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kids — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
As she waited for Phineas and the children to, hopefully, find their way out of the den, she hoped that her call would be heard. Of course, it was probably a silly sort of though, but she had already been feeling the pressure of the job ahead. Once upon a time, she'd led a back, but that was still during a time where everyone, in her mind, was foolish and hardly mattered. Who cared what they thought? They had one job, and that was to listen to her! But...Well, that simply wasn't the case anymore. This was family now, and she hoped that there was some sort of mutual respect. Her ears flicked as Erebos showed up, the first, and she smiled. It was nerve-wracking to the mother, all this business. Her children would be exposed to the world soon and all of its terrors. And she placed their lives in the paws of the wolves that steadily gathered here.

Thankfully she felt bit calmer as Phineas appeared from the den, Hypatia in tow. She gave her daughter a comforting lick. Everything would be alright. One ear twisted back as she heard the voice of her youngest...Well, only son. <b style="color:#32527a">"We're out here, hun." She crooned, hoping to coax him out into the open. Her gaze was set again, just as Inkheart arrived, then Lucero, to whom she gave the faintest of tail wags. Perhaps if there was something she felt she could depend on, it would be her friend. Ataneq and Zia were next and finally Siku, who made the woman faintly nervous, though it was nothing she chose to act upon. Now that everyone had arrived, Borlla felt at ease. It would be alright. Of course it would! <b style="color:#32527a">"Hypatia, Kyros," Her eyes fell upon her children, then she looked back to her pack. <b style="color:#32527a">"Say hello to the rest of your family." Her tail wagged encouragingly, and she looked over at Phineas. She was happy, if not a bit...Stressed. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
He remained reclined as the rest of the wolves from the Glen finally made themselves known. First his brother and young niece, then the coal pelted man who he assumed was the next in line above him (not something Erebos found unexpected, after all he had never been known for his reliability and nobody knew that better than his own brother). Then came the pale woman who seemed to favour Borlla and the dark son of that monstrous woman who seethed with something Erebos could only consider akin to frustration. He assumed she would not stay with them for long but had to wonder just how many of the Glen wolves would leave with her? It was a thought for another day no doubt, but one that lingered at the back of his mind no less. The sooty girl that found them this side of the mountain was next, how easily she had followed. If there was anyone whose motivations he wished to know it was probably hers, but he was yet to cross her in his daily wanderings and so he left the girl alone for now. The large female was the last to arrive and kept her distance. He fought the urge to bring himself to a seat, what had once purely been curiosity had now turned to caution at the sight of the young pup. She may not be his, but she was clearly his blood none the less, and Borlla’s own tension earlier only further fueled his own anxiety.

Pulling his attention from the rest of the wolves, a smile was offered up to his brother and the young princess as she made her way boldly into the unknown. Things were different this time. Things were going the way they should. He knew he should have spent more time getting to know the gathered wolves but they had never really been his concern when he joined this pack, and he figured in time he would get to know them all more than well enough. Another squeak was sounded from within the den and grey dusted ears trained forward, his fiery eyes boring into the darkness. Why hadn’t the second child come forth yet?

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Phineas looked gently upon his son – the baby blue eyes of a youth that was as pale as himself. The questioned regarding the whereabouts of his sister – ‘Hipp’ – stirred a faint smile to his lips as he attempted to brush away his nerves at introducing the cubs to the pack. Borlla’s soft voice called to Kyros then as well, and as the scent of others came to the area, the ivory wolf bowed his muzzle lower, moving forward to stand above his son.

His muzzle bent to give the boy a gentle nudge, hoping Kyros would upright himself. Walking did not come as easily for the boy, and while both were wobbly upon their new paws, Kyros was even more so given his missing forelimb. Worried over how to portray this to the pack, it was then the Argyris male took the boy’s scruff gently in his jowls, lifting him and easing his way out to the den entrance. Hypatia stood before her new pack members, and as the sun filtered to Phineas’ eyes once more, he blinked at the sudden light change, moving beside his mate and then carefully placing Kyros to the soft terrain of the Glen. He settled the cub between both parents, placing him so gently that Kyros could continue to lay if he desired. Lifting his muzzle up, his eyes then stared out upon those that had come, wondering which one would make the first comment on his first born son’s missing appendage.

It was likely to be their last if they pushed it enough.

His tongue smoothed out across his lips, and he cast a nod to the gathered group. “Kyros, Hypatia.. this is your family.” He fell silent, allowing the moment to sink in for the cubs – the world that existed outside of the den, and the others that existed within it. All that was familiar to them was one another, and of course, their parents. Their life was only just beginning.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
Ataneq was indefinitely curious about the children that were likely going to be running amuck in the pack now, though probably not as much as a few of the adults. He had never known how to act around children or how to behave. The amber-eyed boy simply had never had any experience around them or near him, therefore had no idea of what they were even capable of.

Sure he knew that once upon a time he had been in their position but one thing he was sure, was that their upbringing would be vastly different than his own. Especially when it came to having a father—Ataneq could see that Phineas had no intention of leaving his two new children behind and wouldn’t risk his safety for it. Would he?

A little girl came out first, she was a golden-blonde in color that was quite bright. It was kind of adorable to see, really, but he didn’t let his emotions try and weigh him down. Puppies were cute but from what he understood all they could do right now was potty, drink, eat, and sleep in a continuous cycle. Looking around he could see all their faces and likely heard a few ‘congratulations’ but he kept somewhat silent next to Lucy.

There was supposedly one more child that had to make an appearance and it seemed that Phineas would make sure of that. He came out of the den with the other, placing both children beside their parent and Ataneq felt the same adoration for them. Amber eyes darted to the boy’s legs, noting that one of them was different than the other—well, that was unexpected. Ataneq had never seen a dysfunction like that before so how did that happen? For his own sake his eyes didn’t linger on it for long.


i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">In a friendly manner he nudged Zia’s shoulder, glad that she had chosen a seat beside him. After all she seemed to have been the first friend he had found within the pack and they had so much in common that he almost felt like he was related to her or something. But he refused to think like that as she was much too pretty to be a relative, if you know what I mean.

Finally the moment arrived and Phineas brought out the last child and sat down both down between him and his mate, greeting them to the world and to their pack mates. Both of them were absolutely brilliant and stunning. One a golden-blonde and the other a stark white, very beautiful but as most anyone could notice one was missing about half a leg. Eyes averted from it, not making a big deal of it but instead he picked up the fish within his jaws and carried them towards Borlla.

Of course he was smart enough to not get too close to them as their children were right there, he managed to lower his jaw, release the fish and scooted them forward towards the glowing woman.

“Congratulations to you both.” The two would serve as good parents for the two young children, and Inkheart looked forward to seeing them romp around the Glen. Almost as much as he would enjoy one day getting to meet them one on one when they could form coherent sentences.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Allie who has 103 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
i'm talented at breathing, especially exhaling, to let
my chest rise and fall with yours

Borlla's acknowledgement sent a spike of adrenaline through her, and her own tail wagged, too, as if to mirror her friend and leader's. It was good to see her again, and hopefully soon they would have time to catch up with one another. Luce definitely had a lot to share and tons of questions for the creamy-furred woman she'd come to care for so deeply. After observing the proud mother thoughtfully for a time, Ataneq's greeting stole her attention away, and her humble smile widened. As he brushed against her she couldn't help but to lean into the comfort of his now familiar form, and she watched, tail beating softly against the dirt, as he settled beside her. She nibbled at his neck affectionately, a token of her appreciation of his presence here and in life in general, before returning her eyes to the den where the heirs of Magnolia Glen were soon to be presented.

Eventually they did emerge, and with wide, hopeful eyes she took in every inch of their tiny, perfect forms. One golden, one ivory, both absolutely beautiful. In their puppyish features she could see subtle hints of both mother and father, sure to be refined with age. She watched as Phineas and Borlla looked upon the children with pride, her eyes glancing back and forth between the two of them before coming to rest on the kids. It was then that she took note of Kyros' misshapen limb, but instead of feeling dismay or disappointment or pity, her heart welled with hope. There wasn't anything wrong with being born a certain way, and if anything she wanted to believe it would only make the boy stronger, more special. Kyros and Hypatia weren't what her anticipations were made of, they were so much more.

A soft whine caught in her throat as her eyes shined.

Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
Eagerly, Zia awaited the for the puppies to emerge from the den. On the outside however, she remained composed and patient, yet pleasant. This would be the very first time she, and all the other wolves of Magnolia Glen saw the little ones. It was a big day not only for them and their parents, but for the pack as well. When the pack was first founded, they had only themselves to look after. But not anymore. With the addition of two new lives, they had all the more reason to be extra protective. All the more reason to keep the borders well marked, the caches full. Zia may not have had much experience with pups, but her instincts were kicking in. She was certainly not related to them by blood, but they were still family. Thus, it was her duty to step up to the plate to ensure their safety and happiness.

Sapphire eyes turned towards Inkheart, who appeared glad to have her sitting by his side. A friendly wag of her tail stroked the fine blades of grass, while she flashed him a quick smile. Then she looked back to the den, where Borlla and Phineas stood, encouraging their children out into the open. Lifting her head just an inch higher in a curious manner, she watched with gleaming eyes as the first pup emerged. The first to emerge was a beautiful little female, whose soft coat was a golden-blonde color. Clearly, she was a perfect combination of her parents. The physiological traits of both of them were most evident. Her nerves tingled with excitement, her platinum and charcoal lined tail wiggling anxiously.

Next, ushered forth gently by Phineas, was a boy. He was striking with his flawless white coat and beautiful blue eyes. But one of his legs was different than the other three, she noticed. Zia only gave him a quick once over, ignoring the deformity completely. So what if he was missing a part of his leg? That didn't make him any less special, or capable of getting around on his own, which she was sure he would. He would be treated no differently than any other child. At last, Phineas and Borlla introduced them to the extended family. Kyros and Hypatia. Looking at the two of them, she could resist but smiling brilliantly.

Dipping her head between her shoulders for a moment, she released a soft, eager whine, whilst her tail was beating furiously. She was no threat to these pups. Shifting her gaze back to the proud parents, Zia smiled. "Beautiful names for beautiful children. Congratulations to both of you." The day she could interact with them further, getting to know them, was one she was definitely looking forward to.

[Image: magnoliaglen.png]
(This post was last modified: Jul 05, 2013, 05:06 AM by Zia.)
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
The little wolf's body fell into the assuring touch of her sire, a lot more steady than she had been seconds ago. When the scruff of her neck was grabbed she stiffened, trying to hold still for Phineas to escort her the rest of the way.

Outside. A word that made her fill with wonderment, and pieces of fear, speeding up her tiny heart. They had never been beyond the den, but the warm light that soon washed over her blond coat had her wanting more. When she blinked her pale, blue eyes against the sun she could see not just momma, but many other faces staring at her. Shy, she let her eyes cast down, watching the ground, very happy for the affection kiss from her mother. A gentle whine unfurled, she lifted a paw, but was already finding the ground beneath her. Excited, and still a little worried she pressed against her father briefly, before heading into the legs of Borlla. It was safe there, and she didn't quite understand who else was here or why just yet.

The voice of her brother, her ears perked up, and she let out a little yip in reply. Quickly, tucked her head down, forgetting it was not just her and momma. More lady like she peeked carefully back to the den waiting for Kyros. Father had gone to get him, and her little tail wiggled thinking how much Kyros would like this new place too. Placing an affectionate nuzzle to his pale face, when her parents spoke, her head titled to the side. Family, she thought, moving her lips just so if she was actually saying it. Slowly, the young lady's eyes looked toward those other faces, those of her family she wanted to meet. Yet, she clung to Kyros not sure where to begin and not fond of leaving his side again.

Briefly, she caught the bright blue stare of a silver colored female, noting her kind smile, and quickly wagging tail. Hypatia felt her own beat more steady, and she let out a little woof of hello. Eyes to Kyros she asked him the silent question, would he come with to see the rest of their family?
(This post was last modified: Jul 05, 2013, 06:55 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
I believe we could probably end it here, since it's been going on for well...Over a month? I'll leave this up until the tenth, if anyone wants to throw in a final post.
Her eyes stared into the shadows of the den as Phineas worked to encourage Kyros into the light. Mild anxiety tightened in her chest, and she felt a tad angry at herself for not helping the boy. Of course he'd have a bit of a struggle finding his way out. But in time, Phineas nudged him forth, and Borlla gave him a few apologetic licks between his ears. Lifting her head again, one ear turned as Phineas spoke and Borlla held herself proudly. The wolves before her would help keep her babies alive, and as they gave their congratulations, she knew it would be alright. Her eyes fell quickly to Hypatia, who let out her own woof of hello, and Borlla chuckled, hoping they'd be encouraged to go and say hello. It seemed as though none of them had the edacity to say anything about Kyros and so she gave the boy the slightest of nudges. <b style="color:#32527a">"Say hello, Kyros." Her tail swayed behind her. She didn't desire to force him into the collection of wolves, but could only hope that he might find his voice as his sister had. Should the two make the choice to inch forward, she would set a careful eye upon them. She trusted the wolves of the Glen, of course she did or she would not have brought her children forth. But motherly instincts and her own parentless childhood would make her cautious and watchful. But the deed had been done, and Borlla could only feel excitement at the first of many steps her children would take. <b style="color:#32527a">
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
Squeezing in a very short one before the cut off!

His breath caught momentarily in his chest as his brother urged the young boy forwards. The missing limb was not something the silver wolf had encountered before, but already a fierce protectiveness settled over him. These children, unlike the last, would not need to suffer his indifference due to their questionable parentage. No, these children were obviously his blood and he looked to his brother as proud of his niece and nephew as the new father clearly was. He remained in position so if the children wished they could approach him at their own pace, for now content to laze in the dappled sun unless something more pressing demanded his attention.

{Erebos Out}