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iron man — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Bryony who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merlin Beauchene
Patchy light rain — Current Temperature: 77° F/25° C

Merlin wasn't sure what his future held, but he could only hope that it was good. The lands on the other side of the mountain had had their shine, but he'd let his paws carry him here, trusting his instincts that she'd be over here somewhere. He'd heard word of packs over here, and knew that another week, or longer, as a loner would be terrible for him. He'd already traveled quite far, and regardless of whether or not Arlette made her home here, he decided that this place would be his new home. It was less a matter of preference, and more a matter of survival. Besides, Merlin enjoyed making himself useful, having his ego stroked when he did something right. But who didn't? The scent of the pack, Oak Tree Bend, as he'd heard from passerby was strong in this wood, and he knew he was close to being home-bound.

Tail falling low, between his legs, he stood almost obediently by a tree that smelled much like it ought to be a border marker. A leader's son, Merlin knew and had seen what it took to join a pack. Though born into one, he'd watched the actions of others, and finally was putting such knowledge to use. His stance was low, as he held his head down, dark blue eyes watchful, waiting to see if there was someone about already checking the borders. He didn't wish to make too much of a fuss and howl, attracting one, if not more, wolves, but it seemed that would be his voice's fate. His low held cranium was tipped back slightly as he called into the misted trees. As he finished his summons, it began to rain, a few drips here and there, tapping upon his nose, his back. He would take rain over sweltering heat any day, though it was warm already, and would likely cause more mist to form around his paws. <b style="color:#a59f32">"speech."

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

A low, unfamiliar howl rang through the air.

Ice's head snapped up immediately, ears cupping towards the sound. His memories told him he'd never heard that voice before, but the message was clear enough: the stranger wanted an audience. A low growl tumbled out of Ice's jaws, lips twitching. He wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with newcomers. He was still sore from the news Triell had brought when he'd returned, and the part of him that had closed down after Indru disappeared the first time - that spring he and Corinna had turned pretty much every wolf away - had done so again. He didn't want any strangers around, not around his kids, not around himself.

But he had to. It was like he'd told Jessie that day Ren came back; if they never moved forward, they'd never heal.
But damn, it hurt.

Rain began to splatter down from the sky, near-silent as they struck leaves and grass, and wolf bodies. Ice's coat was thinner than it was in winter, but still fairly thick, and the rain simply slid off him like water on a duck's feathers. He only noticed it when it struck his nose, or ears, and then they twitched as memory guided him towards the stranger. The lay of the land was starting to become firmly embedded in his mind, but he didn't know every tree yet, as he had known the Grove. In time, he told himself. In time.

His first impression of the stranger, was that it was a colorful one; if it wasn't for the white patches he'd caught immediately, he would've thought it was Marsh.. the pain washed in through him again. It would never be Marsh, coming home.

Abruptly he slowed to a walk, to give himself time to re-collect his shattered thoughts. His daily life had become a confused misery, and he was trying to not take it out on the pack, but every once in a while something would remind him of Marsh, and he'd fall apart again. Like now. Trying to steady himself, Ice dragged in deep breaths, running his eyes over the stranger. Bright. Bright, and blue-eyed, and hunched down by one of the trees Ice had marked not even a day ago. So, he knew where he was, but it was still a bit too close for comfort; Ice's tail shot straight up, ears forward, and his lips drew back, baring the slightest hint of teeth. Drawing himself up to his full height, which wasn't all that imposing when face-to-face with the stranger, he released a low growl, boring his pale eyes into Merlin's blue ones. Get down, they seemed to say.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Bryony who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merlin Beauchene
It hadn't occurred to the man that perhaps sitting upon the border was unwise. In all honesty, Merlin had figured it made his intentions clear and was much simpler than calling the pack wolves into the land beyond their territory. What if he'd been planning an ambush? Call them out and away so there'd be less of a chance for them to call their pack mates. This way, he was right there, hardly a threat. But he knew not of the circumstances of the Bend wolves, nor even their name. He just knew he needed a home and wished to go about it in the most straightforward and painless way. There was no need for a scrum. Of course, upon spotting the man that would likely be his only judge, Merlin knew he was in for a bit of a struggle. He immediately retreated a few feet away from the tree, feeling the unease the rolled from the pelt of the male, not to mention the dominance he displayed. In his youth, Merlin had been able to get away with things regarding his parents, but as he aged, the ruddy male quickly learned that, although they shared blood, he would be treated not unlike every other wolf under their command.

Merlin shared no blood with this man, this man knew nothing of him or his past or the ways in which he acted. Merlin was being handed a clean slate, and he would grasp it tightly, never to let it go and shatter. The flash of teeth was the icing on the cake, and Merlin had already been in the process of submitting to this man. His tail tucked between his legs and his ears flattened against his head, which had decanted slightly, exposing his throat to the displeased man. His eyes were staring sideways towards the earth. Within his chest, his heart pounded rapidly. Merlin didn't fear this man, but respected him greatly, not to mention Merlin had no desire to lose an ear. <b style="color:#a59f32">"Forgive me, sir, for wandering so close to your lands. I only desired to make your job easier." His words were honest, for the most part, and his voice was quiet, on the off chance he would be silenced. <b style="color:#a59f32">"My name is Merlin Beauchene, and it is my desire to join your ranks." His accent was thick upon his tongue, and he only tried to sneak a glimpse of the male that rivaled him in size, before averting his gaze once more. <b style="color:#a59f32">

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

The push of his presence sent the other back, and for a short moment the distance between them held; one shuffled step backwards for each forward one Ice took, and his narrowed eyes were blank, even though it gave him satisfaction to see the russet creature back off. The white wolf approved of those who knew respect, and showed it. And with his two sons somewhere behind him.. each yard was bringing his guard down a notch, making him breathe easier.

Then the balance broke and Ice advanced, shortening the distance between them, and then he stopped and some kind of balance was reinstated. The growl rumbling like far-off thunder in his chest died down at the submission, and Ice's lips fell back in place; a small, but significant, reward for his good behavior. He'd had too many run-ins with loners who thought they could stick their nose up his face on his borders, and that this one was different was.. pleasing. You'd think all wolves would behave like wolves, but some didn't, and frankly, Ice had begun to assume that if he didn't tell them to get down the first thing he did, they wouldn't. This one, he probably hadn't needed to remind, but he'd done it all the same, and here they were, in a much more pleasing situation.. according to Ice, at least.

A grunt, probably sort of acknowledging of the apology, was all the answer Merlin got to the first statement. Ice wasn't sure yet if he approved of it, but if this Merlin turned out to be decent, then, perhaps, he'd truly be forgiven for his near-transgression. Well-meaning, perhaps, but Ice was the judge of that, and he exhaled slowly, thoughtfully. The red male wanted to join Oak Tree Bend; why? The safety of a pack? Probably. And, it was a kind of strange insight for him, but he realized that.. quizzing Merlin on the why's and what he could bring's was.. pointless? Wasn't every wolf a hunter, protective, desiring the social aspects of life only a pack could offer? Having them swear loyalty meant nothing, after all, as so many had claimed to be just that - loyal - and still they just disappeared, as if Ice and his family meant nothing to them.

"I'm Ice," he said, gruffly, after a moment. It'd feel very strange to just say oh, how dandy, now come on in; he had to ask something, right?

"Is there any particular reason you've picked this corner of the world?"

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Bryony who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merlin Beauchene
A clean slate didn't necessarily mean Merlin would change who he was, a rebirth for a man who had taken up a hunt for a woman who clearly wanted nothing to do with him. No. This clean slate merely assured that his past would remain a secret, his intentions unknown, and any whispers of how he acted would be silenced. He was far, far from home. The only one that knew him here was Arlette, assuming she was here, though he was certain she was. Would she call him out though? Risk her own life to slander him? Who knew. He certainly hoped not. Besides, he respected this man, Ice. He felt it would be wise to listen to him, to serve beneath him. Not many wolves were so noble. Anyone could be a leader, but it was something quite different to truly act the part. Ice did. Merlin respected that, and was pleased that he'd made such a wise, if not random, choice. Luck seemed to be on his side in this land, his paws carried him well.

The respect Merlin felt towards this stranger could only be increased when it dawned upon the reddish man that they had reached the summer months. Surely somewhere beyond the trees, were little bundles of fur, mewling and poking their noses into places they shouldn't. Merlin would be a threat no matter where he stood. As they backed away from the borders, Merlin allowed himself to straighten up slightly, not intending to be prideful, but he felt it odd to ask for a home, which would require him to be useful, all the while cowering. What strength did that prove? Merlin had already proven that he could submit when necessary and all he asked now was a chance to prove that he wasn't necessarily a coward. Of course, at the first sign of aggressive from Ice again, and Merlin would crouch. His tail still remained between his legs, and he made no effort to stand above Ice, despite their similar heights. <b style="color:#a59f32">"The lands to the west held no interest for me, and I saw the mountain as a challenge. My paws led me to your lands, and I tend to listen to my paws." He cracked a smile and allowed a faint chuckle to mingle with his words to prove that he wasn't necessarily crazy. <b style="color:#a59f32">

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

The point had been proven; it was Ice's border, and Merlin respected that. There was just something about the red wolf.. something, that made Ice not trust him, perhaps, but some kind of understanding that he knew how to speak wolf. He knew what he was doing, what Ice was doing, what was expected of him. Somehow, Ice had a feeling that if he were to just bare his lips the slightest again.. those averted eyes would somehow see it, and his stance hunch down again. The realization was pleasing, satisfying, and it made him sure that he was the one in control, even as the ruddy male straightened up a little. One of Ice's ears twitched, and he briefly contemplated growling, just to see him jump, but decided against it. There was no reason to, and experimenting on him might not be the best way to say "welcome".

His eyes went from the tip of Merlin's limp tail up to his face again when he spoke. There was some kind of pleasure in watching the face of someone else who wasn't daring to watch yours particularly well, and his lifted tail gave a few cautious wags. "The lands to the west held no interest for me, and I saw the mountain as a challenge. My paws led me to your lands, and I tend to listen to my paws." For a moment, Ice's eyes clouded over, but then he heaved a small sigh. The west. The mountains. He turned his head aside, and stared into the woods, but not seeing the trees; how long was it going to weigh on him, like a leaden weight? How much longer was he going to remember everything that had happened in the Grove, from Indru's betrayal to Aiyana's last farewell?

"Our paws led us here, too." He spoke quietly, and flitted his gaze back to Merlin. "After the west broke our hearts too many times." His eyes narrowed slightly, and he was silent for a second. "We came here to start over. I should just let it go, but it's hard." Perhaps it was a strange thing to admit to a stranger, but Ice couldn't lie about their past, or how they were still fragile, still healing. Search and Sceral had done wonders for them, but it still wasn't easy. "I don't doubt that you're a wolf, and wolves want the security of a pack, and to feel useful, and needed. So..." Again, a small pause, as his narrowed eyes scoured the other's face; then, Ice shrugged, and motioned with his head for Merlin to walk with him. At an easy pace he set off, parallel but apart from the borders. "So, tell me about yourself instead."

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Bryony who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merlin Beauchene
Merlin was beginning to feel as though some weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. The scoundrel, so used to either getting his way naturally or with cunning, was suddenly making a way for himself with help from very willing individuals, no scheming required. Of course, he'd picked these borders at random, having come across the mountain, tired and downtrodden from his hunt for Arlette, and had little hope at finding any real enjoyment in the company of whoever he came across. He would have been in it for the food and social standing. But the leader that had come across him, was beginning to make Merlin feel as though he had some hope after all. This man was nothing like his father, succumbing to the whims of his son. This pale man demanded Merlin's respect, but allowed the faintest of challenges. Very faint. However random, it was an excellent choice. He could only begin to wonder the guilt that might plague him should he have to leave when finding Arlette. Of course, if he could bring her here instead, perhaps he'd earn a bit of praise. His pale mistress was more than just looks. She was full of fire and that was why had had to chase her down.

The reddish wolf, hardly a man yet, began to listen to the older wolf's words, ears erect and curious. Were these words for him to hear, or were they merely absent mumblings, inspired by Merlin's own clever words? It was hard to tell, but he listened regardless, the flame of curiosity growing insistent within him. But he would hold his tongue, instead just letting the words sink in. They didn't mean much to Merlin now, but likely would be something to reflect upon in the future. Merlin had let go of home quite easily. Perhaps his intentions had initially been to find Arlette and return her to his home, but the further he travelled, led by his ever loyal feet, the more Merlin began to realize that he had much larger fish to fry. His reluctant queen would have a new home with a larger throne to be chained to. Despite the faint flicker of hope within his breast, it would constantly be blown by his own foolish attitude. Not that he thought he had an attitude. Merlin thought himself powerful and clever, with instincts to rival all. But as the words left his jaws, Merlin was left to wonder if he was being clever or genuine. It was all very conflicting.

<b style="color:#a59f32">"Well, you know of my name, Monsieur Ice. My birthplace is far from here, in White Cove. My family believes in the gods, or some gods. I'm not sure what I believe, but I consider them from time to time." He stepped carefully beside Ice, carrying his head low as he spoke, blue eyes flitting upwards occasionally in the direction of the Leader's ears. He found it rude to not look at your company when you spoke to them, but he wasn't interested in another bearing of teeth from the man. He left a moment of silence after his words, wondering if he had anything to say about gods, then went on. <b style="color:#a59f32">"I was led to these lands in search of...Someone. Someone I have yet to find. I suppose in the ways of tracking, I have excelled. I assure you, though, I don't always depend so deeply in the itchings of my feet." Part of him regretted the words as they left him, cursing the spell that this man seemed to be casting upon him. It wasn't real magic, of course, but the sorcery of kindness. The wolves of White Cove would lie to his face but kiss his paws. The wolves of these wildwoods knew nothing of him, leaving Merlin and all he'd known a bit...Lost. <b style="color:#a59f32">"I will be frank with you, Monsieur Ice..." Merlin paused in his pace. <b style="color:#a59f32">"I am not one to be trusted, which sounds, well...Strange." His dark blue eyes descended towards Ice's legs, unwilling to meet the man's eyes, though it would have been beneficial to make some sort of point. <b style="color:#a59f32">"However, you have shown me something genuine and honest. I could not imagine myself desiring to break your trust or the trust of those under your command."

His eyes inched upwards now, testing the waters of honesty. It was hard to be legitimately truthful when you feared looking someone in the eye. He longed to yawp, angry at his foolish admission. What was happening to him? Babbling on like some sort of whelp, lost at the feet of its father. His deepening respect for this man seemed to be his downfall, for he never would have said such a thing otherwise. What would Ice say now? Certainly he would want nothing to do with a man who so bluntly stated that he was not to be trusted. After that, everything he said lost its merit. Merlin quietly damned himself, his eyes dropped down to his own paws, waiting to be sent away. He could keep his pride intact, but the flicker of hope would certainly be lost. <b style="color:#a59f32">

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.

Moving felt better, like the simple thing of blood rushing to active muscles swept the brooding away. His shoulders felt lighter, as if he could somehow forget about Marsh's death and all the heartache, and maybe, just maybe, this was what the future wanted of him - to be able to breathe again, without feeling as if the sorrow threatened to choke him every other second. Summer-warm soil cushioned his steps, soft underneath his worn paw pads, and many birds sang in the branches of the sturdy trees. Further in, where the mist and dim lighting ruled, they were silent, but here at the outskirts they brought life to the world. His ears twitched to their song and Merlin's speech, nose and eyes reading the forest and only occasionally darting to the red wolf. Ice could both sense his presence and see him from the corner of his eye; there was no need to constantly stare at him, for it seemed very unlikely he'd simply.. disappear.

Ice had never believed in gods. No one had ever taught him of such a concept. His birth pack had followed nothing in particular, but believed in things of wintery shades to be dangerous, and the cause of misfortunes - something Ice had been keenly aware of. He himself had followed the stars, for a time, until he had learned to stand on his own four feet. Unsure of what to say, he remained silent, allowing Merlin to pick up his tale again and continue. The conflicting statement, of being on the hunt for someone yet excelling at tracking, had the furthest corner of his mouth twitching; the old habit to ask how such two things could coincide was like an itch upon his tongue, but he kept quiet. Perhaps he excelled by having followed this someone very far, but not quite caught up yet?

In which case, the morning breeze would just blow him out again.

And then all of a sudden Merlin stopped, and Ice stopped just as abruptly, eyes first widening, then narrowing. The set of his jaw grew firm, no longer a half-open state of relaxation, and the skin on top of his muzzle wrinkled slightly. "I am not one to be trusted, which sounds, well...Strange. However, you have shown me something genuine and honest. I could not imagine myself desiring to break your trust or the trust of those under your command." And Merlin's clear blue eyes titled upwards, clearly fearful of Ice's reaction - which was, so far, nothing aside from staring in a sort of broken-hearted, dumbstruck silence. He said nothing, and Merlin's gaze dropped in what Ice thought was defeat, and still he found no words to speak. He found that he did not want to tell him anything, nor could anything properly convey his.. shock? After what Ice had told him, he simply said that he was not only looking for someone, but not to be trusted.

"And how do you expect me to believe that when you just said you couldn't be trusted?" he finally said, his tone dangerously soft and icy cold; Ice was not one to keep his emotions to himself. It would've been more like him to growl and put Merlin on his ass before chasing him out, but something had both shocked and infuriated him to a point where there was nothing he could do except force words out in that voice. "We don't coddle quitters and liars in this pack, fool." His tail rose in contempt, stiff as a spear, and a twitch ran through his lips, leaving him with the slightest, strained smile of fangs. He was not sure what else he could say to the unfortunate idiot who had just convinced Ice that he was the two things the near-white wolf loathed the most; an opportunistic vagrant and a liar.

.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Bryony who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Merlin Beauchene
Merlin had never been one for honor. He'd been something of a brat in his youth, more likely to turn on others to get what he wanted, then to take a deep breath and let something pass. But in the short week or so he'd existed here...It was likely he'd changed at least a bit for the better. There was something about existing alone that forced it into him. After his first encounter with Hollow, he knew. Sometimes he could have a wicked tongue towards overeager souls, those he had no compassion for. But generally, there were certain things to be done. In this current case, he'd found himself with a great respect for this stoic man and that was no lie. And it was that respect that drove him to be honest, but clearly that had been a terrible and foolish idea. But it wasn't as though Merlin could grab the words and shove them back into his mouth. They were free now, and he would simply have to face the consequences.

The man found himself pressed close to the earth again as the pale man turned on him, Merlin's ears straining to hear those terrible words. It was a fair question. How did one trust a liar? Clenching his jaw, Merlin's dark blue eyes dropped to the earth, damning the ground he stood on, damning his paws and his brain. The sound of the man's words were enough for him, he didn't need to see the terrible look on his face, and his body language, though Merlin had known well enough to keep low.

His own voice was low, as though he wasn't sure if it was a question he could answer, <b style="color:#a59f32">"It seemed the...honorable thing to do," He mumbled, a frown adorning his face, his ears tipped back. <b style="color:#a59f32">"I know my word means nothing now, but I told you of my respect." Exhaling, he tempted a look up, though it was short lived. <b style="color:#a59f32">"I am no quitter and I will be no lair to you and yours." Toes curled earthward, and he could only prepare himself to run off, hoping that he'd be left mostly in one piece. <b style="color:#a59f32">

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Don't mistake my kindness as a weakness.

Ready to get back in the rhythm of his life, patrolling the borders was first on the list. What better way to learn the new layout and put himself to work? On long, dark legs he followed the scents of Ice,Corinna, and Fenru, which made him sigh unconsciously. He understood the boy--young man's actions, but it was not the home coming Triell had wanted. Now, he hadn't seen a hint of silver against the blue mist, the pale tan trees and he was worried. Was his nephew sulking, was he angry? Triell had an uncanny habit of upsetting those he loved. Again he was reminded of all that had transpired, the bad news he had brought with him. His lids brushed across his eyes and he shoved his hind legs against the ground with a sweep of his dark tail. Nostrils quivering, searching for something out of place. His body was better to wander than his mind. Even if it was mildly sore, he knew when it was time for a sit.

So the dark Tainn continued his route, and nothing struck him until a new call sounded in the distance. Someone seeking a home? Uncertain of these woods, it took him longer to find the stranger. When the Tainn would move closer he could already detect that Ice had beat him. Ice had a lot more figured out than Triell ever would, and it wasn't a surprise. Triell eased down to a walk, his ears widening, listening to what transpired. Since Triell hadn't exactly been around with Ice in his new rank, and he wanted to test the waters. First it seemed this..Merlin had had a chance, and now Triell figured it would be best to offer his help. When he broke from the trees, Ice looked about to give the youth a scolding with his teeth. While Tri might understand where he came from, he often hated how the past had changed them all. He wasn't sure if it was for the better.

Coming to his leader's side, letting his paws drum on the ground to announce his presence, he came to the side of the silver wolf. While it was nothing new he made sure he had his head and tail lower than Ice's but higher than the loner's. Briefly his fiery eyes looked over the red wolf who seemed to be at a loss to the Leader who towered them both. Turning his head, trying to catch silver eyes Triell knew Ice had probably already made up his mind. Something in him felt the need to speak, to see something. "You know we could test his words, we have never had a lowest to keep the peace," Triell murmured for his leader's ears alone, because it was his polite way of saying Merlin could be a beating post if the red wolf failed them. While Triell would have gladly let Ice take his grief out on him, he didn't think his brother in new blood would. But, remembering how the silver man had killed Blaze without thought, attacked Rhysis for his mistakes, and without a doubt would rip Indru's throat out without remorse if he saw him again; what would a little anger management hurt? Triell didn't want tensions between him and Fenru, and adding another in their ranks could help that. Marsh left a gap this one wouldn't fill in the same sense, but there was unbalance. He thought another male could help that. This one seemed about his age, strong, healthy, and in need of some lessons too. He did seem to admire Ice, but who wouldn't? In the end the dark Tainn would understand if he sent this one his way, and scolded him for the idea. Maybe, Triell should just be the new punching bag.

(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2013, 06:06 PM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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