Goat, Goat, Goat
It was cold, was Serach's first thought as he entered the world. He had no conception of hot or cold, of course, but he knew that this new place was not as warm as where he had come from. And where was his brother? A frightened mew broke the nighttime silence, but immediately the warmth returned as his mother's tongue descended upon him, her large nose urging him towards her breast to nurse. The cold and his brother forgotten, Serach Aesir had nursed happily.
Now Serach had to push his brother out of the way to get to the best spot - the one right beside his mother. And push he did, as much as a two week old wolf cub could push anything. They had grown since then, and where there had only been darkness before now there were murky, ill-defined shapes. The big one was his mother, who he loved most of all. The murky shape who slept and nursed beside him was his brother; truth be told, Serach was glad he'd shown up, otherwise he'd been lonely. And occasionally there was another form, one that plunged everything into darkness. His smell was familiar though and there was something comforting about it. He had decided early on that he liked that murky form, but every time he had stumbled forth on wobbly legs, the sharp nose of his mother had pushed him backwards. Confused mews and high pitched whines always filled the den after that, but she never relented and the murky form remained a mystery back-lit by the sun.
And then one day, his mother hadn't pushed him back. Serach had been practicing his walking, lifting his oversized paws one by one to carry him from his mother to the far wall. It was not a very long distance, but it frustrated him how often he fell. And it hurt. His nose was tender, and every time he face-planted into the dirt, he would lay there and cry out his woes to anyone who would listen before picking himself back up again. So by the time he decided to alter his course and head towards the brightness, he was more practiced on his feet. And when he tripped over his front paw and went toppling to the ground, he only whimpered once before getting back up again. But when he finally reached the bright wall, he found that it was not solid like the other wall had been, and his nose slipped right out.
His puppy tail wagging in excitement, Serach Aesir plunged nose-first into the world - and promptly began to cry. "ROOOO!!!" Recoiling, he fell back on his rump, pushing his muzzle into the ground. It burned. Oh golly did it burn.