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Pink Elephants on Parade — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
The tree's branches swayed in the light breeze. Their buds weighing down the stems as the wind wrestled with them. A hawk sat high up in the uppermost broken end of a snag. The birds red tail feathers giving away its identity almost immediately to any onlooker. It's sharp eyes piece into the undergrowth picking out the forms of a gray wolf and his prey as they sped through the undergrowth.
Tokino did not care for sightseeing as he usually did. Mostly because the male was hot on the heals of a plump female rabbit. Its heart beat rang wildly in the silver wolfs ears as his blue orbs stared down at the fleeing furry brown rabbit. His fluffy gray ear momentarily caught the screech of the red-tailed hawk then focused back upon the rapid frightened beats of the rabbits heart. He was so close now. That need to bite down on her back and brake her bones was livid in Tokino's iced eyes. Soon he would have her.
A flash of brown and red plummeted into his vision causing Tokino to try and pull up and make sense of the danger right in front of him. He tripped sideways into a rolling heap of gray fur, heard the alarmed pained cry of the rabbit, and then looked up dazed from his fall to see a huge bird struggling to kill the now lame rabbit. In a quick motion the Hawk stabbed the rabbit with its talons gripping into the females chest. The rabbit went limp, and almost immediately before Tokino could even curse at the bird, the red-tailed hawk took off with his plump rabbit dangling below.
He had a valid reason to be pissed off. Of course, the usually calm thoughtful Lagina was indeed a little aggravated. Watching his kill be taken right out from under his nose. "If only I hadn't stopped to look at it.!" He growled not caring if anyone saw or heard him now. For Tokino was both hungry and angry.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

The young she wolf looked around her surroundings curiously. She hadn't explored this part of the Lore in her short time here and she found it kind of enchanting. Since they were reaching summer, everything was becoming beautiful....and hot. Her thick winter coat had long since shed and had been replaced with her soft, fluffy summer coat that was various shades of brown. The light breeze flowing around her did wonders though.

The only reason the lone wolf had wondered so far from her little den in the Willows was because it had been a while since she had eaten a good meal so for the heck of it, she decided to go some place different to try her luck.

The thumping of paws against the ground not too far away from her snapped her out of her thoughts and she ducked behind a small cluster of trees. It wasnt that she was scared, it was that she didnt want anyone to see her walking around looking like an idiot.

As she watched from afar the older, gray male in dead pursuit of the rabbit she couldn't help a small chuckle escaping her maw. The picture was just too funny to her. What made the picture even funnier was when a bird swooped down and practically scared the living daylights out of the poor guy! He actually tripped and fell! And ungracefully, she might add. To make matters worse, a hawk stole his prey! It just wasnt this guys lucky day. Now Inali definitely couldn't control the full blown laughter coming out of her mouth.

Inali stepped out of her hiding place, still laughing her head off. Between chuckles she managed to gasp out loudly to gain his attention, "H-Havi-Having trouble t-there old man!?" The poor girl couldn't even get a coherent sentence out because she was chuckling so much. Her blue-grey eyes twinkled with mirth and friendly tease.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2013, 09:49 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
His angry low growl was cut off by the laughter of a youth nearby. Apparently another wolf had seen the whole thing. Which of course didn't help Tokino as the heat of embarrassment flickered around his face. Tossing his gray head back the gray male watched the hawk, now far in the distance, flying off with his meal. Then he turned his own icy gaze onto the young woman's blue one's. Those eyes reminded him very much so of his sisters. For some reason he had been born with the lighter blue eyes in the family. Very much a mirrored image to his father Yakova. Yet all of his sisters had deep sapphire blue eyes, the darkest blue and purple hued orbs belonging to his black sister DarkWind.
Anytime the gray male spied another set of blue orbs like his own he was reminded of the rest of his blood line, his family. Now most of them were gone, and all that gazing upon a strangers blue eyes did was open the wound in his heart just a little bit. The mans previous anger was settled and now only a simple loneliness entered the void. <i>Stop thinking of them you idiot... That will just make it worse.</i> He halfheartedly gave the young female a chuckle then sat down on his haunches and nursed the tiny ache in his front paw. It seemed Kino was bruising a little on his shin.
"I don't think five years of age is that old... Now if I was eight that would be a different story. Then you could call me old." Tokino smiled welcoming the younger fae's presence. His tail took a level behind him that would be called neutral to any wolf, and his head was held comfortably as the man stood up once more.
"So what brings you to these parts? Obviously not just to watch some guy make a fool out of himself eh?" He wondered if the young one was a part of some pack. For the girl was certainly very young to be out on her own.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's gaze connected with the male's and they stared at each other for a short while. A sudden sadness passed over the wolf's features and Inali found herself cocking her head to the side, wondering why he was sad. Of course she wasnt going to pry about it, she barely knew the man. She tilted her head back to its normal position and decided to just not acknowledge it. He rewarded her with a chuckle in response to her teasing and she smiled softly. It was halfhearted, but it was better than nothing. She suddenly found herself wanting to cheer this man up. Everyone deserved a 'little piece of sunshine', like her mother always used to say, every once in a while.

"I don't think five years of age is that old... Now if I was eight that would be a different story. Then you could call me old."

Inali smirked slightly and sat beside the older male, not too close, but not too far either. She was able to nudge him slightly with her shoulder and she said in amusement, "Tough luck old sport. Counting my 2 years of age, 5 is old. She laughed once again as he sat up and soon she sat up herself. She continued, "And as for what I'm doing here, I'm here to hunt. Dont have that much luck where my little den is located, so I came here to see if my luck would change."

Inali asked curiously, "What brings you to these parts, old man? Besides hunting of course." Inali smirked slightly as she once again used the nickname she bestowed on him. As she awaited the male's response, she gasped suddenly. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm sorry old sport, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Inali, Inali Wayha. At your service." She chuckled and continued, "Nice to meet you."

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Note: This iiis after Inali meets Narimé right?
Tokino huffed every time the young one called him old. It was about time to tell her his name so that she had something else to call him by. As she spoke he smiled. The young woman's uplifting tone gave him a little hope for the day. Especially when she said that she was hunting for Kino might have found himself a partner in crime to go out and conquer the local deer herd with. It would help out his thinning body if the man could get a carcass to feed off of for a week or so before moving on.
Then Inali gave her name and all was well with the male. He liked knowing the name of those he spoke business with. Even if business was simply gleaming information for whatever it was he needed. Right now all he needed to know was of the land, its packs, and whether this Inali would accompany him in a hunt. Firstly the silver wolf had to give his own name.
"My name is Tokino Lagina first born of Mountain Rose Pack's Yakova Lagina and FlowerFall." He gave her his name then thought for a moment on how to answer Inali's other question.
"The real reason I'm lurking around this land is because there are so many wolves. I looking around at the packs to see if I can fit in someplace. It would be great if you could tell me of a few and their whereabouts." He answered while turning his icy gaze back to the spot on the ground where fur from the rabbit was left scattered among the leaves. A single red tail feather of the hawk lay broken beside the remains of brown rabbit fur.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Yes, it is. I hope that where were headed was Inali mentioning she knew of a wolf with the last name Lagina, who is Narimé. If not, I'll just edit the post.

As the male wolf gave Inali his name, she smiled and nodded. He asked her if she could tell him about some of the packs she knew about. And of course she said yes. She laid on the ground, her paws folded under her chin. She motioned with a flick of her head for him to do the same.

She took a breath before she began to speak, "Well, your right. There are many packs around the Lore. I cant tell you about all of them but I can tell you about the ones I have encountered with personally. First, there is the Secret Woodlands pack. I met Nina when I first came here. She is the lead female of the pack and Koda is her mate. I only met Koda and Hollow, her guardian, in that meeting. Nina seems very nice and friendly. Koda and Hollow were pretty wary of me because of me being a stranger to them and a lone wolf. They did not want Nina to come to any harm. In that meeting, she was probably already late into her pregnancy so she has probably already given birth to her litter. I'm not really sure, it was a while back. Their pack is located in the Northern part of Lore, the Thicket of Secrets, I believe.

Then there is this other pack. I never did get the name, nor did I meet anyone of relevant importance. Except the guardian of course. I accidently crossed into their borders and we had ourselves a little word scuffle. Anyway, their pack is located in Serpent's Pass, Lost Lake."

Inali took a breath and got her thoughts together before continuing her steady mini-monologue. "There is one more I have to tell you about. The name is Whisper Caverns. They are located in the Southern part of Lore, near Drooping Willows, where I live, in Hush Meadows. My friend Minka is second in command there and I havent met the lead male yet. But I have met the lead female. She was late into her pregnancy last time I met with them. Maybe she has already given birth? I dont know. I hope to join that pack soon. She seems very friendly and caring, her name is N-" Inali suddenly stopped speaking. It finally clicked.

Lagina. Tokino Lagina.

They were the only thoughts running through her head. The shocked expression wore off quickly and was replaced with an expression of hesitant curiosity.

Inali stood up abruptly and was soon on all four legs. Her blue-gray eyes bored into Tokino's icy blue eyes. She said bluntly, "Her name is Narimé. Narimé Lagina Thorben. Are you related to her Kino!? Are you!?" For some inexplicable reason she was becoming angry and frustrated. And she didnt even know why. Her new friend had better answer. And quick. Her blue-grey eyes flashing dangerously, she started pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth, she paced.

(This post was last modified: May 20, 2013, 03:43 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Note: This thread is after Semananti's thread

The young woman nodded and Kino gave her a warm smile as he waited for the information to come from Inali. His gaze twitched around at the surrounding landscape keeping an eye out for danger. Such was the males 24/7 job in life. To make sure he and his friends were not caught surprised by a bear, coyote, or even by other wolves. It had always been like this for the five year old ever since he was a curious yearling.

First Inali told him about a pack called Secret Woodlands that lay far to the north. Kino listened as the red coated she wolf told him of the woodlands pack alpha's named Nina and Koda. She also mentioned a third guardian which interested the gray man. To have met so many wolves of that pack on her first meeting must mean the pack is close to full.That either means the pack has room but only for wolves who are healthy and can prove their worth. Or, that the woman alpha is very cautious whenever she views a loner. He thought quietly thinking over the details in his head. This Woodlands pack sounded like the type of pack he might want to join. For Tokino did not want to be in a pack who accepted everyone right off the bat. He wanted smart leaders who knew how to run a pack safely.

Turning his icy gaze back to Inali, Kino listened as she went on about another pack. A pack that lived in the serpents pass at Lost Lake. He knew of the pass now that the gray man had already traversed it. He was still unaware that there were actually two packs that lived within the mountains. Though Tokino quite rejected the idea of joining a pack high in the mountains. He was no mountain wolf. Instead enjoying the flatness of prairie or the cover of forest.

Then Inali began speaking of another pack. A pack within the land of Hush Meadow. Kino watched the female curiously as she spoke about this pack. She spoke of meeting the lead female, noting that the woman had been late into pregnancy Tokiino nodded knowing that at this time of year alpha females would be having their pups. His eyes narrowed as Inali stopped just before speaking the alpha's name. He moved his head to the side a bit eyeing her wondering why the red woman had stopped.

Then all of the sudden she looked at him, curiosity burning within the blue depths of her gaze. The males eyes narrowed further as he watched and waited. Inali then asked him a question that took the male partly by surprise. Asking if he was related to that Hush Meadow alpha who's name made his pelt itch with wonder.

Tokino had heard the name Narimé before from Semananti. Though she called the woman Narimé Thorben clumping together what he now guessed was the suffix of her mates last name. Initially curiosity had dragged at the male after he'd heard her name from Semananti. Now his curiosity was heightened by the thought that perhaps this wolf really was his lost little niece. But how had she survived? Unless that white bastard Sibo had brought her to a pack within this land. Still... It's hard to believe... Tokino's legs itched wanted to finish the conversation and run. Let his paws guide him to wherever he wanted to go or do. If they wanted to see Narimé then he would let them. If only to satisfy his curiosity on whether it was the same she wolf or not.

"She might be...This alpha does have the Lagina name as you say. However I would have to see her myself to determine if she is of the proud Lagina bloodline." He answered coolly as the she wolf began to pace. What is she getting flustered over? He wondered quietly. "Do you think she would mind a visit from her uncle?" He asked trying to get the female to calm herself.

(This post was last modified: May 25, 2013, 07:02 PM by Tokino.)

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

As quickly as Inali's anger came, it disappeared. She stopped pacing and the anger in her eyes cooled significantly. They were soon back to their regular warm glow. Too bad her attitude wasnt. "Oh I dont know Kino! If I was her, i'd be ecstatic for one of my uncles to visit me. But the problem is I'm not her, so I dont know how she will react if you just suddenly pop into her life claiming your her uncle. Of course, there's only one way to find out.

Her demeanor suddenly brightened and Inali said, "As you think about that, why don't we try to find some grub, hm?" Inali opened her mouth to speak some more, when her muzzle picked up various scents. Turning her attention away from Tokino, she sniffed the air. I smell rabbit, obviously. But what is that other scent? Is that fox? The scent of fox is heavy, but so is rabbit, though not as much. Her ears pricked up, trying to ignore all the animal noise going on around her. Zoning in on two, she could hear the soft thumps of the rabbits paws against the ground and the swish of the foxes tail swinging in the air.

The young fae looked at Tokino with a smile and said, "Our meals are close. Get ready big guy." Immediately as the words came out of her mouth, a rabbit ran right in there line of vision, a fox in heavy pursuit right behind it. Cocking her head wordlessly from Tokino to the rabbit, she whispered teasingly, "Make sure to get it this time, alright? I'll take care of the fox." Without another word, Inali headed to the nearby trees in a run. A plan was already forming in her head and she smiled as she thought of the victorious outcome.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Kino watched quietly letting his tail droop lower and more comfortable as Inali's anger dissipated. He hadn't been expecting her to become angry over something so trivial so when she had the gray man was surprised by the fire he saw in that blue gaze of hers. One of his ears came forward listening to Inali as she spoke answering his previous question. Honestly he also had no clue how the young girl would act when someone came forth claiming to be family. He half expected her to chase him off if he ever did decide to visit Narimé's territory.

But I'm too curious not to visit... This accursed curiosity from my mother side of the family. Its gotten me into trouble before as it will soon in my future. That coupled with wanderlust is never a good combination in a wolf. I have to wander to dry up this raging curiosity I suppose.. His thoughts echoed to a stop as the gray wolf watched Inali turn away from him and scent the air. He too picked up his nose and scented the faint smells upon the air. Scents of fox and rabbit tickled his nose as the older wolf gazed out into the forest.

It happened quickly, the woman told Kino to ready himself for a surprise hunt, then two seconds later a rabbit came into view bolting across the leafy floor. The gray wolf would have rather went after the sly fox instead however the rabbit seemed to have a death wish as it sped close to Kino. Instinct propelled the gray wolf after the fleeing prey; his paws crashing through the undergrowth and leaf litter. No longer aware of Inali's position or the fox, Tokino inched closer to his target.

Snap! His jaws clamped down on the mammals furry back and crunched into its backbone. Slowing himself to a stop the man gave himself time to pant. While he caught his breath Kino looked for Inali to see where she had gone. The fox surely would be a harder opponent in battle... He thought with slight worry for the red female. Instead he did not call out but listened to the movements in the undergrowth. To try to pinpoint where the she wolf and fox were running.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali ran to the trees, taking camouflage in the deep undergrowth, her small size an advantage. Her paws carrying her silently and smoothly through the terrain, she followed the fox's path with her ears. She could hear the animal scurrying right beside her, out and a couple of meters away from the undergrowth she was currently running through.

If I run a ways ahead, I can jump out and catch the little rascal before it even has time to blink, Inali planned internally. Urging herself to go faster, she avoided the small twigs and branches in her path. She did not want the fox to know she was on its tail.

The young she wolf jumped over the log in her path and cringed as her paws landed on a pile of small twigs. Snap! Crack!

Crap, she thought. Her muzzle taking a sniff of the air, she scented the shift as the fox changed direction. Dang! This one's a smart one!, Inali cursed mentally. She needed to do something soon, before she lost her meal for good.

Quickly turning around, Inali ran. Keeping silent, her paws moving smoothly, she was soon beside her prey. She jumped out of the underbrush, her body arched and her fangs bared, a beautiful sight. Her jaws closing around the fox's neck, she snapped it effortlessly. A soft crack was heard and the red-hued she wolf jogged smoothly over to Tokino, her catch in her mouth and her head held high.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]