him. In the past he would have played nice, used the wolf for some sort of advantage but it appeared lately his entire personality had shifted. He simply couldn't be arsed to be nice. A new leaf in his book perhaps, but he was through with playing stupid games. It was time to be himself.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

He had been warned that Rhysis had lost his mind, but he wasn’t aware the darker males memory had vanished along with it. He was stared at somewhere between blank and annoyed, and instinctively he braced for the lashing out that was bound to come his way - had he done something wrong? Did he need to do something wrong for Rhysis to lash out at him?

Then perhaps it wasn’t all an act.

His head was as full of fluff as his body carried and these tricky situations had never been his forte. He was stumped for a moment, wondering what he should say to the almost stranger that stood before him. “Er...” It wasn’t often the fluffy fool found himself short of words, should he start with her? Surely he would remember her... Or would he? He’d be headed straight back there as soon as he found out, he was sure. It was all too much, a clearly pained expression painted on his face.

Although, from memory, his friend didn’t take bad news well. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to go blurting out that his mate was attacked by her brother when his son was stolen, that a landslide had trapped her on the other side of the mountain, now they’d stuck her as lowest and Athena hadn’t told the kids who their real parents were? He could just blurt it all out and let his friend rip him to shreds, but he carried enough scars already, a few battle wounds worked in his favour but complete disfigurement?

Baby steps.

“Valiant. Don’t you remember?”

code by bryony
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
He persisted, but he seemed to have wiped the smirk from his face at least and that was a little satisfying. It still hadn't been enough to get him to butt out though, so that was a little irritating. Still, he had to give the guy credit, he wasn't going to take the easy way out and continued to press his luck. Rhysis supposed he could amuse the guy until he got close enough to give a good bashing over the head. It would be for his own good of course, the guy could clearly do with some sense being knocked into him.

“Valiant. Don’t you remember?” he said, his words very sure of what he was seeing. The sudden look of determination gave Rhysis a moment of doubt. Perhaps he had lost his mind. Did he remember this guy?

A surge of pain spiked his head, right where his skull had collided with a nice slab of something at the bottom of a ditch. Ergh, that was going to give him aggro for days no doubt. Still, there was something about him now he stood closer that seemed familiar. His scent was strange, he didn't recognize the wooden scent much, but his own scent did have a sense of familiarity about it.

"Look mate. I really can't be arsed with your crap. Why don't you take it to someone who gives a shit and piss off." he said, a look to the other with a tone of 'no more non-sense'. It seemed that words just weren't going to break down the barrier between his lives. Not just yet any way.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 01:24 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

The silver wolf listened closely to his old friends drawl, struggling to not roll his eyes at the words that left them. So maybe she was right, maybe he had lost his mind? in which case, what was a fluffy fool like him to do about it? He did enjoy just a moment of feeling superior then, for once he knew things the dark male didn’t and he couldn’t help but feel a little pleased. It was information his friend would want, he just had to find a way to get him to wake up to himself and realise it was what he needed, to let it all sink in. He had been hoping to avoid this, but perhaps it was actions rather than words that would work in his favour on this one.

He had been enjoying his lack of wounds.

A small, almost exhausted shake of his head was the only warning he gave before his eyes hardened and he threw himself at the younger wolf. Truly he was getting far too old for this. There was little distance between them and pack life had been kind to him. Truth be told he moved faster than he thought was possible, aiming for Rhysis’ good shoulder, he kept his teeth sheathed as ever, just aiming to bump him enough to bring on one of the dark wolf’s rages. Although with the weight he carried he could have possibly over-estimated. He hoped he wouldn’t knock him right over...

code by bryony
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
His eyes narrowed, watching carefully as the expressions on the weirdo changed, was that glee? Yeah, this guy seriously needed to get a grip and get the hell away from Rhysis. Could he not read the signs? Heck, was he deaf not to hear the warning? The dark wolf looked to the sky, asking the sun to give him strength and in that instance the other wolf moved.
It was his own fault. Why the hell would he take his attention away from a madman? All of his sense seemed to have been knocked out of his head and he left himself completely open and unprepared at the sudden surge of weight. Fuck. That guy was heavy! Unprepared and facing away, he had no chance to prepare for the attack and he fell face first into the ground. He hadn't the time to brace himself, instead his legs turned almost like jelly beneath him and as soon as the greater weight of the silver bufoon touched him he snapped like a twig and fell forwards, landing with a grunt half on his tender shoulder and half on his stomach, chin upon the floor with an oof!.
Alright, that had done it. That was enough.

He remained on the floor for a moment, collecting himself. There had been little agression, maybe his heart hadn't been fully in it because he could have done a lot more then just bump into him. Or perhaps the poor sap was disabled, no clue how to fight? Rhysis felt the need to give him a lesson. With his nose wrinkled, ears perched high upon his head, hackles risen, he bore his gaze upon the other. From the floor, he thrust himself up as quickly as he could and darted head on at the other male, his teeth bared, eyes narrowed, head down. This freak wanted a fight? A fight he would get.
He closed the distance and aimed his jaws towards the males face, snapping harshly to try and trap his muzzle to bring him down to submission... it was a long shot given their weight difference, but he considered the other to have a disability, and hopefully that would have worked to his advantage in teaching the other just who was boss around here. Did he not realise he was dancing with a King?! Wait, hold up. He wasn't a King, was he? No, what a stupid thought. He was a loner, always had been, always would be and that was just the way he liked it.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Of course he had over calculated, of course Rhysis chose that moment to look at the fucking clouds. What was he thinking? Wait, that’s right. He wasn’t. He wasn’t Rhysis yet.

The silvery wolf cringed as his friend hit the floor, more for his own sake than his friends battered pride. This would not be over quickly now, he doubted he would enjoy it. It only took a moment for him to be back on his feet, flashing teeth aimed straight for Valiants face. He was slower than his dark friend, always had been, so while he couldn’t dart away from the teeth aimed straight for his muzzle, he did manage to turn his head to the side, narrowing his eyes (no not a clever move now he thought about it), instead offering his delicate temple and cheek to the enraged Rhysis. He felt the sting as teeth collided, the warmth of blood instantly cooling in the frigid winter air.

For a moment, he thought about bringing his own teeth into it, his mouth opened and they flashed in threat. Perhaps a quick snap at a leg or that nasty wound on his shoulder? No. That wasn’t why he was doing this. A groan of a growl escaped his chest then as he bought his heavy rear about to buffet the lighter man and try to throw him off balance again, try to knock some sense in to him. That bitch of his owed him big time.

code by bryony
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
The feeling of teeth popping flesh was always a good sign, though he wasn't too happy he had missed the muzzle of the light and fluffy wolf. Instead he'd turned his head at the last moment, but he could deal with a chunk of cheek instead. He pinched his grip tight and shook his own head, hoping perhaps to rip his entire face off, though that was an unlikely scenario and perhaps one that not even he could stomach to see.
His onslaught didn't last long though, he caught the movement of the others larger, heavier rear but refused to move, allowed himself to be hit by the soft flesh and fur of the enemy What he did not expect however was just how friggin' heavy he was, and a much weight he must have lost, for one moment he he was standing there, the next he found himself trying not to trip over his own feet and long legs as he scuttled sideways. His grip on the other was gone, that annoyed him to no end. With a short distance between them now, he looked at the silver wolf. Really looked at him. There was something familiar about him. His dumb looking face. His eyes- he felt he had met him before, but couldn't recall where. It didn't matter now, he had to protect himself and whilst he got the feeling this other wolf wasn't quite putting in the effort, it didn't mean he was going to lower his standards.

He darted back towards the other, only a short distance away gave him a good advantage to act quickly. He ran with a burst of speed and at the last moment, reared up with paws extended and head lowered as he ploughed himself and all his weight towards the otherwolf. He didn't care what he hit, the front might cause a nice headbutt, the side a shove, perhaps even fully over, the rear a chance to shove him forward. He'd be happy with whatever he got.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

He could see this was a waste of time and energy. Perhaps he was gone for good? Perhaps there was no Rhysis left. He held his ground as the dark wolf skittered to the side, impressed that he didn’t trip over his own feet, ignoring the burning pain in his cheek and pinning his ears to his skull as he steadied himself with his head lowered close to his chest. His eyes narrowed as Rhysis charged back at him, expecting him to aim for the face again, Valiant rose his head at the last moment to offer a leg or chest instead but instead of down, the darker wolf rose up and he realised just a moment too late that he had made the wrong call. Their heads came together with a resounding crack and the silver male stumbled backwards, shaking his head to clear his vision. Enough was enough.

A low growl sounded in his throat as his tail tucked away. His voice a harsh bark as he flung words at his opponent. “You know what Rhysis? Fuck you! Fuck your bitch and fuck your kids. I’m done wasting my fucking time. First looking for you and now trying to make you remember. Have a nice fucking life. Alone.” His honey eyes glared at the male like small pieces of yellow stone. His breath was coming in pants and blood seeped from the marks on his face. He shook his head one final time and moved to leave. It was a big gamble, but it was the only choice he had left.

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