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Good intentions — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
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Reaper Grimm

Stone, cursed stone everywhere, they had entered a trail that had seem the least steep and had never found the end of it. So far the journey had been about a day, but the farther they travel the higher the bluffs reached on either side of them and showed no sign of releasing them. Reaper could feel his tail swish in irritation as he stared around them, it was his turn on watch and he hoped the beautiful travel partner was sleeping soundly, soon it would be her turn. They had found a crevice in the rock large enough for one of them at a time to slip into, and that was where Anastasia had been lying since night fall. They had planned to switch when the moon reached the highest point and if the male was correct that would be in about an hour, though it was hard to tell with most of the sky blocked by rocks.

They had unknowingly wandered into the gorge and could only hope that it wouldn't end in a dead end and leave them to turn and go back. He paced the threshold before the crevice, trying to ignore the grumblings of a hungry stomach, oh how he cursed this gorge. On either side rose bluffs of the mountain that towered over them, but the path available to walk was thin, as treacherous rapids absorbed most of the gorge's area. The water rolled over itself, foaming and spitting angrily at the banks before speeding on down past the pair. The wolves had been timid to drink from it, the banks crumbling and unstable, any who fell into the river would not released from the waters grasp in time to survive. They had seen one pool today where the current had been soft enough for them to drink and the male felt the dryness in his throat, his body craved food and water, neither of which he would be able to provide for himself while trapped in this stone hell hole.

(This post was last modified: May 30, 2013, 12:05 PM by Ice.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
Their journey was rough on her, having been a loner far longer than she had anticipated. Though she wished to appear beautiful and flawless to her swarthy companion, her fur had begun to lose its luster. All the traveling that she had done lately was beginning to take its toll on her and it was beginning to show. This alone worried her—would he continue to see her as the individual he needed for his pack or find her more unattractive than when he first set eyes on her? Anastasia felt hope in the future that Reaper was laying out in front of her, but she also couldn’t help but feel in her mind the doubt that she wouldn’t do him justice.
Reaper was taking watch this night, guarding over her as she slept almost peacefully within the cavern for one. Peace was few and far between, the nightmares of her past coming and going—reflecting upon her in her happiest moments. Through her will she would strive to do what was possible for Reaper, to show him that she could be all things that he needed. Anastasia wanted to fight for her place within the pack he desired; to be looked upon with respect instead of disgrace for her gender. She knew she would make a great addition to the pack he wished to create but she wanted to be a founder. Anastasia felt the need to want it all. She wanted to feel everyone’s respect, to have everything that Reaper could offer her.
With one final keystroke of her paw in her dreams she shuffled herself awake, letting out a breath of hot air as she began to welcome reality back in. The cold air filtered around her as she gazed upon the exits moon-covered spotlight, barely catching the movement of her traveling partner as he paced the outside.

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Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

The beautiful woman had been whimpering in her sleep but Reaper didn't wake her, she needed to get some sleep whether it was the most restful or not. The sigh that escaped her announced that she had returned to the world of the conscious and the male padded over to the crevice. He stuck his head inside and waited the slow moments until his eyes adjusted to the gloom, looking down upon her he saw the toll that travelling had upon her. Her fur had lost some of its shine, and she seemed very lean, as if she had lost a lot of weight very quickly. Still she appeared a beautiful pure one and he would make sure that in time she would be an important member of a pack who tended to her properly.

He gave her a smile, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"You still have about an hour until it is your turn to watch, if you chose we can travel a little further before it is my turn to slumber." His words posed the suggestion so that the decision would be up to her, though he personally would like to get as far as possible at a time. True, in an hour he may not have a cavern to sleep in and he might have to sleep in the open, but it would mean more distance behind them and less to the end. His body had grown lean over the past few months of travel, the muscles rippled beneath his skin like a long distance runner. He was slimmer than he had been while within the organization, but all of his body mass was now muscle, there was no layer of fat between the skin and his body. He had grown accustomed to travelling long hours with little rest, travelling well into the night and beginning again early in the morning, what was most worrisome now was the hunger.

All they had been able to manage so far in the gorge had been a few meager mice, which had barely quelled their growling stomachs for an hour. They were loners and this was part of the lifestyle and they could manage a few days without food if they could at least wet their throats. The mix between dehydration and hunger had slowed their pace, as they found they couldn't push themselves too hard without feeling the wrath of their unsatisfied bodies. They could trot for a few hours but would then have to slow their pace to a walk, or else be over taken by their light heads and have to stop all together for up to an hour.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
It had been with great ease that Reaper had managed to allow Anastasia to rise, he had taken her de profundis and allowed her the will to survive. Though her affection towards Lachesis was great and a very rare bond, Reaper had shown her the light at the end of the tunnel. She could go from rags to riches, just by following him. That was what she wanted; though she figured it had been lodged within her mind that it was impossible. That someone who had gone through the trauma of rape and of being mistreated in her prior life, that this could be something within reach. He was giving her the hope she desired. That was her beacon, her determination.
The smile that she was greeted with soothed her inner thoughts, welcoming the sight of her protection. Traveling with him a little longer sounded great; it would provide them time together as well as to find places that were feasible to forever rest as a pack. Anastasia nodded to his question, fully prepared to make this trip with him a little farther. The quicker they got to Lachesis the faster they could begin working from the ground up. Perhaps it was strange that Anastasia didn’t ask Reaper many questions concering who he was and what he planned, but she saw him as a knight in shining armor that didn’t need a full biography to be seen as great. He was rescuing her, after all. That was worthy of her trust but perhaps a bad call on her judgment.
(This post was last modified: Jun 12, 2013, 07:41 PM by Anastasia.)

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Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

Her eagerness pleased him and he granted her another genuine smile, she will make a good founder, she is eager and willing to work, as long as she continues to do so well I can see great things for her in the organization. He backed away from the crevice allowing her the room to exit, and they began their journey once more side by side. Reaper could see from her actions thus far that she regarded him as some kind of hero, which in his mind is how it should be after all the organization's goal was to rescue as many pure ones as possible from the lunacy that was the world. He picked up the pace to a light trot and found with relief that without the sun the gorge was not quite as hot and he did not overheat. The stone beneath his paws though still unforgiving if you misplaced a step no longer burned at the pads of his paws and they could walk side by side versus in a line so they could both remain in the shade. In the silence he looked to his beautiful companion and observed her thinness, how with each breath her ribs could be seen beneath her pelt.

The sight made him slightly uncomfortable, but mostly mad and his blood began to boil in his veins. No pure one should ever have to look like this, no pure one should ever have to feel hunger pangs in their belly. Soon the world will see where our place really is and we shall be treated like the royalty we truly are. He stifled the growl that was building in his throat, though his muscles tensed as if the enemy was right before him and he was ready to pounce. Taking a deep breath he cleared his mind, but his determination was recovered and he looked once more to Anastasia with approval and voiced his thoughts from earlier, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"I believe you will make an excellent founder, you show all the makers of a great female, maybe possibly even as a leader." Reaper did not know whether she had what it took to lead a pack, especially a branch of the organization, but only time would tell.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

Their journey together had been incredulously long but it was well worth it. In this time she was able to further get to know Reaper more so than a single meeting, traveling with someone was a sure-fire way to find out who they are. Though he was peculiarly quiet sometimes, it was a comfortable silence that Anastasia was alright with. From her old pack, most men were very quiet, calculating and otherwise spoke by actions (as was quite obvious from the history that she knew of) so Reaper was no different except he made no movement towards her as the males back home would have. That was why she put so much respect into his organization, because she saw a good in him—he saw a soul willing to reach out and help out, to help her.

Anastasia would always make friends with those who cared deeply for others and so long as he would also look after the well-being of Lachesis, she would continue to look up to him. Through her eyes he was something of a hero because he saved. Even while they walked side by side, finally away from the suns grasp and into the shade, she felt that if it came down to only one of them being able to receive shade he would give it to her. Ana saw him as a chivalrous man, one that was very rare in her life but she was gradually finding more.

Although the two of them were yet on any portion of sward, she knew that there journey was that much closer to an end. Soon she would be with Lachesis and the two of them could be happy, well-fed in a pack that would look after them as a family. Reaper seemed to promise this. In the silence that prolonged between them he broke it, looked to her and speaking of a life she had never seen for herself. Ana had never thought she, as a woman, would be gifted with such an idea so it somewhat shocked her to hear that Reaper might consider it for her. “That sounds lovely. If the occasion called for me I would be honored,” but she would not push for it nor beg. If it was asked of her, she would do whatever Reaper decided was best for the pack.

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Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm

At her response the large male smiled once more, yes her manners were excellent and she showed the drive to lead and had the head for it as well, the only question was, did she have the experience? He stopped now and looked upon her with a content yet serious expression, silently he turned beside her and rubbed his side along her right flank and then her left before returning to her front. He nudged her gently with his muzzle and licked her chin, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Now you will smell of me, and I shall smell of you, like pack mates." The move was both symbolic and strategic, he showed accepting her into the pack which is what most wolves wanted, and this would keep her happy and hopefully loyal.

He turned without another word and continued forward on their trek which at this point seemed never ending. The moonlight threw their shadows up the wall of the gorge stretching them into long skinny stick like insects dancing an odd dance in the moonlight. His mind was preoccupied with plans for the future, which would depend muchly upon the meeting with Anastasia's companion. Soon if all went well he would have to incorporate the two of them into the planning process, but for now it was just him in his skull. The future was clear before him in the way he thought it should be, the meeting would go well and they would join another pack for the time being. Sometime soon after that they will have gathered enough information, power and recruits to form their own pack and no longer would they have to rely on anyone else.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
lame post is lame >_>

There was no question about whether or not she would continue to be loyal to him, as he had provided everything for her thus far in the journey. He cared for her, making sure that she had a decent amount of time to sleep and enough to eat that would satiate them for the time being. He even protected her while she slept, guarding her slumber as if it were a precious state of mind. His symbolic movement to graze his muzzle across her flank was ideal, granting her the act of being a member of something much stronger than just herself and Lach now. They had a bond, one that was certainly just beginning.

Assuming that Lachesis would be alright with the arrival of a stranger, given that it made her happy and that Reaper showed them great benefits, she expected nothing less. It was all they had wanted was to become a part of a pack that would care for them, protect them, and do them no harm. They would be like family, but also a sense of independence so that if anything were to happen they would be able to stand strong. That was the point, to act as a whole instead of the individual. Their lone wolf times would soon be over, joining with the male so that they could live a happier life with those that looked after others without question. Loyalty and dedication, love and affection—Anastasia would march to the orders that were given to her, follow in whatever direction Reaper asked of her.

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Played by Ghost who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reaper Grimm
Lamer post is Lamer

There was silence, silence and darkness, and it was lulling the Arctic man into a weary state, the hour had been passing quickly and it would soon be his turn to rest. The fiery eyes swept the path ahead of them, searching for a covered place where he could sleep but for now could see nothing but a wall of stone. The moon shone almost directly above them, their shadows were now just mere puddles of darkness beneath their feet, and real puddles hid along the path. Reaper shook his paw after stepping in one that was particularly deep, turning his head he warned, <b style="color:#FF2501;">"Careful where you step darling, the rocks may be slippery up ahead." Behind him there now lay wet paw prints, like a trail of bread crumbs that showed where he walked and the man had to stop himself from grumbling. The trip had become miserable very quickly and in all honesty he wanted for it to end, he could only hope that her travelling partner would be worth all of this trouble.

Finally ahead he spotted a boulder, not the best resting place to be sure, but it would offer them enough protection to be out of eye sight. Reaper's pace quickened as they approached, his muscles screaming at him that they had no energy left to give, just more incentive for him to reach the rock quicker. His paw slid slightly and a frustrated growl escaped him as his claws scratched along the stone flooring, he was sincerely hated this gorge. The duo reached the boulder and the large man slunk behind it, gesturing with his head for his female friend to lay beside him, it would be nice to have some company there, even if he was asleep.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen

Anastasia took deep breaths, finding that the altitude took her breath away at times in both good and bad ways. She recognized each time that she had Reaper here, he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. After all, he needed her from what she could tell and she felt like she needed him. She desired protection from those out to harm her (if there were any) and he could do just that.

Turning his head around he warned her to be careful about where her dainty paws stepped so that she would not slip on the rocks that might cause her to lose her balance and fall. The two of them would not reach their destination in time if one of them were to fall to injury, so she would need to be careful. If not careful for Reaper but for XIX.

Nodding to him she continued forward, watching where she stepped and eager to avoid anything that looked even remotely treacherous to her. She wasn’t very good at predicting danger but perhaps just once she could not allow her clumsy side to take part. A small gasp echoed in their path watching as Reaper’s paw slipped a little but he was quick to gain balance but would not go without frustration. Closing her eyes in thankfulness that he was not truly injured she continued at a slow pace, not wanting to take any rash course of action.

Ana hadn’t seen the boulder nor understood where Reaper was going but when she got to him and he gestured for him to lie down, she grinned. She would be more than happy to lay beside him, keep him warm and what kind of a woman would she be if she said no to some cuddle time?

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