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I Can Keep My Word as Well as Anyone Else — Pitch Pine Trail 
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
-Set after Silver met with Spectre and Ace-
After Silver had dropped a hunk of the elk meet from a previous hunt with Spectre she had begin to look around for Shade. Getting all wound up with the new pack mates she had forgot she still had to do a job for Shade. She hoped it would all go well so she could get her spot as a Scout. All Silver wanted was to impress the Alphas and show them she can do her part. Sort of like being the top dog,right under the Alphas of course. Having no intent of wanting to be a leader she wouldn't push her skills to far. The only thing she had concern with was Spectre had been a bit higher "rank" then her. Would that mean she would have to go against her friend for a spot she wished to have? Silver knew what she wanted but her friend had not. How could she have such a spot if she didn't know what she wanted? Cutting her some slack she remembered she had lost her memory. She just wanted to impress everyone. Show them she was no stranger to working with other wolves.

Sniffing around she was looking for Shade. Maybe he had been in the den with his pups. Along with the other Alpha possibly. She had not met the other Alpha. Walking towards there she didn't step in but just glanced in. Not being able to see anything Silver continued her explore else where. Around pack borders and inside pack borders. Shade might be in the den. Silver couldn't see in there so how would she know if he was or not anyways. Hoping that he would feel her presence she sat y in a sunny place so he would see her.

After thinking about her new calculations she noticed that she finally got it right. It wouldn't take four days. It would take eight days. Four to get there four to come back. What worried her was she had not told Ace this. She was almost sure he would be a bit worried that she would be gone for a extra four days. Hopefully everyone in the pack would make sure he kept some sanity. The last thing someone wanted was a crazy wolf on the loose.
(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2013, 11:47 PM by Silver.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
[Sorry for the long wait </3 Shade muse is low]

Shade hoped that the newest recruits were making themselves feel at home, meeting the older members and forming friendships. Perhaps they even considered their pack roles. He had told Silver to report to him after she had talked to a few others; he had a job for her. Karpos had a cough, and so Shade would be reluctant to go himself despite wanting to see his older friend, Narime Lagina Thorben. There was also the fact that her mate would no doubt be protective with her friend who knew her from a long way back. They had known each other for almost a year now, and he considered her a sister, a sister who he would always be there for. As he walked, he came across the jet black recruit, Silver.

Shade dipped his head, acknowledging her presence and he let his tail raise up to represent his ranks, she was the third highest ranking female, though in his mind Capella deserved to be where Spectre was, he knew that she was still learning, and if she were to be given that ranking as a yearling when the were subordinates below her, it would 'go against tradition' and tradition helped the pack with unity. It gave the pack a sense of order and strength and in his mind, they would need that with the harsh winter months. "Silver, I trust you have acquainted yourself with a few out our packmates?" He questioned her, knowing that depending on who she talked to, the task was easy and to some, not as easy.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Its fine i don't mind <3)
Noticing Shade walking to her Silver stood up only to crouch down. "Why yes I have met Spectre, Ace and our other wonderful Alpha Anastasia. Now would you mind telling me where exactly I am going over the mountains?". Her head cocked a bit in curiosity. Would she go to a pack? Make a trip to get something? What could she possibly be doing over the mountains? Maybe she was playing Spy! Silver would get to sneak around. It would be so fun! Although she highly doubted Shade would send her to go as a spy it sounded possible. Real anything is possible.

Remembering she had said she had met Ace she didn't say the relationship they had going on. It might be weird for Shade to know. Though he might find out soon. Better late than never, right? The sky had been dark the last dew days and it had her concerned. Had a storm been coming their way? Silver was use to some sun and not darkness. Yes it may had kept her hidden but that wasn't always a good thing.

Whispering softly she had something to say to her Alpha "Sir do you think a storm is coming our way? The skies have been dark for a few days.". Silvers voice had been soft but it had concern too. What if it flooded around them? What would they do with everyone? She didn't like to think much about those type of things but stuff like that happens everyday. Doesn't matter if it's to them or some other pack. You just have to be prepared.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer

Shade nodded, giving a respectful head bow before letting her speak. She told him how she met Ana, Ace and Spectre. She seemed to acquaint herself with the pack well, and she spoke of how the sky had been dark for days now, and she was right, he just hadn’t noticed it at the time. He planned on how to brief her on this information.

"There is a storm brewing in the skies, which is why you’re going to have to be extra careful on this mission, the mountains are dangerous, my former alpha had fallen after losing his footing in the mountains and his entire memory had been wiped, everything of the pack. I need you to cross the Riddled Heights and go a bit northwest to Whisper Caverns. One of the alpha’s, Narimé is a friend of mine and I want you to set up for Ana and I to meet with Narimé and Sloane sometime in the next few weeks after your return. We have enemies because of past ties, we need allies more than ever." He briefed her on her job.

He wasn’t done yet though; he intended to let Willow Ridge know not to mess with them. "Then there is one more mission. I need you to go to Willow Ridge next, they don’t like us at all so you’ll want to be careful, but just see if you can tell the numbers or if they have the power where if they find us, if they have the manpower to attack. Do not be seen though." He finished his briefing to her.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nodding her head she understood she needed to be careful. But when Shade said that Silver needed to be careful looking at another pack shivers went down her back. "Why wouldn't they like us? We are all good.". This confused her. Both her Alphas were great, at least to her. All the wolves she meet she didn't seem to have a bother with. No one she knew here was mean or cruel like her father. Well that she knew of. Her eyes seemed to be flooded with many emotions. Some of it being fear but others like worry came to her too.

Silver was going to have to be aware of her surroundings. Back in her home land she heard many stories of those who ran into wild cats or bears. What she didn't hear was those who lived to tell about it. She heard this all from elders. Maybe it was just to keep her away from those scary places. With a storm coming it might be even worse than normal weather. Rock would be slippery and Silver might loose her footing like Shade's friend did. Her stomach felt like it was doing flips because she was so nervous. By doing this she could prove herself one hundred percent. She didn't want Shade down. It would make her feel horrible if she did.

Without even thinking she noticed she had been crouched down tail tucked this whole time. Either Silver looked weird or she was doing the right thing. Whatever it had been she just stayed in that position. What would go wrong if she stayed in a submissive position? It's not like she could get punished for that. Well at least the last time she recalled she couldn't.
(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2013, 11:05 PM by Silver.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer

The rendezvous point for his mind was all at Willow Ridge, he thought about how he had left, abandoned them when he was the alpha, but he couldn't stay, not when his mate was expecting his pups. Silver was a very curious wolf by nature it seemed, and Shade figured, she was going into those lands as his scout, she deserved to know why she needed to be careful, because if they caught a single whiff of him on her, she would be attacked. "Silver, I use to belong to Willow Ridge, and there are crazy things you would do for love. I-I was alpha even, my friend, the former alpha, went to live with his mate after his accident since she is an amazing healer. I was only alpha for a small amount of time, and I abandoned them when I left with Rose, I couldn't stay though. You see, there are strict laws in every pack, not just this one, where the alpha female is the only one to have pups. Rose was expecting my pups so we left without a word." He explained to the female who would no doubt prove herself an exceptional scout.

Shade's mind rushed with his memories from the pack, and he did miss them, though they probably didn't miss him. He remembered Kyrie, the healer who was like his sister. Then there was Narime, who now led her own pack, those two females kept him alive, teaching him to live with himself when Rosealia and himself hit a reef in their relationship. Then there was Koda, who was with his mate now, he was always an amazing friend, even when he didn't remember who Shade was. Elettra and Remy had been walls of steel, and for that matter so had Guiness, and they probably still were. Sica would be alpha since he left, and Guiness second as he had once held the position for many years. Then there was the matter of Kiche, who would be where Shade had started out, third in line for alpha. Then there was Tempest, the lovely lady had always been so nice and kind to everyone. But those were just memories. the memories remained. "When you talk to Narime and Sloane, see if you can get us to meet in Fireweed Rise, somewhere close to their home. I wouldn't want them to travel over the mountains after what had happened to my dear friend, Narime would understand."

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

A small little whimper came out of her when Shade started talking about his past. Silver had no idea and now she felt bad for asking. Having so many questions to ask she thought it would be better to bite her tongue and listen. But the one thing that got her was this Rose. Who was she? Had she been the mother of the pups she hasn't met yet? Biting down on her tongue was a hard task. Maybe she would have time to bond more with her Alphas when she returned. Of course her Alphas had things to do too, so maybe not right when she got back.

Nodding her head understanding that she would have to talk to other Alphas to set up a "Meeting". "Do you mind if i leave tonight? It will be easier so no one can see me if I run into anything or anyone." Silver's voice came out quick but strong. Slowly her legs started to shake from holding this spot so long. Rising up a bit making sure not to much so she would still be in a submissive position. For some reason a smile came upon her. Guessing it was from being so happy to be the pack's scout she didn't force it away. Actually it felt nice to smile. Silver's tail started to wag a bit. Why did she have to act the most weirdest in front of her Alpha? She might have looked like a complete fool but that didn't bother her.

Trying to force her happiness away Silver decided to say something to fill the silence."Sorry about me acting so weird. I'm just happy to fill in the spot as a scout for the pack." For now that would work. Might have not been the best thing to say but it would have to do.

table by Whisper

Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer

"Do you mind if i leave tonight? It will be easier so no one can see me if I run into anything or anyone. Sorry about me acting so weird. I'm just happy to fill in the spot as a scout for the pack." That was all that Shade needed to hear to know that she would make an excellent scout, and he had a full smile to him. "Well Silver, I think you should leave when you feel it is best for you, though I would suggest to try and beat the storm over the mountain. Perhaps there might be one more scout, but just so that you two could cover both sides of the mountain." He said, though normally there was only one scout, he remembered that Willow Ridge had two scouts; Phineas and Sica.

"Did I ever tell you the story of Rosealia?" He asked, he did love a good story, especially if they were about the finer times in his life, when he had first joined Willow Ridge he had been patrolling the borders, and he came across a scared, older woman, and she seemed really nice once he got her to talk. The relationship happened fast, they went into the mountains and started to train her for a challenge, which she had never actually challenged anyone, and then they went to Hush Meadow, a part that was now in Whisper Cavern's territory and it was official then. They were mates, but she left, he couldn't call her his mate anymore.

Words: 255
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Silver found herself smiling when Shade was smiling. She enjoyed her Alpha very much. For he was a wise and strong man. Unlike her father. The man she killed and hated. Displeased washed over her but she wouldn't show it. But when Shade asked her a question her mind swerved back to him "No, we haven't spent enough time together to find out more about each other."The way she said it was sweet, like a honey drizzle. Slowly Silver rose up to full height face to face with Shade but not looking him in the eyes.

Her eyes dazzled by Shade's features. But her heart was with Ace. She even told him so too. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do. But then again it felt right with him. Slowly Silver started to feel cornered. Like the woods had been closing in on her. Her heart beating fast but she looked steady and still. Looking almost ready to kill. Not like she was going to but if she had to she could. Calming herself down so she could hear Shade,Silver now felt less cornered. The woods opening up again. Golden orbs with brown flecks focused on Shade. What would this story about Rose be about? Sad or Happy?

Silver's paw still hurt from a run in the woods but she wouldn't show pain. She had to stay strong for the pack. Being a Scout may not be as important as being a Alpha but it was a important job to her. She was the one who got to face everything first. Almost like a secret guardian for the Alphas. Silver got to let them know what went on outside the borders when they couldn't be there. Her tail started to sway a bit. If this is what a pack life was all about, well she would stay until the end.

table by Whisper

(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2013, 08:41 PM by Silver.)
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
{Editing this post as his exit}

Shade nodded, accepting what Silver had said. He liked to know all his packmates, even if the wolves were odd or strange, nothing mattered, knowing them made them a family instead of a pack. It was the way that it should always be. Shade started to tell his story, it was painful to recall the sad days, but relieving to recall the first days, the ones where they loved each other and nothing could separate them. "I think you need to learn about it, if it wasn't for Rosealia I wouldn't be here, I would be somewhere else, acting like a drone instead of here, leading and free." He said as he started to prepare to tell the story he had told to a few others, but not many.

"I belonged to a pack in the lore, Willow Ridge, I was a long standing member, though we're going back to just after I joined. I was a Guardian, patrolling the borders when I scented a wolf nearby. It was Rosealia, scared out of her wits. I calmed her down, and took her to the borders where she joined the pack. After that, we started getting close, I even took her up to the mountains to help train her in combat for a rank challenges. Shortly after, we became mates. We told Elettra, because the pack rules were you could have mates but no children. So we agreed to the rules. Well my alpha had a terrible accident and the wolf above me had run off, leaving me to step up to the plate. However Rosealia and I had our own plans, Rosealia is the true mother of Karpos and Adsila. But sometime, just before I met Ana and Lachesis, she disappeared and Anastasia saved my children." He stated, choking up at the end. "I have to go and check on the pups." He said turning to walk away.

Shade exit

(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2013, 06:19 AM by Shade.)
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]