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For a while we were safe and sound — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
Tacoma awoke from his nightmare, afraid of finding himself alone. A soft whine sounded in the back of his throat, seeking comfort from the only place he knew. His world was still muffled, and blurred, but it was no longer the darkness that it had been. The scent of his mother was heavy, telling him that she was close by, which made him feel better nonetheless. He knew that the bundles he would come to recognize as Ashton and Danica were somewhere his vision limited. He had yet to know the injustice of the outside world. He knew nothing more than his mother, the scents of other wolves, and his siblings. Innocence in it's purest form.

The cub was now used to the daily routines. His mother was almost always there. When he felt pangs of hunger he would nurse, and even when he didn't feel hungry he would nurse. Everything he did at this point was driven by instinct, but little bits of his personality were starting to peak through the cracks. He was generally quiet, only squeaking when he felt discomfort. Although it wasn't unusual to see him piled up with his siblings, he spent a lot of time alone. Of course his siblings or mother were always mere inches away.

Little blue eyes opened once again, barely seeing. He searched for the large form that he recognized as his mother. He couldn't really make out any shapes within the darkness, and his nose told him where she was, but he enjoyed using his other senses too. Another even softer whine slipped from his mouth as he tried to hobble his way toward his mother's perfume.

(This post was last modified: May 22, 2013, 10:24 AM by Tacoma.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Being in a peaceful slumber was not something that Nina had been getting enough of lately. She was constantly looking over her children and making sure they were safe, protected at all times. Now she was finally getting some much needed sleep when a soft whimper caused her single eye to snap open, searching the den instinctively for any disturbances. Checking the small bundles beneath her carefully she went over each one. Danica…Ashton…where was Tacoma? Lifting her head to search for her first born, she found him a small ways away, probably from having rolled away in his own sleep. When his tan form made his way back to her belly, she leaned down and gently grabbed him by his scruff and put him back near the rest of his siblings.

Feeling as if something were off, she cooed softly to her child, "Tacoma, is something bothering you?" She was worried about the young Reinier child, fearing for his health above all things. He smelled perfectly fine to her, in the health sense, but the small twinge of fear mixed within his pelt bothered her. "Did something scare you, darling?" she asked softly to her largest son, at least, for the time being. She ran her tongue along his small back in attempts at soothing any of his anxiety that was building up within him, if any truly was. She just hoped that he was alright.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
The golden brown pelt of his mother came into a blurred focus. Her scent filled his nose, and her touch provided him almost instant relief. Though his muddled world didn't make a whole bunch of sense to him yet, and there was much he still didn't know, he would never forget his mother. Her voice was soft, only adding to his comfort. He loved when she spoke to him, because it made him feel better. Regardless of the problem, she could always fix whatever ailed him. Unable to form sentences to answer her, he had to use what little words he knew. "Mma mamaa" The syllables caught on his tongue, seeming to continue on for too long. Attempting to make use of the language he was being taught he tried for another word. "Yyee" It was his very best attempt at agreeing with her. He had often heard the word being used, but he wasn't even sure if he was using it right.

He felt her tongue run along his spine, calming every last bit of anxiety he had. It even promoted a small giggle to slip from his throat. Knowing no other way to express his joy, he allowed a small squeak, hoping to please the most important person in his life. His young age, short attention span, and sudden burst of happiness ensured that the bad dream was mostly forgotten, and he made sure to enjoy his mothers company to the fullest. After all, nothing made him happier than having all of her attention to himself.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She looked down in worry at the small ball of fur beneath her, brows already furrowed in deep worry. Small squeaks emitted from her first son’s mouth, his syllables long and incoherent. When his voice finally did greet her ears the tension in her shoulders instantly faded, relieved that her son was quite alright. Whatever had frightened or bothered the young man was nothing of too much importance to him anymore and Nina was quite fine with this. She just wanted her first born to feel safe in the atmosphere around him and it seemed as though she were doing that quite well at the moment. Feeling as though she should correct her son’s language though, she spoke clearly and softly, "The correct way to say is yes, Tacoma." It was easy to hear the light notes in her voice and her good natured kindness. She did not wish to insult her son in any way, but merrily correct him so that he would be able to learn quicker in the future.

However, her mood was light that day and she did not dwell on her son’s pronunciation for too long. Huffing softly, she resulted in cleaning the pup’s pelt, her tongue running gently along his spine to sooth any other worries that she would have caused. Twitching her ears she listened for any sign of danger, wanting to talk to her little boy about something, but not wishing to confuse him in any way. With a small sigh, she let her single emerald eye run over her children, landing back on Tacoma, her voice soft and sweet as she spoke, "Would you like to hear a story, Tacoma?" She tilted her head slightly, which was not very noticeable in the dark, secluded area they were in. Perhaps she could end up making something of her time with her son. At least while Danica and Ashton were still sleeping, Nina did not have to keep track of all three of them.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
The dark bundle reveled in his mother's correction. Just the sound of her voice was like a breath of fresh air, and never failed to bring him joy. Although he didn't understand her the meaning of her words entirely, he definitely picked up on the word yes. After she spoke, his body seemed to be an automaton, operating without being controlled. He couldn't stop himself from parroting the word to the best of his ability. "Yyss" Unsatisfied, he had to try again until his voice held the easy note that her's had just moments before. "Yess, mamaa" Better, and it would have to do for now.

The name that rolled off of her tongue during her correction, -- Tacoma -- was just beginning to take shape in his life. Slowly he was associating something with it. He thought it was something just for him, but still wasn't certain. There were still plenty of things he didn't understand, and could not yet concern himself with. For now his world only went as far as he could see. The two dark forms that he would soon call Danica and Ashton, his mother, and their safe little hideaway. To him, there was no outside world. He only needed this den, and his small family. In the days or weeks to come, the new gears in his head would begin turning. The intelligent creature within him would begin forming, creating itself, and thirsting for knowledge. His eyesight would become clearer, and the wall of light his mother sometimes disappeared through would all become very exciting. One day he would leave the safety of this world, and step into the dangers outside. There was no telling what life had in store for him yet, but for the sake of those around him, it better be good.

Her tongue pressed lightly against his fur, as it so often did. He rejoiced in the feeling of her touch, and leaned into it the best he could. Her voice followed soon after her mouth pulled away, and promised him a story. The cub would probably always love stories, as they often held a deeper meaning. At this point he might not be able to pick up on those undertones, but they would be stories he would keep with him throughout life. Able to think back on them because his mother had passed them to him. One day, in the distant future, he might have pups of his own. Little ones that he could tell her stories to, and her legacy would forever live on. Of course pups of his own were far from his mind, and he was excited to hear her speak more. "Yes." The word sounded a little strange on his tongue, but he felt success. The little prince had finally said the word.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She loved hearing her son trying to pronounce the words that he was having trouble with. It proved that he thirsted for rightness and knowledge just as his parents did. His determination did not shock her, as it might have, but pleased her highly. Seeing the boy in front of her lean towards her, like she was his life line and the only thing that he wanted in the world made her heart swell. It was nice knowing that she was needed and wanted by another being…even if it was only for food and warmth. Her sons and daughter loved her, almost as much as she loved them. When Tacoma finally replied to her question, a small grin settled on her almost perfect face. The boy had quickly learned what Nina had wanted him to. Now it was time for a small story. Clearing her throat, she tried to think of something that conveyed a life lesson that she knew that her young would need to know. Not fully knowing what her oldest son was into yet, she couldn’t really determine what kind of stories to tell him. None the less, she might as well start with something new.

Smiling down at her pup, she let him get comfortable before starting. "Once there was a wolf by the name of Ash Hervok…a great man he is now! But when he was younger, he was quite different. When Ash had been born his father and a different mother than his sister, Nina Hervok…now Nina Reinier. At this time, Nina was not part of the Hervok clan yet…only when she was able to fully hear and see would she be…tested to become a part of the pack," the woman then paused, letting her words sink into her son’s head. She then continued, "When Nina finally came of age, her father came to her…and demanded that she come and join the Hervok Clan. Not happy with this…I refused. Unfortunately, no one had denied my father before and he was not happy with this. When Ash was finally old enough to understand anything, my father fed him lies. Telling him of all the terrible things that I had done, which were not true, and how I was a terrible wolf…an abomination." She stopped then, knowing full well that the pup near her probably would not understand half of the words that she was telling him. Grinning from ear to ear, she stopped there, letting her emerald eye look down upon her first born, "And that is all that I can tell you for the night, my dear."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
The little mess of fur picked up a wobbly head and held it high, in hopes of seeing his mother better. Rounded blue eyes looked up and into her face. He couldn't see the distinct marking or features well, but he would never mistake her for another. From her scent, to her kind voice, and even her heartbeat. It was a sound that he had always known. Just like the ever present inhale and exhale of her breathing. Everything that comforted him was there. She held something that no wolf ever could, and therefore could never be interchanged with another. As long as she was in the den, he was safe.

The female's voice washed over him, and he couldn't take his tiny eyes off of her. Tacoma had taken a liking to this story, and though he didn't understand the larger concepts of it, he enjoyed the passion in his mother's voice. He could feel her emotion, and it made his pelt bristle. A few words really stuck out to him, though he wasn't sure what all of them could mean. The first was 'Nina'. He had heard it many times throughout his short life. When wolves came to the den, they addressed his mother as such, and so he figured it was something belonging to her, as Tacoma belonged to him. The next words that stood out to him were 'I' and 'My'. He recognized these simple ones as being possessive, or somebody's. Was his mother telling him a story of her life? Interest overtook him, more so than before. The idea of learning more about the wolf in front of him was exciting, as this was a story she hadn't divulged in before.

When the tale finally came to a close, he was left with more questions than before. Only able to grasp the very general idea of the storyline, he knew that there was a wolf, a father, and his own mother. Something had happened that made the father mad, and someone lied to the brother. What could possibly have come of this? He desperately wanted her to continue, but there would be no arguing. She called the shots, and he couldn't produce the words that would tell her to keep going. He made a small squeak in appreciation allowing his little lips to curl over his milk teeth in a smile.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

As she told her story, she watched, pleased as her eldest son watched and listened to her with utmost importance. It was as if she was the most important being in his life at the moment and it brought a warm swell into her heart. Flicking her tail behind her, she looked down upon her son when she finished her tale, pleased to see that he was not protesting with what she was finishing with. Running her tongue along his back, she smiled back when his pearly white teeth flashed at her. Nuzzling her son gently against her head, she looked towards outside, the sun was setting outdoors and it brought a happy thought into her mind. Looking back down towards the small blue eyes of her son, she spoke softly, her voice filled with excitement, "Are you excited to see the light soon, darling?"

She looked down upon her son, head tilted and single eye curious. His opinion of her when he would get older scared her to no ends. Would her son honestly love a mother with a single eye? Nina would have no comprehension of her sight any longer, for she was sure if a miracle were to happen, she would never be able to see anyways. It made her nervous thinking about it now. The way her children could make fun of her when they could see better and understand better, the thought scared her. Flattening her ears on her head, she sighed softly, looking back down upon the creamy form of her first born. She took comfort in his small form pressed against her side. She knew that he would not leave her side for the time being. And she knew that as long as he was next to her, nothing bad would ever happen to him.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier

That was another word he understood, although he couldn't remember how. Tacoma knew that it was light that filtered it's way across the floor inside the den. It wasn't a constant in his life though. Sometimes it would be there, and sometimes it wouldn't. Time was not a concept he could yet grasp, and so he didn't recognize the pattern. In time he would, but for now he could only wonder why it wasn't always there. Another fact about the strange brightness he was sure of was that when he stepped into it -- or in his case wobbled -- it burned his eyes. However he had found that if he kept them closed and moved into it, he could feel a warmth unlike any other. It was so different from the heat which radiated from his mother, and his siblings. Whereas his mother's side filled him with comfort, the sunlight left the side farthest from it cold. He thought that he might like the way it felt anyway.

Managing a shaky nod, the dark male answered her question. "Mmmhm" He certainly was excited for anything his mother was going to show him. His tiny mind danced around the prospect of really seeing the light in person. He couldn't imagine what it would be like. Were his eyes going to burn, or would there come a point where he would actually be able to look into it? Of course his mother was a safe haven, and she wouldn't allow him to go through any pain. There had to be a way to see the brightness without feeling the ill effects. She would show him how, and he would make sure to remember it.

Cuddling closer into her side, he allowed the warmth to spread into his limbs. A world without her would be cold, and he hoped she would never leave. In fact, she couldn't. Neither could the other bundles that constantly moved beside him. Could they? For now he knew nothing of family relations. The fact that the squirming puppies he spent so much time with were his brother and sister, meant nothing to him. All he knew was that he loved them unconditionally, as he did the large wolf that was constantly there for him. One day he would understand his own mishpocha, but for now these bodies were lifelines, providers, comforters, and the ones who brought him the most joy.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Laying down with her son cuddled up again her fur made her feel so appreciated. She felt like she did not have to hide from him and that with her around, she would never have to worry about his safety. The alpha would be there for him as much as she could, along with her mate and they would, together, protect their litter as much as she could. Never would she ever think about letting anyone, except for those that she knew she could trust, anywhere near her first litter. One might have thought that she was being overprotective with her children, but she was just looking out for her offspring. The memories of what she had been told about the other woman’s pups being stolen the year before had haunted her and she did not wish for anything severe to happen to her pups.

Even if she was being over protective; she would rather be so than for her pups to be taken from her within her own territory. She continuously licked Tacoma’s head, his answer pleasing her. It seemed as though her eldest son was in a place of peace and perhaps it meant that it was time for her to put his mind at ease and let him rest. So with a relaxing sigh, she whispered in her son’s ear, her voice sweet and delicate, "I love you so much, my Little Tacoma. I just know you will be strong when you get older, and have the heart that your father has." Hopefully, Koda would also help with raising their sons and daughter well. They would be the heirs and heiress to their throne when they got older, and Nina wanted the best for them and for the pack, and that meant showing them that they needed to be kind, smart, and loyal.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.