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all the blood that i will bleed — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
@Borlla for the first few rounds before they call the pack to gather and make claim.

Territory Description: The stark darkness of the Vale of Secrets lingers across most of the region’s territories, yet nestled between Red Fern Forest and Spectral Woods, a serene yet small valley that offers the warmth and brightness of the above sky and nature’s elements. With part of the creek slipping between the valley crevices and as the likely cause of its formation, the bountiful source seems to feed the rather unique trees that scatter the bright lands known as magnolia trees. With fresh pink flowers that bloom within the spring and summer months, the lush moss and grass that sprouts across the small embankments and hills add to the lands beauty. Surrounded by trees that give the local pack privacy, Magnolia Glen is considered a small haven.

He had only been upon this side of the mountain briefly before – the expedition to eradicate Relic Lore of the diseased pack had gone by in a blur of emotions and worry, and the ivory male had not taken the time to catch view of his surroundings. He had, at the time, been far more inclined to watch over Elettra.. It was ironic to think that now, not long later, he found himself in a similar situation.. Instead of his attention being grasped by the dark lady, this time it was by a pale beauty, and once more Phineas found it hard to focus his attention upon the idyllic nature about him.

The forest had intrigued him, but despite exploring the winding paths offered within Red Fern Forest, the two had escaped from the group for a few stolen moments, emerging from the forest foliage and finding themselves more within a valley of sorts. Phineas had lead them along a creek – the cold water stirring a thirst within him that he paused to quench, his tongue lapping at the surface. Finally, lifting his muzzle up, the regal’s fiery eyes drifted languidly to Borlla, waiting to see what she was thinking. They would need to settle soon, yet he wanted her to finalize their destination.. he wanted it to be perfect for her.

Lifting his muzzle and giving a quick shake of his pelt, the male’s jaws stretched in a yawn as his eyes once more scoured the area. Prowling further along the creek’s edge, Phineas noted the trees that scattered the small valley they had come across – magnolias littered the grounds, not yet in bloom as spring had yet to fully settle upon Relic Lore.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Once a young hellion, the woman found herself calmed. Life had been cruel to her. Many would say such things had been self-inflicted and Borlla would be likely to agree with them. But wasn't that a good thing? That she was able to take stock of everything that had happened and peg it on herself? Because she had been the cause. Yet her family would still look down upon her, if there was any family left. But wrong after wrong, she would make up for. The woman was determined to fix her life yet. She would take responsibility for her actions and learn from them, and grow. Starting now.

Her eyes drifted over the land that he led her through. A darkness that had lingered before, was cast away now, giving way to glorious light. Unfamiliar trees surrounded them, and she only pulled her eyes away from them as they approached a stream. Quiet, calm...This place was so strange to her. Her bloated sides expanded as she took in a breath, watching him quietly for the moment he drank, before taking a drink herself. Even the water seemed different, though it couldn't have been. Her head lifted slowly, a smile growing on her face as she really tried to take in this strange place. A splash of light in such a strange place. Certainly once the weather warmed this area would become even more beautiful.

<b style="color:#32527a">"You sure know how to pick 'em," She said, giving the man a wink, her tail swaying quickly behind her. Strolling along beside him, she grinned, unable to look away from him now. <b style="color:#32527a">"I bet it'll be beautiful once the weather warms up." <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
He worried constantly over her – he worried as they traveled, whether her paws would be too weary to carry her. He worried whether she had enough to eat or not. He worried whether or not she approved of the company they had taken. He even worried about what she would think of the lands they had found on this side of the mountain.. would they hold a place as dear in her heart as the other side had? A dreariness shadowed across the forest they had traveled through, as if the mountain had cast an ominous presence upon them. Yet as they broke away from the forest, and the winding creek babbled iridescently nearby, Phineas found himself slightly relieved.

His gaze drifted from their surroundings, interrupted by the words of the pale she-wolf. He studied her, glad to see the grin that now lightened her features. She was so very different from his previous mate – easy to please, and he basked in the glow of her content. “You approve, then?” The rumbling of his voice was mirrored with a grin of his own, and as the female sidled up beside him, Phineas bent his muzzle down to nudge at her cheek, his wet chin leaving a droplet of water to her nose. “What would you name your new home?” It felt surreal to say such words – after the weeks of planning.. the months. They had finally come to a land they desired to call home. It seemed perfect to him – quiet, away from the competition of other packs. Here, they would raise their cubs. Here was where their legacy began.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The woman seemed easy to satiate now. It was her intention now to push everything she'd felt aside to let this happen, and so far she had not been disappointed. She had a wonderful friend and lover by her side, a new home, a new family. But what was more, she'd allowed his dream to come true. Borlla Tainn, so selfish, so cruel, had let herself become a pawn. A willing sacrifice. But no part of this felt as though she'd given something up. If anything, she'd gotten everything she'd ever wanted. Someone that loved her, that was hers, that wouldn't leave her. Packmates that wouldn't look upon her with disdain because her feelings hadn't mimicked their own. Life was wonderful. Nothing could go wrong.

Her honey-glazed eyes watched his face, her ever merciful and kind whangdoodle. Someone conjured up from her imagination now in the flesh. Borlla shook the thought from her head, however, dropping herself back into reality. Her feelings for him were fresh, yet, so she could only force herself not to get caught up in this heaven-lit facade. But she didn't stop smiling. The woman nodded anxiously, before reclining to her haunches to take a bit of the weight off. His second question required some serious thought. Her eyes descended, narrowed in consideration, and then she gave a little nod. <b style="color:#32527a">"Magnolia Glen?" She offered, tail beginning a slow wag. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Open now to all Magnolia Glen members. Only one reply required for everyone who is going to join -- Bryony and I will then fade the thread as a pack howl/land claiming. Please try to respond before May 13.

@Lucero, @Inkheart, @Erebos, @Zia, @Siku, @Ataneq, @Sitamat, @Miyako

“Magnolia Glen,” he repeated softly after her, his eyes barely able to sweep away from her smile and to trace the land before them. “Home.” It seemed surreal – almost cheesy to the male, and yet as the two stood quietly, he knew then and there that he would raise his children here. Her consent was all that was needed, and as she reclined back just before naming this land they had come across, he felt a swell of pride. Within days their brood would be born to them.. here, in the safe pack den of the Magnolia Glen pack.

His muzzle tilted back, a song escaping him as he called the others forward. Lucero would not be far behind the couple, as the she-wolf had grown close to Borlla. Siku, with her unspoken eagerness to settle and explore would be along shortly, as well as the wolves she called family. Erebos he could only hope would come to his side quickly, as well as the swarthy Inkheart. He even beckoned for the newcomer Zia, who had hunted with them in hopes of joining the ranks of an establishing pack.

As his cry faded, he allowed silence to follow after that. Blinking his fiery eyes, the alabaster male took a step toward Borlla, exhaling gently as his touch made to touch her cheek gently. Finally, they had found what they were looking for, and the members of Magnolia Glen would come to them, and together they would sing to the skies of their claim. Of their legacy.

Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
With her cubs, the non-whangdoodle woman moved throughout the territory that would soon be defined as the lands of Phineas and his mate. She thought of Borlla little, but respected her enough to let her be in most every regard. The leader was younger than she, and pregnant. Siku's overbearing nature may stress the Alpha out; and so she kept more to Phineas than she did his mate, though she behaved when in the presence of his mate. Her role was the pupil for now; learn of these wolves, learn of these lands.

Siku heard a cry in the air. She paused alongside her sons, audits perked and icy eyes regarding her surroundings. She understood it perfectly well; for she had led the cry many a time. And so without thought she responded in kind, offering her voice and her strength simultaneously: Magnolia Glen. She would join them, of course, as was planned. As would her cubs, Miyako, and perhaps soon Tuwawi if she did not return to Snapjaw or go to the Bloodbringers. Glad at last for their claim and their true becoming of a pack, Siku moved to meet the wolves she would be working alongside. Whether or not her sons came with her was up to them.
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">The inky knight would always be a simple-minded creature. His duty was not to himself anymore, but to the survival and pride of the pack Phineas and Borlla were to create. Having never been near enough children, he was slightly worried about how he would affect their yearling but he could behave. Besides, he would have to if he ever had any intention to find a suitable mate. Or even friends, for that matter. It had been years since Ink had had any stranger to befriend him, or him to them. It simply seemed outrageous as a loner to have friends but maybe once settling down things would get a little better. Inkheart was a bit quiet, really, to find any sort of friendship in another.

With each wolf in question throwing their voices, he himself lifted his sooty muzzle to the sky. It was an eerily familiar feeling that crept into his chest, but it was welcome. Inkheart finally would have a place to rest and call home, something that had been lost on him since he was but a yearling. No ill-will towards the loner who had found a meal only to find that a pack wolf had been scouting it out. No more wolves fussing at him because he was lingering too close to their borders—he assumed maybe they weren’t hiring body guards. After relinquishing his cry, he chuffed at the very idea that there hadn’t been any openings in guardian abilities—he was sure that Phineas had a job for him.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
It seemed foreign to be standing amongst a place that he was unfamiliar with. Of course, they had been here for a couple days now marking the territory and such but he didn’t really feel at home yet. They couldn’t call it home until the resounding pack cry would be made and the territory would be theirs. He knew what the call would sound like and how it worked, he had an Issumator for a mother after all and she was the matriarch of all beginnings.

As usual he was by his mother’s side doing close to nothing, they were simply walking amongst the new land and making sure that they knew everything there was to know. Territories always held mysteries. The two instantly pulled up their heads when the call resounded and he looked briefly to his mother’s face to mimic her expression and let his own baritone howl escape his ebony lips. Sure enough the two of them set off towards the location of the howl so that they could probably mingle with them or simple scout out their temporary packmates.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Several weeks had come and gone since Zia had happened upon Phineas and his small band of travelers. Although she kept mostly to herself, it didn't take a genius to figure out what his plans were. He and his heavily pregnant mate, along with his followers, intended to establish a pack of their own. A ghost of a smile touched her lips as the female recalled that day when she encountered his group. Her timing couldn't have been any better, really. Here she was, a vagabond in a foreign land, with no pack to support her. And what did she find? A wandering band of nomads, on a quest to plant their own roots. A chance had been taken, an opportunity seized, and in the end, it paid off.

Zia's patience remained steadfast while her ivory leader to be scoured the area for a potentially suitable, and most importantly, safe territory. As an adaptable creature, having been raised in dense forests of spruce and pine, and traversing the chilly, rugged slopes of the mountains, she wasn't at all picky. As long as her new home was roomy enough for her to stretch her legs and exercise, she would be content. The majority of her time was spent alone, tucked away in the Spectral Forest, but never too far away in case one of the voices of her would be packmates pierced the air. It was now, just after she had finished munching on a tiny vole, near the edge of the dreary forest, that the silence was broken. The howl was crisp and clear, and could only belong to one wolf in the vicinity. Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she released a melodic howl, proclaiming her unity with Magnolia Glen, the newly established pack. Rising to her paws, she set off towards the sound at a brisk pace. It was finally time. Guided by her hearing and sense of smell, she tracked them down within minutes. Her distinct charcoal and silver figure soon emerged into the quaint little clearing, noticing that she was not the first to arrive, nor the last. Sapphire eyes flickered to those already gathered, and lastly, to Phineas and Borlla, dipping her chin ever so subtly, before resting her haunches on the earth.

(This post was last modified: May 10, 2013, 03:08 AM by Zia.)
Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
running against the wind playing the cards you get
something is bound to give

The sunlight reflected just right at times that if she didn't shift her weight the light was absolutely blinding. There was nothing remarkable about the water or creek bed, which she concluded soon after peering into its shallow depths, and for all she knew the glimmer that had caught her attention this particular instance was nothing more than a wave struck by sunlight. She'd stayed for a short time, batting at the water and submerging her face in its frigid, gentle current. The clear stream was inviting to her paws - still sore from days of travel - but whether she was keen to the area yet remained to be seen.

With a whangdoodle or two, or three or five, growing within Borlla's womb, the ash-stroked girl was reluctant as ever to stray far from her leaders. The nights she'd spend close enough to be within ear shot, and during the day it was only when Phineas was present to tend to his mate personally that she would depart to hunt; it was not by chance, then, that she wasn't far when the call to join him broke through the air. Making quick work of navigating to he and Borlla's location, it was with a light step that she emerged from the forest to join the others who had gathered.

Slipping in between a two of her pack mates, Lucero lifted her muzzle to the sky, lending her voice to the collaboration that would claim this land for the wolves of Magnolia Glen.