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The Martyr — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Dated 2 weeks after Ashanti delivers Bane because of the two week rule!
[@Reaper only please!]

Ashanti had wandered a bit, a five or ten minute walk to stretch her legs, her pup safely back in the den. Bane would be fine, and she knew Hollow to be keeping a close watch on him, just over the borders, which her den was near to, was where she was heading. Perhaps she’s meet a new wolf or something, she honestly didn’t care anymore. She’d probably flip out on them; she wasn’t use to any of this, being that she was supposed to be a healer and not a mother. Nina kept worrying about her and it was almost driving her crazy. She was delusional still, with paranoia and saw it all as an act. They were trying to force her to believe something fake to use her. They were playing with her.

Her gentle and messy white coat hadn’t had a proper cleaning since she birthed, she shouldn’t be out in such state and it drove her crazy. Isen would have forced her to clean her fur, even if she was caring for a child. Isen would have helped her. Her so-called packmates hadn’t helped her at all. The only wolves she could trust were Hollow and Nina. Hollow and Nina alone were there to look out for her while she looked out for them. The others all turned her back on the mother who never wanted to be. She caught faint scents of loner, and wasn’t sure what to do. Perhaps they would kill her, put her out of her misery.
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2013, 06:40 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

He knew she was around, he knew that she was a new mother but he had also seen her emerge from the den every so often, and she was so beautiful he kept coming back. Her fur seemed to be slightly matted, and had clumps of dirt, realistically probably from the den, attached to the strands. If he was startled by her appearance he did not show it, and her fur was not the most concerning thing, it was the look of giving up that was carried upon her expression. This was mistreatment, mistreatment of a pure one would not be stood for, and he would kill whoever had done this to one of his own. He did not move forwards at first, content to just watch her movements, he would not advance if he did not believe that now was not the right time to do so, he was much smarter than that.

He assumed that she could smell him, he knew he carried the scent of trees and rivers and grass, the smell of musk, the smell of wilderness. She carried the scent of a pack, of being trapped, though she smelled most strongly of a pup and another male. This was confusing, perhaps she had abandoned her pack because she had become pregnant, but then why would she remain so close to the border? None of this made sense, but then neither did mistreating a pure one, which was obviously happening in these parts, so nothing was out of the question. Finally he could stand it no longer and he stepped into view, his stance proud though not threatening, they were on neutral grounds here, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Excuse me miss, is there anything you need help with? I might be able to assist you, the voice was laced with concern, though only deep in his eyes could you see a darker meaning.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
One word came to mind in this! Stalker... lol

Ashanti’s eyes locked with the male, the white fur of his stood out. She felt like she still couldn’t trust him, at least not yet. A small growl as she started to speak. “Your too close to my pack’s borders for my liking. I need no assistance. What’s your name?” She demanded from him, clearly not amused by his concern. She had heard of that several times, it was a feeling, compassion. She had once known compassion, but now she saw it as a wolf trying to cover up the evil sins of his past that covered the earth from end to end. She added an extra ferocious growl because that man was near her pup and her pup was her child. It was the one wolf she would never turn her back on besides Nina, Koda and Hollow. The rest of them, she really didn’t give a fuck about. She had to protect her pup and the pack she served in.

Her icy blue eyes clouded with grief, she felt lucky to have her pack by her side. Koda had taken time from his own mate and pups to make sure she was alright. Hollow had been there watching over her since he had found her. Iopah had shown up and protected the den soon after she had delivered. They were there for her. She had tempered with the fact that it was all a game to them, and that she was a pawn. Everything would change when she was given the title healer. Then she would be one of them, and her pup would not haunt her. The pup would still live and she would love it, but she would have a sense of duty other than watching her pup. She was ready to call for Hollow at any moment.

No, they had only helped her until the pup had actually been born. When Bane was born, the only visitor she had gotten was Hollow and he was practically always there. To say the least, it was a bit creepy.

(This post was last modified: May 12, 2013, 05:17 AM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

No manners that was for sure, yet her fierce loyalty intrigued him, perhaps there would be room for her in the organization, though only time could tell. He cocked his head studying her, before dipping his muzzle in respect to her, she was a pure one after all, or at least she appeared to be. He kept his voice low, soothing as he responded to her, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"I was not aware that I had crossed the border, I thought I still stood upon neutral ground." He did not think this, he knew it, and he knew that she had not the authority to command him to leave, and not the strength to force him to go. The statement was a political disguise, posed as an observation, yet it was one that would force her to back down for her stance. He contained his smirk however and his expression spoke of apology and remorse, though he felt none.

He dropped his tail down, displaying that he was no threat to the woman, he had not come here to harm her, though this could always change if things didn't go his way or she turned out to be a mutt. He looked her over, her haggard appearance again making his blood boil, oh he would make whoever did this to her regret their decisions very soon. His outward appearance remained friendly and curious however as he answered her, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"They call me Reaper, and what I pray ask do they dub you?" He chose to ignore her comment of not needing assistance, because well, this clearly was not true whether she realized it or not, and he would help her, whether she wanted it or not.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti listened and rolled her eyes, the male reminded her so much of the male that was dead and had forced her carriage. “I never said that you were on the territory, just that your too close. You’re too close to my packs borders and my den for my liking.” She said with a flat tone; her tail flicked with slight irritation. The arctic male was playing with her, much like she had played with Ash, Athena, Rais and Valiant. It was that form of playing that knew he was exactly like the old her, before she had aligned with Nina. Ashanti was weary at best, at least for now, and when he asked her name, she knew better then to tell the truth. “They call me Asali Skywatch.” She lied, the lie came natural to her, it was one of her traits that were not commonly used now that she was in a pack, however it was still useful on specific occasions.

She looked him in the eyes. “Asali Skywatch, subordinate of Secret Woodlands.” A small smirk to her, it seemed more and more real to Ashanti by the second. If he had been stalking her, then he would know her true name to be Ashanti, though she had never seen him before in his life. “You pure arctic like me? Or are you a mix, it’s hard to tell sometimes. I have a sister, pure arctic though she has the colorings of a Timber.” She said, thinking back to Isen, it almost made her heart ache. Isen was gone and she had to accept that. Things would never be the same again and she had to accept that.
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm
ohmygod, maybe she isn't so perfect to him after all ;)

The female rolled her eyes and Reaper could feel his body stiffen, a low warning growl made its way up his throat and he snapped at her, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Now now, that's no way for a proper lady to behave herself now is it?" His tail swished in irritation, he would have to teach her some manners if she would ever fit into the organization. He ignored her comment about being to close, he went where he wanted when he wanted, and he was not on pack lands so he could not be bothered with whether she believed him too close or not. She seemed suspicious of him and so the male took the name she gave with a grain of salt, he did not fully believe her but he would accept the introduction for now.

He bowed down displaying his respect to her before continuing in a much sweeter tone than before, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Well Asali Skywatch, subordinate of Secret Woodlands I must say I am very pleased to meet you." He ignored the smirk though it made his insides broil, he definitely would have to teach her some manners when she joined, no member, especially a lady should act that way. Her next words made a genuine smile appear upon his face, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Yes I am a pure one, and I'm glad to hear you are one as well, it seems there are a lot of half breeds about this area." While the beginning began sincerely friendly and proud the end showed his clear disgust in half breeds, he was so distracted by his thoughts that he missed the sadness that had been clear upon her face.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
[Ohh, maybe not, she doesn't like him at all right now XD]

Ashanti let a small growl be admitted from her throat, she had never said she was a proper lady and if he thought such, then he was obviously mistaken. “Well, it seems like you don’t know me. I never stated that I was a proper lady nor do I believe myself to be one. Are you suggesting that just because I have white fur, that it makes me so much better than everyone else?” She hissed, a bit angry with his assumptions, though she did not truly understand him herself. She forced her fur to lie flat after it had been bristling along her spine. “I can’t say I agree with you, my alpha is a Timber, my best friend has black fur, my pup has black fur. You’re suggesting that I have white fur so I’m better than them?” She hated the theory, at least for now.

She closed her eyes, again, calming herself. She seemed to get very angry around over wolves now, not running away like she use to but getting mad. Every wolf made it seem like the world was fine when it wasn’t. “Is there any reason at all you’ve showed up to my borders other than to insult my friends, my family and I?” She questioned, it was the stone cold truth. He seemed to be disrespectful as the topic continued and she wanted to know what he thought his motives were. She would be the judge on if he was telling the truth or not. After all, she was the master at motives, or so she thought. Her tail raised in dominance. She expected him to submit.
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm
sorry this took so long! Reaper refused to talk to me :(

Reaper felt a sigh of exasperation creep up and out of his throat at her words, this one would definitely be a challenge and the thought brought a smirk to his face, oh how he loved a challenge. When he answered her there was no longer any anger only haughty impatience, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"You never said that you were, but you are a female are you not? You should learn to behave as such," if she refused to learn on her own he would have to be the one to teach her. At her next questions he pondered how best to make her see, it wasn't her fur colour that made them better, they just were born to be rulers. He took a few moments of contemplation before deciding that logic would be the only way to convince this one.

He could see the hatred upon her face and the bristling of her fur, but what had once cause him anger now caused him intrigue, he was intrigued by her fire. He looked upon her with a look of almost awe before continuing, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"You have misunderstood me I'm afraid, it is not the colour of the fur that should determine where ones place in the pack is. He stopped and smiled slightly at her, trying to display that he did not have any intention of harming her, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"I just believe that different species have different areas of expertise and pack roles should be determined as such, for example Great Plains and Valley wolves make excellent hunters and guardians because of their size. Timbers however were built for speed and stamina so I believe them to make great scouts." He left out that Arctic were better than any other species and should therefore rule them, he could make her see this later.

She seemed to calm herself before she next spoke and the actions just made Reaper more curious, she had such control now over emotions just moments ago she had lost control of. She studied her curiously even as she spoke words that came out flat, she was obviously addressing him to go, but he would refuse, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"I am new to these parts, I'm trying to learn about all of the packs and their members, so as to have better understanding of this land they call Relic." This was a half truth, it was true he was studying the packs to have better understanding, but more so he was scoping out members who would be an asset to the organization. She seemed to be trying to dominate him, but he stayed neutral, he would neither display dominance nor submit, in his eyes they were equals.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

A hiss from Ashanti was all that was heard at first, her maternal instincts to protect what was hers. She saw Reaper as a threat, and nothing less. “You sexist, psychotic asshole. You worthless cur, you scumbag.” A snarl from her muzzle as she leapt at the male, her fur bristling as she faced him. She aimed to grab his muzzle and force him down to the ground. The girl would never be afraid of him, nor would she suffice to these things that he called manners. She had been raised proper, she knew the quota for proper behavior and she chose to leave it behind for there was no need for it.

Her ail had curled above her back, everything about her screamed at the male to submit. Her eyes were blazing with a deep hatred for him, his beliefs and everything. He was wrong, it was not the fur, or even the breed of wolves that made them good leaders, it was their strength and passion that made them the best at the pack. The anger was obvious, she had one thing running through her mind and that was all. My child is in danger, I must protect him from the world until he himself can face the world. It was purely hormonal behavior, perhaps if she didn’t have a pup to protect, she wouldn’t have done such things. “Die or submit asshole.” She commanded right after she had pushed off the ground. He would submit, she would force it upon him.

(This post was last modified: May 26, 2013, 05:31 AM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

Asali hissed and Reaper could feel his hackles rise in response, this woman was unreasonable and neurotic, though that may have been just from the hormones. A snarl ripped through his throat at her words, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"You would be smart to learn to hold your tongue girl, or someone will come along and teach you." He spat at the ground in front of her, maybe he would have been smart to hold his own tongue now, but nobody insulted him, even if they were a pure one. He could see her tail fly higher and he raised his as result, this woman had better learn some manners quick or there would be hell to pay, maybe not now, but later. He watched as she pushed off the ground and he heard her words, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"You crazy bitch, what the hell do you think you're doing?" the words were tainted in shock and anger.

He felt teeth catch around his muzzle and another snarl escaped him, the force was pushing him down, forcing him to bow to her. Instincts took over and he lashed out with his claws at her feet, which didn't work, and a new plan came into his mind. Suddenly with no warning he dropped all his weight down towards her, forcing her jaws to slacken. He reared and his back legs, front paws flailing at her, until she released him, the snarl still emitted. He sprang back several lengths away and tried to stifle the growl, and managing after several seconds to do so. Finally he looked at her, his tail still neutral, neither submitting or challenging, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Have it your way," the words were quiet cynical. He turned on a dime and took off full tilt into the forest, knowing the woman wouldn't chase him, this would require leaving her pup.