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A Stranger in Strange Lands — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
Shade had brought her to the packs territory, and the pack den hadn't been hard to find, but as the night had already been well underway, Spectre had felt uncomfortable with the thought of curling up in the main den with wolves she didn't know and hadn't even met. So instead of turning in for the night with the pack, Spectre rummaged to find her own den a short distance away. The undergrowth really didn't make a den so much as a soft bed to sleep on. Curling up, the white wraith had gone to sleep, tucking her tail over her nose and letting the exhaustion carry her away into the world of dreams.

Upon waking, she found herself entranced by how the packlands looked in the sunlight. A smile touched her maw as she surveyed the lands around her, taking in the simple beauty. It was strange, to feel so safe in a place she'd never been in. Perhaps this had been her pack before? But she doubted it, if the leader didn't recognize her. Getting to her feet, the femme stretched, bowing low for her front legs, then arching her back and stretching each hind limb. A vigorous shake followed the movement, and she took a moment to scratch some itches on her hips.

Well...now what? A frown crossed her face before the wolf got to her feet and trotted through the packlands, nose to the ground as she sought out landmarks and other things. The scents that permeated the area had her keeping a mental tally of the pack strength. She could, after all tell the wolves by their urine. It appeared there were multiple other females, and males in the pack she had yet to meet. Spectre hoped that they would receive her without problems.. but their leader had marked her with his scent, so it should be allright, right?
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
-After Silver's trip to Clandestine Brook-

She woke up to the feeling of morning dew on her fur. Shaking it all of she noticed another wolf walking around. Silver decide she would go greet the wolf, for she has never meet them before. Taking only about a minute to catch up she used a sweet and soft voice to greet the wolf. "Hello I am Silver Shadow. I am new here.". She bowed down to show respect then she came back up. This wolf seemed friendly enough to possibly be friends with.

Maybe she wanted to be a scout just like Silver! Silver wagged her tail showing the she-wolf she was friendly. Along with a smile on her face. "If you don't mind me asking. What do you want to be in this pack? I know i wanna be a Scout!". Shutting her self up giving the wolf time to talk was hard. She had so many things she wanted to say and ask. But she would keep quiet and just wag her tail for now.

Hmm I wonder how this wolf will greet me? Hopefully she will be kind. Silver didn't think she had treated this wolf wrong in anyway. For she has never and seen this wolf in her life. Hopefully she didn't startle this wolf. Silver took a sea and waited for the wolf to respond back.
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
A voice had her turning her head, a smile crossing her muzzle as she gave a tentative wag of her tail to the other wolfess standing before her. The black clad lady spoke, and Spectre took a moment to think about what she would say in response. "I call myself Spectre...I only joined the pack late last night..I don't know what I would like to be." Her head turned to watch the other, trying to gauge how old the wolf was in comparison to her. . And her rank. Was she a higher ranking? Or was she equal.

"I haven't yet learned enough about this pack and how the alphas run it to know where I would best fit." She supposed Hunter would be a good fit.. Maybe a scout, but couldn't be quite sure until she knew what the pack needed.. And her place in it. Instinct told her it was primary to figure out where she stood in relation to her pack members before attempting to do anything that might cause her trouble down the line. "How long have you lived here, Silver?" At least the other seemed friendly and not outright attempting to assert her dominance.. Who was she?
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver liked this wolf very much already. "I came here after you so only maybe half a day or so.". Her smile faded slowly. She wanted to tell this wolf everything about her,but now wasn't the best time to. I mean she did just meet this wolf. "I was a lone wolf for three years.". This slipped out of her mouth faster then she could think. Why stop now though? "I was going to go over the mountain but i found this pack on my way. Her whole body slumped down in sadness and a soft whimper came out of her. Silver didn't mean to show she had a soft side. She was very tough but when her dark thoughts sneaked up on her it tore her down. Not being able to stand any more of this she said something else to distract her mind. "So anything you would like to share with me? You don't have to but you seem like a kind wolf to me.". Silver said this with a smile on her face and a wag of her tail. "Oh I am also four years old.".

She just had to wait for Spectre to reply. Giving her a playful nudge then jogging a bit ahead but not to far. Silver wanted to stay where others could see her, just in case something REALLY bad happened. Right now she was with another wolf so she assumed she would be safe. Wagging her tail felt good. For she trusted Spectre already. Maybe this could be her new best friend.
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
Well that didn't take long. Spectre smiled good naturedly as she sat on her haunches, listening to Silvers story. It was strange to have a wolf who practically spilled her entire life's story. She remained quiet while Silver spoke, then tilted her head as the other asked for her own story. The white female frowned, lowering her head as she looked at her paws in embarrassment. "I don't know what there is to tell you. I don't even know that Spectre is my real name. I don't remember anything but waking up in the woods last night, where your alpha found me."

She frowned in confusion when the other nudged her and bounced off, blinking before she got to her feet with a grin. Now this, this she could do. The wolf let out a yawp and bounded after the darker pelted wolf, her tail arched over her back and wagging in play, rather than dominance. She took chase after Silver, trying to get close enough to nudge her nose against the others flank in a game of 'tag', to race off in another direction. She had no idea how old she was.. And figured why bother with specifics? It was a nice day, whyt not enjoy it?
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Bursting out in energy so Spectre wouldn't catch up was a little bit of a task. Coming to the borders she made a stop as quick as she could. Playing tag outside of the borders might not be such a great idea. A nice gust of wind came by to cool them off. Silver stood up and shook her fur to make sure any dirt was off. "That was fun!". Her heart of a Pup had kicked in as she was running. It made her feel good. New and fresh. But there was one thing she wanted to ask her. "Do you wanna be my friend in this pack? Your the first wolf i have meet besides Shade.". Tilting her head in a curious manner she looked at the Spectre. Not in the eyes but close to her eyes. Taking in the features of her light colored fur. Her tail was hanging low as she examined the wolf. The sun was peaking out a bit so she figured other wolves must be waking up. Right there where Silver was standing there was a ray of light shining down on her Black and Tan fur. Her eyes a light brown almost gold.

She stretched tired from using her burst of energy. So she found a spot in the sun to lay and she nudges her head telling Spectre to follow. They would talk and laugh just about all day maybe. Unless someone called one of them or something happened. For now though she would play it cool and not be on edge. She had nothing to fear and no one to fear. Or at least not yet.
(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2013, 10:29 PM by Silver.)
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
Spectre followed the other female back to the pack lands, enjoying the run. It felt good to give her legs a good stretch. She paused when Silver asked about being friends in the pack. It felt a little awkward if she was to be honest, and Spectre followed the other in silence, mulling it over. Friends would be good to have, she was sure.. but what if she remembered her old life? What if she was trying to get too comfortable with a member of a higher rank? Was that punishable in this pack? She paused just short of the spot that Silver had chosen to lay down in, sitting on her haunches and looking around the packlands with a frown.

"It..would be nice not to be alone, but I don't wish to anger the alphas if being friends with someone would cause problems.. I don't know the alphas that well, or how they intend to run the pack.. " What if Silver wasn't a higher rank than her, but the omega? What was she to do then? She sighed, torn between wanting a friend, and wanting to keep her rear out of the fire.
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She laughed softly. "That's crazy. They can't stop us from having friends.". She said this with a big old smile on her face. Softly she wagged her tail. "Listen, maybe we don't have to be friends but I see something in you. And I don't wanna let that pass me by.". Silver's face was very serious when she said this. How could someone like Spectre be so scared that she can't have friends? It didn't bother her or anything but it was a little weird. Memories of Moe fled her mind and she had to shake her head to making them go away. Rolling over on her back she let out a smile and took in the sunlight. Her fur shining bright and her eyes almost like glass eyes, precious but beautiful. The scar under her eye was noticeable now that she was in the light. Not the darkness of the shade. Spectre's features seemed to be a little to perfect if you ask Silver. She had almost perfect features. Not like Silver who was usually ten pounds less than the other wolves her size. Silver's features were a little off but that didn't bother her at all. It was like she was meant to stand out in crowds.

It was getting a little warm and she was thinking about heading back to the main area. But it felt like she couldn't move. To comfy to do anything but talk. She did have Spectre to talk to so maybe she could spark up a conversation. Silver would just have to wait.
Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
The wolf frowned as Silver spoke, calling her crazy before she lowered her head once again. "I might be crazy, but.. perhaps I'd rather be crazy than out on my own, neh?" The female chuckled, dragging her paw through the dirt before she lay down, stretching her front legs out in front of her, but keeping her hind legs gathered beneath her hips. "I don't mind...being friends, I just..I don't want to anger the alphas by doing something I shouldn't. I don't know the laws of the pack yet...or how they've ranked their wolves. I don't know what we are required to do as pack members.. I mean.."

She sighed, a mild growl of annoyance at not being able to manage to make her jumbled thoughts make sense accompanying the sound. "I .." Another sigh before Spectre placed her muzzle on her paws, staring into space. Let's try this again. "I feel.. unbalanced. Out of sorts. Having a place to sleep has given me some kind of sense of balance, but I feel like the world is spinning around me, and I'm stuck without anything to grab onto. I don't know who I was.. or am supposed to be. I don't know anything about myself. What are my favorite foods? Do I prefer the smell of daisys to roses?"

Spectre lay her ears against her neck, falling silent as she frowned. "How can I call someone a friend, if I don't know what type of wolves I like to be friends with? How can I make friends with someone that I might wake up tomorrow and be completely different around?"
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver knew part of the pain Spectre was having so she had to make her feel better. Sighing and she softly said words that might or might not make sense. "Don't Write History, Let History Write You.". She looked at Spectre in the eyes but not in a way that she wanted to challenge her. It was in a kind and caring way. "You need to take chances to found out who you REALLY are. How else would've I gotten here? I'm telling you, your gonna regret somethings in life and other things you won't. It's just the way of life.". She turned her head to look off into the land before them. It was quiet breath taking actually. Wishing she could spend her whole life exploring the Relic Lore. But she had to stay with her pack and only range far enough that she can still be heard. The only place that she would go that was far away is a place one of the Alphas told her to go.

"You know I would always forgive you no matter what. Your still young and have a lot of time to spend finding you self out.". Silver was only one year older but she knew one day she might not wake up. For she had many problems with herself. Stretching out felt good but it didn't clear her mind. Her darkest thoughts flowed into her mind. Silver's whole blood family that she knew about was dead. Half of it was her fault. She killed her father, only after he had killed her mother. Those were the two blood family members she knew of. So she was happy to be here in this new family. It gave her a new sense of hope. Like it was never lost.