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A Mysterious Land — Riddle Heights 
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
The land was cloaked by shadow as the clouds gathered over head. The morning revealed a frosty chill on the newly opened wild flowers. The chill kept the bugs at bay but allowed the birds and mammals to wake up to a crisp morning. A thrush began its territorial calls further waking up the sleepy landscape. One traveler was already wide awake viewing the cool shaded morning.
A gray wolf sat erect as a tree staring at the place where the sun should have been rising. If only the clouds were not in the way. The wolf almost looked like a statue with his dusty gray pelt and icy blue gaze. His eyes turned to his left looking at the trail he’d just trotted from. Then the silvery wolf’s blue eyes traveled to the path opposite him; the path where he would be traveling in the near future.
The male picked himself off the ground and shook the bits of dried grass off his gray fur. Then lifted his head and pushed off with his hind legs. The slow lope would bring the silver male farther north towards the mountain chain his blue orbs spied above him. It was there almost a year ago that he’d lost Narimé’s scent. “Though she’s likely no longer alive. I shouldn’t be searching for her anymore, so why do my travels keep bringing me to the foot of those mountains?” Tokino thought quietly as he loped along.
“Perhaps my sanctuary, my eden, is in that place. In these mountains? Or beyond them? I’m not sure. I just know that I have to go there… Now that dad and the pack are gone. I have nowhere else to go but to where my heart desires.” He reasoned silently then took to a faster pace towards those dizzying cliffs that held the man’s icy gaze so violently. Surely there was a new life awaiting him in that place? There was plenty of wolf scent around. He wondered silently if any packs lived in these high mountains. It was certainly possible. "I'll just keep away from their borders, though I'm curious, if there are packs up there, then how do they survive those dizzying heights?" He looked up at the cliffs above him thoughtfully for a moment more until picking his way up the slope.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Semananti had made herself a role within the pack, and she wasn’t ready to let it slip. Many times her mother had warned her of the dangers of the mountains, it was several times that she had gone through them that made her believe she could and would face these challenges head on. Artemis had blessed her this morning with safe weather to start through the foothills that led up to the event that she so waited for. The peak of the mountain was her favorite place; it made her feel like she was on the top of the world. A place that could never be taken from her was her place, where her footing was and that was everywhere really. That simply mean she would not be taken from the edge of the earth no matter what. She would let Artemis take her when it was deemed the correct time. Now was not that time however.

Semananti kept her nose to herself in most cases, but as soon as she caught a scent, she became curious. She peered from where she was, and she found nothing so she continued forward. Caution was in her eyes and she approached the older male. This was what she lived for and it was all in darg. The male was more on her size range, and there was just gray fur to be seen. It almost reminded her of the alpha female from one of the packs that Willow Ridge was aligned with. She tried to remember the young girls name, however she had little luck. “Greetings sir, how may I be of assistance to yer?” She asked calmly, her accent that she had picked up from her travels was almost hidden.

Her tail wagging a bit from side to side as she asked, her fur remained flat. It was a metamorphosis almost; she was being kinder to the male population every day. Ever since the day the clouds blocked the moon and the world went dark around her. That was the day she knew she couldn’t blame every male wolf she encountered just because they were of the male population. However that did little to destroy her caution.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Tokino was all too concentrated on his footing to notice the increasing presence of another. His head whipped up in surprise at the woman's cool voice. However the gray wolfs demeanor calmed at the sight of the lithe rust woman along with her calm words. As long as she wasn't going to give him a hard time Kino was all for having a little chit chat. <i>Hell, anything to keep my attention away from the peaks above us..</i> The gray wolf moved his tail to a neutral spot and kept it there. His head cocked sideways interested in the female.
"You say you can help me? Well then.. Can I ask if you know the land beyond these mountains well?" This would be his first question. More were to come,about the name of the land, its packs, good hunting areas, or suitable resting places. Of course this was all if the woman did indeed know the land he was headed to. The gray man was more interested in the packs himself, for although he was not old yet Tokino had enough of being alone. He had learned the hard way after watching his sister Marianna for so long struggle to live alone. Working with others was the best way to go.
So Tokino kept his head in that cocked position just watching and waiting for an answer. The pebbles below his paws scraped the bedrock as he re positioned himself into a more comfortable pose. Even with the warmth in the air the rocks below him still felt cold to the touch. As if they were sucking out the life from him. Even so Tokino knew that he had to go over the mountain. The land on the other side was calling to some unknown part of him. Maybe that bit of his spiritual side that liked to peak out into the open sometimes. Tokino hoped that the spirits gave him a safe journey as they always had before.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
{Sorry for the lack of goodness in this post}

Sema was asked a question and her eyes were calm as the man asked if she knew the way around. “Yes, I know those lands well. My pack lies in the lands to the east and as a scout; I explore the surrounding areas a lot, and deliver messages to my pack’s allies.” She said calmly, he meant to harm, and so she herself meant no harm toward the man, though there had been no introduction of names, she didn’t mind, because she cared not to give her name to the man who she barely knew. But she supposed it was better if she knew what to call him and what he was to call her. “Might I ask your name good sir?” She asked and her voice was gentle and kind. What was happening to her?

Sema’s tail wagged still, she was glad to run into someone in the foothills; it assured her the mountains were not abandoned, though she saw no reason for them to be abandoned. A small silence fell over her as she had asked all that she could, her eyes now clouded with an emotion unknown to her. It wasn’t fear, it definitely wasn’t love {an emotion that was impossible for her to possess}. She knew the emotion, but she couldn’t believe it. It was shocking, especially since she had barely met him a little a while ago. It was trust and she barely ever trusted anyone.

Her fur was flat on her back and she couldn’t help but think of her family, the anger and suffering she had been put through. Her mother, the descendant of the Whurshire linage always told her of her past. But then her father, the descendant of the Moon linage, never spoke of his past. He knew that he had other daughters, from his previous mate, but she knew none by name. Suddenly she remembered the name of the young girl, but not the last name. It was Narime.

(This post was last modified: May 20, 2013, 12:51 AM by Semananti.)
[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
It was a good enough answer to keep the mans attention. That the woman knew the lands around, as a scout should know them well. Hopefully he would be able to get a whole host of information from this woman. <i>Though I'm a little suspicious of why she's been so nice. Not everyone has a good heart like that. Still, Its a welcome change to the other strangers who barely say a word in greeting.</i> His face lit a smile that might have been familiar had someone known the mans niece. For Narimé had gotten this mans exact smile from her mother. Marianna, Tokino, and all their siblings had received their fathers charm and smile, as well as his silver fur and blue eyes.
"Aye I guess if we be talking for any longer about business we should know each others names... I'm Tokino Lagina first born son of Yakova Lagina and FlowerFall. Born from Mountain Rose pack. And you miss?" Kino lifted an eye brow waiting for her answer. As far as he knew they had all the time in the world to talk. For he had no pack to get to as of yet. <i> Though her scent smells like many laced throughout her fur. She must be of some pack...heh... Just another question to ask later if she has the time.</i> He thought quietly while turning his blue gaze upon the sky. It seemed like the clouds would keep blowing through. The blanket of gray had no end as the silver man watched silently.
An eagle cried high up near those gray clouds. It's screech echoed through those very mountains that the pair of wolves were climbing. The eagle did not have a fully white head as it soared high above the two canines. Instead the bird had a speckled brown and white head with a mainly black tail. The sub adult bald eagle screeched once more before winging its way closer to the mountains.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Sema nodded briefly, accepting the name of the man for true, and yet the name rang a bell. Where had she heard that last name before? The image of Narimé flashed through her head, but she shook off such an idea. “Semananti Whurshire, though truly I have two last names, one from each parent.” She said calmly, not willing to offer up the name Moon as another token of her last name. She had to admit, the man was respectable, a tip of the hat in respect so-to-speak. She gave a small bow to the older man obviously knew how to respect such wolves despite whatever encountered happened.

Yeah, someone pour it in, make it a dirt dance floor again. Say your prayers and stomp it out, when they bring that chorus in.

The scents of her packmates had COALESCE with her fur, making it all blended and together. It was a sign of unity towards the pack. One that all the members worn into to show they were united against any challenges that face them. She was proud to bear such scents on her fur, and she didn’t mind anything. “Well Tokino, if you would like, I can show you the eastern side of the mountain and the packs that lay beyond it. There is Willow Ridge, the pack which I belong, led by Elettra Archer. Then there is a pack named Whisper Caverns, our allies, led by Narimé and Sloane Thorben.” She said, a bit formally, she simply gave him some information about the areas around the Lore.

Bleed it out, dig it deeper just to throw it away.

Her tail swayed gently from side to side, caution still in her eyes. Her eyes were gentle still, a new found Semananti was emerging, and she had to admit herself as of the moment didn’t like it at all. Yeah here we go for the hundredth time. Hand grenade pins in every line. Throw 'em up and let something shine. Going out of my fucking mind. Her eyes had something deeper hidden in her eyes, something almost undetectable almost, it was a madness that followed, it in sued to take her and consume like fire and powder. She was slowly slipping into insanity for no reason at all.

Filthy mouth, no excuse. Find a new place to hang this noose. String me up from atop these roofs. Knot it tight so i won't get loose .

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Sema could you not mention Nari's former Lagina name if its okay? It'll mess up plot. That's all ^^

what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Elettra Archer of Willow Ridge... Then there's Sloane and Narimé Thorben? Got it. I'll probably go out to check those packs out myself thank you. His ear wavered just above his skull at the sound of the name Narimé. In all of his travels he had not heard that name describe any other wolf than his sisters lost pup. And idea came up in his mind that this Narimé might be his own blood. The thought brought out a curiosity in the man that he hadn't felt for years. The curiosity to drive the man boldly, as he once in his youth filled life had, up to a packs territory and seek out the alpha's for questioning.

I'de be an idiot if I thought that way. Besides.. even if it is her it sounds like the girls doing well for herself.. He told himself quietly though the curiosity nagged at him loudly from the back of his head. Shaking his ruff Kino looked to Semananti and nodded to her offer. It might be nice to travel with another wolf who knew the lay of the land, but he couldn't accept her company. Firstly because he would be taking her attention away from her pack, which Kino knew would need her help with ups on the way. Secondly because he was quite used to traveling alone.

I'm sorry miss. It was nice of you to offer but I can't take up too much of your time. Besides I'm just a little too used to traveling alone. I don't mean to offend you in any way ma'am.. He repeated her respectful bow dipping his head low to the honorable lady. But I can hike with you to the top if you would allow it He looked up to the peaks rising above and wondered how long the journey was going to take. Honestly Kino was not looking forward to climbing the rest mountain.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Not a problem, she's having a brain fart anyways :D Also sorry for the wait <3

Semananti gave a brief nod to acknowledge the wolf and what he had said about not wishing to be led around, and Sema would happily respect his wishes. Her amber eyes full of understanding, and for once she wasn't mad about it since he was a male. Despite her teachings as a huntress, or former huntress, which she wasn't sure about that at the time, she was taught to respect her elders. Tokino was obviously one with many years of experience. She didn't feel honored {so to speak} about talking to him or anything like that. But it was always good to get view points from different ways of life.

Semananti let her muzzle art so to respond the the male's offer to hike to the top, and she supposed that it would not, could not hurt. After all, the male might have tales to tell and she could further her hunt for her half-sister through the mountains. "I would be honored to accompany you to the top of the mountains. I seek out my half-sister, she is somewhere, but I know not where." She said, her eyes calm still, and a small nod of respect back towards Tokino himself.

The thought of traveling with a male to a mountain top reminded her of her old hikes with her brother, Zachary and her Uncle Patnik, they were always the kindest to her. The others did not believe that her choice to follow Artemis was a wise one, nor herself taking on maidenhood and refusing to take a mate. She was a hard nut to crack to say the least, and they would always hike up the mountains, and talk about her choices, and how they respected them. They swore to always be there for her, her uncle passed away just before she left. She hadn't seen Zachary since then, and she chose never to trust a male again. But things always changed.

Her distrust led her to the conclusion that all males were evil, and lied to her. But she was wrong, and things changed. She met her packmates, Kasai was a nice fellow, and so was Guiness. She had avoided male contact, she hadn't even met the male leader in full. She had only met Angier at the meeting as he and Kasai had dueled a rank challenge. They had all made their side comments and watched the show, but other then that, she knew nothing of him.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Kino nodded and started up the slope again. He reveled in the winds touch as it whipped past his fur cool to the touch from the higher mountains above. He spotted an eagle winging swiftly higher. Its white head and tail in stark comparison to its black wings and body. The gray wolf wondered suddenly what it must feel like to fly. Must be very windy up there I suppose... He thought quietly to himself as he picked himself up over a boulder edging ever closer to the face of the mountain.

I don't suppose you know a safe way over that? He asked the gray and rust woman while gesturing to the mountain itself. If it would save him time the gray man did not think it bad to follow her over a safer known route instead of looking for his own way over. When it came to safety Kino was all about the safest route across rivers or mountains. He did not care for short cuts if they endangered his life or his friends.

I mean you said you came from over the mountain right? So would you know a safe way over miss? He asked kindly looking over his shoulder and flicking his tail gesturing her to come forward. He was not the sexist type of man to think of a woman not being able to lead by herself. In fact he quite liked a strong willed woman himself. Just like his sisters had all been strong willed and fiery at heart. He protected them from the shadows and watched their fire burn brightly from afar as they led the way out of the shadows. Or maybe I'm just a weak little man for not being sexist like some wolves... He thought quietly waiting for Semananti to take the lead.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
[Sorry for the forever long wait </3]

Semananti stayed as she was, still as the elder man spoke and asked if she knew the ways over the mountains. Truth was that she knew the way out of every side of the mountain, mainly towards the Ridge, but every other way too. Her eyes hesitant almost, though she had no idea why, perhaps it was the worry of running into her father after her encounter with Roanoke, her brother. Or maybe she was just anxious to get to her Half Sister Athena before Roanoke or her father did. She remembered her father scorning the Half Sister while they were growing up, but Sema never imagined Zeus going after the lassie. She was worried about her, but if it was true and she was a pack leader, her father would quickly be beaten.

Sema’s tail swayed gently from side to side, the hills and rocks around them a peaceful setting as spring had started to turn to summer. She responded to his question, with a rather thought out and lengthy response. "I know the ways over the mountains, to the east, the west, the north and the south. If I didn’t, I couldn’t say I’d stand here talkin’ to you today." She said, her eyes glinting excitement when she said that, she loved the mountains, almost everything about them was just interesting. It made her wonder what was on the other side, if it was true and far off; Poseidon controlled the worlds for miles and miles on end. She was curious; she thought mountains were the key to it all. "Follow me!" She called, starting off into the distance.


(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2013, 12:44 AM by Semananti.)
[Image: WR3.png]