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Oh, deer — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

The morning after the meeting, I'm hoping this round could end around June 16th, but let me know if anyone has a problem with that :)

she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

The tawny femme had risen early, even earlier than the sun and had gone to stalk the meadow while it was still shrouded in darkness, the smell of a deer herd was strong and her previous experience told her that they would probably move on with the dawn. She had returned to the caverns mouth eagerly, anxious to lead her first of hopefully many hunts to come, the sun was just now beginning to peak over the horizon. Her tail flicked slightly out of impatience, not at her pack members, but at time seeming to trickle by ever so slowly and she had to sit upon her haunches to physically stop her from beginning to pace. Yesterday at the meeting she had expressed her wishes to lead a hunt this dawn and it had been approved by her queen, now all she could do was wait for her fellow pack mates. Her mind ran through strategies hoping they would have five wolves including herself, Nari would be too pregnant to hunt and she knew that Simaea had been planning on leaving this morning to study with Secret Woodlands.

The air was cool with only the dimmest of sunbeams warming the early morning, and a slight breeze filtered its way through the trees, but the sky seemed clear and free of chance of rain. Her nose flooded with the smell of the deer as she assumed they made their way into the meadow to feast, her strategy was set into her mind. The breeze would aid them, it blew towards the cavern meaning it would carry their scent away from the beasts, giving them the surprise advantage. She did not know most of the packs strengths and weaknesses, so she hoped that they would voice their opinions and what they believed would suit them best as a role in this hunt. She wished she could call them with a howl, but she knew that loud of a call would scare away their meal, her tail twitched away.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Jun 12, 2013, 04:41 PM by Minka.)
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Yay, I'm firstxD

deep into that darkness peering,
i long stood there, wondering, fearing...

It was a trachle for Inali to wake up that morning. Yesterday, she had been out scouting the lands far out, off the borders, and had come home late because of it. The young fae really had not wanted to stay out for so long, but the beauty of the Lore had captivated her, and at night, it was even more beautiful. Because of that, she had no idea there had even been a pack meeting yesterday and didnt even know there was a pack hunt set to go on that very morning.

The blue-eyed wolf yawned, her maws spreading wide, and stretched her legs in the morning sun. It was not yet that late that the sun was out in its full gleam, but it was early enough that it was already peeking through her surroundings and warming everything up. Inali groaned softly, wanting to lay her head back down and go to sleep, but she knew she had to get up. She needed to plan what to do today. And there was possibly even more duties that she had to take care of as the day wore on. So, forcing herself to get up completely, the young woman got on all four legs and shook her fur out.

Walking out of the main den, Inali blinked slightly as the sun glared at her, it's light fierce. Shaking her head slightly to clear her vision, her muzzle caught a familiar scent in the air. A light smile broke out on the wolf's face and she followed the scent eagerly. She wondered briefly what Minka was up to at this time of day? She would soon find out though, so there was no use thinking about it.

Jogging smoothly over to her friend as soon as she spotted her, Inali grinned. Reaching her quickly, Inali greeted softly, "Morning Minka! What are you up to today?" Inali glanced at her friend and laughed quietly as she saw her practically bouncing on the spot. "What's got you so excited?, she asked.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2013, 10:51 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Next round ends July 15th

she doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she gets somewhere she knows...

The sound of footsteps approaching increased her excitement tenfold, especially when her gaze set sights of her rust hued friend. Unable to contain herself anymore Minka leapt to her feet, closing the gap between them quickly to bump noses with Inali before answering her, "Today I lead my first pack hunt but....you seem to be the first one here even though you weren't at the meeting." She laughed slightly, though she was beginning to grow anxious as no one else arrived, maybe no one thought she would be good enough to lead a hunt. Her tail slowed and stopped wagging as the fae took scent of the air, it seemed no one else was around, but perhaps they were just busy. I suppose Inali and I could take down something small but it would be much more difficult....hopefully the others come. A low whine was emitted from her throat as she began to pace the clearing again, deciding that they could wait a few more minute before heading out towards the meadow, they could always catch up if they showed up late.

The tawny woman was distracted by the fact that Inali had not been at the meeting, she assumed that she had been out scouting, but she would need to be filled in. Forcing her haunches to plunk down she turned her gaze to her friend, "You certainly chose a day to be out wandering, you skipped all the hard work!" It was a joke, though in truth they had spent much of the day digging out a birthing den for their leader, one that was smaller and safer for pups than the caverns. She cocked her head slightly to the right as she thought of the meeting, trying to find the important points, "Um, Narimé asked Anglo to search for a birthing den to excavate, Simaea helped him find a suitable one. Kieth was named teacher, Anglo guardian, Simaea healer and is leaving temporarily to study with our allied pack Secret Woodlands, and I'm the new lead huntress." The sentence was finished with a wistful smile, hunting had always been her calling and she was glad that she could now serve her pack.

table by mimi
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
C'mon people, keep it moving:P Cant leave the girls all by themselvesxD


deep into that darkness peering,
i long stood there, wondering, fearing...

A surprised yelp escaped Inali's maws as Minka jumped up suddenly. It was quickly swallowed though and her lips spread into a grin as Minka bumped noses with her as a sort of greeting. Minka went on to explain that she would be leading a pack hunt that very morning. She went on to finish saying something about a meeting?. There was a pack meeting yesterday? Who would've guessed?, Inali continued to think.

Inali's eyes flickered over her friend as she noticed the previous exuberance dwindling down and mounting worry shining in her golden orbs. Trying to reassure her friend Inali said, "Dont worry Minka. Their bound to show up sometime. If you all discussed going on a hunt today, yesterday at the meeting, they'll show up. Dont lose energy over it."

"You certainly chose a day to be out wandering, you skipped all the hard work!" "Um, Narimé asked Anglo to search for a birthing den to excavate, Simaea helped him find a suitable one. Kieth was named teacher, Anglo guardian, Simaea healer and is leaving temporarily to study with our allied pack Secret Woodlands, and I'm the new lead huntress."

Inali chuckled softly at Minka's little joke, knowing her friend wanted to know why she wasnt at the meeting. She responded, "I went off Scouting yesterday, early in the morning. I knew I shouldve asked Narimé if I could go off, but I didnt. Though I did mark the borders before I left, didnt want anything to happen. I was planning to come back sometime in the early noon, but that was scratched off as I started wondering further and deeper into our lands." A lovely gleam of happiness could be seen shining in Inali's bright blue eyes as she talked. She probably loved scouting as much as Minka loved hunting.

Continuing, "It was soon dark and I noticed I was far from home, not that far that an easy run would fix, so that wasnt a problem. I came back sometime during midnight I think. I really wasnt planning on staying out that long, but the beauty of the Lore is truly captivating, especially when its nearing nighttime." Playfully shoving Minka, Inali spoke again, "Enough about me. Congratulations are in order!! I know how much you love hunting, and you being named lead huntress, I just want to say congratulations. They picked the best." An exuberant smile gracing her features, the petite woman plopped onto the ground comfortably. Now, it was just time to wait for the others to show up. Before Minka drove herself silly with worry and self-doubt.

(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2013, 08:41 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
So sorry for my lateness! Got holidays now so I'll be on a lot more :) And yeah, crappy post is crappy :c

The steady three-beat thrum of paws beating down upon the rugged earth made it easy to drift off and not concentrate on the path ahead. The Caverns male ran in a steady lope; he was making his way towards Minka for a pack hunt. But he had slept in, and was now running behind time. Hopefully he wouldn't be too late, being late was never good, especially for first impressions.

After a few minutes he heard voices, and his ears perked up, trying to catch what they were saying. "....I came back sometime during midnight I think. I really wasn't planning on staying out that long, but the beauty of the Lore is truly captivating, especially when its nearing night time." That was a new voice, not one he had heard before. New recruit? That was the most obvious choice. The fae also had a point. Relic Lore was beautiful, day and night, you could be forever lost just looking at it, taking in ever detail.

As the Caverns male came upon two faes, one tawny (Minka) and the other splattered brown and rust (Inali) he paused and looked between them. Minka was there, but he didn't know the other. Walking up to them, he dipped his head to Minka. "Hello there, Minka. I hope I'm not too late." There was no one else around, so he must be earlier than he thought he was. Turning to the other fae, he let a warm smile grace his features. "I believe we haven't met before. My name is Kieth Tatum, may I ask what is yours?"

Looking around at their surroundings, he felt a slight breeze ruffle his thick coat and also bring along scents of prey; rabbit, hares and deer. Looking briefly at Minka, he opened his jaws to speak. "We are hunting deer, are we not?" Deer sounded very tasty now, especially after only eating rabbit for weeks straight. There hadn't been enough time or energy to hunt anything else with the food cache being constantly raided by his Silver Queen. Not that he minded though, it always made him feel good when he provided for his family and friends.

329 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Laying in a sphinx-like position, the young fae layed her head onto her paws, getting comfortable. Minutes later, her ears easily pricked forwards as they picked up the sounds of paws thumping against the ground. Sending a teasing smile to Minka, with a mental I told you so, the petite woman stood up and was once again on all four legs.

The man that showed up was unfamiliar to her, though the scents in his pelt clearly displayed the fact that he was a part of Whisper Caverns. She watched the strange wolf of various shades of light and dark colors with interest. He greeted Minka warmly, with a dip of his head and then turned towards herself. "I believe we haven't met before. My name is Kieth Tatum, may I ask what is yours?"

The young woman let a genuine smile of her own grace her features and spoke. "Of course. My name is Inali Wayha, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." With a friendly flick of her tail, she watched as Kieth took in the scents around them. Looking at Minka, he asked, "We are hunting deer, are we not?"

Sitting onto her haunches and her tail curling comfortably around her, Inali once again got comfortable. Looking at both Minka and Kieth, she stated, "I do hope we are. I've had a growing edacity for something other than rabbit!" Quiet laughter rumbled through her and out her jaws, she didn't want to scare off their meal if she laughed too hard. Looking at her tawny friend, she waited until she either confirmed or denied Kieth's assumption.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
So this round is just stalking and falling into place :) Next will be chasing and the final one will be the take down/calling the pack :)

Minka could feel her worry begin to ebb at her friends words, it was true they had spoken of it at the meeting, which meant that everyone knew about it. Titling her head to the right at Inali's story she shook her head, a warm smile playing upon the fae's face, her friend always seemed to be losing track of time while she went out scouting. While a day might pass in the real world, the world that the rusty fae seemed to be in while scouting moved in slow motion, until something reminded her that the real world was still out there, it was close to how Minka felt while hunting. One minute it seemed she found the trail of a herd and what seemed to be the next was two days later and miles from home as she separated a weak link. Playfully she shoved her friend back, "And it seems soon we will have a scout, you've been keeping yourself very busy." It was the sound of paws upon the ground that distracted her before she could further their wrestling match.

A grateful smile hit the fae's face as the other second appeared, Keith entered the scene and Minka offered her muzzle out in greeting for him to nudge should he choose to. Tawny tail wagged as the woman shook her head enthusiastically, "Definitely not too late, we were just about to discuss strategy." Golden eyes watched the introductions, she had forgotten that the man and woman probably would not have met before since Inali missed the meeting and spent much of her time scouting.

Hushed laughter escaped her at her pack mate's comments, they seemed as eager as she to be hunting anything besides the hare that had been their constant diet for the last few weeks. Sobering up Minka nodded, her original plan slightly modifying to meet the amount of wolves they add, but overall staying the same. Looking to her friend she began to explain, "Inali is our quickest member so I believe that her and I should try to separate the weakest member of the herd and force it back to where," Turning her golden gaze to Keith she continued, "You'll be lying in wait and hopefully with the surprise of the ambush we can take it down." The plan was fairly simple, the layout of the majority of hunts that pack wolves used.

Waiting for any complaints the female then stood, her tawny tail beating in excitement, finally she was in her element, this was something she knew she did well. The fae's pace was brisk but silent as she led them out of the clearing and into the surrounding trees until they were close enough that they would have to rely on the scents. The slight breeze ruffled her pelt as her muzzle hit the air, they were down wind and this would be the area for them to split. Motioning with her tail to Keith she sent him forward, directly ahead he should lie in wait for the ambush if all went well, then she gave Inali the signal to break off and follow the curve of the meadow on the opposite side of her, in order for this to work they would have to come from both sides.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
It was the morning after the pack meeting and Sloane felt excitement coursing through him. Minka was to head a pack hunt and he was excited to be on the prowl again, but he hated leaving Narime', knowing that she hadn't been feeling well and would be relatively unprotected. Thus was his tardiness for he made a thorough round, marking the borders and the area around the den with his own potent scent, along with Kieth's and the others. Still, he hung back torn about leaving, but the need for food and the pull of the excitement of the chase finally won out over his softer side... for a bit.

Once he was satisfied that any coming upon the nearby borders would be well aware of his presence and mark of protection he finally headed out, following the scent of Minka and Kieth. They hadn't left together, but their trails eventually met and mingled with that of Inali. She was one of their newest members and had been out scouting yesterday. She'd missed the meeting and he wasn't pleased about that, but he was sure that there was a good reason.

It seemed that the trio had given up on him and headed out. With a grunt, he picked up the speed of his ground eating trot to catch up to them, feeling the extra taxing on his large frame as his breath came a bit louder from his open maw, pink tongue extended slightly to help cool him from his exertion. His gift was brawn and take down power, not speed and agility. He imagined that the two faes would exhibit fantastic chasing abilities with their smaller size. Kieth was not as large as he, but he too would be slower... yet stronger.

He came upon the spot where apparently they had stopped for a time and then split up. One of the girls to either side of the herd in the distance and Kieth straight ahead, presumably for ambush. The enormous alpha was relieved that he'd gotten here in time. One wolf for take down could definitely be dicey. Even with the girl's help, since they would likely be a bit winded from the chase. He made quick work of trailing Kieth until he caught up with the elder man and gave him a friendly nudge with his russet shoulder while maintaining silence so as not to alert their prey. Then he moved away from him with a cheeky grin, allowing that the girls might drive their meal on hooves between the pair of males laying in wait...

Knight of Honor
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Sorry I didn't respond for a while, my muse was dead:P But either way, crap post is crapxD

Inali nodded in agreement as Minka discussed strategy. Hopefully all would go well and they would bring down a meal to fill the pack caches.

Smothering a chuckle, Inali watched her friend. Minka was clearly excited, and it was kind of entertaining.

Her long limbs flexed in anticipation as blue orbs watched Minka take off. Easily following suit, the young fae's paws were as silent as her companions. She wasn't completely familiar with the terrain of their lands yet, but she was getting close.

The rhythm of her paws against the ground made her smile as they all left the clearing and ran through the surrounding trees.

She watched Minka intently as she sent Kieth forward, and motioned to her to run on the opposite side of the clearing. The plan that Minka probably had in mind suddenly clicked and Inali nodded to herself.

Her body swiftly turning direction, her small paws cut easily through the terrain. It didn't take long to round the opposite side of the meadow, and from the young fae's peripheral vision, she noticed something interesting.

Noticing her alpha, the woman smiled. "Look who decided to join the fun," she muttered to herself happily. Now it would be an easier take down than before.

She had turned her face, and was once again looking forward. She was now practically running parallel with Minka. Lifting her muzzle, she could easily distinguish the smell of the herd. Inali could tell they were getting closer because the scent was becoming stronger with each step of her paws.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Melorama who has 49 posts.
Inactive II. Teacher
Kieth Tatum
Terribly sorry for the late post! Second semester started and I've been very busy and also the fact that I'm going to be moving houses in a few weeks so I've started packing :c

A smile came onto the Caverns Teacher's face as Minka offered her muzzle to him should he choose to nudge it with his own, which he did. He hadn't spent much time with her, and wanted to know more about the tawny hunter as well as Inali, who he believed to be Whisper Caverns scout. As Minka started explaining her strategy, the Caverns Teacher pricked his ears and looked at her with pale grey eyes, his full attention on her. His head nodded slightly at her words of Inali being the quickest member, she certainly looked it, and that was probably the main reason why she was the scout. A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest as Minka said what he was to do. Usually he was a chaser, but seeing as he was the largest and strongest out of the three of them, he would be the attacker in this case.

Her plan was simple, yet effective. The chasers would tire down the prey, and chase it towards the attackers where they would ambush it and bring it down. When the tawny hunter turned and padded in the direction of the herd, the Caverns Teacher quickly followed. When Minka motioned with her tail for him to go forwards and lie in wait until it was his turn to ambush the prey. Stalking forwards, Kieth lay down in a patch of tall grass, his pale grey eyes watching the two chasers. He would wait until the prey was close enough, and then leap out and attempt to bring it down, even though he wasn't built for attacking, he could do it with some help.

The Caverns Teacher was so focused on the two hunters that he didn't realize his alpha was next to him until he felt a nudge of his russet shoulder against his own shoulder. Biting down hard on his tongue and clamping his jaws shut to allow no sound to be let out, Kieth jumped at the touch and whirled around, only to come face to face with Sloane. A sheepish look came upon his face when he realized that it was his alpha, and he gave a small shake of his head. There was a metallic taste in his mouth; he had bit down too hard on his tongue and had drawn blood. Licking his lips slightly, the Caverns Teacher saw the cheeky grin on Sloane's face as he moved away, creating a space between them where they could ambush the prey from either side.

419 Words

You can run, but
you can't hide...
(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2013, 07:14 AM by Kieth.)
[Image: wcpride3_by_terra_anne-d60id3y.png]
You can run, but you can't hide