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kids — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
@Phineas, @Lucero, @Siku, @Erebos, @Zia, @Inkheart, @Ataneq, @Kyros, @Hypatia

The sun rose on a lovely late summer's morning. The perfect start to a very eventful day, at least to the new mother. She could feel the warmth, pick it apart from that of the bodies she shared the den with. Her eyes cast down upon the two bodies curled by her. Just hours earlier, she'd been so looking forward to this day. The day when she could send her little bundles into the world. Let them meet their packmates, their teachers. But now that day was here and she felt so very unsettled. She didn't want to let them go, throw them into the terrors, the uncertainties of the real world. The panic carried on for quite awhile. She feigned sleep, though her mind was riddled with the events of her own rocky childhood. But she could only remind herself that her perils had been self-inflicted. All she could do was raise them to be better than she'd been.

Finally opening her eyes, Borlla sat up, nosing delicately the furry lumps that now took up more space than they had just days ago. <b style="color:#32527a">"Big day, time to get up." She whispered at them, then turned her damp black weapon upon her mate, nosing him in the flank a bit less delicately then she had their children. But a smile was evident on her face, whether or not he'd see it. The sun came down, faintly lighting their quaint little nest, and Borlla made her way out, sun-colored eyes squinting against their equal, before adjusting. She took a deep breath, contemplating all that was going to happen (which made her dreadfully nervous), and then howled, summoning the wolves of the Glen to give welcome to their new packmates.<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

title inspiration (kind of irrelevant)
(ahhh these posts always make me feel awkward i don't wanna powerplay but then i don't wanna be rude by leaving phineas out fkjdslafj idk this post is awful in general D:)
(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2013, 11:38 PM by Borlla.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

He had dragged himself up early. Earlier than the sun to do a quick pass of the borders before setting off on the trail of some deer. They would be dropping their fawns shortly and if he was fortunate enough to stumble on a doe who had sequestered herself away, a newborn would make easy prey for a hungry predator like himself. Alternatively, if he managed to track down the herd perhaps one of his pack mates would be willing to join him in a chase to pull down something a little more substantial? It could be considered that his mind was often on his next meal, a new development he put down to his time as a loner where the pangs of hunger had been no stranger. Now he was back in a pack, he planned on staving off the feeling for as long as he was able.

He was growing closer to the herd, he could almost hear their cloven hooves crashing through the underbrush at the mere sight of him. The thought of a chase set his heart to racing, pushing the blood through his tightly wound frame as he began to step more cautiously, creeping closer with each step until the brown outlines and the speckled flanks of the young came into sight. He knew there was no point to taking them on alone, and as if to further drive the point home, a feminine howl called the pack to her. The large stag looked up with a snort as the doe’s began to pace nervously. Raising himself to his full height, he relaxed his posture. The stag gave another snort and a stamp of his hoof as the silver wolf smirked at him, turning just a little too slowly to leave for the protective male’s liking. The stag made a short charge at him and with a casual chuckle, a flick of his tail and slightly more haste to his step he headed back towards the den where Borlla was waiting.

He was surprised to see he was the first to arrive. Adding up the days in his head he could guess why they had been called and so he was cautious in his approach. A respectful bump of his pale muzzle against the darker one of his leading lady was offered before he stepped further from the entrance of the den and laid himself down, so as to appear less imposing to the occupants inside. He waited almost anxiously, the end of his tail thumping against his own leg. Would these ones actually look like his brother at all? Patience was not his forte, but wait he would. These children could prove to be his only other blood relatives besides @Phineas in these strange lands they had settled, and the wave of anxious nerves after last time still lingered. But his brother was still here... Wasn’t that telling enough?

Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Big day. Time to get up. The girl was no lunker, small and petite, and her mothers gentle nudge had her roll into her elder brother. She roused, slowly, but not at all quietly. She emitted sounds every now and again so all in the vicinity would know her displeasure. In time, she would come to be an early bird. But now? Now, the youngest Argyris detested it entirely. When she was up at last, there was a pivotal change. She was used to seeing, but now, she saw clearly; her eyes had been a blurry film that she hadn't truly utilized as much as she had her nose and ears. But now, into her focus came a massive beast—her mother—and, for the first time, she stood. Her muscles were too weak to enable her to do so for a long amount of time, and so when they failed she stumbled backward and fell onto her stomach, confused as to what was going on. But her mother departed, to her disdain, and she was left yipping loudly in confusion, looking then to her brother and lastly, to her father. He was another massive figure she had no idea about, not really, but his presence here...

It was enough. She crawled over to him, not strong enough yet to quite be able to walk, leaving her brother behind without a thought until his warmth was gone. She was confused, having never separated herself from him, and stopped entirely to mourn this loss of contact that she could not understand was able to be fixed in seconds.

sarah: psst, your blockquote and div tags were in the wrong order. i fixeded them<3
(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2013, 05:37 AM by Kyros.)
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
You always have my permission to PP Phin, Bryony! :D

To say that the ivory regal slept less than before his birth of Kyros and Hypatia was an understatement –only four weeks of age, they were far more tender and delicate than he had recalled his previous experience to be, and in the dark of night, curled beside his family, he was loathe to move lest he crush one of the little buggers. Of course, aside from that, all it took to stir the wolf from slumber then was the smallest of noises to gurgle from their throat, the lightest of twitches to overcome their body and the male would freeze, always wondering if they were alright.

As Borlla’s nose jabbed to his side with more insistence than usual, Phineas emitted a soft grunt in response, his eyes only squeezing shut tighter for the moment. His mate wasted no time in ignoring this fact, and while he missed the smile on her muzzle, he could picture it as her howl rose across the lands, summoning the members of the Glen.

With a soft sigh, the alabaster wolf pushed himself up to his haunches, his shoulders rolling back in a leisurely stretch as his fiery eyes fell upon the squirming figure of Hypatia. She moved toward him, slowing as her tiny body lost contact with her white counterpart, and with a smirk, the father bent his muzzle down to groom the girl, hoping she seemed presentable to the pack. Kyros slept on, and with a surge of fierce protection washing over him, the Argyris male knew he would introduce his son last – and damn the first wolf that questioned them over the boy’s missing limb.

Gently, Phineas went to grasp Hypatia at her scruff, moving toward the den entrance to where she would be presented to the pack. His ears fell back to his skull, another wash of worry coming over him as he thought about his son. Never before had he felt a love so intense as he did for these two very small beings, and he could only hope the pack approved of them. Placing Hypatia next to her mother, Phineas gave a crooning growl to Borlla as he nudged her cheek with his nose, his eyes falling to Erebos. He gave a nod to his brother, his figure naturally lifting itself before he turned back to the den, hoping to coax Kyros out to meet the family.

Played by Sarah who has 14 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kyros Argyris-Tainn

When his eyes were shut the world made sense; the world was dark and warm and his paws churned in the softness of his mother and his mouth found a nipple and that was that. Life only got rough when his mother turned over or moved away — he could handle his sister and her pushing, that was fine. And in the darkness, everything was equal, everything was fair. These concepts were not something he knew of at first. It wasn't until the sunlight filtered in through the slits of his opening eyes that he realized that there could be anything else.

Because he wasn't quite like his sister.

Knowledge sprung upon him all at once as his eyes trailed over her velvety cub-fur, down her legs, to two miniature, perfect forepaws. What? Kyros pretended to be asleep, even though his heart was racing. And then she was doing something weird, she was bigger in some way, supporting herself like the way mom and dad did. Sure, she fell down moments later, but the fact that she had stood at all was something to the little boy. He was in awe. When he looked down at his own paws, though, he remembered: there was something different about him—

A form at the mouth of the den flooded the cave in shadow, and Kyros could no longer make out what he had been looking for. But he smelled dad. "Wherd Hippo go?"

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">This was turning out to be a big day indeed. Not only had he woken up just in time to see the sun rise and for him to catch a glimpse with a wakeful sigh attached, but he had managed to catch not one but two plump fish out from the Creek. It was an amazing find and something that he had not expected in the least but when looking for food, he had to be very cautious about what he came across while alone. Fish was usually an easy catch, a small fill for someone of his size and usually small even to go into a cache but he seemed to be quite the lucky guy to be rolling in the goods.

Not only that, but Borlla had called for her pack. Though it might have not seemed like he was, Inkheart was extra excited to finally be able to see Phineas and Borlla’s children. Not only were the first puppies the born into the Glen and would see the rise of the pack, but because a family and children were something that he craved more than anything. After allowing Amelie to slip out of his life because he walked away, he knew he would not make the same mistake twice. This time if he felt something towards a certain woman and he felt that she, too, felt it then he would take a step in the right direction and not the wrong.

So when Borlla announced that the two children were ready to venture out, explore new things and meet their parents pack members he did not delay. Inkheart quickly picked up the two fish as best he could within his mouth and began to trail in the new parents’ direction. Occasionally a fish would attempt to fall from his jaws but he got to his destination in ample time so that he could set them down so that he could wait for Phineas and Borlla’s invitation.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
i'm talented at breathing, especially exhaling, to let
my chest rise and fall with yours

There hadn't been a single day or night that she hadn't mulled over this a million and one times. Borlla had come to be her best friend, so it was given that the birth of her companion's children was both exciting and anticipated. Many days, Luce had hung around the den where Borlla and Phineas had welcomed their litter in case she might be needed for something, or anything. When she wasn't on standby, she tried to be out doing things—hunting or scouting the land, gathering herbs or marking the borders. Some days she would top off her productivity with some play time or exploration with Ataneq, but at the end of every day she would drift off into restless sleep thinking of two of a number of things: one being when she would see her friend again. She was hardly upset about their lost time, knowing full and well that Borlla was more than just a friend now. She was a leader and, most importantly, a mother.

It was, then, with a rush of hope that Borlla's song met the ashen girl's ears. Water dripped from the smooth angle of her jaw as her head shot up in surprise. It was time. Or, at least she hoped it was. Wading her way through the water of the creek that was frigid even in the summer heat, Luce hit the bank with a running start. The thrumming of her paws did little to drown out the clamor of thoughts in her head, and with every step that brought her closer to the gathering she became more anxious. How was Borlla? Did they look like Phineas? Were they healthy? Was she healthy? Maybe she shouldn't have eaten that squirrel earlier. Would they like her? Could she babysit them soon? What if they didn't like her. When the scents of several of her packmates filled her lungs, the pace she'd kept slowly faded away and she approached them all with an whetted interest and an open heart. After all, first impressions were the most important, and she wanted to make a perfect one.

At the den mouth was Phineas, to whom she gave a respectful and encouraging nod, with Borlla at his side. A wide smile grew along the planes of her cheeks at the sight of her companion. In reverent and patient silence, Luce was sure to keep her distance for now, settling submissively to her rear end as she stretched her neck in an attempt to peek at the children who hadn't quite made it out of the den.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq consistently did as best he could under watchful eyes, doing things for the pack that he would want from his pack members if he were King. Ataneq, as seen now, knew that he would not be under Phineas and Borlla’s reign forever—he would soon follow Siku wherever it was that she would raise claim. Whenever she was ready to begin anew here, he knew that he would be ready. So far it didn’t seem like the time was anywhere near so the swarthy yearling did what he could to provide for the pack that he was a part of, which he greatly enjoyed because he had Lucy.

Lucy (or Lucero) had somehow and miraculously become a friend but what was more than this—she was his first friend. That was something to celebrate (though to his mother or siblings he was void of emotion to it, almost embarrassed) by itself, glad that he and Lucy had hit it off. Though, he really would need to figure out how not to be overcome with nerves when in her presence. He was unusually good at covering it up with his skill at guarding his feelings, but even he couldn’t resist showing her everything about himself.

It came as no surprise that the instant that Borlla rose her head to announce that her children were ready to be seen, he felt a mix of emotions. Ataneq would not know how to deal with children, nor did he know what he would feel towards them. Though he knew that he had once been a puppy just like Borlla’s children, he had never been around any… what would happen? But then, he knew that Lucy would likely be there to see this which automatically forced him to turn around in the howl’s direction. Yet another excuse to see her.

With her scent drawing nearer, as well as others and the natural scent of birth, he smiled—for all to see. Lucero was here, and she was smiling a big smile which all by itself made Ataneq very happy. “Lucy,” he moved to be next to her and bumped his shoulder against hers lightly as he sat next to her and looked in the direction that she did. Quickly reaching the assumption that the children would make their debut soon.
(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2013, 07:00 AM by Ataneq.)

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
With the rising of the sun, creatures stirred from their slumber, preparing to greet yet another day. For Zia, life was beginning to return to normal. Fully integrated within the pack, she was slowly but surely finding her rhythm. Faces that had been nothing more than strangers to her, were glimpsed on an almost daily basis. But they were only glimpses, for she had yet to establish any real connections within the pack. She blamed herself for this, always too caught up in her own role to make sure nothing was ever out of place. Although she liked her work, perhaps it was time to ease off and focus on forming a solid bond with some of the others. She already knew of one wolf in particular who she could call a friend, so more wouldn't hurt. Friendship was an aspect that had been sorely lacking in her previous pack.

Ever since finding Phineas and his band several months ago, Zia knew that they would be blessed with new life sooner or later. The Glen now was home to two more precious lives, and ever since their arrival, Zia had kept an extra careful eye on the borders. No outsider would be stepping foot onto this patch of land, so long as she was around. As the sky brightened and the air warmed, a lone silhouette patrolled the eastern edges of the territory. Steely blue eyes looked out to the land beyond, while the soothing trickle of the creek greeted her ears. The magnolia trees were in full bloom, their pink blossoms dotting the leaves of many a tree and lending a refreshing hint of perfume to the air. Well traveled paws grazed the grass, still damp with the morning dew, while a relaxed pace carried her forward. Her thoughts drifted to the pups. How long had it been since they were born? How many were there? And when would Borlla decide it was time they met the extended family? Anxious as they were, the adults could only wait.

A quick, cold drink from the shallows of the creek was a fitting break from her relentless patrol of this section of the territory. After she had her fill, dark lips pulled away from the icy water, ready to resume the chores of the day. Just before she had time to turn around, a howl from Borlla stopped her. The pack was being summoned, and without having to guess why, Zia knew. It was time. Here on this day of celebration, the pups would meet their guardians. Without haste, in a silver blur, Zia made off in the direction of the howl. As she drew closer to the den of Borlla, the scents of several others was strong. Upon reaching the congregation, she was pleased to see that she was not the last to arrive. Lucero, Ataneq and Erebos, all of whom she didn't know personally, were all present. Even Inkheart was there, to whom she took a seat next to, smiling briefly. Phineas and Borlla had her utmost attention, as she acknowledged them with a humble dip of her head. Settling her nerves, Zia waited patiently for the pups to emerge, silver lined tail wagging to a merry beat.

psst, trix, you didn't close the two <div> tags you had open and it was breaking the board. i fixed it though don't worry :3 just keep that in mind next time :3 -sarah
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2013, 08:19 PM by Datura.)
Played by Steph who has 56 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Siku Tartok
That there was new life greatly aggravated the once Issumatar. It was not her own, and thus not worth much at all. All the same, she had made something of a promise to Phineas. Pack kept her belly full. Pack kept her sons belly full, too. She was here solely for survival. Those were the perks. And the downfalls were the obligation of viewing the life she sought for herself. Alone, her tail was lifted over her hindquarters, reveling in the days where it had been her others had sought and come to. In time, that day would come again. Plume lowered to resume her typical position of the second subordinate. The Tartok Matriarch would, in time, come to see her reign resume.

Long-legged strides took her to the site of the cubs den. One was outside, now, a lovely little thing, frail, edible—she kept her jowls shut. Her time had come and gone to conceive, why waste the life that had been? There was no desire to bring harm to these cubs, though she wished they could have been her own. Siku was around, but kept some distance from the likely protective mother.