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Cut to the chase — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
Liam had always been a male who got to the point quickly and didn't wait. Since his arrival in Relic Lore only two days ago he'd been searching, searching for a pack. He didn't care which pack he stumbled on at all, whether they be evil or good. He wanted a pack to live in, sure he also wanted to be a alpha more then anything some day, but just being a pack wolf right now was good enough. If he wasn't accepted in the first pack he'd try for he would simply go to the next and then the next till he found one. Heck he'd travel the entire Relic Lore then leave to search another land and another till one day the brute found his place amongst others.

His mostly red body walked across the land in a light unbouncy fashion that gave him a floating illusion. His strides were even and careless for the time being. His bright emotionless eyes stared straight ahead of him searching for another wolf. Coming to a stop he took in a big breath,

Sniff, sniff, sniff,

Flora rushed up his noise and he focused harder to pick out sent of prey, soil, water, and finally wolves. He took off in the detection of the wolf sent with a eager gait. His strides were now long and ungraceful taking much ground between each and every step. <I> *Please be a pack<I> he thought soon comming the sent's source.

Halting he smelt the air again and the aroma of around six wolves hit him like a brick wall. The boarder smelt freshly marked where he stood at. Sending his tail into a friendly but cautious wag he sent out a howl that was clear, *Hello?*. He added no more simply awaiting for a wolf to come and see what he wanted. Then he realized something, they'd need him to prove himself. So he got up and turned away only stopping to let out another howl, *Never mind*, it said as he dashed off.

Fallowing a prey sent he found earlier he stumbled apon a poorly hidden and made bunny den. It was made of grass and shallow, five little bodies with plump bellies squirmed around. Being gentle to not destroy this food he picked up all he could hold which was three and went back to the boarder setting them down in a hidden spot. Going to get the others before he returned once again. Collecting each one by the border all close to one another so he'd be able to keep track. He sat raising his head and howling, *Hello, I bring little food but request to join your pack.*

Waiting he countied to keep the squirming youngsters close together while also focusing on listening for approaching paws. He wasn't going to kill them just in case they were unwanted then he'd return them home where the mom would move their den or abandon them fearful of diseases possibly on the wolf who touched them. His tail was still held in a friendly and cautious position while he had his ears in a submissive form.

(Well it's not the best but it's long, :) )
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2013, 01:57 AM by Liam.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda had been close to the den, and thus his Nina, who had just given birth that morning to three cubs who he was loathe to leave for even a moment. But when a questing howl rang at the borders, he had no choice in the matter. Nina certainly could not heed the stranger's call in the state she was in, and thus it was left up to Koda to investigate the matter. He was nearly halfway to the edge of the territory when a second howl went up, dismissive in nature. It struck Koda as odd, yet he kept on the move. He couldn't just disregard the presence of an unknown wolf edging his pack's territory. As Koda had nearly arrived at the source of the howling he heard a third howl, in which the wolf announced a request for membership alongside an offer of a gift.

Koda approached the wolf with his head and tail held high and proud. His nostrils flared as he scented the stranger, the myriad scents on the male's pelt indicative of a wolf who had been transient, a loner. The leader scrutinized the wolf, silently taking in the leggy form and his submissive posture, and then the squirming bundles of fur at the red wolf's paws. A tribute, he supposed, though his eyes did not linger on the food for long, rather staring straight into the lime green eyes of the other male. He knew why the wolf had come, having heard the howls. Though Koda could have gone without the mixed messages at first, he took it as a good sign that the wolf knew well enough to announce his intentions before approaching a pack during birthing season.

"I am Koda Reinier, leader of the Secret Woodlands pack," Koda introduced himself. "Quite a racket you've struck up out here. Who might you be?" He asked with a hint of a laugh in his voice. He would determine whether this wolf would be one of their ranks only after getting to better know them. Koda only needed wolves who he could trust, especially with a mother and newborns who's welfare he had to look out for.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
While Liam waited his mind ran wild. Surely not many wolves brought food with them, yet, was it too little? Did he not bring enough to impress who ever would find him first? His front paws moved nurvioisly at the thoughts and he once again pulled the prey closer to one another. His ears began to prick as paw steps where heard close by. With a friendly expression he bowed his head at the approaching male and stood stepping back from the bundles. His medium sized body was lowered to the ground respectively and his tail snugly tucked. Rembering what his mother taught him it was the utmost respectful to do this along with never looking in the eyes but at the paws. Fallowing his guidance he waited.

The wolf spoke jokingly which made him less tense, he didn't seem like he'd be a mean brute. Liam started out a bit awkward as he spoke, "Aye, yea, it isn't exactly joining 'season'" he said hoping he'd catch on to his joke before saying, "It is a great honor to meet you sir, I am Liam Rose son of Lillian Quake and Rouger Rose." At the name of his father his voice changed to a bit of a revengeful sound. He held great hatred to his father and probably would never forgive that male no matter how much he pled. Coming back to the present he thought for a moment then said, "A simple loner." His tone very causal as if he wasn't under the stress of attempting acceptance.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Border patrol. Once again, Hollow found himself on the far end of a call ringing through the forest. Dammit, always so far away! He cursed himself for always being on the wrong end of the border even though it could not be helped. Hollow bolted through the thicket as quickly as possible, of course even as the cry came a second time he did not slow up, Never mind? I don't like the sound of that! The dark yearling moved as quickly as he could though naturally he would first have to fight the very thickest part of home. As Hollow fought vines and and brush he began to wonder why he had taken a direct path, all the time had gained was now lost. The third cry rang out and now Hollow was just plain confused.

What was more was the offer of food and request to join the pack, Hollow was not familiar with that type of custom. Though he could imagine that it was not unheard of, he certainly wasn't familiar with it. Hollow eventually made his way to the scene where Koda had already arrived and introduced himself. He stayed hidden and listened from the left of both males, "Liam" was the newcomer's name, and judging by the change in his voice, had an animosity towards his father. At this he finally decided to make himself known. "Hello Liam, Koda, I am Hollow Nite, of secret woodlands, I see you have met my leader already, I would have been here sooner had I not been caught in a particularly thick area." Hollow gave a low bow to Koda with his left forepaw extended and turned his body to sit next to the alpha.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda watched the reddish wolf shift downwards, and while the offering of a gift was not a custom Koda was familiar with, the stance of a submissive wolf was a universal signal. As Liam introduced himself, Koda could smell Hollow nearby, no doubt the busy second had come to see what the fuss was about. A tinge of some emotion was heard as Liam mentioned his father, though Koda would not press for details. There were many events which would cause a wolf to leave their home and take on the mantle of a lone wolf, and Koda was familiar with the drive which pulled a loner to seek some place to belong.

"Nice to meet you, Liam. Only a simple loner, then? I see you've made a catch quite quickly," Koda smiled and motioned downwards to the wriggling rabbit kits, in way of a small compliment to Liam. Within the time it had taken Koda to travel from the Woodlands heart to the perimeter this wolf had sought out food surprisingly fast. "Your howl mentioned you wish to join us?" Koda continued on, "Do you know of anyone here? Family or friend? Or are you just looking for a place to settle into?" Koda was aware that many wolves of the Woodlands had been tied to each other in some way before joining. Koda was simply curious whether Liam was seeking a reunion, or was just trying to find a place to call home.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
Liam stayed quite as Hollow came in and spoke, only lifting his head for a moment to offer a smile then return to staring at the alpha's paws respectfully. A slight chuckle then came from him and he spoke, "It's better to come late then to never come." He said in his deep yet soft voice. After this he remained quite allowing Koda to further speech and at the compliment a grin spread across his face, it was good enough! His father would of probably called it a horrible gift but he pushed the brute from his mind. "It helps to have a mother with a nack for tracking and a older brother who's an exceptional hunter." Behind his eyes speaking of them again brought up great emotion but he refused to show this.

He listened to his next set of words and a sigh fell from his leathery lips, "I came to find a <I>new<I> family who'd accept me for who I am." He simply stated. He wanted to escape his family and be as from them as possible so that he could start over fresh. He let a moment's silence to fall over the three handsome males before speaking more, "For what I know I am the only Rose here, excluding the possiblity of others with the same last name but different bloodlines." He finished and waited, never looking up at the males before himself.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
The wolf struck Hollow as odd, It seemed he was more or less of a joker. Liam seemed level headed, though more by guessing than by actual knowledge, Hollow figured he must have had some sort of negative past. None of this truly mattered to the yearling due to the fact that he himself had a rough past. In any case there was a male here requesting entry to secret woodlands so naturally Hollow's interest was peaked. When Liam spoke to him Hollow gave a low huff of laughter "I suppose it is." Hollow smiled at the male, offering up some courage. He knew how difficult it could be to ask for entry to a pack, it had terrified Hollow.

Soon after, Koda spoke and Liam once again replied, all the while Hollow kept a keen ear trained on the conversation whilst his eyes wandered the terrain looking for any signs of trouble. His eyes found nothing out of place, and no scents so his head swiveled back towards the conversation at hand. If Liam only wanted a place to belong and be accepted he had definitely come to the right place, even though Hollow knew that once accepted it would likely mean his own rank would lower he did not mind. Extra paws would be a very welcome blessing for the yearling who was almost constantly exhausted. The fact that he was not searching for family was also a plus in Hollow's eyes, at the very least he would not have to worry about Liam being one day here, and gone the next. For the moment Hollow saw it as a good decision yet his jaws remained shut. There was a reason Koda was the leader and the young male knew well that age would make Koda a better judge of character.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
To Koda younger wolf seemed eager to please and rather jovial despite whatever was dogging him. This wolf likely did not know of the disease that had ravaged the land only weeks prior, nor the war that had been moved to stop it. Perhaps Liam's humor and friendly attitude would be of help in uplifting the pack after such dark events. Together they could all move on, Liam from his past, and the pack from the darkness that lingered in the Lore. Koda did not intend his children, nor Ashanti's, to grow up knowing and feeling evil when childhood should be a time of innocence and light.

"I think you will find we are all very accepting here. Close knit, I'd say, and I'm sure you'll soon find your place. Welcome to Secret Woodlands." Koda announced with a smile and a firm nod. He stepped forward and looked Liam in the eye as he did so, deliberately closing the space between them and grasping Liam's muzzle firmly, yet gently, between his powerful jaws in a show of both dominance and acceptance. He released Liam, then stepped back with his tail waving. "Our den lies in the center of the Thicket and is rather hard to find, I can show you there though I would avoid going inside for a few weeks. The cubs have priority over the place at the moment, and I don't think Nina would like intrusions yet. I think she will appreciate the snack, however." Koda turned to Hollow, "Unless you would like to show Liam around?" Either way, Koda wasn't comfortable being away from Nina for so long, and the growing sense of paternal worry was edging back up on him. He wanted to head back soon and check in on her.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildOne's FallenWolves who has 15 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Liam Rose
A twitch of Liam's ear, closest to Hollow, came as if up he would of swivled them towards Hollow's words. He could feel the smile radiating off the male and this made him more comfortable. He knew that his chances were most likely slim to get into this pack and it disappointed him, so far he liked these wolves. As if a beckon from his troubling thoughts Koda's voice echoed into his ears brining him back into reality and out of the galaxy.

"I think you'll find we are all very accepting here. Close knit, I'd say, and I'm sure you'll soon find your place. Welcome to the secret woodlands."

It took all of Liam's strength and maturity to hold back his inner puppy self. "Thank you sir!" He said in his deep voice with a joyful tone. Though he kept it lower their was a wag of his tail before Koda approached. He grew stiff and patiently awaited the sharp feel of his teeth. When the gentle 'I'm boss' and 'You are now one of us' came it seemed to send a shiver of exciment racing down his back though he stood still lowered submissively. Once Koda released him he finally stood his full night near them, his ears lowered just enough to show respect though not in complete submissive form. His tail swayed friendly in between his legs.

He listened closely to his new leader's words while he stooped down to pick up the prey, still careful to not damage the quick meal. This time, however, he managed four. It must of been his over eagar mood laced with happiness or something. "Probably would, I bet I'd be drooling for food after being in a den for more then a hour." He spoke in a muffled voice while rembering how he never was one for them...he'd only seem to go in when the weather was rough. Glancing at Hollow he attempted a awkward smile before falling silent...*I wonder how life will be here?* He wondered.
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2013, 01:17 AM by Liam.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
A sidelong glance was cast at Koda as he made his verdict. Good, Hollow thought, the more paws in this pack the better, I sure can use the help. He was very happy to have a new pack mate, especially a male, someone he could talk to that would understand why it was funny to hit a deer's neck with your face and break it. Of course for his excitement at finally having a new pack mate, Hollow did not neglect to make a note to himself that he would certainly be keeping an eye out. Liam may become a good friend, but Hollow also felt he needed to be sure that the new male would remain loyal to Nina. This was the second outsider to come to the pack since it's formation. Hollow never once regretted the day Azariah came into his life, he hoped his luck would hold and this male would prove valuable.

"Koda, if you wouldn't mind taking these? I'd like to show Liam around to the borders and the thickest impassible areas first Just to be sure I don't have to untangle him one one day." Hollow spoke with the beginnings of a smile on his face, before once again dipping his head and extending a fore paw in an almost regal bow to his alpha. Hopefully Koda would agree for it would also give Hollow time to get to know Liam, to gauge him. It was crucial to the yearling to know what type of wolves he lived with. He had met nearly all of the current members outside of the thicket before the pack was formed so he knew enough of them to trust them, yet, some had still left. Maybe we will have better luck with Liam than we did with Durai and Kashi, even Ecco. Though Hollow knew in his heart that they had not abandoned him, or Secret Woodlands, he couldn't help but feel that they would certainly have to answer a few questions upon their respective returns.