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Eclipse of the Sun — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane saw the other turn in response to his command, but instead of stepping away from Narime', he actually stepped between her and Sloane. His anger at the blatant challenge washed over him and the sounds of the forest, the wind, everything just faded away until there was nothing left but the blood pounding in his ears. Distantly, he noted that Narime' had moved away slightly to the treeline and watched the pair of males intently. Beyond that, his entire focus was on the dark male before him.

The fact that he was a year younger and ridiculously small compared to him would normally have caused Sloane to avoid a fight... but he was trying to lay claim on his female. The fact that she'd obviously rejected his attention hadn't deterred the other man, evidenced by his clear challenge. Sloane would make sure that he knew, without a doubt, that Narime' was his Lady and he would viciously defend her from all that tried to come between them.

Sloane's head had lowered and his own fangs bared even more when the younger male stomped his foot and displayed dripping white fangs. The over-sized male slowly circled his opponent, never taking his amber eyes from him. Sloane had no idea of his staying power, but the darker male was built for speed. Sloane had little by way of speed, but his strength far outmatched the other man. The trick would be catching him.

When his slow pace brought him between Narime' and his challenger, he lunged forward with no warning, going straight for the scruff of the other man...he wanted him on the ground, NOW, begging the mercy.

Knight of Honor
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
Rais had no idea what he was getting into. He watched the big male circle around, Rais' nimbler body swaying back and forth as he tried to calculate just what the wolf were going to do next. Twisted around by the male's pacing, Rais could again see Narime just past the man's wide shoulders. The errant thought entered his mind that if he could just impress Narime' by driving off this hulking beast, whoever he was, he could win her favor.

Rais' wirey limbs coiled beneath him, anticipating the first strike. Suddenly the male had lunged forward, bite aimed right for Rais' neck. Quite used to evasive maneuvers, it was a hair-trigger reflex which propelled Rais out of the way, skittering sideways to hear the snap of the male's teeth just missing their mark. It wasn't enough to simply run circles around the man, which Rais could very well do. He'd have to get close enough to land a hit. Black claws dug into the hard frozen earth, and the little grey wolf propelled himself forwards with a flying leap, parted jaws aiming for his opponent's shoulder.

[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The differences between them were glaring. Sloane was older, considerably larger, stronger and more experienced. The whelp was not yet two, smaller, fast and Sloane doubted that he'd ever been in a real fight. Yet, he was puffed up enough to try and lay claim to a fae that didn't want his attentions and who belonged to him. He didn't think of her as property, but their hearts were entwined and they belonged to each other. He was hers as much as she was his, if not more so. These thoughts went through his head in an instant, before everything exploded.

His fangs clicked on empty space as the smaller male dodged with lightning speed. Sloane had pretty much expected that. He also expected the counter attack and that was what he'd been counting on. The dark man whipped around and went for Sloane's shoulder. He didn't even try and dodge, allowing his opponent to make contact. The sharp pain was worth it when the agile wolf brought himself into striking distance. As one of the fangs sliced a two inch laceration in his shoulder, Sloane's head angled and his head snapped forward at the other's vulnerable belly with another bone-chilling snarl.

Knight of Honor
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
It wasn't as good a hit as Rais had hoped for, the red wolf angling enough away that Rais achieved more of a glancing blow. Close enough though, and with a satisfied growl he could taste the rival's warm blood spill onto his tongue as one of Rais' canines sliced into the man's shoulder. He foolishly believed that it was his speed alone that had let him gain contact, underestimating the experience of the older male and the advantage that it gave him. Rais' head began to pull back, hoping the close distance would afford another chance to bite at the russet withers of the wolf. He was not quite quick enough, and before he could even begin move back for another strike, Rais saw a set of teeth flying towards him out of the corner of his eye.

Already a yelp tore from his throat before the contact, only able to anticipate the bite but not do much else. His legs were practically tumbling over themselves in an attempt to get away, but it was too late. The bigger male's jaws had grabbed onto the hide along the side of his torso. Canines cleaved through his ratty grey pelt and thin skin, gaining purchase and stopping Rais' would-be escape. The yearling's yelp transformed into an infuriated snarl, his black snout wrinkling with ears folded back. Curling around himself, he snapped at the male's face, gnashing teeth aimed for the face, trying to detach the leach from his flank.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 03:18 AM by Rais.)
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The young man pulled his head back for a second strike just as Sloane made his first, much more successful attack. He heard the almost panicked yelp of his opponent as he realized his mistake. His legs thrashed as Sloane made contact with the dark flank. As his teeth got a good purchase on his rival, the flailing legs made contact with his own longer ones and he managed to scratch him enough for a few small tufts of creamy fur to float in the air between the snarling foes. He paid little mind to the discomfort for it was far overshadowed by his successful grip. The taste of blood filled his mouth and the already angry wolf went a few more degrees towards feral, his civilized self having taken a back seat to his bloodlust.

Incredibly agile due to his smaller size, the other male seemed to fold himself practically in half to lunge for Sloane's face. A bit surprised by the quick counter attack, Sloane disengaged and pulled his head back like a cobra. He hadn't been fast enough to escape the strike completely unscathed. He'd had such a secure grip on the other man's flank that his teeth had drug across his dark pelt, slowing down his movement and earning him more small gashes on his creamy muzzle. A quick pained yelp escaped him as one tooth barely caught the edge of his tender black nose.

Infuriated beyond measure now, Sloane gave neither of them a chance to take a breath. This time he angled his now-bloody muzzle down low, intending to grab one of the front paws in his vise-like jaws, since they had been brought back around towards him with the face attack. As long as this wolf stayed in range, the attacks would not stop. He had little speed, but his staying power was an excellent compliment to his considerable strength.

Knight of Honor
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
The searing in Rais' side took longer than he'd like for it to pass, due to the rusty male's firm grip locked onto his flesh. The man finally pulled away from him, but not quick enough to avoid the raking of Rais' tooth over his snout. The tufts of dislodged white fur went ignored, orange slits focused only on his rival. Even the wound torn into his side would have to go ignored for now, with only endorphins to sooth the edge of it. The very existence of the girl he fought for was drifting somewhere in the far, far back of his mind. His universe was currently centered on this primal dance, and how to not only come out of it alive but to defeat the copper furred challenger. Air huffed in and out of his black-capped snout in an attempt to sooth his aching lungs, limbs shaking with both the residues of adrenaline and the tire of exertion. All four of his paws were rooted firmly to the earth, trying to both fortify himself and keep his quivering legs upright.

Rais saw the wide jaws of his opponent lunge forward, aimed low and reaching for one of his paws. With a firm shove against the earth with his forelegs, Rais reared back slightly. With a bit more energy Rais could have leaped clear out of the way, but at the moment all he could manage was to lift both front paws safely out of reach, if just by a hair, as the wolf's teeth closed on air. Unable to hold himself steady on his hind legs, Rais rocked forward, hoping to throw the weight of his lifted forelimbs onto the opponents neck, with fangs to soon follow should he make contact.

[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was determined to show this whelp his place and a few scratches were a small price to pay to teach him. He saw the quick breaths and slight trembling of the smaller male's legs as he attacked and felt a touch of satisfaction. He was just getting started and all of his fury went into his lunge at the smaller dark legs before him and he almost succeeded. At the very last possible moment the other man barely reared up and out of the way, his front legs brushing across his neck. Immediately, the smaller legs landed half on his shoulders and half on his neck. He could feel the hot breath on the back of his neck just before sharp fangs bit into the his thick protective scruff.

As the fangs sank into his hide and hot blood dripped down the side of his neck, Sloane shook viciously to dislodge him, saliva coating them both as he snarled his anger. The other wolf's grip seemed to loosen with his thrashing, but Sloane ignored the burning pain in the back of his neck and pulled his powerful neck downwards, aiming to get his own fangs on the male's vulnerable belly. Whether he let go or not, Sloane intended to drag him forcibly along until his razor sharp fangs sank into the exposed underside of his foe. He would end this one way or another.

Knight of Honor
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
(Let me know if I need to edit. I assumed Sloane would try to flip him over if he got a hold?)

With paws braced against the older wolf's shoulders, Rais needle-sharp teeth successfully cleaved through the male's russet mane. Rais was convinced that the fight would now turn in his favor, with a firm hold on the wolf's neck and the metallic scent of his blood on the air. Even through the thrashing the yearling held fast, believing it was his own strength that had the muscular male sinking downwards.

Rais eyes widened at the sudden warmth at his belly, pricks of pain lighting across it as the wolf's teeth sunk in. A screeching yelp echoed from Rais' narrow rib cage as his world seemed to turn upside down.

Slammed into the ground, the chill of the earth at his back and his foe looming over him pulled the young wolf faster to his senses than a bucket of ice water could have. Death was staring him right in the face, with the knowledge that this wolf could very well tear out all his organs and entrails with a well-placed tug. Belly up with a wolf's mouth at his gut, Rais could only lie prone and hope with enough submission he would be freed. Pathetic squeaks trembled from his throat, his tongue flicking out of his teeth nervously. His tail wrapped up against his exposed underside, face turned away and ears pulled back.

[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Adrenaline filled the large male as he powered through the pain in his neck and saw his target coming closer. His bloody jaws opened wide and he latched on to the underside of the smaller male. Instantly, the grip on his neck was released and the younger male was thrown down with force of his attack, completely thrown off balance. It seemed that the deadly grip he had on the other man washed away the haze of confidence provided by newly awakened testosterone.

Sloane stopped his attack, but did not release his grip. His opponent was on his back, showing every possible sign of submission. The over-sized male was not in the habit of killing for no reason, but the blanket of jealousy and his own testosterone-filled body urged him to finish the job. It would be so easy...One good slash of his powerful jaws to the side and he'd never have to worry about this wolf again. The total groveling submission and sounds of pain and fear coming from the him swayed him though and after tightening his jaw slightly with a last warning growl to let the man know just how close to death he had come, Sloane released his death grip.

He stood tall and proud over the whimpering wolf, both bleeding from many places. His body remained stiff with aggression, his tail held high. With his head still low, he moved his maw closer to the dark man's averted face and said in a low and dangerous voice, only for his ears, "She is mine. Don't ever forget. Understand? His message was clear. Next time he tried to lay claim to Narime', he would not walk away. Taking a step back, once more between the other male and Narime', he raised his head slightly and growled out, "I suggest you leave. Now!" His deep voice was still laced with the rage he was now holding in check.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé's empty stomach growled as she watched the ancient dance play out before her. At first she was annoyed with the two wolves bravado but as the battle ensued she couldn't take her eyes off them. Her blue eyes flashed curiously filled with a strange excitement. Sloane was at an obvious advantage with his age and weight, but Rais was able to dodge a few times. This impressed the silver wolf, but not enough to make her change her mind about the russet male. No she had some deeper connection to him; not just an attraction.

Back and forth the two wolves snapped at each other. By this time the silver she wolf was on her feet again growling in excitement. She'd seen fights like this before a long time ago when she was just a pup. Back then it was her mother Muerda who was fought over, and as a pup Nari couldn't comprehend the real meaning to the fights. Now, Narimé could understand what her mother had been feeling back then. Excitement, adrenaline, and pride in her favorite suiter winning the fight. Happy that the wolf she truly loved was strong and able to take care of her when she could not.

As the fight continued it was clear that Rais was losing. A small twinge poked at Nari even as she was caught up in the excitement. She felt bad for the wolf being pinned, but at the same time she was overwhelmingly happy that he was pinned. He had deserved that much. Had Sloane followed his instincts and killed the wolf, Narimé would have had a much different opinion of him. However as it was she was happy for the way things turned out.

Now that the fight was over she trotted forward tail waving. As she neared Sloane she put on an air of caution unsure if he was cooling down from the fight or not. Stepping forward Nari nosed the wounds gently along Sloane's body then licked his cheek. Pulling her head back she looked him over and gave the russet wolf a small smile.

After Sloane's warning Nari looked down on Rais and added her own words. "Get yourself straight to Chantille and have her look at you okay? Now no more silly stuff if I ever meet you again right?" She gave the silver black wolf a lopsided grin while reassuring Sloane that she was with him by leaning on the big wolf.

"Never did get to saying hello earlier.. I was a little.. well.. unhappy before.. But you fixed that. So....Hello! " She turned to Sloane and touched her nose to his further trying to calm the wolf down.