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sprout and the bean
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Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
@Triell <3
Joanna Newsom - Sprout and the Bean
Overcast - 72° F/22° C

Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

The trees and the sloping banks of the brook were covered in mosses, in some places almost looking like the two were one. On one hand Fiora was nervous of every step she took, not sure what was laying beneath the dull green fuzz, but on the other it looked like something straight out of the stories she'd heard when she was younger. Ivy growing around the trunks, magic grass carpeting everything you saw. These were things of wonder and, though she was hardly a pup any more, she still recalled the details of fairy tales quite vividly.

The recent lack of rainfall had receded the waters to some extent - she could see on the roots of trees that grew alongside the stream where the water level usually was, and made certain not go step in that deceptive muck. Her paws were dirty enough as it was. Fiora had made the executive decision not to move too close to the water - even though it was pretty the way the green of the surrounding forest reflected on the surface, the lack of definitive banks on either side made her particularly distrusting of the surface on which she deigned to walk.

Up here on the rise she was safe - well, so she thought. Her paw had barely made an indent in the ground when she knew she'd made a bad call. Her leathery pad sunk right through the moss-covered surface. Taken off-guard by the mud (which she had sworn looked solid) she was helpless as the gunk dragged her forward. Before she knew it she was slipping right down the brookside, all kinds of grossness flying into her face as she plummeted. Fiora came to a halt just moments before being launched into the murky waters by means of an exposed root catching her by her back paw, effectively stopping her descent but also throwing her chest-first into the muddy bank.

So much for the fairy tale. Thoroughly disillusioned now she took a moment to slowly open her eyes, taking care to see that any of the dirt on her face wouldn't get in her eyes. Once Fiora was certain her gaze turned vicious, pale and full of white-hot rage. Unceremoniously she wrenched her legs from the muck and stood as best as she could on the unstable surface, trembling with a maidenly outrage. In disbelief she remained motionless, underside dripping with mud, and shrieked her displeasure for all to hear. "Eeeewwwwuuuhhh!"

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<3 sorry for the wait, wanted to be sure if he was in a pack or not at this point. we are going with pack...

Lead me to heaven,

when we die.
Muscles were laced with a tiredness a few good night's sleep couldn't cure. Restless. Despite his place, he didn't feel very changed. Was there a remedy for it? He had been chasing it the last few years. Nothing filled the void all the way. Was Fenru and Kisla the only Tainns who didn't suffer from it? Triell barely seemed to be fending it off. The only thing he was certain of was home, and he wasn't about to turn his back on that for nothing. There wasn't any other guarantee. He was done gallivanting. Mostly.

The air dry, he didn't find the water in the woods enough. He actually still couldn't get use to being in the blue fog, the change of tress, no voice of the river. It was too quiet, and there was no hollow log he had found yet to crawl into. Much as he should speak to Ice, it wasn't the time. Again he pushed it back for another day. Much as he had leaned upon the silver wolf, thought of him as blood, it had been a long time since they had spoken. Nothing would make that talk easy. Grinding his teeth, he trotted quickly away from the woods. Tired of the north, he headed south letting the scent of water lure him.

A long, quick stride took him to a shaded forest. This one was not gnawing, and clawing. It looked peaceful, an air of mystery that beckoned. A piece of him wished he would have seen this before all the madness. Humming himself a deep tone of nonsense, he was cautious of the green carpet. Everything looked damp, and he didn't need another injury. Pain by moss was pretty pathetic.

There were chirps of little crickets, a gurgle of a very unclean looking brook, with some kind of birds chattering away in their safety. They were probably cursing him to stay the hell from their children, but he didn't take much notice. There was actually something a lot bigger, sloshing against er another something? Pausing his ears flipped forward, and he strained. Oh, he wished he hadn't done that. A head splitting scream of disgust hit his sound waves, and his ears shirked back with a wince. Someone was certainly having a bad day, and against his better judgement he went to check it out.

Triell really did try not to smirk at the young lady covered in muck. He really tried to look concerned with his orange-yellow eyes. The black mouth opened, he couldn't seem to find words that wouldn't make her shriek again. At least she wasn't drowning.

(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2013, 03:30 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
no worries :)

Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

It was not the crack of a branch that alerted her to the stranger's presence, nor the scent of an approach either (it was hard to smell when her nose had basically just been submerged in stinky mud). Rather she just saw him appear out of no where, a shadow looming forward from within the mossy depths of this curious forest. Already in a vulnerable state Fiora couldn't help but react unfavorably, her ruddy muzzle wrinkling as her lips curled to bare her teeth at the shadow-wolf, black-tipped hackles raising. She squared her shoulders and drew in her muddied neck, fearing some kind of sneak attack.

But he just stood there, slack-jawed and with a twinkle in his orange eyes that suggested he didn't find the situation anywhere near as devastating as she did. Realizing this she suddenly found him a lot less intimidating, although the aggression of her stance was barely minimized. Words or no words it seemed this poor stranger would not be able to save his ears today. "Some prince charming you are," she hissed, a shrillness to her voice borne of embarrassment. Fiora wanted to hide her face - why did it feel so hot? - but she couldn't find it in her to move, stuck still and staring daggers with her frosted glare at the dark-furred male who had happened on her mishap.

She had some more yelling to do at him but words were failing her as she tried to regrasp her composure. Her jaws shut tight with a resounding click, pressing rows of teeth against each other while desperately racking her brain for a way to save face. Her hackles had slowly fallen, though her ruff remained tufty and she still teemed with an anxious embarrassment. Cold blue eyes flickered between his face and the white spot on his chest. Fiora wanted to liken the situation to a damsel in distress, but she mostly just felt like a blatant idiot and not some princess in a castle. "Well?" she mumbled, letting her gaze fall from under her furrowed brow permanently on his own. Aren't you gonna do something about it?

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

Lead me to heaven,

when we die.
Maybe, Triell should have given a damn she had taken the offensive, and was suddenly showing him her teeth not by smile but by her displeasure. By warning for him to back the hell off. He wasn't just a clueless boy any more, though clueless man was not much of a step up. Keeping his own dark fur down, he took a step back to assure he wasn't about to join her or take advantage of her predicament.

He didn't know what may have made his intentions clear, but his brows briefly furrowed thinking he had seen the briefest realization cross her face. The dark Tainn blinked, moving his front limb closer to his other; the only clue of his uncertainty.

If it couldn't get worse, what a snaking voice she had, the pitch of it making him wonder how old she was or if it was merely her birth right in matching personality. While he wanted to pinn his ears, or better duck and cover he surveyed her with the same face he had arrived with. Prince charming. No, no he hadn't been that for a long time, but a faint grin flickered upon his dark muzzle by the thought of a dear friend."Oh, forgive me maiden. It's been awhile since I've rescued a fair damsel," he replied, giving a polite dip of his head, letting his ears fold back in remorse. "I find after I save them they tend to run away," and he gave a wink, walking closer to her "imprisonment". With his brows drawing downward, he thoroughly looked over the mess if deciding how to rescue her after all. It wasn't hard to feel her cold eyes boring into his skull.

Glancing up his warm eyes met her pretty cerulean pair thinking they were not all ice. In fact, he wondered if he could melt them. Did he have any charms left? Poor girl, he wouldn't be pleased in her situation either. Though that would actually mean he would have to have been a girl to be bothered. "Hmm," he sounded, if this was taking the best part of his brain to figure. "I can help you out, and I think there's even a pool to clean up that pretty face." The Tainn smiled, before any disagreement could be said, he slipped into the mud with her, making his way to stand beside her. "If you won't lean on me you'll have to wait for a better Prince to come along."

(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2013, 03:18 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.
sorry this sucks so bad D:

To her surprise he didn't have a bite of his own to fire back. In fact, he'd the decency to apologize and it even looked like he meant it, too. Despite this her pride still had some ways to go before the swelling broke and she surveyed him with her lips pursed tightly, a vague but definitely cross look still teaming in her gaze. Fiora watched his movements, trying to discern if he was being sarcastic with her or not. He didn't sound very rude, though the best of 'em could easily mimic this, but at his ever so winsome wink the ruddy yearling decided to trust him.

Fiora nearly gasped when he voluntarily brought himself down the brookside to join her, horrified and jealous both of the ease with which he traversed through the muck. Gross, gross, gross, she kept thinking, at least until he slipped her one short phrase that shattered what remained of her porcupine puffery. Pretty face. Suddenly her cold blue eyes were fixed with rosy lenses. A chorus of angels rang in her ears as the corners of her lips slowly picked up and widened into a grin - not one of satisfaction, like she'd gotten what she wanted out of him, but one of genuine flattery.

Rather than wait along for another prince, as he'd warned, she simply followed his command and shifted her weight toward the tall, dark and handsome stranger at her side. "Okay," she purred, obviously quite pleased with the turn out. "But you gotta hurr-reee." There was no truth behind this statement; he could really take his time if he liked. But Fiora was beginning to feel all tingly at such a proximity, and the giggle-laced words seemed to leap out of her throat before she could stop them. They felt quite appropriate, at least, on her end.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

Lead me to heaven,

when we die.
Triell found no reason to bite back, not yet. He had his suspicions she could bite so much harder. He was tired of that. He had already been in two physical fights, and a partial verbal and all of that made his insides feel shredded. Wasn't there any more maidens who could simply say thank you, and wish to see him again? No. It was these sorta thoughts that made him think he wasn't suppose to lead a pack, have a mate, or a family. He tried to tell himself he was only three years old, but that didn't help. Instead he was focusing on her, wondering if she could help take his mind off what was, what could have been and just live in the moment. With a curious tilt, he took a quiet look at the young lady wondering why she had come to this messy place. That would be the wrong sort of question, he was sure.

The dark Prince found his smile staying to his lips, seeing the subtle hints of his words taking affect. He had meant them, thinking he had not met anyone with her color of coat, with a face that looked like it could be sweet as the soft fur she was cloaked in. The Tainn made sure not to hold her look long for he wouldn't want to spoil it. With mud squishing against his paws, it felt relatively cool in the mud. The mud also felt heavy.

"Well, no wonder you're stuck," he muttered, trying to lift his limbs high, when he pulled them they made a definite pop! With her near, perhaps he had said and done all the right things by the sound of her tone. Maybe, he wasn't such a bad hero without a real crown. Maybe, she was distracting him because together, he could not seem to pull himself out again, if together they were stuck deeper. Or was it just worse here? While he didn't care about this predicament, she must want out of the filth. Triell wiggled, attempting a little harder to pull himself forward, but ended up scraping his chin with the mud. Furrowed brows tempting to form into a scowl, he tried again. While one paw came free, landing with a small splash the others wouldn't budge. "If you get a little more dirty, you won't hold it against me.....would you?" He asked, his dark face turning to meet hers, a faint grin edging across his muzzle. Then he did a sideways wiggle, pressing his body against hers. "Can you lean on me, that way hopefully you won't fall? We'll work our way out?" He waited for her to take the lead, he could try to match her steps, help balance weight.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 09:12 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
*desperately attempts to resuscitate Fiora muse*
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

She offered him a flimsy smile as he commented on her situation, waning thin into a mere grimace at the sound the mud made when he pulled his leg free. Gross. It was bad enough that it smelled like a swamp monster in here, and that it looked about as appealing as a rotten moose carcass, but the fact that it had to make a sharp, reluctant sound too had her at her wits end. She was lucky someone with a little charm had found her, else she would've gone entirely mad by now. Still floating on a cloud from his earlier compliment the yearling attempted to be as compliant as possible.

Having, quite frankly, a deep lack of common sense the ruddy girl looked blanky as he gave her instructions, gritting her teeth as frustration grew with every useless tug of her lanky limbs. Why couldn't she just be magically airlifted out of there by the grace of some superior being? Though she had the makings for an impressive stature she was hardly more than too-tall legs and awkwardly big paws until she grew in to it and - as the record was clearly showing - she hadn't done much training in terms of strength. With a princess-style huff she muttered, "Hold it against you? I'll lick your toes clean if you get me out of this shit."

Ignoring to the best of her ability the gross squelch as the mud resisted her she leaned her body forward, wriggling a graceless half-step forward to basically smack her mud-coated chest into the dark-furred wolf. Oops. Maybe with their combined force of will it would be easier to dislodge their legs and so she gave him a whimsical, half-apologetic grin and tugged toward the shore. Her efforts were pathetic - but not fruitless. On the third try she wrenched her foreleg free with a giddy yelp. Stretching forward she found placement for the offended paw on slightly more stable ground. It gave, but not without swallowing her paw like the rest of it had. With a slight increase in company morale, she tried again.

table by grey
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
eep I'm terrible :X

Lead me to heaven,

when we die.
Dark brows grew in more deep lines across his eyes. This was quite the mud pit, and he found himself wondering if it rained how more terrible a mess it would be. Though, maybe it would thin it out, wash out some of the muck. It was thick, wet. How was this place not a swamp? The one time the water had run out? Triell hmmed to himself, thinking again if he should just pull her out by the scruff of her neck like a child, and hear the screams again. He kept the option in mind, just in case.

Surprised by her response he chuckled at the idea, but said nothing else. That was all he needed to hear. Trying to help her, she seemed to try to listen, but wasn't getting very far. She fell into him, but Triell wasn't going any where. He bent his neck, making sure to keep her own face out of the pit. Fiery eyes met an ice pair of blue, and he offered a gentle smile, a little shocked by the look he had been given, but grateful for it all the same. Perhaps she was more than a spoiled brat, and thankful he hadn't said good luck and walked away.

While she tried again, the Tainn worked his hind leg, letting it pop, jerking the other, and fumbling his front ones to the side of hers. "There we go," more cheerfully he spoke, the scowl erased, and placed with his open mouth smile. Again, he watched her move, and matched pace, only a step behind. It seemed like the last of the mud was stickier, but not as deep. Eventually, when his front paws hit the regular ground he let out a bark. Quickly, making sure her hind legs were free as well. All was settled, he shook out a little of the mess, and proudly smiled."Voila, madam. Now do I get to know your name for the help?"

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2013, 09:30 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
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