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keep me up till the sun is high — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
all these roads still be wrong
but i still drive them all night long

There was something entertaining about lounging just outside the Magnolia Glen borders that kept Inkheart at bay. Perhaps it was the satisfaction that he had successfully rounded the entire pack as well as marking the pack scent here and there within a couple hours. The sun was now sinking in the sky, perhaps evening time as the sun was not beating down upon the wolves mercilessly but instead showering them with a calm cool.

Thoughts of the pack drifted into his mind, wondering how Borlla’s children were doing and how there exploring faired. More or less, he wished to know how Zia was doing. It had been a while since he had seen her and even though he wished to see more of her, he did not wish to pry into guarded territory. He thought she was a wonderful woman, someone he wanted to get to know but that had to be the end of it. Perhaps in his desperation to fix his past, he wished to find a suitable woman to start the big thing in life—a family. He had missed out on this chance not once, but twice. He would not make that mistake again.

Relic Lore was his home now, he would stay with Magnolia Glen unless by some extremely special case he was guided away. But, he refused to leave Relic Lore. Ink would stay by Phineas no matter what, as he was the alpha’s second and trust was bestowed upon him. A trust that Inkheart could not bear to throw away so easily.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Shan who has 9 posts.
@Inkheart sorry for the wait luv! and the rustiness of this post xD i THINK MG is close to the creek, so perhaps he could have heard the splash? =)

She had hesitated to put herself out there.

The past, no matter how she did her best to forget, was haunting. For the most part she was able to remember the good and to dwell on memories that made her happy - it was at night that her demons were roused and given power. When she slept she could not control her mind, and more often than not she was awoken from such slumber with a jolt.

This particular morning had been no different, but it had been just the jolt she needed to get moving. Hush had not gone far from their densite, but this day dawned differently. Whether it was boredom or a sheer desperation to escape her thoughts Hush found her paws carrying her south. Jericho had mentioned a nearby pack and she half-hoped she might run in to somebody new. For many months it had been only herself and her dark coated friend, and while she was afraid of new company she also craved it.

At the creek she stopped, bright eyes riveted on the flowing water. She could see the silver flashes of fish beneath the surface and could not help herself. With a smile she slunk forward and hovered over the water, biding her time until the perfect moment. In a sudden flurry of movement and loud splash of water the moon coated girl emerged with a flapping fish. Quick steps were taken back before she dropped the creature and tore in to it, effectively ending its life and satiating her hunger at the same time.

With a contented sigh she flopped down and continued to chew on the fish, unaware that the company she sought lingered so nearby.

table by britannia
(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2013, 02:44 AM by Hush.)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
all these roads still be wrong
but i still drive them all night long
no worries at all, <3!

After having come across the daughter of the woman he wished he had had the strength to be with, hating himself for his wandering spirit in his youth, Inkheart had become something a little different. He knew that that meeting should not have affected him so, but taking care of another put his own self at ease. He was still unaware of that Arlette was one of two offspring that Amelie had given birth to, but yet he was still as happy as a monkey with a boat of bananas.

Then there was Zia, whom had become a very close friend in a somewhat pack of strangers. There weren’t too many in the Glen; the ones that he did know he cherished, the ones he didn’t he continued to protect as they were family. With the assumption that he would run into Zia later, or try to, he headed down the Creek to try and fish up some dinner for her. It might appease her if he gathered dinner for her (he knew he’d be super grateful if someone gathered dinner for him) and fish he heard was one of her easy favorites.

Perhaps what he had not expected was someone else to be upon his fishing hole as well, though certainly not within the territory, this she seemed to have avoided altogether. The creature that he saw he immediately classified as a female. She was small and had a coat that looked like she was bathed in a blanket of pure white snow as a child. Another shocking attribute to her pure white fur was a scar that seemed to run across her right shoulder. With a genuine smile and all the charm he could muster to perhaps show her that he meant no harm and simply wished to greet her warmly, he moved towards her.

Although he would normally be a silent stepper, he didn’t bother to slink without a noise so that she would see that his presence would soon be upon her. Clearing his throat and lowering his head from across the Creek, he pressed his chest upon the ground. “Would you mind if I shared the fish pool with you?” He didn’t wish to steal what food she was able to find since she was a loner and he could easily find somewhere else to fish from—but he opted for social opportunity whenever he could grab it.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Shan who has 9 posts.
ilu! and thanks for the muse =D

Hush was happily chomping away on her fish when a sound reached her ears, and not merely the babbling of the nearby brook. No, it was decidedly lupine this sound, and caused the pale female to lift her head and peer about most curiously. She was not frightened - there was very little that any rogue could do that she hadn't already lived through (bad shanon!) - and instead quite interested to see who might have come to join her. Despite all the bad she had faced in the world there was still quite the positivity living in her heart, no matter how hard the past months had tried to hammer it out of her.

The stranger who met her eyes was as black as Jericho, and immediately she was reminded of her dear friend. They had a unique relationship, one that stretched back many years, and she was quite happy that they had managed to stick together for as long as they had. Jericho was likely off exploring some other nook of this new world, and no doubt they would reuinite in the later hours of the evening.

The similarities ended at coat color, though, for this strange bore eyes of a fiery hue, not anything like the peaceful blue of her long time friends. Nonetheless she greeted him with a small and a small wag of her tail, pulling her petite body up to a sitting position. This movement would reveal the more ghastly of her scars, the knotted thing that ran across her neck, but she seemed not to think of it nor truly care. Hush had long, long ago accepted it as a part of her, just as she had accepted the whisper voice she used to greet him with. "Be my guest," she offered, with a surprisingly happy smile, "the fish are a plenty today!" Truly they were, for she could still see the silver flashes of scaley bodies, despite them losing one of their own mere moments ago.

table by britannia

(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2013, 03:15 AM by Hush.)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
all these roads still be wrong
but i still drive them all night long
ugh fixed again, sry! click!

With a heart that thrummed mercilessly within his chest, wondering if her reaction would be a positive or a negative. The inky male could only assume that this would be a good meeting, but by the scars he worried that she would react rashly towards his company. Not too long ago he had come across a woman he screeched at him to leave just because he looked very similar to someone who had hurt her. By the scars that this woman possessed, he could only think that this might end the same but he would keep his optimism up.

By pure luck it seemed that she was happy to see him, a smile and a wag to comfort him. She even sat up to greet him revealing yet another scar, one that he had not expected in the least. How had she gotten that? He didn’t rest on it long, as it would be incredulously rude, and instead focused on her pleasant friendliness and of the words she almost whispered. “That’s definitely a good sign,” he said as he pulled himself a little closer to the creeks shore and peered in, gazing among the scaly creatures that swam to and fro. It seemed that there would be good pickings for today, perhaps a good meal for Zia and himself.

“I’m Inkheart,” he introduced himself whilst lowering his head to take a sip of the water to refresh himself after his journey downstream, “what’s your name?” This time, he chose to lift his ears up a little more so that he could hear her better than he had the first time.

(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2013, 04:31 AM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Shan who has 9 posts.

It seemed to dawn on her quite abruptly, the fact that she was actually speaking with somebody other than Jericho. Her gaze dropped rather nervously, and she felt her heart skip around in her breast. She imagined he would not know what to think if he could hear it, and she tried to convince herself that she was being mighty foolish. What did it matter that it had been months since she had spoken to anybody other than her friend? What difference did it make? He was being kind and friendly, so why did she feel so suddenly afraid? It was a struggle to swallow this back, to maintain the grip she had been building up. The nightmares were tucked safe away in the dark, and there was no reason for her to be shy.

The pale female turned her gaze to the water as she fought with her thoughts and wrestled to keep the past where it belonged. There was no need for her to ruin a perfectly good meeting, and so when she finally looked back to Inkheart it was with a calm determination.

"Hush," she answered finally, her whisper voice so perfectly matched to her name that her lips turned up in a wry smile. Her gaze dropped as she struggled with her feelings of nervousness, her tail coiled tightly around her paws as if it might protect her all the more. "Do you live near here?" Her question, too, was a whisper, and it would truly be a miracle if he was able to hear her over the babble of the creek.

table by britannia
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
all these roads still be wrong
but i still drive them all night long

Luckily for Inkheart he had impeccable hearing so her whispering didn’t faze him. All he had to do was tune out the excess noises and focus on her. It had taken him years to perfect it but he had always been good at ignoring others when he was younger so it certainly aided him now in a more positive function. The fact that she whispered was not a bother to him, but he did eventually put the pieces together and wonder if the scar that was upon her throat was the reason she whispered. He ached to ask, but they were still complete strangers. An air of mystery was still to be desired and privacy should always be given to a woman.

When she introduced herself he almost wanted to repeat the question, not realizing at first that that was her name and she wasn’t telling him to hush. It was an odd name, but pretty when whispered. “I do,” he answered with a charming smile as he pointed it north, “just up the Creek in Magnolia Glen. Pretty new pack, maybe a few months old.” If he remembered correctly they had started up the pack sometime in April so it was just two months ago that he had joined up with Phineas’ gang to join their ranks. Unknowingly to him, he had been gifted with a rather honorable rank when placed among them—a rank that he had not seen coming in the least. However, Inkheart certainly wouldn’t complain.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Shan who has 9 posts.

Her head turned instinctively in the direction he gestured, her curiosity piqued as he named his pack. It had been near a half year since she had left Sterrenvuur and since then she had been a pack of two alongside Jericho. To an outsider they might seem a mated pair that preferred the isolation, rather than the ragtag pair that they truly were. It was sheer coincidence that had brought her and Jer together again, and while she was thankful that she had him for as long as she did she sensed that they would soon join a pack of their own. Her company would not likely be enough to satiate him for long, and one day if she was so fortunate she wanted to have a family. It was something she would not be able to find with Jericho alone, though once upon a time her heart might have ached to do so. Time changed things, and in this case it was for the better.

"Pretty name," she mused, finding great beauty in the pack named after the flower. She wondered what it was like there, if it was as close knit as Sterrenvuur had been, and then shook her head to clear the questions that clouded her mind. "My friend and I have a den not far from here," she offered finally, though she was sure it was likely to spur more questions. She had no pack name to give him in return, though, and so this was what she settled on for now. The words were accompanied with the ghost of her smile, an indication that she was, in fact, becoming more comfortable in his company.

table by britannia
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
all these roads still be wrong
but i still drive them all night long

It seemed that the two had something in common, but something that was hidden well inside their mind. Inkheart craved to have family. His youth had been spent because unsocial, unfriendly and solo. He had never believed that he needed such things as family or love, but after realizing just how alone he truly felt and that he was aging progressively he knew he wanted more. After losing Amelie to another male because of his old wanderlust lifestyle he didn’t want to live his life solo. Magnolia Glen had been his first step in the right direction, declaring that he could join a pack instead of leading one. For once, he could stand not being on top.

“I think so too,” he said with a smile as he looked down upon the ground and deciding that fishing could wait a little bit. He likely wouldn’t really be able to make conversation while shoving fish in his mouth. “Oh?” he answered plainly, “well, are you two looking for a pack? Or just passing through?” Inkheart was always looking to bring a few fresh faces into the Glen and he was sure Phineas didn’t mind it either. As far as he had heard, Siku and her sons were planning on relocating once they got their plans all set out so any recruit would be appreciated.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Shan who has 9 posts.

Hush, though of the same goal as Inkheart, shared a terribly different past. She craved family if only because it was robbed from her when she was so tiny, no more than a babe. The slaughter of her family and her subsequent struggles as a lone wolf had isolated her far more than she had wanted. The nights alone had struck fear deep in to her heart, stealing away her bravery along with her voice. In Silver Creek she had found herself again, and yet for all the travels she had made and the packs she had contributed to, Hush had not found love.

There had been only one - Weldering. He had come and gone so quickly from her life, yet he had left his mark. He had given her hope, a promise of things she had so long ached for, and a feelign of love and acceptance that she had not even known she craved. She missed him more than most, and feared that with him went her last chance at true family. She was not as young as she used to be, and she was scarred and beaten. What wolf would truly find beauty in her?

Ah but she had hope, still. For all her doubts and worries. Hope burned deep in her heart, beyond all the layers of scar tissue. "As strange as it sounds, I am not sure." Hush rolled her shoulders in a helpless shrug as she offered a whispered explanation. "Jericho has not decided yet, I don't believe, and I imagine I'll go where he goes." He had kept her safe thus far, and it would not feel right parting ways just yet. That was not to say she could not be persuaded, or perhaps led astray, were the right wolf to cross her path.

table by britannia