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imagine dragons — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
A bird of prey steals her rabbit. Huff
With the protection of pack, Siku was again content. While she might not be at its head, in time she would create her own name in these lands. For now, however, she concentrated wholly on her cubs and her own wolves, who would follow her until the end, who had joined her here. A thin, velvety lobe shifted as she trailed a rabbit. She was none too hungry after the pack hunt, but even so she trailed a rabbit, low to the ground. It was futile; she was too large to be obscured from the rabbits vision, who lunged away, and who she lunged toward. She was sure her jaws would hit their mark, but the sound of wind catching wing told her otherwise. Too slow, too relaxed. Her prey had been stolen, and she watched the rabbit drift away from her line of sight, higher and higher into the horizon.

There had been no ratiocination done at all in her hunt. None too perturbed by her failure—she hadn't needed it, but it was a lesson learned after all—the mother of four turned on her heel and thought idly of her sons. Sitamat was off with Aves. She had humored a mission to her mate, who would perhaps go with Sitamat to fulfill it, leaving her with Ataneq. Siku had no favorites. Each of her cubs were magnificent, raised perfectly and truly as perfect a specimen as one could find in the world. The strong survive. All four of her cubs had survived, testament to she and her late mate Kilgharrah's genetics. Perhaps she and Aves would have an opportunity next season to breed, to enhance the Tartok line; or perhaps it would not be with Aves. It was not for her to know.

Idly, she trailed her inky son, the eldest, Atuaserk. But she did not summon him. She would come to him when she would.
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2013, 08:34 PM by Siku.)
Played by Heather who has 8 posts.
Alani Hazuki
Alani had not slept well on the night of her arrival to these strange lands. On top of being lost, she had to deal with the unnerving noises that the wind seemed to carry from someplace far away. Yet despite her lack of sleep, she knew she had to eat first when dawn finally came. Roaming steadily through the forest she searched for possible quarry, and found a few rabbit holes that somewhat sated her hunger. She had just recently discovered the creek, and after letting it's freezing waters end her thirst she had begun to return to her den with the remain of a kill in her mouth. As long as she felt that she was close to where her home was she was determined to work within the perimeter of her temporary den, until she found the right path. Yet as she made her way to a satisfactory area to cache her kill a scent caught her nose from a gentle passing breeze.

There was another wolf nearby. Many wolves possibly, but one definitely, and it was slowly making it's way towards her. As sense of confusion filled her since she had sensed no nearby markers, that stated a pack was living here. Yet since the scent gave no indicators if the wolf was alone or not she decided to move with caution by blending into the red ferns that melded so well with the red of her coat. Alani was not one for conflict, as she knew that she had always been built more as a hunter than a fighter. For now she was not just about to stumble into something unknown until she had assessed what was going on, and if her urge to retreat was necessary or not. Yet for all her caution the young wolf still did not account for two things. One was that she still held a tight grip of the dead rabbit in her mouth. Then two, the breeze that had carried the wolf's scent was slowly changing now. Pushing her scent slightly more upwind to the unknown stranger. Like it or not, she was liable to have company.
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
The wind blew amicably across the inky strands of his nape, billowing freely amongst the trees that lay scattered near the creek. Though he held no specific reason nor rhyme to this place besides that of his mother, he held no ill will. Time was of no lengthy debate nor was it something to be trifled with, everything had its reason to Atuaserk. Siku had taught her boys well; fulfilling their lives and discussing with them that there was a certain will of life itself. While some things in their future would be entirely out of their hands, there were some things that they would have control over. Atauserk was prepared, eager to welcome the future here with an open mind just as Siku had been prepared to open a snack with an open jaw.

The wind wrapped around his nape and wound its way across his nose as he halted, scents mingling together. His eyes grew slightly more narrow, a forepaw lifted up - his left ear swiveled just seconds before he angled his head downwards. The scent of his mother was not far from but the scent of a stranger could not go unnoticed. Ataneq was a quick protector, he did not fear nor cower but welcomed the danger wherever it came from and from whomever. Siku was the key to keeping such a proud family together, for he was still beneath her wing regardless of age or location.

No sounds were made but scents remained, Ataneq graced the time by turning himself around to move towards his mothers figure. Upon closing in the distance he reached his neck around the back of hers as if attempting to ignore the strangers scent whilst his eyes continued to scan the horizon. The other was near but they were skillful, laying out of his sight.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
the way you write ataneq.... akngjigsajngasjgja. also hey alani, glad you could hop in! :D
The sound of her sons approach could not be missed, but she did not turn to face him. The changing winds brought blood on them, and even though she was not hungry enough to hunt something large perhaps she and her son could earn themselves a meal yet. As Ataneq greeted her, she rumbled pleasantly. It was strange, how very grown her sons were. Once she could topple them over with a push from her paw. Now they were large boys, as large as the family they came. Siku had sired strong sons, and even though she and Nanuq had made amends, she could not help but feel smug in the thought that her own line would bring her sisters to nothing should the woman think to rise against her again.

There was no love to be had for her sister any longer, but neither did she hate her. Rarely did she think of her, except in fleeting moments such as these. Just like that, the wisp of a thought was gone. The mother stepped forward, tongue running over nose before the nostrils flared. It was not necessary, to steal this meal, but if her son was interested then she would teach him yet another lesson of life: when you have food and a stranger is near, leave. Siku could not know for certain where this wolf was, but soon they may be spang in the middle of two wolves hungry for a rabbit.
Played by Heather who has 8 posts.
Alani Hazuki
(Thanks! Glad I could join in! XD)

Alani's eyes flashed with a nervous edge to them as two dark wolves slowly made their way within her range of sight. One was a large male, and the other a female that she could only assume was somehow related to the male by how similar they looked. She waited for more wolves to appear, but when it became evident that it was only those two she let out a small sigh of relief.

There was no pack, or large group of angry wolves coming to chase her off, just two lone wolves living together in this forest. Relaxing her muscles slightly she watched as the male wolf picked up her scent, and become tense when aware of her presence. Unnerved at how quickly he noticed her, Alani checked the spot she was in and cursed herself for not noticing the shift in the breeze. She readied herself to flee, should the wolf come close enough to see her, but was even more surprised when the male moved closer to the black female in a brazen display of gentle protectiveness.

A sudden slight pang of sadness began to fill her as old memories reminded her how she once had a family who would have done the same for her. Yet she quickly pushed those feelings aside, since she could not stand wallowing in self pity. Focusing on the scene at hand she saw the female wolf had noticed her as well, and seemed to have a very calm presence to this whole situation. Feeling strangely drawn in by how familiar the she wolf's actions seemed to be, Alani felt herself take a small tentative step towards the two. Letting her motions disturb the cluster of ferns around her, so as not to surprise them, she placed her kill on the ground and spoke softly. "Hello."
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
The ink painted boy was motionless as his eyes latched onto the stranger, moving from its feet upwards to estimate its size and strength. He could easily overcome them, feeling the necessary desire to protect his mother and himself. They wouldn’t need any army or followers, they simply hate brute strength on their side which was enough for them to take. Ataneq would gladly learn another lessons from his wise mother but he would wait for any subtle queues she would offer before leaping into a situation he was uncertain of.

What he did know was food was near and if this stranger thought to come near with a bloodied kill, then perhaps they weren’t smart at all. It was their kill but bringing forth their prize to two wolves that could likely be starving for a meal was foolish—regardless of social amenities. Amber eyes grazed over the stranger’s form and lingered upon the clump of fresh meat that they lay so openly on the ground. The two had just hunted with their pack not too long ago but the scent of fresh blood was intoxicating and undeniable.

Wordless he moved his head as though offering this hunter a hello in silence, gathering his wits and keeping his attention on the motions of his Issumator. Though the two loners would soon make up a new pack all their own, they were currently with another pack that might not be so welcoming if they were to catch wind of any such trouble being had. Siku was wise, her actions were nothing but.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
i'm sorry for siku :'(
The woman was no whangdoodle. She was not fanciful, and her nature was defined to a T in the word instinct. Primal and base, there was little more to her than that. She valued her sons, who in turn valued her, and valued Tartok who respected and followed her until the end. The Issumatar did not need this thing that the wolf before her held, and as the other dropped it to the ground carelessly her eyes did not linger on the wolf but instead the prey. There was no hiding where her attentions lay, and as her son nodded Siku took a firm step forward, licking her chops. She was not a sinister woman who would speak before acting. She was a woman who purely did.

Tail lashed left and right at her hocks as she thought of potential repercussions for her actions. She was a subordinate, now, was she not? But Phineas surely would understand that the strong survived and the weak and dim did not—

No. It was not needed. Siku, too, mirrored her sons actions. A simple nod. Slow and confident, her eyes moved from the rabbit to the woman who was dim enough to place it to the ground. She would not warn the other to watch her prey. In time, Siku herself may still very well take it. The red wolf was regarded quietly, and Siku lifted her head all the higher.
Played by Heather who has 8 posts.
Alani Hazuki
(It's okay. She's new at this so of coarse she's gonna get her tail handed to her. :) )

Alani regretted her actions the very minute she stepped towards them. What was once a calm, graceful wolf was now the towering epitome of aggression. She would have retreated right then and there had not she seen what they were looking at. Her kill, carelessly placed for all the world to see, she felt herself mentally banging her head against a tree trunk. She had been so enthralled in these strangers, that she had disregarded the consequences involved in wandering with a kill. Now feeling the embarrassment of her actions she looked at the male wolf for sympathy, but only found hunger and an impassive distaste for her carelessness in his eyes. Closing her eyes Alani felt herself give way to anger as she slowly began to process what she had just done.

What did she expect? Smiles and a game of chase the tail? There was a reason she had never gone near another wolf during the entire year she had been searching for her mother. Strange wolves were nothing but trouble, and now she was stuck with two of them. Why did she even linger here in the first place, when the sensible thing should have been to run as soon as she smelled them. Then a realization came upon her; that second scent she could barely detect, that calming posture, those eyes. The she-wolf reminded her of her mother.

A notable wince went through her as this strange concept dawned on her. She had thought she had moved passed this weeks ago, but apparently some part of her still longed for a family. Deciding it best not to focus on such an awkward and unwanted thought, Alani tried to concentrate on a way to escape this nightmare of a situation. A memory stirred of how she had once evaded a pair of mated coyotes, and opening her eyes she let a sense of calm take her. She was a lone wolf, with no pack nor rank to hold her. She will not be treated as a weak omega to be bullied or pushed. Rather, she will act as if this was her choice. Seeing that the dark female had started to come closer with all intent to drive Alani from her kill. Raising herself to full height Alani smiled softly, picked up the rabbit and tossed it over to her.

"I'm not hungry." She spoke simply. "I've hunted since dawn, and I can always hunt another. You however, look like you could put this to better use than storage." Eying each of them over she noted that while both were larger than her, the male certainly seemed younger than her. Mother and son perhaps? If so, Alani's attention would be focused on the mother, but she would keep wary of the son. She was not going to make the same careless mistake she did twice.
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2013, 07:47 PM by Alani.)
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
With the wind being as evil as it was it desired to sweep the carcass’s scent in their direction. He was not fool, though. Ataneq would not make a move, he was smarter than that. His hunger did not rise, for they had eaten not too long ago, but his insatiable curiosity of the stranger’s idiocy baffled him. How could she manage to place her kill not but feet from two wolves who were considerably much larger than she was? Plus, it wasn’t exactly wise of her to think that the youngest of the two couldn’t do as much as the other. Ataneq could very well take down what his mother could as he had twice the energy as a yearling.

It did not stop there, though. The stranger looked to both Tartok champions and stated that she was not hungry. For a moment he was angered by her choice of words—to him it sounded like she was stating that his mother was ill-fed and malnourished, not completely satisfied. Still, he was stoic and void of expression. Atuaserk would not lash out, in this moment he was his mother’s side. He act through her motions and nothing more. Joining a pack meant that their actions would come with consequences and stealing a kill or attacking a stranger simply would not look shiny on their permanent record. Their shiny new pack would likely not allow such a display of aggression among its first few days of cultivation. They would behave.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
she's r00d
Siku felt as though she could feel her son stiffen as the woman finished her words. But the woman understood well enough the intent behind them. One need not be clairvoyant when it came to these matters. Unafraid though the woman looked, she could smell anxiety on the air. Protected by Siku, and trained well by her, Ataneq need not have any cause for the emotion. Were it him, she would smell it all the more. But it was not. Siku blinked, and then took the woman up on the offer. There was no cause for kindness here. Siku's previous meal would last her a good amount of time, but the Issumatar could be greedy when the mood struck her. She may not be allochtonous to the land where she now stood, but she was settling in to it. Quite nicely.

Siku moved swiftly toward the woman, her eyes upon the carcass but her lobes shifting atop her head should the stranger make any sudden movements. Siku would be upon her quicker than she was her prey, and in this instance the limp carcass. Her eyes only landed on the red wolf when she moved to pick the critter up, and then she backed up a few paces prior to turning on her heel and depositing the thing before her son. For you.

Siku did not so much as give the woman a goodbye as she deigned it time to go. She had found her son, and with a content belly would he train beside his mother today in the arts of fighting and tracking.