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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Puppy outing! @Tacoma @Ashton @Danica

Noon, Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 55° F/13° C
They all had seemed so fragile, and even now heading past their first month they hardly seemed any more sturdy. Koda knew coddling them in the safety of the den wouldn't help, and only through learning about the world they inhabited would they have a chance in it. He would show them how to live, survive, thrive. A small shudder ran through the huge wolf, as he thought back upon the child murdering curs that had been creeping on the other side of the mountain. That evil was gone, as sure as the putrid taste of their leader's bitter blood that had crossed his tongue. Koda knew that was not the last of evil in this world, nor the many forms that misfortune could take.

He gave himself a shake, as if to push off the paranoia and bad memories that liked to edge in more frequently than he cared to admit. This was a day for his children and exploration, not brooding by himself. No doubt they'd enjoy getting a chance to venture out of that stuffy den for some fresh air. He could show them all the ways around the woods that made their home. He tread towards the rocky entrance of the den, golden eyes squinting in the darkness to seek out his children. He bent his elbows to lower his head more towards where their level would be, his rump still up in the air with his tail wagging above it. "Tacoma, Ashton, Danica!" He called softly into the cave. "Would any of you like to see the forest today?"

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
As of late, the den had become more of a frustration for him than anything. The walls enclosing it were dark, and the only light allowed to pour in came from the opening. He found himself spending more and more time in front of the entrance, just waiting for his chance to really explore the surrounding area. When he didn't find himself in front of the opening, he could usually be seen directly outside of it, enjoying the feel of sun on his back. It had been this way ever since he'd had his first taste of the outside world. The cub had a burning desire to understand it, along with everything else around him. His little mind was constantly working, pondering over things. Every new scent would send his brain reeling and he constantly longed for the day he would be allowed to explore the lands he called home. On the other hand, he had an underlying fear of embarrassing himself. The world outside of the den made him unsure. There were so many new things, and what if he couldn't do them as well as his siblings? The question constantly bothered him, as the desire to make his parents proud was consuming. He also wanted his siblings to be able to look up to him, but how could he do that if he couldn't keep up with them? Already, mixed emotions filled the pup. He couldn't describe them, he didn't understand them, and he couldn't find the words. One day he might know why he felt this way, but for now he continued on in blissful ignorance.

The scent of his father's approach wafted into their little home. Immediately the brown male's pulse heightened, and he sat on his haunches. A small tail waved relentlessly back and fourth over the soil, and bright denim eyes stared on. When the form appeared in the mouth of the den he couldn't help but let out a bark of joy, which would hopefully make his siblings aware of their father's presence. A deep voice filtered it's way into his ears, and of course he recognized it as his father. The thought of finally getting a chance to explore beyond the den was exciting, and it forced adrenaline through his veins. Nodding his head, Tacoma moved to his feet. "I would!" He called in response, though making sure he didn't sound as excited as he felt. There would be no way he could allow himself to be left behind.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
The den felt smaller and smaller every day. Ashton was drawn further towards the entrance until one day he realized he had moved out so far that he was a solid way away from the entrance. It was his "post" where he would stand watch over mother, Danica, and Tacoma. He would always have time to call a greeting to all he saw come to and from the dens. Once Ashton's eyesight had finally focused properly he was astonished by the myriad of colors the woodlands wolves held. The little Reneier was always simply staring at them admiring the scents they bore and the colors in their coats. Fascinated as he was by the living, Ashton still studied all the trees and grass. The pup had to know just every scent there was to know, and every thing that was around the entrance to the den got a thorough prodding with his little black nose everyday.

Today though he was resting, though he of course kept one eye open for any excitement. Ashton had tired himself out with an earlier game, pretending he was the fiercest and strongest wolf in all the land and he had to protect mother and Danica, while he, Tacoma, and father fought the evil scourge that threatened their home! The young wolf had tumbled and played alone, not even calling out for Tacoma and Danica since it had been such a sudden idea, plus Ashton wanted to try it out alone first, so he would surely be the best, and so that Tacoma did not try to play a trick on him. It had proved to be the Renier's only excitement for the day however and he was just beginning to drift off to sleep until a voice broke in to Ashton's fast approaching slumber. Father! and he want's to show us the forest! Ashton ran full speed out of the den after Tacoma, whom had beaten him outside. "Me too!" unable to control his excitement Ashton aimed a leap at Tacoma's back, after all they were finally going out into the forest!
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2013, 10:59 AM by Ashton.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Gonna get this moving, Jen if you still want to throw @Danica in feel free to have her catch up with them :3

Honey eyes crinkled at the corners in a beaming grin that Koda gave to the two boys. He slowly backed out of the mouth of the den, rising out of his crouch though his tail was still swishing excitedly, the energy from Tacoma and Ashton was contagious. Their little voices peeped forth, happily agreeing to their father's proposal of a day's venture. Danica, the little princess, seemed to still be inside getting her beauty sleep and he didn't want to disturb her. The Woodlands were secluded and safe enough, and he wouldn't be taking the boys too far out today.

Koda chuckled as Ashton made a leap towards Tacoma, "Alright you two, lets get moving then!" He announced, nudging them both with his snout with a playful rumble before turning about. At a pace slow enough for their short limbs to follow he moved through the brush and brambles, taking one of the more frequently traveled routes that would be easier on young paws. Koda hadn't quite planned out what he was going to show them, but when he caught the musty smell of mice somewhere ahead on the path a smirk caught the edge of his lips. "Can you boys smell that?" He asked, looking over his shoulder towards them. "Mice, and they are somewhere around here. Who do you think can find them first?" Koda asked the cubs, challenging them to a little game of the senses.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
Didn't want to power-play, or step on any toes, so I didn't have him find the mice before Ashton could post c:

Ashton came crashing down on Tacoma, evoking a laugh from the older cub. He aimed a quick paw at his brother's ear before their father;s voice called them outside. Though the fun of wrestling was over, they would now begin a new adventure with their father. He was glad that Ashton was coming along, as his brother was always a beacon of protection, but he couldn't help feeling terrible about leaving Danica behind. She was going to be so upset she didn't come off with them. He didn't have much of a chance to go back and grab her as his father nudged them out into the light. Hopefully she would catch up soon, and then all of the siblings would get to have fun exploring.

His father's voice pulled his attention back to the matter at hand. Taking in a deep breath, he took note of the various scents around them. First and foremost were the perfumes of his kin, and next was something new. It must have been what his father was speaking of, as he was already used to the scent of the vegetation around here. He managed a quick, "Me!" before he turned his nose to the ground. The basic instinct of tracking was there, and so he let his body do the work. When he moved in one direction, he found the scent fading, whereas when he moved the opposite it grew stronger. A little tail fanned back and fourth as he moved across the grass, in search of his prey.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
"NotfI"= "Not if I" (developing speech skills and all)

In all his excitement Ashton only tumbled over Tacoma and met his brothers swipe with a stray looking grin, It was always good to have Tacoma along for whatever adventure he had, just because he always seemed to be able to figure out the hard stuff. Like how to get over big logs, and how to get through the thicket when Ashton would get stuck somewhere. Even though it infuriated him sometimes that Tacoma seemed so much smarter than him, he would still much rather have his brother along for anything that they could be doing. Especially when father was involved, though he couldn't help but feel the same small stab of guilt as Tacoma, at leaving Danica in the den. She would certainly be upset when she found out they had gone out with father.

It was then that father drew his thoughts away from leaving Danica behind with the offer of a game. He pointed out the scent of mice in the area. Which upon further inspection with his nose, Ashton found to be true, it was often a scent found on the wolves that came to the den site. Ashton assumed that these creatures must be a delicacy as he had scented it so often on the adult's pelt's. Little did he know they were merely little furry brown creatures eaten to sustain one's energy during a long day. Hardly any kind of delicacy at all. At Tacoma's proclamation that he would find them first Ashton had to retort. "NotfI do first! With that he set about prowling upon the scent before eventually realizing that they weren't everywhere and he had to find the ones close by. The scent kept becoming stronger one way and fainter the other. The more the boy scented set in a stalking stance that was just a little off, the smoother it became and the more deft his movement though it was still a long way from good.
Played by Pinn who has 21 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tacoma Reinier
Overjoyed that his brother accepted the challenge, Tacoma really set to work. His nose pressed itself to the ground, and he continued breathing, holding the scent in his nostrils as he trailed along. Confidence for him was feigned, as he never felt good enough necessarily, but he knew how to play the part. The little prince stuck his tail high in the air, waving it from side to side over his back. To the outside world he might seem pompous, or self assured but inside he was concerned about finding the mice first. He had to. If Ashton found them first, then he would know he wasn't as good as his younger brother. Yet he was supposed to be the one to figure everything out first. If this were a battle of the minds, the older cub may have won, but this was so much more than that. It was testing out the skills developing within them. Who was developing faster?

Picking his head up, he looked for the creature. Though it is difficult to spot something you have never seen before. These mice could be monsters. The only thing pulling him forward was the knowledge that his dad wouldn't let that happen. He was safe for now. Movement in the grass ahead set his heart racing. Still-denim blue eyes slid over to Ashton, checking to see if he saw the grass moving this would be the defining moment. If Ashton had saw the sway in the foliage then it would be a race forward to see who laid eyes on them first. If he didn't then Tacoma could nonchalantly push forward and catch the first glimpse.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica woke slowly from her nap. She'd been dreaming of her Daddy's deep comforting voice, but soon she realized that she was cold. She shifted, trying to get closer to her brothers but it didn't work. Opening her bleary eyes she turned her head and realized that they weren't there. both of them were gone! A slight panic rose in her throat and she whipped her tiny head around. No, they were not inside the den at all. Nervously, she made her way to the mouth of the den, blinking rapidly until her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. The grass outside tickled her feet, but she enjoyed the sensation. It was so much more fun than the plain ole dirt in the den. Remembering why she had come outside, she looked around.

She could smell Ashton and Tacoma and her Daddy, but she couldn't see them anywhere. All of her senses were better every day, but the thought of trusting her inexperienced nose to actually follow their trail absolutely terrified her. The den was familiar and safe. The forest was exciting, but not on her own. She so wanted to follow them, but she didn't know which way to go. She was loathe to go back to the den and so she was torn and didn't know what to do. Feeling anxiety and frustration well up in her. Dani sat back in her tiny haunched and wailed her unhappiness to any that would listen. Surely Daddy would hear her and come back? Her brothers wouldn't truly leave her would they? Her pitiful yips and cries filled the air as she called for her men to come back for her.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda watched the boys sniff and scuffle through the forest floor. He was proud that they were indeed able to sense the strange musty smell, even if it proved difficult for them to locate. It was hard to imagine that one day they'd be tracking deer and running alongside him in a hunt. He looked forward to teaching them all that, too, but just sniffing out mice was a first step.

Suddenly Danica's high voice screeched forth back from the direction of the den. Figures he'd regret leaving the little princess behind. Koda's eyes widened for a moment before he smoothed the expression back to somewhat neutral. He didn't want anyone to see him panic, even for a moment, and especially not his kids. He hoped it was just her waking up startled that everyone was missing, and not that some vile creature had come to the den. In either case, they needed to go back for her. With hopes that it was simply the former, Koda howled, a short deep sound simply signaling that he wasn't far.

He looked back to Ashton and Tacoma, who had finally seemed to pinpoint the mice to a patch of grass. Unfortunately, he'd have to cut their hunt short. "Ashton, Tacoma," He called with an apologetic quirk to his lips, "We need to go back and get your sister." Already he started heading back along the trail they had left the den from, his quick, worried steps unaccounting for the small, slower ones of his charges.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
Ashton searched, and searched for the mice, when all at once the scent hit him full in the face. It was an earthy smell, and one that made his belly stir. The pup slowed his search abruptly and raked the ground with his eyes until at last. The stirring of small brown furry creatures caught his attention. Just out of the periphery of his vision was Tacoma whom had also spotted the mice. Ashton Renier lowered himself and began to move when a cries split the air. The mice bolted into a small hole and Ashton sat up looking exceedingly irritated "Danicaaa!" He yipped exasperatedly. She had ruined it, ruined it, ruined it ruined it. Ashton was very angry at his sister now.

Father's voice rang out and he had already turned away, Ashton had to run as fast as he could to keep up, which only inflamed him further. Now Danica had ruined their hunting and they had to run after father to get her. Ashton followed still, thinking of just what he would say when they got back. She was surely in trouble from him now! Little growls sounded from his tiny throat as they trekked. Even though he knew he couldn't really be mean deep down.