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this is the end — The Wildwood 
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Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
@Fiora <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
For the first time since he had begun his journey with Phineas and Borlla, the first-born Tartok had ventured further out of the territory than usual. It had begun like any other day, following a trail outside of the Glen so that he could catch food for perhaps him, his family or those within the pack that might need it more. The thing he had not planned on was how far he had actually chased the fox before realizing he had gone a bit farther than expected. This did not deter him or send him worrying, in fact he was amused by the scenery and questioned everything. Why did this forest seem so maze-like and why, just over the river, did the forest look so broken and sad?
Wasting no time in getting across the water, he poked around at the fire-crossed lands and pondering, figuring that something had obviously happened her to leave the forest so sad. It was uninhabited, something that was rare in these parts, and for good reason. There didn’t seem to be much sustainable life here now that the trees were scorched and attempting to be reborn. As he walked through the broken lands he began to feel thankful—thankful that he had a pack now that he could thrive with and that would take care of him, and even moreso glad that he had a friend.
This friend, Lucero, he would gladly help with anything and everything should she ever call for him. To him, this was friendship but to the wise eye he had what was called a crush. It was a crush that would likely end horribly but for now he was well unaware. For now, he was just thankful to have the things he had.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

It truly was sad here. Grey all over. The scorched trunks surrounded her like a rib cage, layers of ash still present in the grooves of the bark despite the seasons that had passed since some tragedy had obviously set this place ablaze. Fiora felt strangely claustrophobic in here, despite the lack of life and open sky above the dead trees. She'd been starting to feel better about being on her own, taking her time and getting to know her new surroundings, but this forsaken forest was certainly trying to undo the progress she'd made.

The rust-coated she-wolf had certainly started with a lively gait but by now she'd slowed to a mere saunter. She let her head hang low as her pale eyes scanned the landscape modestly. But there was nothing to look out for, not even the chirp of birds breaking through the strange spring time silence. Why did it feel like she was walking through a graveyard?

Fiora decided she didn't like it one bit and started looking for a way out on the horizon, maybe a spit of greenery to lead her away from the monochromatic misery that enveloped her. Instead, she found another wolf further ahead on a parallel path.

Wary from the atmosphere of the Wildwood, Fiora did not want to approach. But as she'd learned from her last encounter, hiding was not the proper response. Perhaps unlucky for the dark fellow, Fiora felt the loneliness of the burnt Wildwood seeping through her skin and decided on impulse to up her gait and call out, "Hey!" She widened her stride, her long legs easily swallowing the distance that separated them. Uncertain still of common manners she came no closer than a few wolf lengths next to him and lessened her speed to walk more or less in line with the guy. Her icy blue eyes snuck a glance at his path, noting with confusion he seemed to be heading deeper into the destruction. "Where are you going?"

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
This broken, burnt down land was something mysterious though not exactly alluring. It was artful in a strange way, just as any mystery had its beauty. One could only be so curious about the things that they did not know and hope that one day they would know the secrets to all things. Ataneq was always curious, always questioning everything around him and learning from those that were patient enough to teach. That was why he was the son of Siku—he was meant to be taught and to focus, hopefully one day to take the name of Tartok as his own and be the man that he saw himself to be through the eyes of his mother.
It would likely be a big responsibility one day but he was growing wiser with each passing day, learning what there was to learn about this new land. Nothing ever stopped him from uncovering the secrets the Lore held, just as he knew that his brothers and mother were doing their best to metaphorically dig up the dirt here. They needed to know the land, its inhabitants and its secrets before building upon its very ground. With the luck that Ataneq possessed, another wolf was following after him, shouting at him from a distance. Turning his head to gaze after the stranger, he noticed it was a female—appearing to be of Lucy’s age (or his) and she was not at all shy to come up to his side and speak.
This was a brave female, coming in so close without actually knowing him or his intentions. Perhaps it was his age that expressed naivety and safety, he would need to work on this—intimidation might be a good thing to grasp. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Hello,” he answered back to her as she was within close enough proximity that he wouldn’t need to shout, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“south, towards the Grove.” Quietly he wondered why she needed to know such information but he yielded, it was the least he could in the presence of a woman. Though he might have been a quiet, tactical man he did possess a rare beauty inside that respect that of a female regardless of their appearance or class.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

To Fiora's great delight he responded to her with basically no question as to her strange mannerisms, which she took as a sign that she'd made the right call this time. Puffing up a little at her own pleasure she fell into a comfortable stride with this stranger and let a lovely smile settle upon her tan jaws.

"What Grove?" she fired back almost instantly, mostly because grove sounded a lot kinder than the place they currently were. In her mind she painted a picture of plush grass beneath her toes and beautiful willow branches hanging overhead and a babbling brook sparkling in the golden sunlight - which was a far more suitable setting for a lady than this charred cemetery. Besides, he seemed to have a purpose which was far more than Fiora could say for herself. Maybe he was well acquainted with the area. Maybe she could use that.

Seeing that he had been so receptive of her approach Fiora considered herself an expert, now, and let her chin rise ever so slightly as they walked. She fancied that conversation was something she could achieve with ease and let her frosted stare wander over the scorch marks on the bark and remarked, "Hopefully it's not too far. This place is pretty unfriendly." She accompanied her clever observation with a cheeky grin.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq was more than used to others and their weird quirks, though he typically looked passed them. It simply was not in his desire to point out on someone acted, just so long as they remained respectful. So far, he simply took in the stranger’s company just as he would any other. Company was not a bother to him, he welcomed it, especially when it was a girl—it seemed that lately, that was what he got. No arguments here.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Uh, the Sacred Grove. Deer usually camp there as it comes close to the Pass into the eatern land,” he commented idly though not sure how much or how little she knew. It was somewhat obvious that she was not of a pack scent, but it could be possible that she had just joined somewhere. He turned his attention from the path to his random acquaintance, finding that her expression proved that this was not a place she wanted to be—the Grove was probably best for her dainty paws. Her stated opinion further explained his theory of desiring another location.
Although he usually planned out his days primarily alone, he accepted her as an add-on to his adventure. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Just a little bit further and we’ll reach it,” he answered smoothly as he provided a smile, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“see the brook just ahead? It’s right over that.” It was a beautiful place, one he had passed over a little over a week ago, and it would more than likely appeal to Fiora’s more scenic desires.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
ugh omg I am so horrible and so so sorry D:
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

Sacred Grove? Even better. Not that there wasn't anything holy about the cemetary that they were walking on, but normally the sacred things weren't scorned by fire. Pleased with their current destiation she was able to rid her mind of the ashen place, feeling far less creeped out by the blackened trunks now that she knew there was a definite way away from here and that they two were on the path.

Then it struck her - just a little bit further and we'll reach it. We. The word entered her ears and found its way into the cells of her blood stream, invigorating her step without her even realizing it. Her subconcious craved for something - love, acceptance, attention - and whatever that was it had been satiated by the easiest slight of pronoun. He'd already made himself a suitable friend by disregarding her lack of social skill and made himself even less of a stranger through that inclusion. Fiora felt her haphazard grin growing more and more permanent with each step she took, turning her cheek to regard him from the side of her stare as they walked.

"So are you scouting for your pack? Or are you like, super strong, gonna take down your very own deer dinner?" Was she flirting, or was she just making bad jokes? Fiora really didn't know either way. He was a handsome guy, for sure, but having had basically no interaction outside of her home life she couldn't be sure if it was the boy or the attention that she was diggin' so hard. Whatever it was she wouldn't split hairs - it made her very happy any way.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
this post sucksss. very distracted. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq used steady strides and walked in a single path, not wanting to confuse his company and direct him elsewhere. He wasn’t too concerned with having someone travel with him, though he probably would have reacted differently if he hadn’t met Lucero. Until she came along he had never thought that he’d even have a friend, or thought that it simply wasn’t for him. Perhaps what she didn’t realize was that he had poor social skills, too. Ataneq was usually incredulously and painfully quiet, opting to avoid talking to strangers completely.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Uh,” he answered with a look of mild humor and confusion, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“I guess I’m just scouting for my pack. I’d be crazy if I tried taking down a deer solo.” They usually ran in a herd, so he didn’t want to mess with anything trying to protect the one he was after. Ataneq didn’t want to get injured by a doe… that just wasn’t very impressive at all. As per usual, he wasn’t very attentive to if she was ‘flirting’ or not. Ataneq just wasn’t very aware of when a girl was doing something that required his immediate attention. Very ignorant of his surroundings, really.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Do you have a pack or just chillin’ solo?” Never having recruited anyone into his pack before, he didn’t really think it was necessary. He was leaving with his mother eventually from the Glen to create her own pack, so his scouting usually was to benefit himself in the long run as well as help out Phineas and Borlla.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

The humor in his expression lead Fiora to be incapable of discerning his confusion and she continued to grin boldly, completely overlooking his own social inhibitions. "You're right. That might be a lil' too crazy," she agreed, happy to be on his side. Though she probably would've gone sprinting into a deer herd if he'd suggested it. She was so enjoying having a real friend for the first time - however unconventionally and flimsily forged their partnership was.

Regularly she would have frozen when asked about a pack, given that she was finding herself far too insecure and lonely to keep it up as a rogue wolf. But his company had been soothing enough that Fiora could take the question in stride. "Nah, I'm on my own." She said, somewhat proudly as if she were a high-functioning independent. Then, not wanting him to think she was anti-social or incapable of being a team player (the truth of that still yet to be determined) she added, "I just really haven't found the right fit, you know?" Not that she'd done any looking. That made her sound like she'd been working at a goal. What if he asked her what she knew about this place? Quick, Fiora, cover it. "I sorta just rolled in and everything's all new. Are you from around here?"

Swift like the wind. Got damn. Personally she was impressed with her recovery, her pale blue eyes shining as her jaws clicked to a close; this was really a great day for her ego.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok

keep my eyes to serve
my hands to learn
Ataneq simply walked, finding that he was not very bothered by her company at all. He didn’t feel uncomfortable or annoyed with her presence, but simply accepting of her. Friends? Yes, there was certainly a chance of it but for there to be a chance there needed to be something for them to bond over. With Lucero, they had instantly bonded because of their shared pack and their love for adventure. She had brought out a very hidden side of himself that he had never explored, something he was grateful for. So, little did he know, that any friendship he made now would be up to comparison.

It was pretty crazy that she might have expected him to retrieve a deer all by himself. Sure, he saw himself as pretty large and well-built for his age but not well enough to do that sort of activity. Even if he did feel somewhat proud that she would think he might be capable of that even for a second. “That’s cool,” he answered as she spoke of being on her own. It was never a bad thing to go about things by yourself. He certainly spent a lot of time with just himself, as Siku did train him a few days a week but he definitely had a lot of time to himself than with others.

“I understand, in a way. I traveled with my Mother and brothers for a long while. We stopped in a few places but never quite found the place that suited us, until we stopped here.” It seemed that this was where Siku saw potential and Ataneq would not disagree with his mother, as she was wise and knew all. Mother knew about where a strong pack could lie and Ataneq had to have faith in her judgment, no matter what. “Yes, I live in Magnolia Glen with my mother.” His brothers had been somewhat M.I.A. since day one so there really wasn’t any reason to bring them up. “But there are a lot of packs around here,” he retorted (perhaps nonchalantly hoping that she might join one—being a lone wolf was a dangerous life if one was by themselves, especially at their age), “have you stopped by any of them yet?”

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

The tawny she-wolf nodded as he spoke a little about himself, responding, "It's nice that your mom is still around. Mine was kind of a bat." She grimaced in a way that was to imply her candid recount of her mother's spirituality was a joke, but there was a certain sadness that threatened to rain from her cold blue eyes. On the hunt for her older sister her mother had never been that engrossed. Which made sense, of course, because her older sister was only her half and that half did not come from her mother. Still, the ways of the healer were misunderstood by Fiora and her full sister, and she never felt close. A blink would cover herself from revealing anything too whiny. Who cares, after all. They were far and she was here; that's all that mattered.

Fiora was a little bit jealous that he got to settle down somewhere with his family, and in Magnolia Glen - which sounded nice, 'cause she did like magnolia trees - but she was quick to disregard the subject not only because he asked her a question further, but because timelines are wonky and I'd rather not deal with it (lol sorry). Truth be told she was caught off-guard. She didn't want to tell the truth for some reason, perhaps because he might think her shy or lazy or incapable or any combination of the three. But at the same time she liked his company, and didn't want to lie to him either. The dilemma was all to irritating for Fiora to hash it out in her mind, and swallowing her pride she decided to try honesty.

"No, I haven't really wanted to get close yet. I'm too much of a loner to approach a pack." She said, trying to prevent her voice from showing that she was displeased with herself for that. Too nervous to approach and too proud to grovel, Fiora just couldn't get close to them yet. "Did you see many before you found yours?"