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virtute quies — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
April 25th; Early afternoon; Cloudy, slight breeze, light rain; 37° F/3° C.

Weary limbs and elbows, having grown accustomed to the softness of soil, sand, and loam, ached as the Advisor of Nomads Pass sank down into a sphinx-like position on the wind-scoured stone that made up the packlands. In the shade of a single tree that grew alone on the cliffs overlooking one side of Relic Lore, he sighed contentedly to himself. Another spring storm was coming but it was apparent in the air and the gentleness of the breeze that no thunder would accompany it as it had the last time the rains had come. He was supposed to be resting after having returned Datura home, but with Naira due sometime in the next couple of weeks or so, he felt better in knowing that she was somewhere resting while he refurbished the markers that had gone unattended to in his absence. The sooner he got back to his regular routine, the better.

With Taima Lyall as his self-proclaimed ward - he had found her with Datura, after all, and could only accept the responsibility in making sure she learned the ways of the Pass backwards and forwards - he felt the need to recollect himself now that he was back on familiar soil. Truth be told, Datura was right... the girl talked a lot and Mapplethorpe had to fully recoup before he even attempted the task of grooming her into a proper, more suitable mate for Naira's first-born son. Ever so slowly, he rested his silvery chin between his wrists, leaning his head slightly into his left forelimb. Behind him his ragged tail swept one way then another before pressing up against his right hock.

Mapplethorpe's yellow-ringed pupils disappeared behind mousy-brown lids as he exhaled. It seemed for a while his lack of sleep had finally caught up to him, but he jolted himself awake within mere seconds of closing his eyes. Twice. Scenting the air offhandedly as he lifted his head again, he drew his ears upward, wiling himself to stay awake. A shake of his ruff seemed to do the trick and with pushing himself up into a rather regal sitting position, he scanned the slopes below the ledge, watching and listening for passing rogues, wayward intruders, or even fellow pack mates.

(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2013, 06:52 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia lifted her muzzle and took a deep breath, sorting through the various scents on the wind. Rain soon.. she sighed wearily to herself. She had been traveling south through the pass for what must have been nearly a week and had already endured several springtime downpours. It's not that she didn't like rain, she loved the sight of blooming flowers and the feel of damp soil under her paws. However, in the pass there were few places to take shelter and wait out the passing storms. More than once, Naia had no choice but to trudge on through the rain, splashing through muddy pools and tumbling down wet, slippery slopes.

Naia caught sight of an small, rocky outcropping in the side of the pass and padded over to investigate. If she had to, she could squeeze her delicate body into the opening beneath the overhead rock. It wouldn't be a comfortable spot, and the tiny outcropping would not shelter her completely, but it would be better than nothing. Still, she hesitated to wriggle herself between the rocks, casting a doubtful glance over her shoulder. I bet that mountain ahead would have a cave or two..

It was a tempting thought. She felt a few raindrops hit her back and she shook herself, still mulling over the idea. Before the rainclouds moved in and dampened the smells, she had detected a pack nearby. The markers were a little faded, but Naia reasoned that if there were wolves that lived in this inhospitable place, they probably denned up in the mountain caves. Tresspassing could be a costly mistake-- she had learned that much in the two years she spent with her birthpack. Even if I'm chased away, it might still be worth it just to have contact with someone.. Naia smiled wryly to herself.

Her choice made, Naia loped toward the mountain, every now and then lifting her muzzle to test the air. The smell of pack wolves was growing stronger even as the rain grew heavier, and she was beginning to doubt her initial decision. Just a little farther, she urged herself. As she reached the foot of the mountain, she noticed the branches of one lonely tree hanging over the lip of the pass. From her position in the gorge, she could only see the very top of the tree peeking over the edge and it looked to be just a scrappy little thing. As Naia was running out of options though, it would have to make do for shelter. She began picking her way up to the tree, slipping every now and then on the wet stones.
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2013, 03:19 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Up and down the ragged slopes he scrutinized the small puddles that were forming here and there, the tips of the trees that had seemingly awoken at last from their winter slumber, and the slight swaying of the sparse patches of grass. It appeared that the Pass had been quiet while he was gone aside from the pack acquiring a couple of recent additions; and, while he was thankful that @Naira had been all right, he had yet to see and meet either of the new wolves. Leaning forward and kicking back his hind limbs to stretch them out, he readied himself to leave his post, thinking it was due time that he made his way to his next preferred watch point.

He came to conclusions a tad too quickly, for as soon as he turned on his heel to saunter away, something that sounded like paws against stone, pulled at his ears. He walked back over to the edge, practically frowning as his eyes caught sight of a black marbled back against the slope. His hackles, now merely bent spikes from the downpour, rose as an initial reaction but eventually they eased back down along his spine. Before the woman could come any closer, he let out a plain bark that let her know that he had just seen her. A tad too wary, perhaps, but he hoped it would call her attention to him and let her know he was there.

A terrible snarl was starting to build up in his throat and he fought hard to keep it down. She wasn't trespassing (...yet) and he was simply ready to make certain that the wolves of Nomads Pass (and his Naira) would be honored by the deeds was about to execute in the upcoming encounter. Mapplethorpe watched until she mounted the crest of where he had been perched. "HALT!" he half-growled at her, turning to face her directly as his tail lifted in a prominent arch. "State the nature of your business here."

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Just as Naia was clambering over the lip of the gorge a sharp bark startled her, causing her lose her footing and slide backward a bit. She nearly slipped back over the edge, but the rocks underneath the tree's overhanging branches were still dry enough to provide some traction. Pulling herself up to a standing position, Naia took a breath to steady herself and looked up to locate the source of the bark. She met Mapplethorpe's piercing gaze just as he yelled HALT! and immediately froze in her tracks. Instinctively, she lowered her eyes and tail and rolled her shoulders backward into the submissive pose she had perfected while she served as the omega of her birth pack.

The wolf standing before her was certainly not the most intimidating wolf she had ever met in regard to his size, but there was an edge in his voice that told Naia that he was not one to be messed with. He had fierce, sort of protective air about him that reminded Naia of a mother defending her child. He must be guarding these lands, she reasoned, and now that she thought about it he did smell exactly like those faded markers.

The stranger's request was sharp and businesslike, and Naia replied without hesitation. ”I am a wanderer seeking shelter,” she began. Despite her diminutive pose her voice was steady-- it was not in her nature to be shy even in tense situations.

”I am also seeking a place to call home.” She figured she might as well throw that out there, just so her intentions were perfectly clear. Even if he ran her off these particular pack lands now, she was here to stay in Relic Lore. He could count on meeting her again in the future.

Naia had plenty of questions for the stranger as well, but she tactfully kept silent. She knew that her best chance at a peaceful interaction would be to answer his questions quickly, without needless chatter. Perhaps once he relaxed-- if she was that lucky-- she might be able to find out a little about his pack and who he was. He could know something about the Hidden Tree wolves...
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Mapplethorpe watched the woman intently, mentally playing in his head all the possibilities of her response to his bark until he saw her recoil. He sniffed then let out a small puff of air through his nose, a nearly inaudible snort. Exceptional enough... She hastily provided him with an answer but just by looking at her, watching how she behaved, and judging by the dampened blend of scents that wafted in his direction, it came as no surprise. Of course, she was a wanderer. And, though, he flatly assumed she had been looking for a place to call home, he was rather glad his presumptions were correct.

When no more words were spoken, he took a moment to gaze at her suspiciously out of the corner of his eye while he took several deep breaths in attempt to garner an telltale aromas that would tell him about her travels or where she had come from. What did surprise him, however, was that she predominantly smelled of the Mountain. The distrustful look on his face did not leave his grizzled features when he looked at her straight on again, but his tail did lower into a more relaxed position. For once, he actually wondered, what would happen if he stopped questioning and doling out riddles in exchange for a, perhaps, decent conversation.

A genuine smile dared to nearly touch the thick, saturated lines underneath his eyes. "Home isn't always a place," he told her gently. "What makes you think that you might find it up here?" His wet mop of a tail managed a wag, sending droplets that had soaked into it to the stones at his back.

His first impression of her, with all the gestures of compliance and an air of timidity, had him thinking the longer he stared at her. "You aren't encroaching on my land," he admitted, gesturing with a nod of his head to where she stood. "A couple feet and you just might have..." As much as he wanted to take a step towards her, he kept still, not wanting to startle her in the slightest. "Stand up straight," he commanded her, his voice gaining that rough edge again. "Let me see you."

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia marveled at her own luck when she saw the stranger's stance slightly relax and face lift into what could-- perhaps-- pass for a smile. Her own ears perked up as he spoke, his voice softer this time. Home isn't always a place, he told her. What makes you think you'll find it up here? Her own expression brightened considerably in response to his gentle tone, and she managed to even flick her own tail a bit, mirroring the movement of her companion's. For the first time since the conversation began, it looked like she might not bolt at the drop of a stone.

Home is not where I came from... so it must be where I am going, she thought in reply to the question. She was certain that he had meant it as more of a rhetorical question, but he had initiated the kind of word game that Naia loved to play. Her golden eyes gleamed in amusement with the riddle, but she answered his question in a more straightforward manner. “I am searching for the wolves of the Hidden Tree,” she answered, “And this is the first Tree I've seen in a long while.. so I thought I would check.” Naia watched his face carefully for signs of recognition when she mentioned the Hidden Tree pack. If he knows of them, I must be getting close!

As the stranger gave the warning about his pack's land, Naia eyed the dirt in front of her suspiciously, wondering exactly where this arbitrary border of his began. So much for taking shelter under the tree.. he would no doubt consider that a trespass, even though she would just be a wolflength or so into his territory. The realization was disheartening, especially since the rain was picking up. Naia could feel the dampness soaking through the fur on her back, and she fought off the urge to shiver.

She stiffened as he commanded her to stand up straight-- his voice had returned to its previous sharpness. She did as he asked, lifting her body back into her natural, poised stance. Though she was petite even for a timber wolf, her natural pose was one of grace and confidence. She had been small her whole life and had long since gotten past any shame she might have felt for her size. She lifted her chin, watching him as he watched her but careful not to look in his eyes. Is he a fierce wolf attempting to sound gentle, or a gentle wolf attempting to sound fierce? she wondered vaguely. His tone had switched from soft to rough a couple times now, leaving Naia feeling uncertain about her situation.
(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2013, 04:46 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
xD totally wish Fenru had been the one to answer her question first... he would've been all over her with more questionsss.

The silvered Advisor mulled over her answer as she obeyed him, allowing him to look her over from a distance. To him, the coloration of her pelt - even with its stark black saddle-like pattern - wasn't particularly out of the ordinary, but it was unique enough to set her apart from all the other wolves of his past and present. Her small, petite build specifically caught his interest though; slight limbs meant light steps and he was sure that she was built for stamina, it not small bursts of speed. Even with her being soaked to the bone, she seemed healthy; it was even apparent to him that she managed to keep her wits about her. She was a fine specimen overall in his book... After several seconds, he gave her a nod even though he realized she held herself in a mostly comfortable stance. It was a straightforward kind of gesture, as if he were giving her the "okay" that it was thoroughly appropriate to be "at ease," and came back to her question.

"There are no wolves who serve Hidden Tree here," he smoothly and partially lied. Mapplethorpe might have considered himself a keeper of lore and knowledge but, at present, he knew very little of the packs who did and once had inhabited Relic Lore. In all truth, he didn't even know if the wolves at the collective meeting of Lore packs came from, descended from, or maybe conquired Hidden Tree. He made a mental note to enlighten himself on that matter as soon as Naira was well enough after bearing the upcoming cubs of Nomads Pass. The male had to give it to her, though... that she was indeed clever enough to have come to such a logical explanation that this was where this "Hidden Tree" pack resided. It had never occurred to him until now that the tree that served as his vigil point could barely be seen from the foot of the slope.

His smile ebbed away and he noticed now just what kind of state of her pelt was in. "If you're looking for shelter, there are some caves at the foot of the mountain," he informed her with the sway of his tail, subtly insinuating that she wasn't welcome to the meager shelter by provided the spindly tree behind him. "But... why is it that you search for them?" The slight scowl that marred his face began to touch his grizzled features again, wondering now just what made the coveted pack so desirable to her.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2013, 03:24 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| Ahh haha I hate it when that happens! I doubt Naia's going to give up on the Hidden Tree pack, so maybe someday they will get to meet and chat about it. ||

Naia stood patiently as the stranger looked her over, watching for some sign of what he was thinking. He wasn't giving much away. A Liar's face.. she thought, remembering what her mother used to say about wolves who masked their emotions. The term had been applied to Naia herself on more than several occasions actually, which may have contributed to the pack's general distrust of her. Naia liked to think she was clever, but conniving was what the elders had labeled her. Coming from a close-knit pack that valued openness and honesty, it was certainly not a complement.

The older wolf nodded to her, signaling her release from the attention pose. I wonder if he found what he was looking for.. she mused, taking the opportunity to shake the moisture out of her pelt. "There are no wolves who serve the Hidden Tree here," he informed her, and she nodded in resignation. His answer was disappointing but not particularly surprising. Where she came from, the Hidden Tree pack was thought of as little more than a pup's bedtime story. If Mapplethorpe had been a wolf from her birthpack, he probably would have reacted as if she told him she was just out chasing rainbows.

Since his reply was exactly what she expected to hear, the thought never occurred to her that he could be lying, or that he might not admit to his own limited knowledge. The young wolf was naturally trusting of others-- probably to the point of being naïve-- but the members of her old pack had never lied to one another, so what practice would she have at spotting deception?

Naia's disappointment lifted when the stranger spoke of shelter nearby. A cave would be the most substantial refuge she had found on her journey so far, and her bones were aching for a nice, long rest. Perhaps she might even stay a day or two and explore-- who knows, she could come across someone who had heard of the Hidden Tree wolves. The stranger made it clear in his tone that she was unwelcome under the tree, so Naia interpreted his remark about the caves as a dismissal. He spoke again though, as she was turning to leave.

"Why is it you search for them?" he asked, and the young wolf detected a hint of annoyance behind the question. She thought that was a little odd; maybe he was upset that it wasn't his pack she named? The journey had brought Naia far from any of the territories that she was familiar with, so it could be that the stranger's pack was considered famous-- or possibly infamous-- in these parts. "Curiosity," she answered, "I was told these wolves are both peaceful and prosperous, which is something I would like to see for myself."

The way Naia saw it, a pack could either be belligerent and thrive, or be peaceful and languish. What success could possibly come to wolves who publicize such a policy of weakness? The answer she gave was true enough, but her feelings toward this legendary pack went beyond mere curiosity. Naia was a peacemaker at heart, and the she found the idea of a harmonious existence extremely enticing. However, she thought it was best not to reveal her inner desires to the wolf before her, who might interpret pacifism as vulnerability.

”If I may ask, who is it you serve, Stranger?” She considered that she might be overstepping her bounds by requesting this information, but seeing as his last question to her had been slightly personal perhaps he would be willing to reveal a little more about himself as well.
(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2013, 05:22 AM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The woman's answer about knowing the Hidden Tree wolves were a successful, thriving pack made his brow quirk upward slightly but only just. From where he had hailed from, a pack was usually wealthy and even envied by many a lone wolf. The old man did, however, understand her desires to see for herself whether or not her assumptions were true. He actually would have done the same with his current Leader's pack, if he had not been unknowingly caught up in her schemes by her mate.

"Fair enough," he opined. He made a half-step to one side, his limbs itching to leave but not yet wanting to leave the rogue until he was certain she was going to seek out a place of refuge where he had told her to look. ”If I may ask, who is it you serve, Stranger?” The question would have caught him off-guard he hadn't been initially expecting her to shoot right back at him.

No one, he ached to say, but instead the proper, truthful, and more impressive answer came to the surface, ready to cull. "I... serve a great Queen who lives and reigns on these peaks." Looking over her drenched frame once again with a gaze gone cold, the sides of his muzzle began to twitch as though he remembered that he had more important things to do than entertain some solitary soul. It took more than a few moments but Mapplethorpe was able to recover himself, though his tone was no longer as indulgent or as calm. Instincts awaking within him were beginning to cry out for him to remind her that she was eating up his precious time. "...and she does not take kindly to those who have the mind to gallivant over her mountain in search of concealed arboreal havens."

"I am a very important man, miss, I must let you know," he then imparted, striding forward. His tail curled upwards again and the judgmental stare made itself apparent on his face. He repeated slowly, "There are no Hidden Tree wolves here, and I will tell you one more time that more suitable places of sanctuary are back down from where you came from. Now that I know who and what you seek, I can assure you that I have nothing that you might want; and, I am going to ask you to leave..."

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
The strange wolf’s assessment, ”Fair enough, sounded harmless on the surface, but from his shifting stance Naia could tell her companion’s attitude was beginning to morph yet again. He was certainly keeping her on her toes, but the young wolf had his number. The erratic moodswings might have disconcerted a different wolf; however Naia was practiced at handling such encounters. Diplomacy was her specialty, you could say. As the omega of her previous pack, she was often called on to diffuse tension in her hotheaded packmates’ confrontations.

He began to answer her question, but just as he mentioned his Queen he paused for a few moments seemingly to collect himself. Uh oh… Naia thought as he set his chilling gaze on her, that must have been the wrong question to ask... His gentle demeanor from just a few moments ago had all but vanished, and Naia had to wonder if it was the mention of the Queen that had pushed him over the edge. Was there something there perhaps...? A painful encounter? A forbidden emotion? She would have loved nothing more than to study his expressions and body language for some sort of cue, but intuition was telling her it was time to shift her attention back to her own body language. She dropped her gaze and tail once more, resuming her deferential stance.

”I am a very important man,” he told her, stepping forward. As he moved toward her she backed away a few steps, lowering her back and shoulders in a submissive but also defensive pose. The posture would communicate respect and a touch of fear, which appeared to be what he was demanding from her. As she moved backward one hind foot briefly tasted the open air of the cliff’s edge, but Naia was able to regain her balance as she placed the foot back on solid ground. He delivered his final speech and a clear dismissal, and she lowered her head to indicate her compliance.

”Sir,” she answered, “Thank you for your time and information. I will continue on to the Mountain.” Her speech had once again taken on the soft but direct tone that she knew agitated wolves were more likely to tolerate. ”I might stay there a few days,” she added, her head cocked slightly. She wasn’t asking permission—the mountain clearly didn’t belong to his pack. Instead, she had phrased it like an invitation. Call her crazy, but for some reason she hoped this bizarre—albeit intriguing-- wolf might visit her. Perhaps he would be more pleasant if they met again on his terms, and he would be open to discussing his pack and this mysterious Queen.

She turned from him then to look down into the Pass, searching for her best route back down. Once she had planned her decent, she looked back at him one more time. He had told her that he ”had nothing she might want,” but that wasn’t actually true. There was something else he had that she wanted, and she made sure she had an escape ready before she requested it. ”I ask for just one more thing—your name, Sir.” She watched attentively for his reaction, ready to leap away if he chose to lunge instead of answer her question.
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2013, 01:01 AM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]