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full moon, fog, friends and foes — Verdant Mosses 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
A pale females showed up, snarling a challenge and foaming at the mouth. Sloane hesitated only a moment before turning fully in her direction and moving towards her. It seemed that her little gambit of illness was to be denied as Elettra announced her a liar and a fake. For a moment, his eyes were taken off of her when a dark form appeared over by Ice. Almost simultaneously a voice called out a warning and Elettra and another leaped into action defending their impromptu leader. Refocusing his attention, he heard Nina call out for him to protect Hollow and he saw the man move swiftly to circle behind the female as others moved closer.

His long paws made short work of the scant distance left and he was soon standing by his young friend. Hollow was a good friend and sibling to one of his fledgeling pack mates and he had no intention of letting harm come to him. Azariah would likely have his hide for it, despite her diminutive size. As he took up position next to the dark pelted boy, his own stance was at the ready. Tail held high, hackles raised, teeth bared in an ominous snarl that promised death, eyes blazing from a head lowered in battle readiness.

It almost seemed like all of the wolves surrounding the evil fae were poise mid-action and any movement from her would set off their individual reactions. Not so with the attacking male, for he could hear the snarls and action already starting and knew that soon these two wolves would be ended. He didn't know how many more there might be, but these two would be slaughtered in a matter of minutes against their overwhelming numbers.

Knight of Honor
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Received permission from becuffin for some PP of Slyscar! Basically she said every attack was a hit, so.. xP Becu, let me know if you want me to change anything anyway! ^^

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
Hot on the heels of his own warning was Elettra's words, "Ice, she lies!", followed by the voice of an unknown young man, "She's right it's only a trick!". And that settled it; despite his worry and fury, he drew in a deep breath through his nose. What did the sickness smell like, anyway? But Elettra would have no reason to fool him into attacking, and she had been in contact with those who yet lived while diseased, and even with the tension in the air he knew that he trusted her - in this, at least. The next moment someone shouted, and a shadow leaped out of the corner of his eye. Chaos erupted.

Slyscar only managed to leap halfway before Elettra's shoulder smashed into his side; the result was that he collapsed on top of Ice's hindquarters, teeth and blunt claws scrabbling for purchase in the mess of snowy fur. With something halfway between a yelp and a snarl Ice bounced forward, leaving white hair in Slyscar's mouth as Kade's jaws kept him in place. Wasting no time, he spun around, lips peeled back and fangs bared.

This was vengeance. It was sweet, satisfying, the odds so overwhelming that he felt pride hammer with every beat of his heart. Too many had swarmed the pale bitch, and Ice forgot every thought of keeping his eyes on the surroundings. If more wolves came out of the woodwork, someone would notice, sooner or later, but the blood was pounding in his veins and in his head, urging him on. Slavering, he leaped forward, a fluid motion from his turn, and drove his right shoulder forward, hopefully into Slyscar's face, before sinking his teeth into the side of his neck, just behind his right ear.

Three black wolves and one white, and he found himself not minding the help in ripping the bastard apart.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Everything happened so fast after one of the rogue wolves showed up, her white-pelted, skeleton-like figure prowling through the fog in defense of her homeland. Once Fenru's eyes found the terrible foam upon her lips, he could not look away. He froze, listening as distorted voices erupted all around him, watched as the army of wolves surrounding him jumped into action in slow motion. Fenru Tainn had thought and believed himself ready when in reality, it seemed, he was not.

"Watch it! She's sick," Ice warned. As directed, he cast his eyes to the forest outside of their circle, but he had utterly failed in picking out the black wolf who had launched himself at Ice. Fenru could do nothing but gape... He tried to find his voice - to holler at the top of his lungs "Dad, LOOK OUT!" - but not even the smallest of sounds could have escaped him, and he was grateful that Elettra had stepped up. She even launched an attack, which made the youth stare even more with his fur bristled and his eyes wide with shock.

All four paws gripping the ground, he spun around as quickly as he could, searching through the mist for his mother. With Kade leaping into the fray, Fenru realized that he could not just be useful in fighting, but defending those who could have needed it. Stiffly tearing himself out of his rigid stance, he ran to @Corinna, not only looking her over to make sure she was still unharmed at the beginning of the battle, but drawing from her presence the source of comfort he now desperately needed.

Once settled at her side, his right arm just barely touching the tufts of fur that draped over to top of her left shoulder. His heart thumped about in a terrifying rhythm as he panicked. What to do, what to do?

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
There was no question that this female was a part of this, she'd stepped forth herself and challenged the Leader of them all. Such an honor of a fair fight would not be given to murderers, who would steal away the life of children. The sudden attack on Ice and a shout with a voice all too familiar caused Koda to whirl about, checking behind them to see if any others were hiding in the mist. Koda stiffened as a brown shape moved in the distance, almost ready to call an alert before recognizing the familiar face of Cisco, the scent of his old friend's blood mingled with that freshly drawn on the battlefield.

Cisco tumbled, sending Koda's heart for a lurch. It pained him to see his family hurt so badly, congealed blood glinting cruelly in the moonlight. Koda was already running towards him, before jerking roughly to a halt as he stopped himself from going to his godfather's side. Wide-eyed bewilderment settled on his face, quickly shifting to anger at whoever had done this to Cisco.

What if Cisco died- No, Koda couldn't think that yet. It had to look worse than it really was, he told himself unconvincingly. Koda was caught, frozen for a moment and trapped with indecision. The quicker they could dispatch these two wolves, the faster Koda could check on Cisco. Nothing could be done about it before they completed their mission. But it also felt terrible to leave Cisco there, just to help kill a wolf who was already a dead woman walking. A look from Nina stopped him, but what allowed him to turn back into the fray was the russet wolf, Destin, who could be seen rushing to the fallen elder's side. Koda gave a brief flash of eye contact, hoping it would be enough to convey to Destin that this man was utterly important to him, before he joined the circle that was pinning in the pallid female. Two ridge wolves had rushed towards her from the opposite side, and Koda lunged at her back with ivory fangs bared, hoping to sink them into her spine or haunch.

Koda tries to bite Fleetfoot from behind.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by becuffin who has 28 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Last post with Sly, feel free to PP him going out from here. <3 D'aw I'm gonna miss him! :'(

i am the master of a nothing place

Chaos ensued.

Where he had hoped to catch them unawares he was met with a forceful blow to the ribs, but that wasn’t the half of it. Just as his teeth found purchase on the shedding hide of the silvered male - he felt himself being ripped away, caught in the cross-fire as another black wolf barreled at his rear, clamping teeth about his hock and holding him in place between the two. All logic was gone, all of his usual cunning as he was overcome with rage. A cornered animal full of snarls and snaps with none of the precision required to land them. Pale undercoat lined his mouth, clinging to the edges of his lips, wiping away the false lather he had accumulated as he continued to try and release his leg from the vice like grasp of the other dark man.

So preoccupied with getting free was he, that he didn’t notice the way the pale wolf moved close until a flash of white at the edge of his vision bought his savage head about in a whirl, not quite fast enough to avoid the sting of teeth sinking into the thin skin that covered his neck, not allowing him time to roll his shoulders to bring forward the rolls of fat that could have saved his life. He knew the game was up, knew his fight was over, but he wasn’t about to go quietly. Thrashing his head dangerously from side to side in an attempt to get free, he loosed a feral snarl. With each movement he could feel his throat opening more and more, but if he was to die, they would remember him. He had every intention of leaving a lasting reminder with tooth or claw as everything began to go black around the edges.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Phineas remained tense – the stranger appeared before them like a ghost from the mist, and his hackles bristled instantly. Taking a step closer to the ebony she-wolf he called leader, Phineas knew Elettra was not some meek she-wolf who could not handle her own, but that did not eradicate his instinct to want to protect her from the hatred of the world.. from the complicated blows that would come her way; whether emotionally, or in this case, physically. They outnumbered the small pack by far, but that did not ease his worry – even the smallest wolf the smallest pack numbers could deal a good hand of damage to their opponents.

He did not question Elettra, how she knew that the pale female before them was not truly sick. He loathed to even touch her – not in fear of contracting disease, but because of the filth she had laid upon their lands and home – she was a vile creature, foaming from the mouth or not.

As Elettra moved forward to surround the she-wolf, the swarthy regal soon shot off to another, his careful fiery eyes following her with concern. She made to attack another on comer, and while he hesitated with the need to remain by her side, a vigilant guardian, Phineas instead whirled upon his large paws, his jaws gaping looser now as he lunged forward to deliver a blow to the ivory female. His fangs bared, a growl escaping his tainted lips, Phineas’ blow aimed to kill as swiftly as he could, his teeth going for the jugular.

Played by Rachel who has 6 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Fleetfoot Citlali
Her plan did not work as well as intended – she felt smug as the ivory male warned the group to be careful, her lips curling back to reveal foam, spittle and bloodied teeth, a taunt. But no sooner did the words spill from the stranger’s mouth did another speak up, a regal female of ebony coloration. Her blue eyes flashed dangerously, a snarl bubbling from her throat as she glowered upon the group below. “Who wants to be the first to see if the bitch is right?” Her words flew out across the group, a challenge. The woman began to circle toward Fleetfoot, who in turn, would shift her paws, parting them for pay of battle.

Yet the challenger was not her attacker. Slyscar came upon them, and her eyes flickered in fear for the male – a male who she disliked, and yet still called family. Her heart cringed for him, for now he too eagerly knocked upon death’s door, when her own sacrifice had meant to distract them and allow the remaining wolves of the Aniwaya to flee. To perhaps build a better life for themselves.

She did not have time to truly retaliate before chaos rained down upon them. There was no time to think, barely time to react. She was surrounded instantly, and suddenly three wolves of the same scent lunged to her. They surrounded her to eliminate any means of escape, and she snarled viciously, her muzzle lowering to protect her throat.

It was far too late though. An ivory wolf with an ebony streak upon his spine lunged toward her, his teeth seeking her throat and grasping it with the promise of death. Another wolf came to block he rin, while an ebony male with burnt fur lunged to grasp the other side of her neck.

Her vision blurred in red then, no longer able to see her attackers as her throat and neck were torn, the blood offering perfect clarity to her oncoming death. She felt teeth slice through her spine, causing her pale legs to buckle beneath her. Another set of teeth met her back, ripping the flesh from bone.

Her gaze sought out Slyscar, knowing his death inevitable too, and yet she could see no more.. not past the red, not past the bodies that blocked her path. Fleetfoot was dead before she even fully collapsed to the ground, and despite the brutality of her murder, only one sweet and simple thought was upon her mind: she would be reunited with her love, Blackcrow.
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Time seemed to stop... and then everything exploded. She stood next to Ice, wondering who would move first... him or the scrawny silver fae that challenged him. As it turned out it was neither. From behind them came a black form from the shadows, lunging for the River leader without warning. Foam dripped from his mouth, but Cali saw that it was the same as the female... a falsehood. He carried no scent of sickness. Elettra and another black male lunged forward and a warning rang out from somewhere that she couldn't pinpoint. In a heartbeat, all of her reserved and kind nature went out the door and bloodlust filled her with the presence of the murderer of pups.

The two black males attacked the sly backstabber and Ice whirled around and grabbed his throat in a deadly maneuver. Even knowing that the end was near for the black male, Cali was propelled forward by and unknown force and joined in the fury of growls and slashes, finding a mouthful of ebony fur filling her muzzle from the dying wolf's flank and a vicious snarl erupted from her now crimson maw as she ripped at the enemy. The killer of innocents. Her emerald eyes blazed green fire and all reason was gone and she tore at his belly again and again, even as he lay dying, spilling his entrails upon the ground.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(Slight PP of Steel to speed things up...)
Sloane's long fangs bared in a vicious snarl as things unfolded. Off to the side a black male attacked Ice and others moved into action to stop his sneak attack, allowing Ice to spin and get a grip on the other male. Fleetingly, he saw Cali enter the fray before the action moved forward with the underfed silver female. Several wolves moved forward ahead of him. Their speed besting his brawn. He to moved to attack, but the others had her down before he even had a chance to land a bite. His russet fur remained on end and a deep growl emanated from his maw. In the flurry of bodies the female went down fast and Sloane was left with nothing to do but snarl his unspent fury.

Looking around, he saw the male had met much the same fate and lay in a bloody heap beneath their army. Others had not been given the time to help either. There was only so much space around a wolf and there had only been two of them against their many. They had never stood a chance. Among those left out of the actual bloodshed he saw a large black and white male with dark blue eyes that had hung on the fringes of the group on the way here. Apparently his size had slowed him down as well since he too watched from the outside of the pile of wolves. looking as impotent as Sloane felt. It seemed that it was all over in a matter of moments and Sloane briefly wondered if there were more or if these two were the only villans to rid the Lore of. He sincerely hoped so.

(This post was last modified: May 09, 2013, 09:28 PM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
A perfect dance unfolded before the yearlings eyes. An almost poetic show of death as two wolves fought for their last remaining breath, while his own came in short gasps. But Hollow was not afraid, nor did he feel any pity for the wretched creatures. But a youthful spark left his eyes, and they dulled. Hollow watched the enemies of the Lore be torn to shreds, dead within a matter of seconds with no time at all to respond. He enjoyed it, the sight stole away the last of yearlings youth in mind. Now he was seeing the cold harsh realities of life as blood began to flow around his paws from the she wolf. He was certainly no longer the youth he had been when he had come here, not the scared wolf to back down so quickly as he had from Djinn.

The strangest feeling had overcome Hollow, it was a happiness and peace, they were dying. the threat was gone. The wrongs they had committed could not be undone but the red his paws were settled in felt like a start. "Eternal, Damnation." He spoke quietly to himself, Sloane had a look on his face, almost as if he were upset he did not get to have his revenge as well. Several others had not joined in for protecting the leaders, Hollow had watched. Everything, it was over in an instant, had they merely been challenging borders it would have been unfair, but Hollow felt detached from this. Because it wasn't a border, it wasn't just a scuffle, they were murderers, they deserved what they got. Hollow nudged Sloane's shoulder and walked steadily back over to Nina, a new light shining in the face of the male. Understanding and new wisdom, for though it had been brutal, it had been necessary. Now Hollow truly understood, what justice was.

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