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Wrath of a God — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Eoran who has 24 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate

Everything was gone. The heathens had taken it from him, his paradise, his home, his sister, his children and his love. They had taken everything from him throughout the night, they had taken it all in less than minutes, everything he had known and loved was gone and he had them to blame for it. Heathens of the outside world, no this world. His paradise was gone there was no division between him and them, it had melted together like heaven and hell, the two places did not belong together, they were not made for each other. Chaos would regime from here on, the world was out to have it bad now that the world had been utterly crushed and paradise was gone from this rotten hell. The heathens had taken everything from him he stood as the poorest man on earth now.

He wasn’t going to let them get away with it.

They would pay. Pay with their blood, their soul, they rotten corpses and they would regret the day they had ever crossed his path, they would regret to be alive, they would regret that they ever had doubts of him that they ever questioned him or put their path in between his, he would not let any of these mortal livings get away with this. He would make them suffer to the very last, he would squeeze their every bone for bone marrow, he would drain them from every single drop of blood they had, pull their brains out and tear their flesh and skin so they had nothing to hide under, nowhere to hide their sinful, dirty minds and acts. For he was their judge, their commander and their GOD.

Losing everything did not mean grace, it meant to start over and even though he realized that it meant to live a life without his beautiful nena, without his faithful sister, he swore to find her. He swore to bring her back, even if it meant to bring her from beyond the grave, he would cross hell and fire for her, he had given his ultimatum to her, he had attacked his father for her, destroyed their enemy and made them immortal. He could do anything and he had proven it once and he would prove it again. He had created a legion of 70 wolves under his command, he had lead them and they had answered his call, he had saved them and purified them, it was his fault they all had lived happily and peaceful. Those days were over now, they were all gone and the outsiders, the heathens had taken this from them – created chaos.

The dense forest didn’t seem to slow his body down though, he didn’t hold back from it. He wasn’t running but pacing faster than simply walking or strolling through the woods, he was gliding in and out of the trees and branches before coming to a halt. He didn’t know this place, he had never been there before or scented these things and he had been wide and far in his life. From the glaciers of the north to the desert of the south, the jungle of Alteron and the beaches leading to the oceans before climbing the mountain peaks. This place was new though. His orange eyes glided from side to side and his ears stirred slightly paying attention. So much living here, so much to avenge. Where to even begin?

Instinctively the god should have growled and behaved like a wild animal, but the god and savior didn’t do this, in fact he never had. His face had for years been stone cold, never expressimg much, the power of expression had come through his voice, others had crumbled before him by the sear sound of anger coming from him. He never had to resort to snarling or roaring, only once had he roared toward Krauss, the inmate of his. Krauss. His toes curled in pure anger just thinking of his defying red eyes and brown fur, that madman didn’t stop at anything, kidnapping a child to fight off a god, despairingly sterilize his most faithful servant just to defy him. It was people like him that had to be destroyed.

He was seeing clearly now. The world was not to be saved or purified. It was to be destroyed and cleansed for its filth. Krauss had defied him over and over, spend all his time in captivity when Loath had tried to help him, make him see the right way, all that time he defied him. The ruler of chaos, the madman that saw no reason, and laughed his way through a session with Lauren that had made the poor boy sick to his stomach. He had never seen anyone as him and he hoped never to do so again and if he did? He would make sure to annihilate them, rid them from existing. It was his duty as god to rid this world from anything dangerous to those pure. But who is anymore but himself?

Nena. Eva, Edlyn, Osiris, Typhon. His thoughts went to his family and it made his gaze turn colder. He would find them, all of them and bring them here, start over and this time he would do it right. This time he couldn’t allow mercy anymore, the world had changed for the worse since he had last left the safety of his paradise, seeing the world for what it truly was he knew that the world needed him more than ever, but he hated it more than ever, he loathed it, despises it and he didn’t even try to hide it anymore. Those living here were nothing but filthy heavens and if he didn’t rid the world from them, they would soon overrun the place and try and set their mark here. Something he couldn’t allow.

Slowly the god slid further through the woods, reaching an area less dense with forest and his body could fully stretch out, his neck high and slightly bend, he rarely crouched forward and his tail wasn’t anywhere near a defensive position. This was a wolf who was used to ruling, to getting his will and have the world at his feet, to have others crumble beneath his glare and command, his voice had for long been his greatest weapon and power, of course his teeth had helped to prove a point, but his voice was what send the other kings and queens quivering in the corner, the southern desert almost rose to war against him in fear, the northern hidden from his empire and the an entire nation brought to his knees in defeat to overtake new territory outside of the marshland. Packs fought for space and living in the marsh and he had defeated many of them, taken their land, their members and made them his, he had brought so many to their knees.

Would this place be any different? So many packs had feared him, heard of the god rising in the old land of Nardir that had been left homeless as his pack drove them out, the twins ruling to the west. Rumors ran like wildfire about them and most importantly there was this one little detail that ran from home to home, mouth to mouth. No one got out. Rumors stayed rumors as no one could actually confirm them, no one knew what was true and what wasn’t, they simply feared what they didn’t know of. Fearing fear itself. It had made him and his sister powerful, more powerful than any other ruler. Here, no one knew him, no one had heard of the white god of the west, here no one would have even heard a whisper of his name that caused others to shiver, pay caution and feel that tingling sense of nagging in the back of your mind that told you to look out and to feel fear. Just as they should.

Very well then.

They would learn to fear him.
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2013, 12:44 AM by Loath.)
Responses are slow from my end cause I just gave birth to a tiny boy.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: No table, just cause I'm lazy.

She had fallen and fallen again but each time she had risen with a new power and with a new strength. No one could knock her down without having her rise from the ashes and dominating them. It didn’t even have to be in appearance, it could be in the complete utter serious and command beneath her tone. It occurred mostly when she was doing good but lately, things had started changing in the atmosphere. Many things were changing for her and for the wolves that she had once been in a pack with. They were used to her being the healer, third ranking and least dominating wolf out of all of them, though her power to lead truly showed every once and awhile when she had a patient, it was mostly hidden, therefore many had not thought of her as top dog…and she hadn’t been. Ruiko and Aeylen had, and then they had left.

After they had left the golden lady had taken up the role to help get them back together…to keep the pack strong, but no male had taken up role as male alpha, and so, they had to move on. She had kept them together for sometime now, and in time they would reform, to become stronger, closer to one another. Her new family would not be built on acceptance any longer, but on complete trust and devotion to her. If a wolf had not gained her trust and loyalty, then they hadn’t deserved to be on the in side of things. She was going to be their queen…all eight of them, for the time being, and she expected them all to treat her with respect. Each and everyone of them would be expected to work equally with one another, no matter what their rank. She would soon be their Queen.

She had walked the same path a repeated amount of times, used to the familiar lad beneath her paws. She had settled with liking a land in the deepest part of the thickets to the east. The most secluded and blocked off area by far. Once the others could find out to navigate the area well enough, it would be easier for them to stay safe and defend themselves. She had found the perfect place, and now she was determined to make this their home…they would finally be there soon, after everything else got sorted out.

Stress had been weighing the soon to be leader down tremendously, and for the first time in awhile, she went for a run, just to let out some of her energy. When she heard about Koda’s horrible incident, Nina had been horrified and had heard nor seen anything of him and it had caused Nina great pain, for she had otherwise had to, in an odd way, move on. She hadn’t wanted to, but she feared the mountains and had no urge to go looking for him there. Her paws moved gracefully over the territory, careful of where her paws were landing so that she wouldn’t get a thorn stuck in her paw. Being sore was surely the last thing she needed.

Her small run was going quite uneventful until the scent of another brushed her nostrils. They flared briefly, her one good eye blazing in anger. She had no rights to get territorial yet…she had no claim over these lands…at least for time being. The form of a white wolf, in a similar size comparison to her came into her line of view. It was obvious that he had strength on him…but in what she lacked of strength she came back in speed, stamina, and strategy. In the back of her mind, she wasn’t fully comprehending her full thoughts. She shouldn’t have been sizing him up like she was doing so now…she hadn’t done that, ever, since entering the lore. Things were truly changing now…for better she was sure, but it was quite odd, and she was sure it was going to be so for quite a while.
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2013, 02:29 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Eoran who has 24 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
He heard her before seeing her and he turned his head toward the sound of her running, he was not alert but awaiting that she would come, waiting for her to be within sight. He watched the direction of which the sound came from and soon enough she broke through the vegetation, stopping as well to watch him. A brown female with gold in her fur was not the most unusual things Loath had seen in his life. In decent posture and life was all he saw in her and he felt the anger boiling inside him, the silent and calm outside of him did not reflect the flames of anger inside him. He was at his most dangerous and he gave no signal or warning to show it to a stranger like this one. She would feel before she would see.

”Do not fear.” QUIVER IN AGONY, TREMBLE IN ALL CONSUMING FEAR OF WHO I AM! He stood silently, his face quiet and calm, his body wasn’t tense or alert but it was paying attention to her and yet his internal god was lashing out after her, screaming like a wild animal to get to her, to destroy her to ANNIHILATE her. He was not an arrogant fool to command a stranger he was no god that let others to think he was insane and therefore got himself killed like that. He was intelligent enough to know he couldn’t command the wild heathens here, that he couldn’t control her because she thought he was a simple lie.

”I am Lāth.”And smart people didn’t give out their real name to strangers. He came forward slowly, without indicating he wanted to harm her, just stepping forward to show that he did not want the distance between them. He let her decide whatever or not she wanted to come closer to him. He looked into her green eyes and saw just a wild untamed animal, a true heathen of this place, a defying beast who would try and kill him if she knew more of him at this point, the kind that said everything he did and stood for was wrong because she knew it was the best for her and her kind and she feared the change. There was a time where Loath would have embraced her to save her, showed her the right path to which she could be saved and purified. But those times were over. She could never be truly saved from her sick animalistic mind.

There should be nothing left of her once he was done with her. Not even skin or bones, her true colors should be seen, he would give her nothing to hide underneath, he had the tools of death on his side and he knew how to jungle them. But he was not stupid, this was not his area, he didn’t know this place or how close they were to a pack, if others were here or where she could run off to. So much was in the way of his justice that he played his card well at this set round, this table was full now and he wasn’t playing nice, he never played nice. ”I have not been here before. What do you call this forest?” In one sense one might ask if he was lost, but the god was not looking for anything, he had no set destination for where he would go, so how could he be lost? He was simply wandering.

The destination of heaven was not one he could take here on earth, earth was hell and no path here could lead to heaven, the enlightenment it took to reach heaven was one within one self, he could not guide every soul there unless they wanted to take that path, he had seen it the day he killed his father, the day his father set fangs on his sister was the day he doomed himself, it was the day the twins broke free and saw the world for what it truly was and they killed every demon like their father without holding back, without pausing for air, they simply took what they needed, destroyed the rest and saved the souls of an universe beyond the one they came from. You couldn’t argue their divinity after that, after all they had done they had to be more than simple mortals, those left to question it had named themselves enemies of the mighty Asylum, a growing pack that would wipe out their existence for even doubting or question their power.

There was nothing to question their power had been the ultimatum of earth. Even if paradise was lost their power was not. Trembling over the very sight of them was normal, feeling fear was expected, for those following them they trembled in awe and amazement, for Loath was not ordinary creature his bright white fur was completely white, nothing dark touched it in the undercoat, there was nothing to spot it, a very unique trait indeed. His family had been the only one to heritage this sort of white coat, he had seen other white creatures (mostly killed them) but he had seen those with dark undercoats and not purely white even if they liked to call themselves white. He had nothing left over for look a likes of himself, he didn’t like them, and he hated them and saw them as an insult to his family.

”What path are you taking?” He was in other words asking where she was headed, maybe more so than simply physically, where was she headed in her life, where was she going from here after meeting a god. Would she become stronger? Better? Would she live easier or would she be a fool, a defying fool, denying herself power and might, denying herself to be who she truly was or was Loath going to have to destroy her for idiocy? He could do it, he would do it for he already hated her for simply being alive as a heathen. It angered and insulted him to be near her and even if she was beautiful like women are, he had more than once tortured and killed beauty. Patient paid the prize for breeding with him, scarred for life as proof of what she had done, what he had done to her, ensuring that no other male would ever touch her again. Future, Past and Cast had come out of it and while the first two were exemplary children, Cast was not. He wished now that he had killed him the day he came out of the womb. Eve the woman of the south, their beta, scarred, maimed and tortured for her beauty, destroying her beauty for insulting Loathe. The one thing you couldn’t get away with.

So what would this be? Another destruction of beauty? Another way to kill heathens of their simplicity or would she be going down a path he could accept so he could let her live? The burden of ruling over life and death was at times hard, but it was justice that he outlived and he wouldn’t let the wrong people live, that burden was even harder. He despised beauty like this one, he hated their look, their eyes and fur, he hated their beauty because it was all a disguise to the disgust and filth underneath, the kind that belonged to a heathen only. He wanted her to pay for her beauty.

Beauty comes with a prize.
Responses are slow from my end cause I just gave birth to a tiny boy.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her good eye watched the male as he stepped closer, keeping her body position on guard as he did so. She did not step closer, just simply stayed rooted in her spot, not daring to move an inch from her position. Her eye tracked his every movement, he was not trustworthy, he was new to her and unfamiliar. A wolf she had no yet met. A danger to her family, something she wouldn’t be able to control, she knew, but she could always be on guard. It would be no shock to her if they were quietly observing in the shadows, waiting for her to give a signal or for this loner to make a bad move towards her. They had all faithfully stayed in the area that would be marked as their territory and their loyalty and devotion to her had not changed…neither would her trust in them.

His voice was deep and neutral and his words made her want to do a double take of him. Fear…something she had not possessed in another being for so long. She didn’t have anything she had to fear, she had a family and the Gods had taken good care of her in her time in Relic Lore. The only thing that was truly known as fear to her were the mountains and not because of the wolves that remained there, but because of her own childhood. She did not wish to return to her horrid father, for she would not become what he had. A murderous alpha who didn’t deserve to rule. A merciless ruler who hadn’t known the difference between right and wrong, along with the lack of knowing the word freedom.

When his name came to her ears, she pushed the name to the side, and scent remained in her head, along with a picture message. This man would have to have an eye kept on him when the pack was to form. If he were staying in the thickets then she wouldn’t want him trespassing on her soon to be territory. She spoke to him calmly, her voice cool and neutral, not showing emotion to the stranger she knew little of. “Nina,” she replied softly, her voice holding a strong edge to it. The golden lady had changed much and time had taken a toll on her, though she couldn’t say it was bad. She had toughened up and become stronger through everything. She was no longer the weak being everyone had made her out to be. She was now a wolf who was always on her feet, completing duties for the good of others and keeping everything well prepared for the future. Everything was to be ready soon.

The male’s way of speaking was odd, but the questions that were thrown at her she replied politely, but without any other hint at emotion. She had become much like Elettra in this sense, for Nin had taken the regal alpha as an example and learned from her. Sometimes the best way to be strong was for others not to know your darkest secrets and fears, for them not to truly know you, but to know of you, but at the same time, know enough about you so that you weren’t a stranger to them. Only a few wolves in her little group knew of her history, no others had asked, and no others had earned her trust enough to know, and so she was perfectly fine.

“Thicket of Secrets,” she replied calmly, her eye traveling around the small area they were in before snapping back to his white form. It was odd how he was there, blending into the snow…the only way she was probably able to see him was because of the small specks of dirt in his fur here and there, and his oddly colored orange eyes. It was the first time she was seeing such coloring and it was a mystic, beautiful sight, but it didn’t change any of her outlook on him. At the moment he was still a potential threat…untrustworthy, she would constantly remind herself. He could easily be like Ruiko…

His next question caught her slightly off guard, though it didn’t show on her outer façade, and she had to rethink what he had said for a quick second. Why was her business any of his? None the less, she kept her answer brief and sweet, not going into any detail. “To lead and heal,” as she spoke, her tail swayed silently behind her, keeping her one steely eye on him at all times. She offered a question up to him as well. “Yourself?” At the moment, it was odd having a conversation with someone unfamiliar. She had recently encountered more wolves from her past then anything and had been quite used to falling into the routine. Seeing a new face was never bad though, jut extended her communications further. She then waited, why was he here?
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2013, 07:51 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Eoran who has 24 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
She didn’t move closer to him and so the god was the one closing their large distance, he turned his head lightly and watched her carefully. He didn’t notice until now that one of her eyes were shut close with a scar across it, he had come from her left side where she could see him and now that he walked directly toward her he saw it. It reminded him of Kontra, though Kontra’s scar had been much more violent to look at as the eye had been completely removed out of its socket – how did that happen again? Loath remember blinding a hellbeast with horns, he remember to blind Eve and Patient, but never to have blinded Kontra. The scar had left his face mauled up pretty good, just like Thresher had been mauled, half way sterilized, lost and ear and had a huge scar over his shoulder. But that was the work of Krauss. The scar sent a flashback in a split second through his mind seeing the face of Kontra in front of him before it was gone.

”Nina.” He looked her over carefully and only once before taking his eyes aback from her. She was not nearly as special as he had thought. It was usually strong personalities that attracted him and then their beauty. The two things combined was needed to please a god. He nodded to her and once again he stepped closer, he did it periodically, focusing his energy and words to other things than him moving, like when you stand in a bar and you suddenly realize the person you are speaking to are very close, but not before they touch you and it is not until then you get uncomfortable, you didn’t notice they slowly crepy closer not before they make it noticeable by a touch. In the same way did he move, shift his weight and move in between talking and slowly coming closer.

”Thicket of Secrets” Was that so? He looked around them, he was not on high alert as she was, he was cautious toward strangers but unlike her, who wondered whatever or not she could trust this white male, Loath knew he couldn’t trust her. He by instinct knew not to trust anything she did or said, knew that no matter what she said he was not to care for it or listen to it, she was a heathen, unworthy of his company, the only reason he allowed her here around him was because he wasn’t arrogant enough to think he knew his way around here or that he knew that there weren’t others around them, that she didn’t have followers or friends, he didn’t know where to run if he killed her and not having a back out plan was not safe for him. She was not safe for him.

Unless Nina had moved rapidly away or noticed his slow movements toward her, he was not within a normal range to her. Loath had it with getting uncomfortably close to others, he had pushed limits and boundaries over and over and so far he had not met a single one who hadn’t given in to it, it was an odd ability he learned to use over time, he comforted others by his presence, highly aggressive beings cooled off by his touch, their aggressive minds slowed and numbed by the physical touch of another being who didn’t give in to their violence or aggression. He knew better than to test it here or yet. He didn’t stop looking at her, but not once did he stare at the scar, he was used to it and while others may look intensely or curiously at it, Loath shrugged it off. He had seen too many scars to care.

“To lead and heal” Lead? He stopped his movement of getting closer to her. Leading? Leading what? As far as his nose could tell him no one was too close by, his ears caught no sound of anyone. What little revolution did she think she could “lead”? It was an insult to those like Loath he had lead empires, glory and paradise, to hear one such at this one speak of leading. She lead nothing here and especially not here in the presence of a god His face remained as calm and quiet as before but it was truly a mask of the hurricane of anger she had set off within him. He didn’t tolerate people like her for too long.

Healing was more interesting, but for what should she heal? ”What do you heal?” His answer would have been the sick mind and soul, for that was truly what needed saving more than a sick body. What healing did she practice? One of herbs and plants or one of physiological damage, repair of the soul, the wicked destruction from demons and hells, the vanity, the purity, the lost souls in between, did she stop the cruelty of life, did she stop torture of the mind, did she run the waters of souls, did she take air from the lungs, blood from the veins, eyes from their sockets and brain from skull? What did she truly heal but the scar within herself? She thought she was healing? She thought she was doing well for this world? She had better think again, she had better truly see or he would MAKE HER SEE

”Yourself?” Him? A tiny flick of his ear told her that he had heard her, that he paid attention. To anyone who knew Loath they knew it meant get the fuck out of here. He held his ground, he watched her like a hawk, and an erring aura and energy he didn’t control slipped off him, the kind that told another being to be on the lookout, to back off from this person. Yourself. What do I do? What do I do but watch over the souls, the lost, the loved and hated, what do I do but guide and wish your death! He took a step toward her again and now there was no safety distance between them, his face would be extremely close to hers, he leaned forward meaning to whisper in her ear.

My life is of the souls of this hell, you cannot live without me and you cannot grieve without me, you cannot smile, laugh or cry without me, your inability to feel is sickening and disgusting, yet it is so deeply necessary to your connection with me, take the gears of the machine mortal, I run this show, I run this life you live and you think you own, but truly it belongs to me. What do I do here? I PREACH FOR YOUR DEATH, I HAVE COME TO MAKE YOU PAY, I HAVE COME TO SEE YOU SUFFER, I HAVE COME TO SEE YOU BLEED, I AM YOU MESSIAH, YOUR JUDGE, YOUR JUSTICE, I AM EVERYTHING OF THIS LIFE. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME, YOU CANNOT RUN FROM ME, FOR I SEE YOU WHEN YOU SIN, FOR I SEE YOU WHEN YOU BETRAY MY TRUST. YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!

”I too, heal. but so very differently than you do.” The mind was off from his body, nothing about him was calming, animalistic. Everything about him should set her off edge, his behavior, his aura, and his cool words against her ear as pleasant as they were supposed to be, he put a specific tone to the very last sentence. He would not be recognized as one of her kind, he would not allow her to think he was anything like any of her “comrades” that he could be tamed to a dog that would follow orders. He was superior to her. A superior being with certain needs, certain power to him, things that always had come naturally to him, for the same reason that this female should feel like everything about him was OFF, that he was insanely dangerous – for he was. He was deadly to a heathen like her.

”I can demonstrate if you would like.” There was no hint of a joke or smile on his face or voice, just cold and calm as before and he didn’t move from her, if she had backed off he would walk toward her again without hiding it, closing the distance between them and stand too close to her, he would allow her to snarl and growl, he knew when he could no longer push her limits, he knew better than to anger cornered females, but he also knew that if she warningly snarled at him it meant internal victory. She would fear him and she should fear him for if she didn’t he had to teach her so.

Loath did not give anything for free, every lesson had a prize. Was she willing to pay the prize for not feeling fear? For not fearing the superior creature in front of him, would she allow him to corner her, allow him to win their internal battle? Loath’s goal was to make her fear, to make her quiver on the inside of him and he would succeed in it no matter what it took. Fear gave respect, and respect was power – but he did not want her respect, she was a mere heathen what would he do with that respect but destroy it? He had never lived in a world where equality existed and today would be no different.

See me for the god I am
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2013, 10:27 PM by Loath.)
Responses are slow from my end cause I just gave birth to a tiny boy.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah had spent several weeks exploring the Secluded Spring, but it was quiet. Everyday that passed the scent of the wolves she was beginning to grow protective over grew fainter. The solitude gave her time to wonder about them. Even start to miss them.She was alone here and the fact did not sit well with her any longer. She had not been to the Thickets yet. Now was as good a time as any to relocate.

The muted gray wolf traveled west, following the wolves that had migrated ahead of her. Many of them she had not met. Her curiosity regarding them had been growing. She would finally have a face and name to pair them with. Iopah had never been a outgoing wolf. She was content to note their comings and goings in her own daily routine. It was not in her nature to seek them out.

At the edge of the thicket she paused, it was so unlike her mountains. For Nina's sake she would need to learn these woods, learn how to move in such tight quarters. It would not be such an unreasonable feat, after all, she had come so far already.

Iopah cast about for a familiar scent, who knew this dense forest was so populated? Finally catching an old trail she followed it leisurely. With such a thick canopy overhead there were no shadows with which to measure the passing of time. Slowly Nina's scent grew stronger. Snippets of their conversation reached her. When Nina's alert form came into view Iopah stopped. Clearly she was busy, pack business maybe?

Her concern grew when the white male subtly closed the distance. She could not hear their words but his intentions were clear. He reminded Iopah of a snake slipping closer to its prey, waiting for it to be close enough. As he bent to whisper something in Nina's ear she could not stand it anymore. She strode closer, purposely brushing against a snow frosted tree, making enough noise to announce her presence.

"Nina," Her voice was cool and collected. Nina was dangerously close to the male, Iopah did not want her to have to turn away to look at Iopah. Openly suspicious, she fixed her gold stare on Loath as she stepped beside Nina. Iopah brushed her shoulder against Nina's own, in this tense situation it was all the submission Iopah could offer.

Iopah didn't speak to the male, she didn't need to, her posture said it all. Try anything and I'll do my damnedest to rip your face off. Whatever right he though he had was imagined. He was only a lone wolf, same as the rest of them.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Recently Hollow had been set wandering the areas close to the thickets, he was passing back out of the secluded spring after a very uncomfortable night in which he met his sister a second time. His mind a little on edge still whirling from that horrible nightmare of his packmates faceless and murdered the same as his parents had been by rouges all that time ago. However the thicket had already begun to say "home" to Hollow lightening his mood and as he slowly paced his way towards somewhere warm he crossed two familiar overlayed scent trails. The first was Nina, Hollow paced the area for several minutes before realizing he knew the second scent as well Iopah, what couuld she be doing out here?

So the black wolf set off looking as though he were nothing more than a shadow moving silently through a pure white forest until he came upon voices and a third scent, stirring a memory. It was a wild scent, one he had encountered on his way to the forest as a pup, he had smelled that many times, and this one as all of them had a different underlying scent but he knew all the same it meant danger. He knew not the carrier of the scent as he approached the darkest spot he could find near them with the wind in his favor, however he could smell it as clear as day. It was on the wolves who had killed his parents, it was on the wolves he had avoided, run from, and hid from as a terrified young pup. Death, a wolf carries it after he wades through so much blood, it is never a strong scent though very subtle.

Hollow could smell it though he was sure, even if it was beyond detection by the other two he gave away danger with every movement and the eyes were as unnerving as his own, they were fires, dangerous and meant to strike fear into the hearts of opposition. It may have been the stance of the two she wolves or the air of death and destruction and pure blackheartedness rolling off of the white wolf but Hollow detatched himself from the shadow he was hiding in. Not this time, no one would take from him again, he said no words as he came to Nina's other side and merley stood calm and steel eyed staring intently at the white wolf. If he were to look at Hollow to read the strange blue and green eyes of the wolf who approached last he would see it written, you will not harm any of these wolves today.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Her good eye watched his every movement, not happy with his intentions at moving closer to her. She did not move though, keeping her ground where she was. She did not fear this man and she would not give him the satisfaction of her fearing him. She had seen many things that had scared her far more out of her wit. His quiet manner did not disturb her as much as she thought it might have, she had grown quite used to silence since Copper Rock Creek had disbanded. The birds had long since stopped singing and their familiar song was no longer audible to Nina’s keen ears. Perhaps with the newly formed back and spring they would return and something like the past would return…other things probably should stay buried, for the good of her and her people.

When his question reached her ears, she remained silent. Was he a fool? The art of healing only at one attribute to contribute to and it happened to be their own kind. For she surely did not practice cannibalism and had no plans to do so in the future. She continued to watch him inch closer to her, the stiff position she had formerly possessed turned into a relaxed one…a relaxed one that was filled with dominance. She stood taller, trying to appear bigger then him and it shouldn’t have been too hard of a challenge, considering how much she had fattened out, even if it had been winter. The fact that she had regained her muscles gave her confidence and she knew she didn’t have to fear him. He was merrily another loner on his way.

When he was close to her, the one emerald orb she possessed stared into his orange eyes, meeting his gaze full on and not backing away from him. She allowed the closeness, not for the mere comfort nor thrill of it, but simply because she would not submit to him…she would not back down. Her tail flicked behind her once, twice, and finally a third time before it curled behind her, over her back and upright. She would not have another wolf shove her around. No one could have been as cruel as her own father, and she kept this in mind as he continued to speak to her. His words, so odd and pure would have given her shivers, if not for the fact that she hadn’t changed, in which the case, she had.

They remained silent, simply staring at each other and she allowed it, not finding the importance and urgency to end their meeting. There was nothing wrong with him being here, besides him being in her personal space, which hadn’t bothered her considering she had been around the sick much closer than he was to her in this instant. When he spoke again she blinked once before speaking, her tone polite and brisk, “No, but thank you.” Her eye was challenging, just daring him to defy her words and go against her wishes. These were going to become her lands soon and she was going to proudly uphold them. He would not get in her way.

Not long after she had exchanged words did two of her loyal followers arrive. Iopah and Hollow, the two newest recruits in their little family. Considering one of them had left, it had been sad, and with a sorrowful heart, she had let him go, knowing how important blood relatives ruled over all else, no matter what. She was pleased to actually feel the presence of her two friends as they came to stand beside her, submissive as they would be for the time being, considering their current situation. They had come to her, willingly, without her needing to call them and this showed Nina the loyalty that they had sworn to her, the trust that they were willing to gain over time. This was just the beginning, and this loner had just happened to mess with the wrong family. Loyalty ran much deeper than blood.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Eoran who has 24 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Tenderness was a selective state of mind only for those deserving of it. Putting together odd minds and thoughts would not earn creativity. Putting up a tough front or façade would not protect you from the eyes of danger and Loath had never been one to put up with many things, never hidden it all away but put most things up front – unless you were blind already. Loath could not perform magic, only miracles and only when it pleased him. He was of much demise to the world’s ends and wits that deserved to live and die were often not in the hands of luck but mercy, god’s mercy of the white hands. Loath had never intended to dominate through fear while he loved and lived to be respected he knew the difference to respect and fear. Should this female had quivered in fear in front of him he would have felt a certain satisfaction – and disappointment. It was not what he truly wished for or wanted to see, her strength was far more interesting, the way her tail curled again and again behind her until the atmosphere alone could have burst into live fire between the two. It was intense – it was wonderful.

”Nina.” Loath’s cold eyes turned to this newcomer and he made a rather strange noise in his mouth. It was not a growl, but a low rumble of clicking with his tongue as his tail rose angrily. The white god had no intention of killing (however pleasant it would be) this female in front of him with one eye, but this newcomer was gambling chances for Nina. The god did not appreciate being ganged up on, it was like challenging his strength, to which he had before proved himself, won and killed two opponents in the same fight, simply for the pleasure of the challenge given to him when the two dared him to fight them without his sister. He had accepted, he conquered and defeated. Defying the god or challenge him was an ultimate dare, however. Interrupting him in his moment with others had led to worse punishment from him, death not being one of them. ”You were interrupting.” Unless the newcomer was a total moron she would sense on the tone, that unless she was looking for an outbreak from this guy, she had better shut her mouth and sit this out. Loath was not known for his kindness or patience.

Slowly, as contrast to how fast his head and snapped toward the newcomer he turned back to Nina, looking intensely at her one eye, waiting for her reply, only to discover another wolf coming toward them. A black wolf came now, also siding with Nina. Loath didn’t quiver or lower his head to them, his tail stood on high end as his eyes were watching. ”No, but thank you.” His tongue rolled over his lips as he lifted his head away from Nina and stepped back, once and only once. His nose moved slightly and his eyes were not concentrated on anyone but Nina. ”Pity.” Now his eyes turned to the two others as if just seeing them his ears stood high and then he smiled. ”What a – welcome party you bring along Nina. One might get nervous being this crowded.” His eyes turned to her again, hard for the first time since he met her assuring her he did not feel nervous but he certainly didn’t appreciate the situation. His lips parted slightly as his tail waved slowly to one side and then kept still his neck not bend but kept high. Challenged.

”I would recommend them to back off. You know what they say about a crowded animal.” His dark lips turned into another smile, thinking and saying out loud something with the greatest pleasure imaginable. Don’t recommend to scare it away, don’t frighten it or it will attack, push it limits and it will strike, feed it and it shall feast upon you, do not come closer, do not try and push your limits to the beast, for a beast will never be contained at heart, it never grows dull, it never becomes weak in mind for it has lived in the wild. Give it nothing. He didn’t lean over again but his eyes were locked on to Nina as he spoke again. ”It strikes.” A crowded animal strikes both with pleasure and ferocity of its own anger and fear, but while this beast felt no fear it had the pleasure of diligence. He was no ordinary beast like the rest but the sophisticated kind which often was the most dangerous kind for he knew to both right and wrong – though at times he chose the wrong to make it good. Turning wrong to right was his specialty as a god.

”Simple piece of advice, from one leader to another.” Whoever this one was she certainly was leading these two into circling him and she did nothing to stop it, their stance was not a friendly one either and if they wouldn’t back off or at least have a leash on to their movements he wouldn’t stand for it much longer. Gods weren’t responsible for their merciful actions – traitors the whole bunch and they would die as nothing more, they would become nothing more in any other world.
Responses are slow from my end cause I just gave birth to a tiny boy.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Sorry it's so short. @Iopah and @Hollow. Don't forget to make your posts! <3

Her eye did not waver from the man in front of her, not bothering to look over at her subordinates as they crept closer to the loner. Lifting her brow, she waited, wondering what the man’s perspective would be on such a thing. Letting her tail flicker behind her, high above her back, she stared, listening to what the male had to say. For once his eyes were cold, firm almost, as if commanding her as to what to do. Narrowing her single eye, she let her pack mates press in on him, his silent, non-direct threat causing her lip to curl slightly, unhappy with the way he was speaking. His final statement would reach her ears and she would raise her head, white teeth flashing in the man’s direction. "My family members here would not have come in on you if they did not think that you were a threat…" the woman starts, her voice casual but cold. To add onto what she said, she continued, "However, I can assure both of you that this man is no threat to me." She says this to Hollow and Iopah, flicking her tail and signaling both of them to back away.

Nina was not sure what it was, but she did know that Loath had some kind of problems. Whether it had been some mental disorder or from something that had happened to him before, from his act Nina could only assume such things. Never would she ever voice out her opinion like such to the man though. It was not because of fear or anything else…but simply…it would not be polite for her to ask such a question or make a statement about it. That would be much like another wolf asking too deeply into how she had gotten wounded. Huffing silently, she watched her subordinates, hoping that they would obey her commands, as this would be mandatory when it came to their future pack. She would definitely care for her family, but she would not allow them to be insubordinate and disobey her orders.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.