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Curiousity never killed a wolf — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Rionna who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Moe Destus
Moe had lost intrest waiting near the border of the Pack's territory. Her attention was being grabbed by other things else where. Her dark lobes twitched, as she sat up suddenly, turning from the border she padded through the trees in the opposite direction. Her body was still weak, however she planned on catching something on the way to fill her up enough for travel. With a bustling forest, full of life, she planned to jump from spot to spot to investigate this land. Whether it took all day or longer. She would return to the Pack wolves soon enough.

Curving through the trees the small femme, eye'd the branches. Her weak limbs trembling with exhaustion already and she had barely made it from the previous forest. She currently sat panting near a river that seemed to flow towards more woods. One would defiantly not discribe such a place as small or undefined. Standing on her small pads, she shook her charcoal coat clean before trotting quickly through the long grass out towards the other trees in the distance. Every stepp however felt like explosion in her appendages. Snorting in pain, she scanned the open meadow for somethign worth hunting. Averting her eyes to her left, something of medium size caught her vision.Shooting forward she used all the strength she could summon to fling her body at a small fawn, that was carelessly roaming away from it's mother. Her long digits peirced the flesh, sending the child to the meadow floor. Her flanks heaving for breath, as she ripped through the windpipe; Moe had to consume the food quickly, as she was not sure where the mother was. On her own, the greiving parent would be willing to attack her. Moe knew very well she was not in the position to suffer an injury. So with haste, she ripped the meat from the carcass in large amounts. Filling her stomach to it's limit before high tailing it to the tree-line.

Gasping for breath Moe had made it deep into the forest before she had stopped running. "Why on earth did I go running like that?!" Her voice rang out angrily over the silence in the strange trees. However unlike the other forest, this one was less eerie and threatening to her. Plopping back on her haunches she stared around like she were lost. 'It seems, while I was cowering from a deer. I ended up far from the familiar...' Her mind wandered for a moment, while she tilted her head and observed the terrian. After a moment her nose twitched with curiousity.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2013, 11:08 PM by Moe.)

*~Love is the most powerful weapon~*
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
As Silver roamed the woods she heard a deer hit the floor and the sound of a wolf eating. The scent that came to her was know all to well. Its was a lone wolf. Now that Silver had the scent of Magnolia Glen on her she might be more noticeable. She let out a soft bark to see if anyone could hear her. She decide to follow the smell of the lone wolf into the woods. She believed these woods are called Cedarwood Forest. See a spot where the deer had been ate was almost shocking. Seeing foot prints running off was unusual too. Silver followed them not know where she was going. The woods seemed bigger than she was used to. She let out another bark hoping to find the wolf or fox she was following.

The scent of lone wolf got stronger the more she followed. Lifting her head up she saw a Wolf figure only a couple yards away. Silver paused not knowing if the wolf was injured or crazy. Either way she didn't really wanna find out. Her nose took over her body and took her there only three feet away from the lone wolf. Silver thought she looked familiar but it was impossible that she would've meet this wolf. She was almost sure they came from different side of the Relic Lore. Silver nodded her head and said in a confident voice, "Hello there, I am silver. Who are you?". Silver sat down showing no signs of threats or fear. She just waited for the wolf to talk. Silver's eyes were a dark brown with spots of a light brown. Her fur looked a little unusual in the spot of light they where in. Sitting waiting isn't one of her favorite things to do but if she must she will. She just didn't wanna get in a fight right now so she would wait. Silver would shake off a bug here and there but not to much, she was distracted by look at the wolf. The way she stood and the way she would move ever so slightly. It was all what kept her under control and waiting.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2013, 11:25 PM by Silver.)
Played by Rionna who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Moe Destus
Having been sitting there in discomfort, wandering why she would be in such a place. That and why she might have run for her life after bringing down her kill. IT was rare for her to get so lucky, but to run like she had commited a crime wasn't one of her most brilliant ideas. However, what happened happened and all she could do now is pretend it didn't happen. Cackling she rolled onto herb ack,yawning and being the carefree animal she was. With her paws reaching towards the branches above her, she sniffed every hair on her body sticking up as she could smell the approaching scent of pack wolf. Scambling to her paws, she stood there Amber orbs staring in the direction the wolf was coming from. "Damnit... I got careless."

After another moment or two, the wolf appeared from the trees. Presenting herself before her, by her scent she could tell she wasn't in the same pack as the ones she had found before hand. But from another nearby. She flinched at the thought of having crossed a packs border without noticing. Her tail lashed slightly, simply because she wasn't sure if things might turn for the worse. Though the female simply walked towards Moe, sitting down and posing no threat to her what so ever. Moe blinked stunned, tilting her head to the right before she perked her ears at Silver apparently spoke to her. Moe wasn't sure whether she should adress herself to this stranger or not, however what harm could it do?

"I'm Moe... I apologize if I have trespassed in anyways. I was careless." Moe's vice was strong, and powerful, which was to no surprise. Since that was how she had always been. Which is what lead to her own exile from her pack. Moe was just naturally a free spirit with a strong opinion, and not tolerance for anyone. With a heavy sigh, she fell back on her haunches relaxing her stiff muscles while eyeing the dark pelted fae infront of her.

*~Love is the most powerful weapon~*
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver smiled softly and let out a little laugh. "I don't think your fear is of trespassing. That's the least of my concerns.". Letting out a soft warm smile she continued. "I like the name Moe, and trust me i am quiet careless to wander out here too. So i would say we are even.". Silver stood up and stretched watching the wolf in front of her. Silvers body seemed to be almost a perfect size for a medium wolf,not to long and not to short. Her eyes turned a light brown seeming to welcome Moe. Silver was almost sure Moe had been confused on the she-wolf not attacking her. Silvers ears perked at the sound of a bear. Moving around the corner to hide around the tree to see where it was coming from. Silver seemed to be aware of her surroundings at the moment. Not sure if it was safe to stay or to run off and take Moe and or leave Moe.

The bear after five minutes seemed to walk away as if he never noticed us. "So Moe have you ever seen a bear before?". Silver wagged her tail a bit but not to much. She didn't want to draw attention to herself anymore then she might already with the scent of Magnolia Glen. The air around them was fresh but Silver could smell a storm coming. The smell of fresh rain was strong. Would it rain or not? Sitting under the trees should give them more than enough cover if it does. But why had this wolf came all the way out here? Along with where did she come from? "So Moe where do you come from? Along with what brings you this way?". Silver didn't wanna push so much so she just stopped at two questions. She didn't wanna pose a threat or look suspicious. Those are two things that are not to welcoming to a lone wolf. Silver would know she was one for the longest time.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2013, 11:48 PM by Silver.)
Played by Rionna who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Moe Destus
Moe had sat there silently observing the dark colored female, and had noticed they oddly had an appearance that was quite the same. However, when it came to looks Moe was very proud of most of her features and was confident in the fact that she was one of a kind. She met the light brown optic's of Silvers and continued to stare before she spoke. "Well atleast, I'm no where near another border yet... For the most part packs send me runnign for the hills." Moe's voice was serious, and solid when she said this. Her honesty was almost weird. 'One would normaly want to do as the romans would when in rome. However, I like to stay canadian if I'm aloud...' Her mind manifested some random thoughts that were quite unrelated to her being near pack territory, but know one ever said she was one to stick on subject.

Noticing the bear quickly, she watched it move through the long trees without moving from her spot. She was not about to move from her comfortable position on the leafy forest floor, for a dumb-bear. Her ears perked, while her tail thudded against the ground as she gave an agressive glare in the grizzly's direction, it seemingly ignored her and continued on it's way. Not bothering with her, or her strange territorial ways. Once it was out of sight, Silver came out of hiding and began to speak to Moe once more. "Why hide from it? It's only a bear. Plus without food around it won't do anything to us. It was probably go to the carcass I brought down lengths from here." she replied quickly to Silver after she had spoken already. "Of course I've seen a bear before, what wolf hasn't, their everywhere." She tilte her head awkwardly to the left while staring at Silver, with a look like What type of question was that. on her face. Meanwhile she could feel the oncoming storm approaching, and looked forward to feeling heavy rain drops plumment to her coat, and soak her to the skin.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2013, 11:58 PM by Moe.)

*~Love is the most powerful weapon~*
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver looked at Moe with much care as she said that the packs send her running for the hills. "Are you scared of packs?". Silver was trying to avoid the bear subject mentioning she never really had a run in with a bear. She had seen them just never been that close to one. Silver wagged her tail at the scent of rain coming closer. She had been hoping for a good rain all day. She returned back to Moe's face. Looking at Moe was almost looking at a Mini Silver. "Listen Moe, If you trust me i trust you. Does that sound good?". Silver couldn't believe she was about to go and trust this strange she-wolf she met only about ten minutes ago. Was it because Silver was begging for a friend her whole life? Or was it just because Moe seemed easy to trust? Anyway she would count this as almost a test for Moe. Glancing away only a few times to think about chasing a hawk that kept flying around them. Bugs were coming out and Silver had to keep moving her tail to keep them away. The last thing she needed was to be chewing at her skin all the time because of some stupid bugs. Moe seemed to be taking a close look at her as if she was as stunned as Silver was at how close they looked alike.

Slowly a rain started to fall down and Silver couldn't help but smile at it. The rain was cold and wet which felt good out in the sun. As it also sent the bugs away from the two she-wolves. Silver wondered what Moe might be thinking of about her. Was Moe trying to tell Silver she trusted her? Or was it just by accident that the whole thing about being scared of packs just slip out? Whatever it was Silver wanted to find out. But she knew she couldn't only talk about Moe. "So is there anything you would like to ask me?". This was the perfect way to see what Moe wanted to know. Maybe they thought alike, or maybe not. She may never know.
Played by Rionna who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Moe Destus
Moe found Silver rather intruiging, as she asked strange questions and did odd things. Maybe it was just that she hadn't had contact with another wolf in so long, she had forgotten what a wolf was supposed to do and act like. She watched her for a moment before replying. "It's more that I fear what will become of me once I enter the territory of an Alpha." Her voice got distant and dark. Life was hell as far as she was concerned.After all she had been surviving off of snakes and rabbits for the past half year. Lobes turning on her head, with annoyance as the hawk continue to circle she felt a jolt of surpise singed through her spine as the female asked for her trust. Suddenly her body was stiff, and her eyes were narrowed threateningly.

"Asking for my trust is a brave thing to do... I don't trust easily, nor am I the pleasant type.I have little hope in friendships unless the individual can prove their worth to me." Moe was always purposely harsh, and she certainly wasn't one to be rude after the female had so kindly not attacked her, however when one goes through the life experiances she has; they begin to get abit iffy about whom or what they lend their trust too. "I suppose, the worst you could do to me at this point is attack me. But... I haven't had the best luck in the trust department." she further explained why she was so anti-trusting. After all, Akese her own brother had rejected her, then ran her off. Who knows what became of those packs after she departed. But somethign in her heart yearned for her old family...

As the rain poured from the sky, Moe stood up letting each drop run over her thinning dusty black pelt. Her lids forced shut as she tipped her snout to the sky. Her lobes flat against her cranium, tail wagging faintly. As if the rain brought warm memories, despite it's chilling touch. She could feel her skin quiver with life, she couldn't help but love the sensation of rain running over her coat. Though in the back of her mind she hopped Silver wasn't staring at her like she was wack. It was then she could hear Silvers gentle voice through the sheets of rain. She peeked open her right eyes to watch the dark fae. before she spoke.

"I'll ask you this, What's it like to be a pack wolf of this mysterious realm?"

*~Love is the most powerful weapon~*
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Not much surprise was brought to Silver when she asked this question about the pack. "Well you first have to earn your self.". Silver let's out a little sigh. "I barley made it in because I attacked a male wolf that had no right of being there. Its not like i killed him, but it had upset the female Alpha i came across." Silver shuddered at the memories of her displeased face looking at her. "I have to learn my "place" and respect the higher. Yes i may have been older and taller but I wasn't Alpha.". Silver didn't want to go into details so she left it at that. "If you please I may be able to have you talk to my Alpha but i don't want to make you if you don't want to.". Silver remembered what it was like to be a lone wolf. It could be scary of what might happen if you joined a pack. Yet that didn't stop Silver. "Along with what you said before why would i attack you if you did nothing? That is what my Alpha told me. Why attack if they have done nothing?". Silver thought her face might be spilling emotions of sad and mad but she couldn't change her facial expression. Silver did a quick paw at her face hoping to change the way she looked. It worked thankfully, she got a normal face. It was warm and friendly but not too friendly. The rain felt good on her dirty fur. Whispering softly Silver said "I'm sorry if i am making you feel uneasy but it's been a while sense someone has talked to me like this.".

The fresh scent of the rain had put Silver at ease along with the smell of Magnolia Glen on her fur. Silver sat down again her scar under her eye is now visible and she seems to go into a relaxed mode. Her tense body seemed to go into a state that some might call "mush" but it felt good to be relaxed. "Tell me. Do most people find it to east to trust and be around you?".
Played by Rionna who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Moe Destus
((Sorry that took so long, x-x I didn't get the email till later for some reason..))

Moe nodded her head, though she hadn't been in a pack for a long while it seemed. She did remember how sensitive alpha's could be when choosing outsiders to enter their packs. She watched Silver for awhile, her ears back. After about a minute or so she sat back on her haunches letting out a loud yawn of exhastion. "I actually have already attempted to join the pack on the opposite side of this place. In the Eerie forest over there." she lifted her nose towards the forest to the right of her. "Though the Alpha hasn't responded to me yet... But I'm not sure if I should go anywhere else just yet." She said uncertainly, her amber irises watching Silver, as the rain became thinner so she could see the drenched fae more clearly.

Heaving up momentarily she shakes her pelt of the water that had stuck to it, while tilting her head to one side observantly. Then she replied. "I'm fine, I'm just not used to this talking thing.. It's been about a year since I've talked to someone whom has actually wanted to know me." She sighed, then flicked her tail awkwardly. Her nose twitching to the smell of moist soil, and the scent of worms filled the air. How she hated worms. Scratching at her nape with her right hind leg, panting from the humidity of the heat from the rain.

Moe had just noticed the scar beneath Silver's eye. However she didn't bother to ask, since the fae seemed quite relaxed and she didn't want to churn up past event. She looked up at Silver then, her ears perked. "Actually, no... I was pretty much an outcast in my previous pack. Though my sister, and my friends Rain and Dice really loved to talk to me about things. So before now, I never really thought so."

*~Love is the most powerful weapon~*
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver starts to scratch at her ear then she stops. "For some reason I feel like I can relax around you and trust you.". Silver stands up and ears sorta flop over and her tail falls down. Not exactly between her legs but close to them. "I feel like i should be returning to my pack soon, My alpha said I might not have a home when i return.". The thought of Borlla makes Silvers tail tuck between her legs and her ears to fold back. She lets out a soft whimper and almost thinks about not returning but how could she? She needed to learn her Place as Borlla said. Even if it means "Abuse". Silver knew she needs to talk the hard punish like a full grown wolf. "I'm sorry I appear this way it's just I am almost scared to return to my angry Alpha. Who knows what my punish might be?". Silver was being honest she knew that Borlla would not take this lightly.

Silver decides it might be time to leave after she lets Moe respond to what she said. Still scared a smell of fear starts to come off of Silver. It is a light smell but it is there. She looks at Moe expecting her to say something. As this point she prays Moe will say something, anything. Silver has never felt this leave of fear in her every for someone who is younger than her, Meaning Borlla. The sun starts to set so Silver knows she should hurry up. This could be her last journey she ever takes again.